Til We Meet

By JasmineSiller

488 39 2

Living along time can change how you see things in life. I was once a regular girl who just wanted to be free... More



28 3 0
By JasmineSiller

"So my time in homeland was cut short because i didn't want to say with my parents" i told her. Petros and i left them when we refuse to get marry but before we left we learn how to fight and use the sword. That was something we needed to learn in order to survive even if we couldn't died anymore though that means. It was still something we had to learn because the world was changing before my eyes at the time and it was something that we all, those of us from the start of the cures, didn't believe until we died. It was something that was hard at first to understand but slowly as usual not everything seemed to just become the new normal but before we adjusted to all of this Petros and I trained. We learned how to sword fight by ourselves because even if we could there's still people out there trying to hurt him I mean who would become the greatest the greatest warrior but it wouldn't matter because the person you thought would come back and challenge you again and the person you stole from wouldn't know who you were because they were mortal just like you. It didn't matter because we still had to fight we still have to defend ourselves even if it was from a wild animal. We still had to fight but then again I've learned walking that's longer than most of the people here I know it's in our nature to fight. Fighting is just what we do and because of the fighting we lost our mortality and became something that even death misses.

After I left my homeland and went to the main island of Greece I learned all sorts of things not just to fight what's also defend myself through education. I learned things I never thought of before because living on an island and being a farmer's daughter was just something that had to live with. But now I had options I had an opportunity, so did my friend it was just something the amazing. Petros became a healer a scholar type well I became a warrior a fighter type. I learned how to master the sword and shield the bow and arrow disappeared while he mastered the healing arts and latin. We were just the opposite of one another but at the same time we were close. He was my best friend I'll never forget the day that I lost him to love. It was a hundred years or so ago that met the love of his life but that's another story for a different time. I'm going to tell you about my journey out of my home into the east which is now Asia

Me and him travelled all over our home country of Greece and the ones that are now called Belgium, turkey, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia which was really cold.  Then down into Mongolia and then to China. All throughout our travels we learn their trade, their language, their art. I learned how to master different weapons while Petros learned how to master different type of herbal blends. We just studied and studied I mean we were young forever and it has been 5 years since the god of passion bestowed the curse upon us. And in all honesty people still believe in, they believed in their gods and  ask them why but none of them would answer themselves. So we just learn to accept it it was something that we all came to agree with. At the same time when people only thought love what's something you can only experience once in a lifetime it was wrong because you can love someone even if they aren't your soulmate until you find your true soulmate. So Petros and I had many lovers over the past two thousand years but we were very reserved with a purse. I wouldn't have sex with a guy he want to have sex with a girl so we became somewhat of each other wingman. It was quite fun and honestly after a long day of studying we would go to the local bars and brothels and just have fun. But then after a while it would get boring and then we move on from town to town and village to village learning new languages studying whatever we could from them. I was always taking up the way of the fight which was very rare back on the day but i prove everyone wrong but being the best in whatever i took up.

Petros was the best known healer until he died in 1906. I was known and still know to be the best because i learn all forms of fighting. Even now i still patience and i even teach the old ways to some. But our time in asia was long. We learn the writing and arts from them. I learned The Art of War well he learned the art of healing amazes me how much time has changed and how is that it's three are I believe if this curse it happen we wouldn't be so Advanced as we are right now in your 2016 but we are up because knickers brought out great minds to understand and figure out the universe and the way everything works we had time and energy to develop everything that we have now but during that development it was extremely primitive and because of that I know how everything was and I know everything now because I helped contributed just like he did. I was one of the greatest warriors ever known in history and I still am but I also took up science and the art of being a blacksmith. It was something that no woman has ever done it and I've done it I was the reason why women do what they did today. And I guess this was the reason why I was sitting down and I Cafe in New York City what does caramel skin dark-haired beauty. There was something inside of me nagging, begging for a way out to show her what I feel. That's  why I opened up to her about my past and my long history my past, my present and maybe my future. I still don't understand this but it's something that I can't stop from doing. I just want her to know and I want to know her, i am 2,000 years older than she is and yet she seems to have yourself just like I thought about everything she was my very first tattoo in the year 450 BCE on my neck of my homeland and I get it redone every year. She's one of the many tattoos that I have all over my body that shows my journey from my homeland the island of Manolo to Greece to China to Italy to England to the Caribbeans to Egypt to Mexico to Canada and to everywhere in between. And why I know what I know but yet can't quite put my finger on it because just something about her that makes me go crazy she makes me want to be a better person even if I don't have to be a better person for her.

Something in me told me she wouldn't. care about any of this but she doesn't. I am looking at her. She was just someone that wanted to know me and I made me extremely happy. I wanted to know her as well. I wanted to know about her short existence on this planet of no death and immortality. I wanted to know what it was like growing up living only for 18 years and not 2,000. I wanted to know what it was like to understand everything as it is now in it from the state. I wonder if she wanted to be  covered in tattoos and she wants to do with herself. I want to know what it's like to be in her shoes, but I have the feeling that she also wants to know what it's like to be in my shoes as well. What it's like seeing a god raining down from the heavens killing people bestowing a curse upon us because we killed but he loved because we killed with a passion for. She wanted to know what it like to be there Goddesses Hades of the underworld who is only being greeted by those of true love not an accident and other things. She wanted to know God's love but instead of throwing a fit and cursed us what the hell. I wanted to know what was behind those beautiful brown eyes with little flakes of gold in the sunshine, i wanted to understand her  18 years compared to my 2,000. I wanted to know who her best friend was and I want to ask her if she was going to die right now for everything she believed in. I wanted to know everything about her and what makes her tick. But she also wanted to know everything about me and my story is incredibly long and I have time to tell her because she has time to listen because that's all we had was time. Until we kissed a lot what we feel for each other inside until the day we created together but at the same time I didn't want any of that I wanted to continue living. I wanted her to have 2000-plus to explore the world just like I had so maybe I had to wait but I'd gladly wait by her side.

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