Married to the Game

By Michellloves31

2.9K 112 22

When Nala and Christian finally get married shit hits the fan. Can Nala and Christian marriage weather the st... More

Pay Me what you Owe Me
Turn Up!
If you don't know, NOW you know!
Joesph White


371 15 4
By Michellloves31

Christian made it back to the house pissed and a even more pissed off Nala. "Look I am not in the mood to argue Nala," Christian said putting his hand up in the air. Nala was about to curse Christian's ass out, but she can see hurt in his eyes. She rolled her eyes and pretended to care about his feelings. "What's wrong Chris?" He rubbed his hands across his face, exhaled long and hard, and sat back with his head back. "I just got some fucked up news" he said still staring at the ceiling. He doesn't know if he is angry or happy. He sat up and looked into Nala's eyes and in that very moment all of his stress went away and his facial expression softened up a little bit. Nala waited for Christian to speak, she grabbed his hand, and gave it a little squeeze. He was ready to talk now, he looked back at Nala and said "remember Mariah?" Nala eyes got big. "She's dead?" Nala said with a little concern, she could give two fucks about Mariah's ass. "Nah, she isn't" Christian said shaking his head no. Nala blew a sigh of relief, "but I just found out that her real name is Khyla." Nala had to think where she heard that name before once it clicked she realized that she is Wesley's sister. "You talking about Wes sister Khyla?" Christian shook his head yes while still processing everything.

"Sooooo......" Nala said in a matter of fact tone. Christian cut her eye at Nala, "Nala don't start with me please. I don't wanna hear this shit tonight!" Nala rolled her eyes and folded her arms "so when then Chris?" Christian walked towards Nala with aggression, but for some reason it was turning Nala on. "Why the fuck is this turning me on right now?" Christian can see Nala's nipples getting hard and then Nala saw Christian dick grew bigger and bigger. They looked at each other with lust and hunger Christian put his hand around Nala's throat in a sensual but rough way. She started massaging his dick through his pants Christian groans with every stroke that Nala did. He bent her over the couch and slid her panties to the side, he slid his dick, and started fucking Nala hard and aggressive. She loved every moment of it "damn Chris! Fuck! I love you so much! Please don't stop!" "Trust me I won't stop, who you belong to?" He asked her sucking on her neck. "You daddy you! I betta be the only one you thinking about fucking" Nala said throwing her ass back harder and harder. Christian was trying his hardest not to bust quick, so he slowed her down "hold on baby I don't want to cum too quick" Nala didn't care though she already came four times. She kept going harder and harder until Christian came, she got up and went up the stairs to shower, and yes she is still mad at Christian. "Nala, Nala are you going to talk to me?" "fuck you Chris, thanks for the nut, and yes I am still pissed off, and if you cannot see why I am mad then fuck you twice Chris goodnight. Oh yea I love you!" She slammed their room door behind her and Christian was left with his dick out and confused. He sat on the couch with his pants still around his ankles.

Next morning
Christian woke up to Nala cooking breakfast "good morning," Christian said rubbing his eyes. "Morning!" Nala said not looking in Christian's direction. "Nala I....I am sorry" "why are you sorry?" Nala asked with her hand on her hip. "Because of how I reacted when I found out Khyla was still alive...." Nala put her hand up to cut him off. "I know you had feelings for her the way you use to talk about her is like more than a sister. I respected the fact that you didn't get to mourn her the way you wanted to, but what you will not do is take your anger out on me and you will not disregard my feelings in this matter. I know you are hurting right now and I am going to give you time to process everything, but this shit isn't over with." She kept cooking breakfast while Christian played with the twins.

Breaking news:
An unarmed black man was killed by police officer late Tuesday night. We will gather more information once it becomes available to us.

"I am tired of this shit. How many more of us got to die before they realize this shit is racial?" Christian said turning the TV to something for the twins to watch. "I don't know baby but the shit is getting out of hand. This makes me fear for your life, my brothers life, our son's lives, and my dads." Nala wipes a tear from her eye and Christian walked towards her and hugged her tightly not letting her go. She inhaled his cologne, and rested her head on his shoulders. "Even though I am mad at you and I want to fuck you up doesn't mean that I want to see you get hurt. I love you so much and I cannot imagine my life without you, so if you need closure from your past I won't stop you." Nala looked at Christian with tears still in her eyes. "Thanks baby I will, but right now I am not thinking about that or her at this moment. I got other shit on my mind" he said as he sat down to ate, Nala woke Tatum up for breakfast, and she fed the twins before she ate. Nala looked around at her family hoping that she doesn't have to bury anyone.

Nala and her sister was in Walmart buying groceries "I don't know why yo ass is out the house and you are seven months pregnant." Nala said to her sister "and let Jermey go grocery shopping I think the fuck not. A bitch cannot and will not survive off of noddles, pizza, tuna fish, chicken nuggets, and fried shrimp no ma'am. He knows how to cook but his ass don't wanna do it. Ugh he gets on my damn nerves but I love his ass." Nieva said picking up some chicken "well good thing Chris ass cook everyday damn near. I've been cooking here and there, but since the twins got here he has been doing it." Nala picked up a whole chicken and put it into her buggy. "So what should we do for our birthday?" Nieva asked Nala. "I don't know maybe a birthday dinner and invite our families. "That sounds like a plan well you start making your list and I will make mine." Nieva said, "sounds like a plan to me." Nala said picking up some collard greens they finished their grocery shopping and headed to the car. "Do you want something to eat?" Nala asked Nieva. "No I am about to go home so Trap can cook for me. I am mutha fucking tied." Nieva laughed "my feet are swollen, my back hurts, and my hips hurt." "Trust me sis I get it I love you and you know I am here for you." Nala said to her sister, "I know and I love you too" they pulled up to Trap's and Nieva's house, and Nala sat on the horn until Trap came out the house. "Hey, to you too Nala" "yea, yea, yea alldat, alldat help yo pregnant wife nigga. I love you brother-in-law." Nala said with a huge smile on her face, "I love you too and tell ya man that we hooping tomorrow at 12." "We who Trap?" Nala said sticking her head out the car door. "The same ol', same ol' chill Nala damn. You know you changed him right?" He said laughing and shaking his head walking back to the house with groceries. "Nah, I didn't change him completely" she said yelling back to Trap. All he did was shrugged his shoulders and walked into the house. Nala gave her sister a hug and told her she loved her. She hopped back into the car and drove home. When she arrived home dinner was ready " smells good in here baby" Nala yelled walking into the dining room where everyone was sitting. She put the groceries up and sat down. They enjoyed their dinner as a family, Christian gave the boys a bath, Nala fed them while Christian read to Tatum, and then it was off to bed for everyone.

A week before their birthday dinner
Nala and Nieva were putting the final touches on their party. "There we have 40 people that are very close to us coming to our dinner. I cannot believe we are turning 26, you are married, and about to have your first child. I am so proud of you sis." They hugged each other and Nala was starting to feel a tear fall down her cheek. "Look at me Nala I am proud of you too sis. You took in. Chris child and you have the most amazing love I've seen. Even tho his ass did some fucked up shit, he made up for it, and I respect him for that. I know we may not see eye to eye on some things, but you are my friend for life. We shared the same womb for seven months and I wouldn't change shit about it." Nieva said hugging her sister back trying to fight back tears. They hugged each other until they were finished crying.

May 25th
Nala had on a backless, tight fitted purple dress by Vera Wang, and purple red bottom shoes to match. She sprayed her One in a Million body spray by Bath & Body Works. Nala beat her face for the Gods and Christian said "baby you are working the fuck out of that dress. Look now you got him rising up you bout' to make me put baby number 2 in you" he said with a grin on his face. "I think the fuck not Chris I just got my body back you ain't fucking that up sir, and we still have a whole wedding to plan for." She planted a kiss on his lips and got the twins stuff together. Christian was wearing a deep purple polo shirt with some nice slacks and his purple Gucci shoes. Nala was getting turned on by the way her man was smelling, but she isn't risking messing up her makeup though. Ten minutes later everyone was in the car headed to Arizona's to eat. They pulled up 30 minutes later to see some of her family members walking in. Five minutes later Nieva and Trap pulled up and she got out, he parked, and Nala greeted her sister. "Damn sis you look good ass fuck!" Nala said as she looked at her sister wearing a pink dress she really did look beautiful. Nala admired her sister until it was time for them to walk in. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NALA AND NIEVA!!!!!" They both had tears in their eyes. "IT'S A CELEBRATION Y'ALL!" Nieva said to everyone. They both sat down and enjoyed everyone's company.

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