A Twinkle In The Stars

By yngtxc

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Death. Money. Drugging people. Madame Zay? My life changed drastically all in the span of a couple months. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

24 1 0
By yngtxc

Star went out on her task. It went good except at the end of it, when she decided it was a great idea to confront Madame Zay.

"Your home. I'll call you when your needed." Madame Zay parked the car at the end of the driveway.

"I know what your doing. Trying to get me, Denver, and Aracely to go against each other. It's not gonna work." Star accused.

"If I wanted to turn Denver and Aracely against you it'd be done already. Don't forget who it is that you are trying to accuse. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I can make life easy or just as hard. I'm not those people in that house. Your just as disposable to me as the dirt on my shoe. Irrelevant even. Now run along, little girl." Madame Zay responded smugly.

Star frowned. Usually people who encountered her bent under her will. Not Madame Zay though. She had her own will.

"Understand one thing, sweetheart. I'm not these kids round here that bats an eye when you get all upity and bent out of twist. I'm the one who will bring you back down and put you back in twist and remind you that you work for me. Not the other way around. I'm not scared of you, little girl. Keep playing with me and you'll soon see. Now get out of my car and walk your snappy ass in that house while you still can." Madame Zay spat.

Angrily Star got out the car slamming it behind her.

She went into the house and slammed the door. Me and Margo were the first to come out of our room to see what was going on.

"Star you ok? How did your task go." Margo questioned.

"It was great! Just fucking peachy! I confronted her about tearing us apart and she basically laughed in my face like I was some damn little kid." Star scoffed, tears running down her face.

"You confronted her?! About your own assumptions! Are you crazy?! Do you want her to go to the cops about us?! Is that what you want?! Well shit, we'll all be one big happy family in prison. Us three in jail for murder, Margo in jail for accessory to murder? That will be fucking great! All of us under one big roof again." I shouted.

That was dramatic, now that I'm looking at it myself. But she didn't know how Madame Zay operated. None of us did.

"I just want things to go back to the way it was. Us having control over our own lives and not always questioning whether one day the cops are gonna show up and put us in handcuffs all because we pissed off some millionaire who gets her rocks off by having a bunch of teenagers do her dirty work. I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of us arguing and fighting with each other. I'm just so tired." Star broke down, crumbling to her feet.

Denver picked her up and got her onto her feet.

"This is exactly what she wants. All of us competing and crying and fighting. If you can't see that your more loyal to her than I thought." Denver spat.

"Denver stop with this bullshit. She wouldn't be able to have this control over us if you were as secure in yourself as you portrayed yourself to be. You wanna be this big confident gay male who doesn't let anything hurt him. Who isn't afraid of anything. But you can't be because your not used to shit like this. Your not used to the heat being turned up on you. So you spill your own fucking guts and you don't give a damn about who you spill them on. Star your head is so far up Denver's ass that you see past his fuck ups. You create these bullshit lies and excuses to cover for him and sacrifice anyone who doesn't go along with the shit. And for years me and Margo let you two do this shit. It's caused so many arguments, so many riffs between us. Hell you almost broke up me and Margo one time. I'm done with it. I'll be somewhere if you guys wanna actually stop blaming me for once and apologize like decent people." I spat as I picked up my car keys.

I looked at Margo.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked, dried tears sticking onto my face.

"Margo you aren't seriously gonna go with her!" Star yelled.

Margo looked from her to me. Then her. Then me.

"I'm sorry, Star. But she's right. You and Denver need to apologize or we're leaving." Margo took my hand and interlaced our fingers.

Star scoffed and sat back down on the couch with Denver.

We went into our room and filled our bags just as we had when we ran away from home. Just as we had when we filled those cardboard boxes when we moved out of that shack. Just as we were doing know. We didn't how long it would be until Denver and Star came to their senses. But this time we were done playing their games. 

We packed our bags and headed for a hotel for the night. We gave Denver and Star one last chance to apologize before we left. To own up to their shit.

"We're leaving until you guys get it together. You can find us at the Rocx Hotel." I sighed.

Neither one of them looked our way. 

We left without another word, headed toward Rocx Hotel.

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