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Walking down the corridor, the alarms started going off and the red lights appeared. People around me started running around, bumping into me each time. Rushing past everyone, I made it to the top of the stairs leading down to the boiler area, also known as my room. Just as I put one foot on the top stair, the ship jerked sending me flying. Hitting my head on the way down and twisting my ankle, I made it to the bottom completely ruined.

"Shit!" I yelled as pain rushed through my body. Moving my hand up to my head, I felt blood touch my fingers and trickle down the face. Standing up, I yelled out in pain as I put my bad foot down.

"Nice one, Amy."

Limping over to the Lucas's door as best I could, I knocked on it, needing his help cause I for sure knew I didn't have any medical equipment like wipes etc. Soon enough, the door opened to reveal a shocked Lucas.

"Can you help me please?" I asked as tears ran down my face from the shock and pain I felt.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course," Lucas said, wrapping an arm around my wist as he helped me into his room and on to his bed. Turning around, he closed his door before making his way back to me. Stretching up, he brought down a first aid box from above his bed.

Kneeling down in front of me, he opened it up and got out a wipe, some blasters and a bandage.

"I took these from the medical area on my first day, just in case I got hurt or something," he said as he opened the wipe and started lightly wiping the blood from my face and on the cut. Sucking in a deep breath, I squeezed the bed sheets from underneath me as the wipe made my cut sting.

"It's alright, I've nearly finished it," Lucas's calming voice said as he concentrated on my cut. Once he'd finished wiping the blood away, he quickly put a plaster on it before moving down to my ankle. Taking off my boot, he looked it over before grabbing the bandage and putting it on.

"I didn't know you could do medical stuff," I said, surprised that the blue eyed beauty knew how.

"What? My file didn't say so when you hacked into it and read it?" He sarcastically questioned making me give him a sarcastic smile back.

"If i'm being honest, I didn't even look in your file. You were on my "not important enough" list," I fired back.

"Ouch," he yet again sarcastically said.

"I don't know a lot about this stuff, only some. My Dad taught me a couple of things when I was younger, never really forgot it," he said with a shrug as he finished putting on the bandage. Bending down, he picked up a pillow and put it under my bad foot.

"You need to keep it elevated it," he simply said before moving away to sit on a chair in front of me.

"Thanks," I muttered, not wanting to be a total monster to the boy who helped me.

"Think that's the nicest thing you've said," he spoke, making my blood boil.

"Damn, I actually like this boy but he's such a little shit sometimes."

"Yeah, treasure it. It might be the only nice thing i'll ever say to you," I said back with an eye roll.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked changing the subject making me turn to look at him.

"I'm not sure. I heard something about another ship, stress signals and an explosion. The alarms started going off so I ran down here to get to my room. That's when we were hit and I fell down the stairs," I spoke while keeping eye contact. Just before Lucas could reply back, a voice was hard over the speaker saying people were to report to the medical bay.

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