An Assassin's Rose: Teen Tita...

By Egyptiandragon

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Because of a little stunt both Ruby and Damian pulled when the Legion of Doom attacked the Justice League, th... More

Chapter 1: Summer Break
Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham
Chapter 3: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 4: Wayne Gala
Chapter 6: A Sister's Advice
Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom
Chapter 8: The Teen Titans
Chapter 9: Suspicious Behavior
Chapter 10: Demonic Superman
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Titans Go
Chapter 13: Raven's Story
Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League
Chapter 15: Hell on Earth
Chapter 16: Strength
Chapter 17: The Aftermath

Chapter 5: A Women's Wrath

1.5K 41 10
By Egyptiandragon

After the party ended, Bruce bid all his guest farewell and now Qrow was helping Alfred clean up.

At first Yang wanted to help but since tonight was her day off, she was sent off to enjoy the rest of the night.

"Good night Ruby." Yang said to her cousin as she passed her and Damian in the hall.

But she then stops and looked at Damian and walked closer to him like she was looking for something.

Getting a little annoyed Damian takes a few steps back and got in a defensive stance just in case she tried to attack him again. "What?" He questioned.

"Are you wearing lip gloss?" she questioned.

Gasping in shock, Ruby looks at Damian's lips and realized that some of her lip gloss had came off. "Yes, it must've came off after I kissed Ruby." Damian answered bluntly.

Ruby looks at him in shock at how blunt he can be at times.

Like seriously! Does he want the blonde to kill him?

"You kissed him?!" Yang exclaimed in horror.

Ruby blushed, "I can kiss him if I want to." she proclaimed.

But what she said fell on deaf ears as Yang glared murderously at Damian. "How dare you take my sister's first kiss!" She exclaimed and tried to strangle him.

But Ruby had anticipated this and managed to save Damian by grabbing his arm and speeding away all the way to the boy wonder's room.

Stopping in front of his door, Ruby lets him go. "I could've taken her." Damian said as he catches his bearings.

"Maybe, but I don't want the two of the most important people in my life to fight. Besides, if it wasn't for me then you two would've probably broken something and got in a lot of a trouble as a result." Ruby stated and gives the boy wonder a small peck on the cheek before she went into her room to get ready for bed.

Touching his cheek Damian smiles dreamily as he walks into his room to get ready for bed as well.

Once he was done taking a nice hot shower, he put on his black silk pajama's and sat down in his bed with a book in his hands.

10 minutes later Ruby finally arrived and got into his bed.

Getting under the covers, the Huntress yawns and said, "Goodnight Dami." And with that once her head hit the pillow, she immediately fell asleep.

"Goodnight my love." Damian replied softly.

After that everything was silent with the only sound was Damian turning the page from time to time.

And after an hour of reading Damian decided to call it a night and went to bed.

The Next Day...
After waking up, their day was normal minus the fact that for an entire hour Qrow was chasing Damian around the manor literally trying to kill Damian with Harbinger when Yang let it slip that him and Ruby kissed at the party during breakfast.

But thankfully Ruby managed to save the boy wonder by shooting Qrow with a tranquilizer dart.

Extreme? Yes, without a doubt. But given for the fact that Qrow was not going to stop until he had Damian's head on a blood pike, she had no choice.

After that everything went back to normal.

And right now, both Ruby and Damian are casually reading books in the library.

Enjoying the peace and quite while getting lost in the world of fantasy.

But then 2 hours later their peace and quite was ruined by a feminine voice yelled, "WHERE IS HE?! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!"

Jumping up in shock the two teens drop their books and peeked outside the door to see a pale skinned slender woman with long silk black hair, and blue eyes.

She was wearing a very expensive looking dress and as for makeup, she was wearing a nude color lipstick, and black eyeshadow.

And if you don't count the heels both Damian and Ruby estimated that she was around 6'2.

And while she was clearly angry, she was walking through the halls with power and grace.

Which Ruby could not help but admire for the fact, that she could still do the bad bitch in the room walk while being seriously pissed off.

"Girlfriend maybe?" Ruby suggested.

"If so, then she might be here about my reveal. This is Father's problem; he will have to deal with this." Damian said the two teens take a step back and were going to close the doors.

But the woman saw them and pushed her way inside.

She looks down at Damian "So you're Damian?" she said.

Damian just looked at her nonchalantly and was about to say something when the woman picks him up since she is significantly taller than him and then proceeded to hug him.

"Aww you look so cute! You're like a sweet potato pie!" The woman exclaimed happily.

Not being able to hold her compose herself Ruby bursts out laughing which only got louder as she watches Damian try to get out of the woman's hold by pushing and kicking his legs.

Keyword on "try".

"Unhand me woman!" he exclaimed as he pushed on her face but to no prevail, despite her appearance, she was surprisingly strong.

The woman just chuckles at this, "Aww come on, that's no way to treat your big sister." She stated.

The teens eyes widen in shock and they just stared at the woman.

"Wait, you're Helena?!" Ruby questioned.

Helena looks at Ruby and smiles as she drops Damian like a sack of potatoes and paid him no mind as she walks over to Ruby and bends down to look her in the eye. "And you must be Ruby." She stated.

And as she stared at the silver eyed girl, her eyes could not help but sparkle at how beautiful she is. 

"Wow, my baby bro sure knows how to pick them. You're so cute," she said as she grabs the huntress by her chin and turn her head from side to side to inspect her.

"Tell me, have you ever wanted to be a model?" she asked.

"Excuse me?!" Ruby questioned in bewilderment.

"Model. I mean you have the perfect features for it not to mention with your rare eye color I'm sure with a little bit of training you'll be the new face of the fashion industry in no time." she stated.

Having enough Damian grabs Helena by the arm and makes her let go of Ruby.

"Hands off!" He growled.

Helena holds her hands up in surrender, "No reason to be hostile. It's not like I was going to steal her." She stated teasingly.

"What's with all the noise— Helena, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in England right now?" Bruce questioned looking at his daughter.

Helena looked at Bruce for a quick second before moving at him with surprising speed and socked the billionaire in the face so hard that he fell on his ass dazed.

Ruby gasped and puts a hand to her mouth in shock while Damian's jaw fell to the floor.

"You bastard! How dare you!" she exclaimed.

Groaning Bruce sits up and holds his aching cheek and could only look at his daughter in shock and a little bit of fear because of the deadly look she was giving room, if looks could kill then Bruce would be nothing but a pile of ash.

"What did I do?" he questioned.

Helena looks at him murderously, "What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she repeated.

Stomping over to him she grabs him by his shirt and pulled him up and held him off the ground, so they were looked at each other dead in the eye.

"I'll tell you what you did. Not only did you hide the fact that I had a brother, but you didn't think it was important to notify me you that got kidnapped! Why wasn't I informed about any of this!" she exclaimed and shook the man.

"Wow, she may just be my new favorite person." Ruby said impressed that there is someone else that can call the dark knight out on his crap without fear.

"It was complicated." Bruce said trying to defuse the situation.

Unfortunately for him his response only made Helena's anger worse. "Complicated?!" she repeated outraged.

"How hard is it call your daughter and say hey, you have a baby brother that was brought into the world because his crazy ass mother managed to roofie me because I was seduced by her feminine wiles again?!"

"BUT NO! I had to find out from watching the news and had to cancel all of my appointments to take the first plane to get here!"

"Not to mention that said crazy ass mother kidnapped you, killed the clone of my brother, brainwashed you, and tried to brainwash all guest that came to the summit just because she wanted to control the world. Some of my friends were at that godforsaken event as plus one's you dick!"

"And don't get me started on the whole Court of Owls thing!" she exclaimed and tightens her grip on his shirt.

Bruce looks at her confused on how she knows all this but then that is when it came to him that Alfred or Dick must have told her.

She then smiles and lightly turns her head to look at Ruby, "But I will give his girlfriend some props. I thought me and Alfred were the only ones that did not take any of your shit and have no problem calling you out on it."

She then looks back at her father and sneered, "But getting back at the situation at hand. You are the fucking worse father in history! What kind of parent keeps their own child cooped up in this depressing hell hole for 8 months?!"

"And then have the audacity to threaten to send said child to Switzerland because they did the only natural thing any person would do in that situation and that's sneak off to at least get a taste of a few hours of freedom, not to mention to earn your trust! Something that you apparently didn't give to him for ludicrous reasons!"

Bruce frowns in shame at that, true it was not his brightest moments especially since the longest any of the boys have stayed in the manor before they were officially revealed to the public was 3 months.

"Ok. I admit, I was in the wrong."

"Majorly in the wrong." Helena said cutting him off before she finally let him go.

"But right now, it's doesn't matter. And now if you excuse me. I am going to spend some time with my brother and his girlfriend." She stated.

"Wait what?" Ruby said just fast enough before Helena turns around, grab the two teens by their arms and to proceed to drag them out to leave the manor in her car.

(Helena's Car.)

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