Emerald Rain

By OhNoMySphaghettiOs

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Ever wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered... More

The Beginning:
Three Houses:
The Blue Lions:
The Mock Battle:
A Day of Monastery Life
Eliminating the bandits:
Garland moon:
Castle Gaspard:
The Holy Mausoleum:
The Rite of Rebirth:
The Crest of Flames:
Into the Abyss:
The Chalice of Beginnings:
Verdant Rain Moon:
Conand Tower:
Horsebow Moon:
The Battle of The Eagle and Lion:
Zanado Canyon:
Remire Village:
The White Heron Cup:
The Ball:
The Holy Tomb:
Path of Thorns:
Reunion at Dawn:
The one-Eyed Beast:
The Beast:
Ailell, The Valley of Torment:
The Master Tactician:
The Great Bridge of Myrddin:
Great Tree Moon:
To Gronder Field, Part One:
To Gronder Field, Part Two:
Gronder Field, Part One:
Gronder Field, Part Two:
The Aftermath of War:
Preparing for Derdriu:
Alliance in Peril:
Protecting Derdriu:
On Trek to a New Dawn:
Rumors of a Reaper:
The Sealed Forest:
The Baron Dominic:
Strategy meeting:
Preparing for Fort Merceus:
The Battle at Fort Merceus:
Javelin of Light:
To Garreg Mach Monastery:
Jeritza Von Hrym:
Enbarr Strategy Meeting:
A Day at the Monastery:
To Enbarr:
Enbarr the Imperial Capital:
The Fall of the Adrestrian Empire:
Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown:
A United Front:
The Dragon that Lurks in the Shadow:
Two Sides of the Same Coin:
The Church of Seiros:
The Princess of Brigid's request:
The Foreign Land and Sky
A Prince's Proposition:
Arianrhod Part One:
Arianrhod Part Two:
Love and War:
The Cool Before the Storm:
Tailtean Plains
Reclaiming Fhirdiad:
The Beginning of the End:
One Year Later:
The Return:
Those Who Slither in the Dark:
For the Freedom of Fodlan:
The End!

Protecting Garreg Mach:

562 9 11
By OhNoMySphaghettiOs


Byleth laid in her bed, hours past by but sleep evaded her. Maybe my body is trying to compensate for being asleep for so long, Byleth thought, she slowly got up. There was no point in trying to fall asleep, that obviously was not going to happen tonight.

Byleth wandered around the monastery aimlessly, she eventually found herself at the fishing pond that was beside the green house. She realized that she was not the only person tonight to want to seek solace in the tranquility of the water. "Hello Dad" Byleth said.

Jeralt looked back towards Byleth he had a line cast into the water, "Hey kiddo" Jeralt replied "Want to join me?" he asked and scooted over on the dock, making room. Byleth silently sat down beside her father, she listened to the slight humming noise he was making as he was fishing. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Jeralt spoke up, "I take talking to Dimitri didn't go well?" he asked.

Byleth sighed and nodded, "How long has he been like that?" she asked.

Jeralt paused for a moment thinking, "For some time now" he replied.

"Have you and the others been with him this whole time?" Byleth questioned.

Jeralt nodded, "Yeah, the four of us fled from the monastery on the same day" he responded.

Byleth nodded, "Why was Dimitri supposed to be executed?" she asked.

Jeralt sighed "When we got to Fhirdiad, there was this Lady Cornelia, I think her name was" Jeralt began "She wrongfully imprisoned Dimitri for the murder of his Uncle, the King regent" he said "And since we had come with the Prince, we were also going to be executed alongside of him" he added. "But, something happened, Dedue was able to get out of his restraints and fight off the guards that had us" Jeralt said "After he managed to get them down, he helped us all out of our restraints" he said "Then the four of us had to fight our way out of the castle, which was pretty tough" Jeralt sighed "We were real close to losing Dedue" he added.

Byleth nodded, she was glad that they all had at least managed to get away with their lives. "Why did she do that?" Byleth asked.

Jeralt shrugged his shoulders, "Honestly, I don't know for certain" he said "But my best guess is that she wanted the throne" he added. Byleth shook her head, "Anyways, I have a few questions of my own" Jeralt stated "Why exactly did you side with Edelgard" he asked.

Byleth sighed, "Because Dimitri was about to kill her" she said.

"So?" Jeralt said.

Byleth frowned at her Father, "I can't let Dimitri kill Edelgard, he doesn't know all of the pieces of information, he's just making assumptions based off his emotions" she stated.

"And because of this information you were willing to become an enemy of the church?" Jeralt asked seriously.

Byleth froze, she did not want to tell her Father about what had transpired between her and Lady Rhea the night before the Holy Tomb. "How can you chastise me for this, you were apprehensive of the church as well" Byleth retorted.

Jeralt sighed, "I suppose you are right" he said "So what is the Leicester Alliance's game plan?" he asked.

"We plan to fight back against the Imperial army for the time being" Byleth replied "However, it is with intent to side with Edelgard" she said, "Then we will take down the remnants of the Church of Seiros" she added.

"Do you really think Edelgard will cave and join?" Jeralt asked.

"I think if we don't give her an alternative, she will" Byleth said.

Jeralt shook his head, "I don't think Dimitri is going to go along with this" he said.

"I don't need Dimitri's permission" Byleth said, "I am aiding the Leicester Alliance not the Kingdom" she added.

They were both silent, Byleth stood up from the deck "I'll see you later" she said to Jeralt.

"Good night kid" Jeralt replied before Byleth left.

Byleth ended up at the cathedral, she wasn't a religious person, but after her altercation with Jeralt she felt like she needed to consult Sothis. And since she couldn't talk to her anymore, she had to pray, but if praying made it so that she might one day be able to talk with her dear friend Sothis again she would do it. The cathedral doors opened, and someone slid in. Byleth heard their footsteps drawing closer to her.

"Hey, I have been looking all over for you" the person said, Byleth looked up and saw Claude.

"Hello, Claude" Byleth said "What are you doing up so late?" she asked.

"Heh, I could ask you the same thing" Claude replied "But I wasn't able to sleep, so I figured I'd return the journal to you" he said, Claude presented it to her and Byleth took it. She ran her finger over the cracked spine of it.

"Thank you Claude" Byleth said.

Claude furrowed his brows, "So why aren't you asleep?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep either" Byleth replied "I think it's my bodies way of making up for sleeping for five years" she added.

Claude chuckled at her joke, then he paused "Hey, Byleth. Do you believe in gods?" he asked "I don't necessarily mean the goddess of the Seiros religion. Just... gods in general" he added "Do you believe that incredible beings who control the fates of all really exist?" he pried.

Byleth paused for a moment, she believed in Sothis sure, but other gods... Byleth had never really thought much about that. "I don't know" Byleth replied.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. You know I never used to believe in that sort of thing either" Claude said "I've always hated the idea of praying to a god. After all, you can only rely on yourself" he said "I still believe that. You can't win a war by leaving your fate in the hands of a god" he added. "Only tangible facts can really decide a war. Which side has the most troops, the best tactics, the better organization and planning" Claude said "Of course miracles can happen. And by that, I mean things that are completely outside of your control" he said "Things that only seem to add up if you believe in the concept of fate..." he added. "Things like... well, meeting you for example" Claude said.

Byleth did not quite get what Claude was getting at with that, "What do you mean?" she asked.

"You just seem sort of... impossible. I think everyone would agree with that" Claude stated, "You can wield the Sword of the Creator, you're a tactical genius, and you have this strange ability to earn the trust of anyone you cross paths with" he said "Before I met you, I never imagined that it was possible for someone like you to exist" he said "And yet, now that I know you, your presence in my life has quickly become invaluable" he added. Claude smiled at Byleth, "In fact, it's hard to imagine making my dreams come true without your help" he declared "Because of that I can't believe for a second that our meeting was just a coincidence. That means it must have been fate" Claude added, "Maybe it was a miracle. Or maybe some god empathized with me and my dreams" he said with a wink.

Byleth looked at Claude with confusion, "Some god?" she asked

Claude sighed, "Again, I don't mean the goddess of Fodlan. Though... I suppose it may be hard for you to grasp what I'm talking about" he said "People all over the world have different ideas about who or what the gods are, right? Even in distant lands across the ocean or over the mountains..." he added. Claude looked up at the hole in the cathedral's ceiling, " They have gods who see the world as a whole, who don't care about Fodlan's borders..." he said "Who don't meddle in our affairs. Who don't grant life or take it away" he declared "And maybe, sometimes, they'll let a miracle happen. A god like that... That's the sort of god I think I could believe in" he said softly.

Byleth nodded, "I think I understand" she said, "Like how they have multiple gods for different things in Duscar" she added.

Claude laughed "Exactly but be careful Byleth! You'll anger the followers of Seiros if you say things like that" he said, "Though I suppose you've already angered the church enough" he laughed then shook his head "I'm just speaking my mind, that's all. I think people should be free to believe in whatever gods they want" he added. "If a person believes in a god and that god becomes a support system for them, that's a good thing. That's what a god should be" Claude said, "Anyway... Maybe I've overstepped a bit" he sighed.

Byleth shrugged her shoulders, "It doesn't matter" she said.

Claude smiled at Byleth, "I knew you'd understand" he said happily, "In any case let's keep this conversation between the two of us, yeah?" he added

Byleth nodded, she understood even though many of their friends weren't exactly devout believers it was still a touchy subject.

"How long do you think we have before the Imperial army notices were here" Byleth said changing the subject.

Claude rubbed the back of his neck, "Honestly, I bet they already know we are here" he said "My guess is they are preparing a strike already, maybe giving Edelgard heads up" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Do you think Holst is going to help with the war effort?" she asked.

Claude paused for a moment, "I think he will, especially since he doesn't want to surrender over to Edelgard" he said. Claude sighed "You know I'm glad Dimitri is alive but getting Edelgard to join us is going to be a lot harder now" he said.

"I know" Byleth sighed "But I have to try Claude" she said.

"I understand but be prepared for our worst-case scenario" Claude said seriously, "So what is it exactly that Edelgard told you that has you believing she might consider joining us" he asked.

"Have you heard the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Byleth asked Claude, he nodded "Well Edelgard is in a situation like that, in order to achieve her goal of freeing Fodlan from Rhea's grasp she is willing to temporarily side with questionable forces" she said.

"Hmm, like Solon and Kronya?" Claude asked.

"Yes, I don't know exactly who they are or what their objectives are, but she has a temporary alliance with them" Byleth said.

"How do you know once it's over that she will fight against them?" Claude asked.

"Because they threaten the peace of Fodlan as well" Byleth stated.

"I get it" Claude sighed "It's all complicated, but... I understand I just hope Edelgard will still be able to see reason" he added.

"If not, we could always beat compliance into her" Byleth suggested.

Claude bust out laughing, "How are you able to say that with a straight face" he said wiping away a tear in his eye.

Byleth's face grew warm, and she shrugged "Hey! there's a possibility that is what we are going to have to do" she said defensively.

Claude nodded, "I know, but it's one of those things you don't really say aloud but everyone gets what is going on" he said.

Byleth shook her head "Whatever" she sighed.

Claude paused for a moment, "You know I've been thinking about asking Dimitri to join our cause" he stated.

Byleth looked at him with confusion, "Why?" she asked.

"With him we could get the Kingdom army on our side" Claude said.

"But I thought the Kingdom was gone, that it's now the Dukedom?" Byleth said.

"That is true, but there are still those loyal to the crown" Claude said "And from what I heard they've been fighting back against the Dukedom" he added.

"Wait if the Dukedom is allied with the church that means they are also fighting them" Byleth said.

"Exactly" Claude said "And I don't think the Empire has attacked them at all since they have been fighting the same force" he added. "But like I said before, their loyalty lies with the prince" Claude said.

Claude paused for a moment "So, your Princeliness" Claude called out "Are you going to come out of hiding and chat with us now" he added.

"Claude what are you talking about?" Byleth said confused, and Dimitri stepped out from behind a pillar.

Claude turned to Byleth, "Honestly I'm a little surprised that you didn't hear him" Claude said "Maybe we need to work on your senses" he teased.

Dimitri walked over to them slowly, honestly it was nerve racking. Once he was in front of them Dimitri crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at them. "What do you want" Dimitri hissed.

Claude shook his head "Listen, I'll make this quick since you seem to be in a mood" Claude began, "You write to your loyalists in the Kingdom for aid in the war, and I will do the same with the Alliance" he said.

Dimitri glared at Claude, "Why would I do that we have different aims in this war" he said, "You both intend to spare that woman" he spat.

Claude frowned at Dimitri, "That's if she could be reasoned with then, yes we intend to spare her" he said, "But regardless you need us as much as we need you" he added. Dimitri scoffed at him, "Either way if you join us you get to kill as much Imperial soldier as you want" Claude said.

Dimitri stared at them for a moment, "Fine" he said, he then turned to Byleth "If you stand in the way of me getting that woman's head once again I won't hesitate to strike you down" Dimitri hissed.

Byleth felt anger rising in her stomach, she glared at Dimitri "And if you attempt to strike Edelgard down before I have a chance to reason with her, then I will take you down myself" Byleth spat.

Claude rubbed his face "Listen neither of you are killing the other, got it?" he said seriously, "Out of all people I never thought I'd have to tell you two that" he sighed. Claude turned to Byleth, "Come on let's go, I could use your help with getting Hilda up to ensure she writes the letter to Holst".

Byleth nodded and followed Claude, after a few steps he turned back to Dimitri "Don't forget to write your letters, they need to go out as soon as possible" Claude said, Dimitri grunted in response and Claude sighed then turned back around. The two left from the Cathedral to wake Hilda up.


A week had passed since the night that Byleth and Claude showed up outside of Hilda's room door and demanded that she wake up that instant to write the letter to Holst. She reluctantly did it but only after they told her she would not have to help do anything the following day.

As Hilda was checking out the wares that the merchants had brought, she was approached by a messenger, and he presented her with a letter from Hilda's big brother Holst. About time Hilda thought, he normally did not take so long to reply.

Hilda opened the letter and began to read it. In the letter Holst explains that he will send aid, and most likely accompany them to help, but he needs Hilda's help right now with settling a dispute on their territory. Dammit now I must do even more work Hilda thought as she made her way to the dining hall.

In the dining hall Hilda saw Byleth discussing something with Dimitri, if Hilda was being honest it was probably for the best that those two broke things off since Dimitri has not exactly been the most stable person lately. As Hilda got closer, she heard some of what they were talking about.

"Dimitri, it doesn't matter you need to write the letter soon" Byleth said with irritation, "If you won't I will ask Claude or Dedue to do it on your behalf" she added.

Dimitri looked down at her and scoffed, "I don't need you to meddle in my affairs" he hissed.

Hilda decided it was probably best to intervene before things escalated. "Byleth" Hilda called out to her as she approached her, "I have bad news, I have to go home for a little while" she added.

Byleth was quiet for a moment "Is there some kind of emergency?" she asked with concern.

"Well that's one way of putting it" Hilda sighed "The Almyran forces are causing trouble at Fodlan's locket" she said, she paused for a moment "Do you know where that is?" Hilda asked

Byleth shook her head, "No sorry, I'm not familiar with it" she said.

Hilda nodded, she figured as much "Well the mountain range that separates the Alliance from Almyra is called Fodlan's throat" she said "There is a fortress right on top of the throat, and they call that Fodlan's locket" she added.

Byleth nodded, "So you're going to go help defend it?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, you could say that. I'm sure my brother would be able to handle things all on his own " Hilda said "But he said he really wants me to help out. I guess he's a bit tired out from all his hard work" she sighed "Anyways, our dad's not a sprightly as he used to be. He's not up for a fight" she added, "And apparently it would look bad if we left it to the retainers" Hilda said with exaggerated sigh. " I really, really don't want to go, but I guess I have to" Hilda said softly "Would you want to join us Byleth?" she asked "My brother will be there, but I'm a little scared about fighting all of those fierce Almyrans" she said while cowering a little.

"I'll come with you" Byleth declared.

"Great! I know we'll be ok if you're there! Let's head out right away" Hilda said.

Byleth shook her head, "Hilda we should inform Claude first don't you think" she sighed "Also it might be smart to bring other allies with us" she added. Byleth did have a point there.

"That would be best" Hilda said.

"I'm going as well" Dimitri butted in, Hilda had forgotten he was there she figured he would leave immediately after Byleth stopped talking to him.

"No, you are not coming" Byleth said firmly.

"I wasn't asking" Dimitri rebutted while glaring at her.

Hilda sighed "It's fine Byleth, the more people who come the less work we will have to do" she said, she grabbed Byleth's wrist "Come on let's go find Claude in the meantime" she added.

"So, what were you and the Prince fighting about before I arrived?" Hilda asked as they were searching for Claude.

Byleth sighed "He's being difficult about writing the letter to his loyalists in Faerghus" Byleth replied.

"You should tell Claude to handle making him write the letters" Hilda said.

"Claude asked me to talk to Dimitri, trust me I didn't choose to" Byleth said

Hilda felt sympathetic for her friend, but she couldn't help but wonder if this wall Byleth built up around Dimitri was simply a facade, because she doesn't want to hurt him once she meets her demise.

After a while of searching they finally found Claude he was in the Golden Deer classroom. "Claude what are you doing in here?" Byleth asked as they walked in.

Claude looked up from the desk, "Strangely enough this is the only place I'm able to focus" he replied, "Maybe it's an instilled habit or something" he added with a laugh.

Hilda just shook her head at him "You are something else Claude" she sighed, "Anyways we came to tell you we're leaving to Fodlan's locket to help Holst fight off some Almyran forces that are attacking" she said.

Claude looked a little shocked, "Hmm, just as I thought things were getting better there" he sighed "We should all probably go" Claude said "It would do good for us to have more training" he added. "I'll go and tell Alois and Jeralt they're in charge for the time being" Claude said, "Go get your stuff ready and tell the others, we leave within the hour" he added then rushed off to find Alois and Jeralt.


Byleth went straight to her room to gather her supplies, she changed into her armor that she had worn when she first arrived at the monastery. Byleth debated for a moment whether she should bring the sword of the Creator with her, but she eventually decided to bring it with her it felt wrong to just leave it behind.

Once finished with her preparations Byleth began to make her way to the stables, as she got there, she saw Marianne tending to a horse. Byleth approached her "Hello Marianne" she said.

Marianne turned around "Hello Byleth" she said softly.

Byleth squinted at the horse, "Is that Dorte?!" Byleth asked.

Marianne shook her head, "No sadly Dorte is no longer with us" she said sadly "This is Dorte's son, Dorte the second" she said.

Byleth nodded, she found it slightly amusing that Marianne had re-used her horse's name for its son. "Dorte is a nice name" Byleth said "I'm curious was he named Dorte the second while the first Dorte was alive?" she asked.

Marianne's face grew pink, "Y-yes, I couldn't think of any other name" she admitted.

Byleth let out a small laugh, "I'm just teasing you Marianne" she said.

After a while of chatting with Marianne, more of the others began arriving to the stables ready to leave

"Byleth" Claude called out as her approached the group, he looked around "Hey it looks like everyone is here" he said "Let us go then" he added.

The trip to the Fodlan's locket was awkward to say the least, tensions were particularly high once the others realized Dimitri would be joining them. And Dimitri did not really help the case when he was acting aloof and hostile towards everyone.

Byleth could not help but feel that she was to blame for his behavior, maybe if she hadn't protected Edelgard things would be different. No Dimitri had this darkness since before that, maybe her actions unhinged his control over it at most.

"Are you doing alright there Byleth?" Claude asked, Byleth looked at him "You looked like you were really deep in thought" he added.

"Yeah, I was just thinking is all" Byleth replied.

"Hmm, alright" Claude said with a shrug, "So Hilda" he said, Hilda groaned in response. "Are we meeting Holst at Fodlan's Locket or are we stopping by the Goneril estate first?" Claude asked.

"Oh, we are meeting Holst at the locket" Hilda said "It's more convenient that way" she added. Hilda turned to Byleth, "Holst is going to be excited to see you again" she said.

"I wish Holst was excited to see me again" Claude butted in with a laugh.

"I'll be sure to tell Holst that" Hilda said seriously.

A flash of panic fell on Claude's face "Whoa, there is no need to" he said sheepishly "Please, Holst will beat me up" he added with a laugh.

"I don't know Hilda, maybe we should let Holst beat Claude up" Byleth said while shrugging her shoulders.

"I for one agree!" Lorenz butted in "Let Holst teach Claude a lesson for the antics he pulls" he added.

"Never mind" Byleth said while shaking her head, "We should have him beat Lorenz up instead" she added.

Lorenz looked insulted but before he could say anything, Byleth's idea was met with a wave of approval. "That is an idea I could stand for" Lysithea said.

"Agreed" Leonie laughed.

"Oh, come on guys don't you think you are being a bit harsh on Lorenz?" Ignatz said.

"No" Hilda declared "Not at all" she added.

After a while of traveling the group finally made it to Fodlan's Locket, Hilda looked around "Hmm, most of our allies have fallen. My big brother and I can probably handle this though..." Hilda said as she was scoping out the battlefield. A soldier that was nearby went running to her.

"Hilda! Glad you made it! Lord Holst has been afflicted with sudden illness and couldn't come..." The soldier said.

Byleth heard Hilda gasp in shock, "He's not here?! Oh... I'm sorry. You must have been absolutely terrified" Hilda said with concern, she paused for a moment and regained her composure "It's ok though! I brought along friends who can definitely help us" she told the soldier. Hilda turned to the group "That's you guys. Please help us save our allies and protect Fodlan's Locket" she said.

Byleth nodded, "Of course" she replied, Byleth looked around at the surroundings, "Claude you should go left take Ignatz, Leonie, and Marianne" she said, Claude nodded "Hilda, Lysithea and I will go straight" she declared.

"I'm going straight as well" Dimitri declared.

"No, you are not" Byleth said "You will take the right side along with Lorenz and Raphael" she added.

"I don't take orders from you" Dimitri said with a scowl on his face.

Byleth frowned at Dimitri, now is not the time for him to start questioning orders. "Dimitri soldiers are dying, so cut it out with this crap and go right already" Byleth scolded.

Dimitri glared at her then turned around to go right, Byleth let out a sigh of relief she really did not think that he would listen to her. "Ok, everyone let's move out" Byleth shouted.

The Almyrans were a tough force, they had a good number of soldiers that wielded axes, and there were also a decent number of archers. But that was not the problem, the problem was they brought quite a few giant birds as well.

(End of the Battle)

Once they fought off the last of the Almyrans, Hilda turned to Byleth "We did it somehow, Byleth Thank you" she said out of breath. "I'm going to drop by my family's estate for a bit and complain to my brother a bit" Hilda said "Care to join me Byleth?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll go with you" Byleth replied.

"Great!" Hilda enthused "The rest of you should head back, it's not smart to leave it undefended for so long" she added.

"Yeah, yeah we get it" Claude said while throwing his hands up, "We will see you two back at the monastery" he added before turning around to begin leaving.

Byleth and Hilda made their way to the Goneril estate, as soon as they got there Hilda swung the door open "Holst you have a lot of explaining to do" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

A maid came rushing to her, "Lady Hilda" the maid said, "Holst is ill right now, would you like me to take you and your guest to him?" she asked.

"Yes please" Hilda said, and they both followed the maid. She led them up the stairs into one of the rooms, she knocked on the door, "Lord Holst?" the maid said.

"Yes?" A weak voice called out from inside.

"Your sister has come back to visit, and she has a guest with her" the maid said, "Is it alright to let them in" she asked.

"Yes, that's fine" Holst called out, the maid opened the door to let them in and once both Byleth and Hilda were inside she shut the door.

"Oh my gosh, Holst you look terrible" Hilda said as she looked at him, Byleth had to admit he did look really sick he was pale and sickly.

"Good to see you too Hilda" Holst groaned; his eyes landed on Byleth. Holst squinted at her, "Byleth is that you?" he asked "What happened to your hair, and eyes?" he asked in confusion, it took Byleth a second but then she remembered that Holst had not seen her after she had infused with Sothis.

"Hey now isn't the time for small talk" Hilda scolded "What happened?" she asked.

Holst rubbed the back of his neck and was silent for a moment, "I ate a bad mushroom" he said as he hung his head in shame.

Hilda laughed, "Holst you're kidding right?" she said, after a few moments she must have realized that he was dead serious. "Holst were you eating mushrooms that you found outside again?!" Hilda said seriously, "I've told you countless times mushrooms from outdoors are not the same as the ones that we eat here" she groaned.

Holst's face turned red, "Hilda do you have to embarrass me right now" he murmured while glancing towards Byleth.

Hilda shook her head "I swear Holst you are hopeless sometimes" she sighed.

"Anyways, how did it go at Fodlan's Locket?" Holst asked.

"It was horrible Holst, there were super strong and scary Almyran soldiers" Hilda whined

A look of guilt fell over Holst's face, "I'm sorry Hilda" he said sadly to make it up to you I want you to take my inheritance" he added.

Hilda looked stunned "No, I don't want your inheritance Holst" she groaned.

Holst was quiet for a moment, "Take Freikugel" he said seriously.

"Eww, no I don't want it" Hilda said.

"Please Hilda" Holst said "I would feel better if you took it" he added.

A frown fell over Hilda's face ", But it is so gross" she whined.

"Too bad, you are taking it" Holst said "Not to mention it would be good for you to have a hero's relic when fighting against the Empire" he added.

Hilda sighed, "Fine" she said while throwing her hands up in defeat.

Holst turned to Byleth, "Ok so what the heck happened to you?!" he said "I heard you were dead, and not to mention you have a completely different hair color now" he added.

Byleth pinched the bridge of her nose, "That's a long story" she said, "What part do you want first?" she asked.

"Hmm, Let's start with the hair and eye color change" Holst said.

"You chose probably the worst part to begin with" Hilda sighed.

Byleth nodded in agreement, then she proceeded to tell him about her infusing with Sothis after Solon sent her into the darkness.

Holst looked confused at what Byleth had told him, "Told you" Hilda hummed.

"And what about you being dead for the past five years?" Holst said.

"Oh, I was asleep" Byleth replied.

"For five years?" Holst questioned.

"Yeah, when we were fighting the church of Seiros part of the monastery collapsed and it's all black from that point on" Byleth said "Next thing I knew it was five years later and I was floating down a river" she added.

"You say it so nonchalantly" Holst sighed, and Byleth just shrugged.

"Anyways Holst, Byleth and I should probably get going already" Hilda said.

"No, stay a for a day or two more until I get better, then I'll go with the both of you" Holst said "You said that you guys needed supplies and men, well I have them" he added.

Hilda groaned then looked to Byleth, "Are you ok with this?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's fine" Byleth replied, "We do need the support" she added.

Hilda nodded, "True" she sighed, "Fine Holst, we will stay until you can travel with us" she groaned. Hilda turned to Byleth, "Come on let's go find a messenger to go tell Claude right away" she said.


It had been an hour or two after Claude and the others had return from Fodlan's Locket. Immediately after they had gotten back Lorenz requested to talk with Claude privately, he figured that it was regarding the jokes about having Holst beat him up. Claude led Lorenz to the Golden Deer classroom so that they could have their talk.

Once they were in the class Claude turned to Lorenz, "Ok Lorenz what do you want" Claude sighed "What was so urgent about this that you couldn't have waited" he added.

Lorenz frowned at Claude, "No need to be rude Claude" he huffed "I simply wanted to tell you on the battlefield Dimitri was acting rather irrational and undignified" he stated.

Claude was confused, "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Lorenz shuddered, "He was acting barbaric with his foes, like he found some sort of joy out of those kills" he said "And he disregarded helping Raphael and I with tougher opponents" he added.

Claude rubbed his forehead, "I'll talk to him about it" he said hoping that would appease Lorenz for the time being.

"You better, if not Dimitri will get himself and those around him killed" Lorenz said sternly.

"I get that Lorenz" Claude snapped. Lorenz looked shocked by Claude's outburst, he then proceeded to huff and storm out of the classroom. Honestly, Claude didn't really care that he offended Lorenz, they were in the middle of a war there were more important matters then how Lorenz feels. But Claude knew he did have a point, if what he told him was true it had to be dealt with immediately before any of their allies die. "Maybe I could get Byleth to do this?" Claude wondered, he decided that he would tell Dimitri something now and if this continued, he would have Byleth tell him stuff as well

Claude left to find Dimitri, he found him towards the entrance of the monastery, He had his arms crossed and was looking down at a soldier in front of him. For a moment Claude was worried that he might kill him. Claude walked closer to them and he heard the solder asking Dimitri something.

"Do you know where Claude Von Riegan is or not?" the soldier asked, Dimitri just glared at him.

Claude approached them, "I'm Claude" he said, he noticed that it was a soldier from house Goneril. "Is everything alright?" Claude asked.

"Yes, Lady Hilda sent me to deliver a message" The soldier said.

"Oh, ok" Claude said "I was worried for a moment that something had happened" he added.

The soldier smiled, "I'll be sure to tell Lady Hilda about your concern" he said.

Claude shook his head, "That is not necessary" he said "Anyways what did Hilda have to say?" he asked.

"Oh right, Lady Hilda said, that she and Byleth will be staying at the Goneril estate for a few days at most, Lord Holst requested they stay with him until he could travel with them back" The soldier said, "Upon their arrival they will be bringing soldiers and supplies" he added.

Claude nodded, "I see, I would rather them be here, but I take that it isn't up for debate is it?" he asked the soldier.

"No sorry, Byleth sends her apologies though" the soldier said.

"Thank you" Claude sighed, the soldier nodded then left.

Claude turned to Dimitri, he had a frown on his face, "You know if you keep making that face it might get stuck like that" Claude said with a laugh. Dimitri didn't laugh, if anything it just made him frown more, "Tough crowd" Claude thought. "So your Princeliness, I'm sure you have thoughts about your girlfriend staying with someone like Holst for a few days" Claude said "Do you remember all those years ago, when Hilda was trying to set them up?" he asked smugly.

"She is not my girlfriend" Dimitri muttered. Claude wondered if he imagined that hint of bitterness he felt with those words, either way Claude didn't care he was going to force a reaction out of Dimitri if he had to, anything to know that he wasn't past the point of redemption.

"Huh, that's odd" Claude said, "For someone that wasn't your girlfriend she seemed pretty distraught when she thought you were dead" he hummed "And then when you show up alive she goes running to see you" he added. Ok so maybe it was not just to see if Dimitri still had any form of empathy left, Claude was curious about what had happened between the two of them that would leave them making death threats to one another. "Then she comes back hating you" Claude said "I do wonder" he said "If it has anything to do with that ring she no longer wears" he added, honestly Claude wasn't even too sure about that whole ring theory, he could have sworn seeing one on her hand but after his return it was gone from sight.

"This doesn't concern you" Dimitri hissed.

"Your right" Claude said as he stretched his arms, "Anyhow since she means nothing to you, you have nothing to worry about" he said. For a second Claude wondered if he had gone too far, Dimitri didn't say anything.

Claude was about to take that as his cue to leave but then he remembered he needed to talk to Dimitri about other matters. "Dimitri, Lorenz told me that you weren't helping them when they were in danger" Claude stated.

"Yeah, so?" Dimitri said coolly.

Claude rubbed his forehead, "You can't just let them die" he said. Honestly, Claude could not believe that he had to be explaining this right now. "Dimitri, they are our allies we need their help" Claude sighed.

Dimitri snorted, "Yeah right, like that pompous idiot is much help" he said "Either way everyone was in agreement of letting Holst beat him up, how is me letting the enemies do it instead a bad thing" he added.

Claude frowned at Dimitri, "Well that "Pompous idiot" happens to have a very influential Father who would be fairly upset to learn that the Prince and soon to be King of Faerghus let him die" Claude said sternly "And I'm certain that he would try to wage a war against what little remainder of loyalists you have in Faerghus" he added. Dimitri just shrugged his shoulders, Claude shook his head "God, you are helpless" he sighed. Claude began to turn away; he was irritated at Dimitri's complete disregard for their companions "Don't forget to write that damned letter" Claude spat before he left.


It was two days since the battle at Fodlan's Locket, Holst's illness from eating wild mushrooms had finally gotten better and they were now able to travel back to the monastery.

"Well our vacation is over now" Hilda sighed, "I have to admit I did miss being home" she added. "Holst told me we are taking a carriage to the monastery, we will have a good amount of supplies with us" Hilda said "The soldiers will take a different path to the monastery so they don't raise suspicion, and they will also have supplies" she added.

"I have to admit I'm impressed, Holst really thought this out" Byleth said.

"Yup, come one let us go now" Hilda said to Byleth "The sooner we get back to the monastery the better" she added.

"I thought you liked being home?" Byleth said with a laugh.

Hilda shook her head, "Yeah, but not for very long" she replied as they began to walk towards Holst who was waiting by a carriage.

"Are you both ready to go?" Holst asked as they approached him. Byleth and Hilda both nodded "Excellent, let's go now then" Holst hummed, then entered the carriage. Byleth and Hilda followed his lead and entered it as well.

The trip back to the monastery was going smoothly until the carriage abruptly stopped. Holst looked confused, "Hmm something must be going on" he said as he grabbed his axe, "Be prepared to fight you two in case of anything" he added as he jumped out of the carriage, Byleth and Hilda followed his lead.

Outside there were a group of men, wearing Imperial uniforms, "Crap" Byleth thought.

"What are you three transporting through her" one of the soldiers asked.

"What is this stop about?" Holst asked sternly.

"We need to know what is being transported, there have been rumors of an army assembling in these parts" the soldier said, he squinted his eyes at Holst, "Wait a moment" he shouted "Aren't you a Lord from the Leicester Alliance" He shouted as he drew his weapon. Holst lifted his axe and lunged at him; the other soldiers began to surround them. Byleth unsheathed the Sword of the Creator and Hilda raised Freikugel and they began to fight.

It wasn't a hard battle in the slightest, the soldiers seemed to be fairly new recruits based off how they fought, Byleth couldn't help but feel a bit guilty that they had just slaughtered teens who hadn't even been in battle, but another part of her thought maybe this was best since they wouldn't have to see the true horrors of a battle field now. Byleth felt a sharp pain in her leg, one of the soldiers must have hit her she thought.

"Are you two alright?" Holst called out.

"Yeah" Byleth said.

"Yup, although now I'm all dirty" Hilda groaned

Holst shook his head, "Alright let's go before any more of them appear" he said as he entered the carriage.

After about an hour they finally arrived at the monastery, Claude was already there waiting by the monastery entrance waiting for them.

"Yesh, did you guys run someone over?" Claude asked as he was staring at the blood that was coated on the side of the carriage.

"I wish, that would have definitely been less work" Hilda sighed

Holst looked at Hilda with a concerned face, "Hilda no" he sighed

Claude shook his head "Anyways what happened?" he asked.

"Imperial soldiers" Byleth said, "They stopped us, and we were forced to fight" she said "They mentioned an army being raised in this area, I'm certain they were talking about us" she added. "We need to prepare in case of an Imperial attack" Byleth sighed.

Claude sighed, "I see" he said "In that case Holst you came at a perfect time" he added. They began talking about all the supplies and troops that were on their way. Byleth took this as her opportunity to leave, before she did, he grabbed a vulneary and a couple of rags then she headed to the cathedral.

Once she was finally in the cathedral Byleth sat down on one of the pews, to get a better look at her injury. She heard footsteps walking towards her, Byleth looked and saw Dimitri walking from the darker part of the cathedral to where she was "I saw you limping, why are you limping" he demanded as he approached her.

Byleth wiped the blood off her leg, "I got injured while fighting" she said.

Dimitri looked down at her, he had a frown on his face "Tch, let me heal you" he said as he sat down besides Byleth.

Byleth was surprised by Dimitri's actions, "Since when do you know healing magic?" she asked.

Dimitri placed her leg over his knees so and covered her wound with his hands, Byleth saw the light-yellow light come from his hands as he healed her. Once finished he pushed her leg off his knees. "It became more convenient, to heal myself after a fight" Dimitri murmured.

Byleth was quiet for a moment, "Thank you Dimitri" she said.

"You are no use to me dead" Dimitri muttered.

"Hmm, you know just what to say Dimitri" Byleth sighed, she stood up and began to walk away her leg felt significantly better.

"Do you regret it?" Dimitri called out.

Byleth turned to him, what could he possibly be talking about now she wondered. "Regret what?" Byleth asked.

"Rejecting Holst" Dimitri said coolly.

Byleth sighed, "I don't have a future to give either of you" she said as she walked towards the exit of the cathedral. Byleth left Dimitri sitting in the pews, part of her wanted to go back and tell him how she would reject Holst for Dimitri anytime but what good will it do. All it would do is give Dimitri false hope for a dead woman, Despite Dimitri being a complete jerk lately Byleth believed that he deserved better than that.

Byleth left from the cathedral in search of Claude, she needed to find out if she had missed anything important over the last few days. Byleth found Claude in the Golden deer classroom, of course how typical of him she thought. "You know Claude, people might begin mistaking you for a student" Byleth teased as she entered the class.

"Ha-ha real funny Byleth" Claude said, "Not everyone gets a sudden growth spur like Dimitri did" he added while shaking his head "Anyways you came to me for a reason, what happened?" Claude asked.

"Oh, I just came by to ask if I had missed anything important with my absence" Byleth said.

"Worried other wars going to start while you are gone?" Claude said with a laugh.

Byleth rolled her eyes "I suppose" she sighed.

"Nah, everything was fine" Claude said "I also managed to get Dimitri to write his stupid letter, and now that is all sent out" he said "We only need to wait for a reply now" he added. Claude sighed "I know this war for us just started but... I can't wait for it to be over" he said "When this is all over, I plan to see all of my dreams come to fruition, and yours as well" Claude said.

Byleth felt a pit in her stomach, knowing that the only thing that would come to fruition is her death. "What are your dreams Claude?" Byleth asked.

"Well, for example... to bust open Fodlan's Throat" Claude said "You saw the massive fortress there, which is responsible for protecting the eastern borders of the Alliance" he said "I like to think of it as a lid on a bottle" he added. "The people of Fodlan only know a small part of the world. Their prejudices are born because they don't know what lies beyond their borders" Claude stated "And the opposite is true too. Those outside of Fodlan don't know about this place. Ignorance breeds discrimination" he added "Whether you look inside the bottle or outside of it... If you really look, all you'll find are people who you can get along with, if you only try" he declared. "That's why I wanna bust open that lid, which is keeping us locked inside. Or destroy the bottle entirely" Claude declared.

Byleth was a little shocked to say the least, she had never expected Claude's dreams to be of creating a unified world. In a way it reminded Byleth of Dimitri's and Edelgard's ambitions for a united Fodlan free from discrimination from those who deem themselves better, Claude's was just more of a global scale. "Are you going to tell our allies about this?" Byleth asked.

"I'll find the right time to bring it up. Even if I talked about it now, it doesn't seem realistic does it?" Claude said.

"A little, but you'll just have to work hard to make it a reality then" Byleth replied.

Claude smiled, "Thank you Byleth, that means a lot" he said. "Anyways" Claude said to change the subject "There was something that happened in the two days that you should know about" he said "It's about Dimitri, he refuses to train with the others" he sighed "And the other day at Fodlan's Locket he refused to help Lorenz when he was in danger" Claude added.

Byleth shook her head, "I'm sorry Claude" Byleth sighed "I'm sure it was stressful handling it" she added.

"I wouldn't say the matter is handled" Claude said "I was hoping that we could handle it right now actually" he said. Byleth nodded, "Great let's go, I believe he is in the cathedral" Claude said and began leading the way.

Byleth and Claude entered the Cathedral and Dimitri was turned towards the rubble that was on the floor towards the back of the cathedral.

"You're wrong" Dimitri said "It's not like that, Glenn I swear it. Any love I once had for my stepsister... has been tossed aside" he said "Only hatred remains. If I could tear that woman to shreds right this very moment, I would" he added. "I don't care if she's the emperor. It's no different than killing anyone else. So, I beg of you... all of you... Do not worry about my resolve" Dimitri shouted "Please, Father... And you too, Stepmother... Do not gaze at me with that look in your eyes..." he pleaded.

Claude turned to Byleth, "What the hell is going on" he whispered.

"Wait here a moment" Byleth whispered back and began approaching Dimitri.

"I will bring you her head soon. And when I do, you may finally rest in peace. I know it... Yes, I know it..." Dimitri muttered, he then flinched "No Glenn, this is different I swear" he shouted, "Please I can't kill her, all you need is Edelgard's head, no one else" Dimitri pleaded.

Byleth went up to Dimitri and put a hand on his shoulder, "Snap out of it, Dimitri" she said sternly.

Dimitri pulled his shoulder away from her touch, "What do you want?" he hissed.

Claude and I came to check on you" Byleth said as she gestured to Claude, who was now walking over to them.

"I see" Dimitri muttered "We should make haste and prepare to move out at once. I must kill her as soon as possible..." he said.

Byleth frowned, but Claude spoke up "That would be rash" he said sternly.

"I don't have time to leisurely set up camp like the rest of you fools!" Dimitri shouted at them

The cathedral doors suddenly swung open "Byleth! Claude! We're under attack!" Leonie shouted as she came running up to them.

"What's going on Leonie?" Claude asked.

"It's a small group, but some Imperial troops are headed this way. It looks like they were stationed nearby"

"The Imperial army, is it? Well. Hehehe..." Dimitri said.

Claude sighed "I figured they would know of our presence but... I've got to hand it to Edelgard. Nothing gets past that woman" he said.

"We should proceed cautiously" Byleth said.

"Claude nodded "As long as we don't let down our guard, there's no way they can defeat us" he said.

"Tch, fools" Dimitri hissed "We need to take them down" he spat.

"I hate to admit it but I agree with Dimitri" Leonie said "I'm sorry Byleth I get Edelgard is your friend but you have to face the facts that we will most likely have to kill her" she added.

"Hey, there is no need for that" Claude butted in, "Everyone is so fast to condone Edelgard to death that they aren't even looking to see if she can be reasoned with" he added.

"A woman as vile as her cannot be reasoned with" Dimitri shouted.

"Let set this argument for another time" Byleth sighed "Right now we have more pressing matters at hand" she added, then took off running to the entrance of the monastery.

Byleth finally reached it, the Imperial army was already right at the gates ready to attack, some had even managed to get into the monastery and were hiding in between buildings ready waiting to attack. It struck Byleth that she is now fighting in the position in which Rhea had fought off her and Edelgard. The thought made Byleth's stomach churn.

Claude and Dimitri caught up with her and stood beside her. "If they reach the interior, the enemy will take the monastery, we need to drive them back immediately" Claude said.

"I have an idea Claude" Byleth said while looking at the battle field, "Dimitri, Dedue, and I will take the left side and make our way to the ballista, from there we will set the part of the monastery that has the majority of their soldiers in it on fire" she declared.

Claude looked hesitant for a moment "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"Yes, then the three of us will flank them, I'm certain their general is back there" Byleth added, "Claude you and the others will be doing distant attacks to keep them there" she said, "Stay by the gates in case any of their soldiers get through" she added.

"Alright, I'll go tell the others of the plan" Claude said "Also be careful" he added before taking off.

(The end of the battle)

"Byleth watch out" Dimitri shouted at her, next thing Byleth knew she was on the ground and everything was black.

"Crap" she thought, she was certain she was alive most likely she had just passed out from what ever had just hit her. It irritated Byleth a great deal, especially since everything had been going smoothly so far, they had successfully managed to set ablaze to the small part of the monastery that had Imperial troops, while the others used arrows and magic to take them out. Byleth slowly began to feel her consciousnesses coming back to her.

Byleth saw Dimitri with a man hunched down before him, was that Randolph? Byleth wondered. "I have family waiting for me... please, I can't die here..." Randolph pleaded.

"A beast of your depravity prattling on about family? How amusing" Dimitri sneered.

"As though you could understand... such a thing as love... you heartless monster!" Randolph shouted.

Dimitri crossed his arms, "And you are a monster too, General. You have just yet to realize it. A monster who thinks he's a man... despicable" he spat "As a general you must have killed countless souls without a shred of mercy. Do you still remember the sound of them begging, just as you're begging now?" he hissed. "Or now that your life is at its end, will you hold to that lie that your hands are not stained red with blood" Dimitri sneered.

"This... this is war. I did what I had to do for the Empire... for the people... for my family!" Randolph rebutted.

"So, you are piling up corpses for the people and for your family. And I am doing the same for the salvation of the dead..." Dimitri said.

"After all is said and done, we are both murderers. Both stained. Both monsters" Dimitri said.

"You're wrong!" Randolph shouted.

"Am I?" Dimitri said as a deep scowl fell over his face, "I can smell the rotting flesh upon your hands even now, General" Dimitri spat.

"Enough! That's enough!" Randolph shouted.

"I won't kill you right away, my fellow monster. Unless you object to watching your friends die. one... by... one" Dimitri said. Byleth lifted herself off the ground and began walking over to them she withdrew her dagger. "If so, I will do you the service or removing your eyes first so that-" Dimitri said as Byleth flung her dagger at Randolph's neck, it stabbed him.

Byleth heard his words gurgled by his blood loss "Gaaah! Fleche... Please, forgive me..." Randolph said. His last words were an apology, Byleth wondered who the person was, a possible lover? or family? Perhaps she would never know.

"What is the meaning of this?" Dimitri shouted, disturbing Byleth's train of thought. How dare he, After the stunt he just pulled he had the audacity to demand reasoning for Byleth putting the man out of his misery.

"I miss the Dimitri I once knew" Byleth spat.

"The Dimitri you once knew is dead. All that remains is the repulsive, blood-stained monster you see before you" Dimitri shouted, he paused for a moment "If you do not approve of what I have become, then kill me" he spat. "If you insist that you cannot... then I will continue to use you and your friends until the flesh falls from your bones"

"That is enough Dimitri", Byleth turned and seen that Claude had reached them. Claude looked to Byleth, and his eyes grew wide "Byleth are you alright your head, what happened?" he asked.

"My head?" Byleth began to say, she reached a hand to the left side of her head, it was wet. Blood, she thought. Everything began to grow hazy.

"Marianne" Claude shouted "We need your help quick" he yelled. Byleth closed her eyes just listening to what was going on around her. "What happened to her?" Claude demanded.

"She hit her head on the floor" Dimitri said, "I had to push her out of the way from being struck by an axe" he added, is that what happened? Byleth did not remember, all she remembered was Dimitri shouting watch out and then everything was black, so it is possible that is how it happened.

"You couldn't have pushed her out of the way gently?" Claude shouted.

"The alternative was letting Byleth get struck by an axe" Dimitri spat, "You told me to help my allies, I did" he added.

Claude scoffed "Yeah, real big help Dimitri". Byleth felt someone lift her up, "Marianne is taking too long Byleth" Claude said softly, "I'm taking you to the infirmary" he added. Byleth tried to thank him but her words were not forming, then everything went black again.

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