your roots, dojae

By coffeedyoung

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Where Kim Doyoung meets a boy, who is in need of serious help. A prequel to my book called Sunflower, Johnjae... More

i n t r o d u c t i o n.


304 24 5
By coffeedyoung

𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 ℜ𝔬𝔬𝔱𝔰
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔦.


Schools were often known to have different contrasting groups of individuals. These stereotypical groups included goths, geeks, preps, and everyone in between. When Kim Doyoung transferred to this good for nothing highschool somewhere in the middle of the year, he reckoned he'd stay alone in the corner since he'd rather be unnoticed. He didn't like people too. However, he unexpectedly met one of his old classmates, Lee Taeyong, from middle school, who eventually became one of his friends, if not his only one.

Doyoung was still fairly new and had much to learn. So, Taeyong helped.

Although he was known to be a popular guy, he didn't exactly have the typical attitude of the 'popular kids',
and was actually a really cool, chill dude to hang around.

Which was just what Doyoung needed.


"Hey," Taeyong started. "Just wondering — you don't have to answer this if you aren't particularly comfortable with it..." he stated however some jocks were making mocking faces at them so he said "oh, fuck off!" with a middle finger to shove up their assholes midst conversation.

He cleared his throat, "ahem... yeah... uhh, but why did you even change schools in the first place?"

"That's a good question actually." Doyoung winced after pulling a cuticle and stared at the blood oozing out from the corner of his nail. "Some kids were getting on my nerves, I suppose," he sighed, biting down on his lip as he pressed down on the skin and blood. "There was too much to deal with and I really wasn't having it."

"They were just so annoying to the point you decided you'd get the fuck out of that place?"

He nodded, "yeah, quite precisely."

Taeyong gave him an expression — like as if he was impressed. He chuckled to himself, placing his hands behind his head all chill. "Honestly, I would too. I can't bother with stupid people. I mean have you seen the group of guys that hang around the cafeteria before school? I hate their guts!"

Doyoung laughed with a hand over his mouth.
"Anyway, what're the people around here like?
You haven't really talked about that a lot."

"Not that interesting to be honest," Taeyong clicked his tongue as he escorted Doyoung all around the school. "A lot of people here are either dumb, drug addicts, alcoholics, or an unsurprising combination of the three. Can't say I'm proud to be here, but there's not much to do about it," he counted with his fingers while rolling his eyes.

He was about to open up a door to show Doyoung what was inside, but he saw some students having sex through the badly covered window and immediately skipped past. Hopefully the boy didn't see anything.

"Oh," Doyoung pursed his lips.

"You might be one of the only good ones in this shit hole."

Oh, that's right. A new boy like him just had to be enrolled into a school like this. Even Taeyong could admit how shitty it was here. He really wished Doyoung hadn't moved in the first place. One of his main concerns were about girls trying to get into his pants, because he was indeed, a pretty boy. A very pretty boy, and girls would do anything to get a piece of that.

New students were always the targets of their schemes. Taeyong didn't know why but he sure as hell knew he hated it.


Ah, and there were students having sex in school grounds just then; perfect.

"I see..."

"Mhm. Oh, by the way, that's Nakamoto Yuta," he pointed at the random brown haired male sitting on the bench alone, reading some korean book. He had a well defined face with plenty of piercings. His hair was gorgeous and long, too.


He nodded, "yep."

At least this shitty school has some diversity, the boy thought.

Upon walking, Doyoung stopped in his tracks and looked through the oddly large window that was built in the hallway.

There was a boy.

He was leaning against the brick walls, somewhere outside behind the school. Dark haired, with dark, yet dreamy eyes. Other than that, he looked as basic as anyone else at this school, but Doyoung couldn't look away.

"Who's that?"
The emphasis was extremely clear.

"Who?" Taeyong peered over Doyoung's shoulder.

"Oh. That's Jaehyun. Jeong Jaehyun, if the last name is important at all."
He clicked his tongue and scratched his nose. "He's scary, but cool, I guess."

"Are you two friends?"
Doyoung asked him, his lashes fluttering.

Taeyong's paper white hair bounced as he shrug his shoulders.

It was only paper white because he dyed his hair too many times to even count.
If Doyoung could recall back to middle school correctly, he once had pink and then silver hair.

"Sort of? I guess so? Like, in a way, maybe," he said, sounding uncertain with himself. "I mean... We've hung out like exactly 4 times. One of the times being me telling him off. Does that make us friends? Why're you even asking anyway?"

Doyoung's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "Ohh, okay... It's nothing. I was just a little bit curious,"
he laughed while continuing to walk off into the other direction, still staring.

However, to Doyoung's surprise, his curiosity grew.

He noticed how this 'Jaehyun' wasn't anywhere to be seen in his class, or during their lunch times. Let alone around school.

He wondered that maybe he was in a lower class, or maybe even in a different grade. He did have a rather tall frame; it wouldn't have been a surprise to a find out he was a year older or something. However, on one regular tuesday, Doyoung passed by the familiar large window, and noticed how Jeomg Jaehyun was lighting up a cigarette on school grounds. The male inhaled the grey fumes and Doyoung stared at him with awe.

He scrunched his nose and thought to himself.
"He's for sure older. But, isn't it against the school policy to smoke in school?"

The boy brushed it off quickly and looked away, continuing to walk to his class.

Once that class was over he immediately rushed over to Taeyong, who was chatting with some of his friends. But Doyoung possibly scared them off since some people thought he was quite intimidating.

He didn't know why since he himself thought he looked harmless, and tons of people in middle school used the nickname 'Rabbit' or 'Bunny' towards him. Which, in fact, was a very very harmless sounding nickname.

"You didn't tell me he smoked."

"Uh... who?" Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows with a confused expression.
Almost everyone at this god forsaken school smoked for crying out loud.

Doyoung huffed, "Jeong Jaehyun!"

"Oh. Yeah, he does. A lot of people here do. Didn't I tell you?"

"You said there were drug addicts and alcoholics, not smokers."

"Same thing, same thing," he sighed.
"Also I didn't think I needed to tell you..?
I mean, you were only curious on who he was, remember?"

Doyoung sighed tiredly and agreed,
"you're right. I was."

Sitting themselves down at their lunch table, which Taeyong claimed due to his strikingly good looks and position at the school, all Doyoung asked Taeyong was about Jeong Jaehyun.

From time to time, the boy would playfully scratch at the stickers they placed all over the table, which marked their territory. He could admit that he seemed way too interested in Jaehyun's character despite not knowing the male personally, but honestly, he was the only person to catch Doyoung's eye ever since he transferred.

"Why're you asking me all of this stuff... I'm tired."

"Hey, I'm tired too, you're not special,"
he pointed at the white haired male, scowling.

Taeyong infamous sigh broke past his sort of bleeding lips, rolling his eyes.
He cut his lip yesterday trying to perform some magic trick with a knife.

How did that even happen anyway..?

Anyway, he honestly couldn't give a single damn about Jaehyun. All that he wanted to do was eat his sweet chilli roll that was getting cold, without having to talk at all. He hated talking with his mouth full.

It's not like he knew the guy that well in the first place anyway. Most of his answers were random guesses.

In between gulps from his drink, Taeyong mumbled,
"oh, it's him."

The raven haired male clicked his tongue, unraveling his kimbap. "No, he's not,"
he shook his head confidently.

"Bitch- It's actually him."


Doyoung almost jumped out of his seat. He turned his head a whole 180 degrees and gasped.
"Oh shit it really is...! I thought you were joking with me..."

"Why would I lie...?"

"I don't know, because you always do?"

In Doyoung's peripheral, he could see Jaehyun which made him become tense. For some reason, he felt intimidated by the male.

It could've been because he looked like a delinquent that you didn't want to mess with or they'd beat you up. Except, he was lonely and was most likely a misunderstood guy. You know, like in those romance dramas? But most of his opinions were shaped by the students' perspectives.

"Does Jaehyun have any actual friends?" He asked Taeyong, "or like, a girlfriend?"
The guy was very attractive, it would have been hard to believe to hear he hadn't one already.

Slurping the rest of the contents in the milk carton, he shrugged. He pulled the carton away from his mouth and squashed it in his palm.

"To be honest, I don't really know. I'm pretty sure he doesn't though.
For both, the girlfriend and friend question, by the way."

The male tossed the rubbish into the bin successfully and muttered a 'score' looking satisfied. "Mmmm... He doesn't talk to many people anyway, but a few randomly. I happen to be one of those very few. All I know is that if he does have friends, they for sure aren't in this school," he finished.

"Ah," Doyoung nodded.

"I also heard something going around during the first term, that in his middle school, he had a friend who he lost to suicide.
I think maybe since then he doesn't want to befriend anybody."

The raven haired male frowned.

"Also... Some people say that he got bullied in middle school for not having a dad as well. It's kinda fucked up if ask me. Some people just love to be shitty, I guess. Though, it makes sense why and how he's such a rough looking guy now."

Doyoung's frown became more evident,
"that's terrible..."

Taeyong noticed the sad expression pasted onto the other's face.
"Do you feel sorry for him or something?"

"Should I not?" Doyoung questioned, which resulted in Taeyong shaking his head.

"Nah, don't worry. I feel bad for him too."

Once the two waved to each other and parted ways, Doyoung thought of the multiple ways to befriend someone like Jaehyun. Was he to do a kind gesture? Or maybe he could compliment him in the hall way... If he did show up, that was.

"'Your hair looks nice?' But it looks like every other person's...

'Your shoes are cool?' C'mon they're just regular old converse. Everyone has them.

'Your eyes are unbelievably pretty?' That sounds a little too..."

The boy stopped at the window and as per usual, watched him smoke.
For sure by now he would have gotten caught staring, but Jaehyun seemed to be doing his own thing in his own world.

So attractive, Doyoung thought.
For a smoker.

Doyoung gazed upon his cigarette packet, seeing how it appeared to be three quarters empty. His brows raised as he tried peering more, to slump back down into a hunch. He gnawed his bottom lip and continued to stroll down the halls.

He felt his face heat up for no apparent reason. The boy may have had a raw idea on what he could do to befriend Jaehyun, or at least gain his trust. The only problem was, how was he going to execute such a rough and blurry plan?

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