Gabrielle Carrington

By TJLew182

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Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. More



13.4K 142 8
By TJLew182

I walked into Carrington Manor to see my older siblings hugging.

"I'm back. Not by choice." I said walking towards them.

"Gabbie." Steven said hugging me.

"I'm glad you came back. Thank you." Fallon said.

"You told me you would handcuff me and bring me back if I didn't." I said hugging her.

"Clearly you didn't grow up at college either." Fallon said.

"No. Why would I need to grow up?" I said smirking.

"Well at least we haven't got an imposter to worry about." Steven said to Fallon.

"Fallon, Steven, Gabrielle. I didn't know your father was expecting you. Especially you two." Anders said turning to Steven and I.

"I came for the hospitality." Steven said.

"I came because Fallon threatened me." I said

"Dad asked us." Fallon said. I looked at her.

"He never asked me." I said.

"He said you never responded." Anders said.

"This is our response." Steven said putting his arm around me while linking his arm with Fallon.

"Where is he?" Fallon asked.

"In a meeting." Anders said. Fallon walked towards his office and bust through the door.

"Guess who's-" Fallon got cut of as we saw Dad having sex on his desk. Fallon covered my eyes.

"Oh my god." I said.

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked.

"Who are you doing here?" Steven asked.

"I'm gonna need therapy or memory wiping spray to unsee that." I said as Fallon uncovered my eyes.

"Yeah. I don't want my little sister seeing that." Steven said to Dad.

"I think she works for the company." Fallon said.

"Oh wow these are your..." The woman said doing her shirt up.

"Hey Daddy." Fallon said.

"Your children." The woman said.

"And you are?" I snapped at the woman.

"Looking for a promotion." Fallon said

"Fallon, Gabrielle this isn't how I intended on you all meeting." Dad said.

"Why would we be meeting at all?" Fallon asked.

"Fallon, Steven, Gabrielle this is my fiancé Cristal." Dad said.

"So when was I supposed to meet her if you never called me? As you were walking down the aisle?" I asked.

"You told me you called Gabbie." Fallon said to Dad.

"He never did." I said walking out. I was in my room unpacking when Fallon walked in.

"Family meeting." Fallon said.

"I'll pass." I said.

"If I have to suffer this so do you. Please Gabs for me and Steven." Fallon said.

"You're lucky I love you. If he keeps screwing up I'm leaving." I said.

"Why?" Fallon asked.

"I've still got another 2 years of College." I said in pain.

"If you stay I will talk dad round to the idea of letting you drop out. I know how much you hate studying business." Fallon said.

"Thank you." I said as we walked down to the room. I sat between Fallon and Steven. Fallon had her hand on my leg to make sure I didn't get up and leave. The awkward silence filled the room.

"So this is a nice surprise. Gabbie and I are usually the ones that make things awkward around here." Steven said.

"I'm happy to relieve you of that burden." Cristal said.

"Dad I wanna drop out of college." I said watching his reaction.

"Why?" Dad asked.

"I never wanted to study business. I told you I wanted to do engineering. So I'm dropping out." I said

"Why didn't you call me? If I knew you were coming..." Dad asked the three of us.

"Why are you so surprised?" Fallon asked.

"You asked us to come." Steven said.

"Some of us anyways." I said.

"When was the last time you did what I asked?" Dad snapped back.

"I'm going to call the college and drop out. Then I'm going to get my stuff from my dorm." I said standing up.

"I still can't believe you slept in a dorm." Fallon teased.

"Steven slept in a tent." I said walking away. I called the school and they didn't answer. I walked to the garage.

"Culhane can you drive me to my college please?" I asked.

"Of course, Gabbie." Culhane said.

"That's why your my favourite just don't tell Anders." I joked.

"Confidentiality is in the job." Culhane said as I got in the car. We drove to school and I went to the office.

"I'm Gabrielle Carrington and I'd like to drop out." I said to the receptionist.

"I'm afraid your father has blocked you authorization to drop out. However you can override it with two signatures from two legal adults over 21." The receptionist said. I walked away to call Fallon.

Call between Fallon and Gabbie:

Fallon: What can I help you with sis?

Gabbie: I need you and steven to sign something that let's me drop out. Since Dad banned me from doing so.

Fallon: Can they email me the form and I'll get Steven to sign it for you?

Gabbie: I asked and they agreed to email it. Thanks, Fallon.

Fallon: No problem little sis.

Call Ended

I went to my dorm room and took my stuff and put them in boxes. Culhane came and put them in the car. I walked back to reception.

"You are now free to drop out. Just sign a form and hand in your dorm key." The receptionist smiled. I signed and handed her my dorm key and left. We drove back to Carrington Manor. As I walked up the stairs Dad came towards me.

"You dropped out after I told you not to?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. You never listen to me or what I want." I said.

"Well engagement party this weekend. Get to know Cristal." Dad said

"Sure. I'm sure I can get Fallon and we could go on a girls day out." I said.

"Really? That sounds great." Dad said.

"I'm messing with you." I said walking up to Steven's room. I knocked on his door.

"Hey Gabs." Steven said as I walked in.

"Hey Steven thanks for signing the form." I said.

"No problem. Now you're free." Steven said.

"I think I would have preferred building houses with you than college." I said as Fallon walked in.

"At least you can't go back to college now." Fallon said.

"So what's your plan now?" Steven asked me.

"Become an engineer. Don't ask me how. I'll work it out." I said.

"Dad is gonna be fuming." Fallon said.

"He is. He should just listen to his kids more often." I said.

"I'm just glad we're all together." Fallon said. We group hugged.

Next day

Anders woke me up telling me I had to go take engagement photos with the happy couple. I went to Fallon's room.

"Big sis can I lend a dress please?" I asked.

"Ruin my dress and I will cut your ear off. Of course you can lend a dress." Fallon said.

"I love how we bond by you threatening me." I said smirking.

"So do I." Fallon said handing me a dress and heels. She kissed my temple and I left to go get ready.

I walked outside and stood next to Fallon. She looked kind of annoyed.

"What's up Fallon?" I asked.

"This." Fallon said showing me a picture of Cristal kissing another man.

"I told Dad but she's still here so it didn't work." Fallon said as Dad walked over to us.

"How can you stand this after what I told you?" Fallon asked Dad.

"A temper gets you nowhere, Fallon. You need patience and a strategy." Dad said.

"How is this a strategy?" Fallon and I asked. The same man that was kissing Cristal walked towards Dad. We couldn't here them talking.

"Looks like Dad has a plan." I smirked.

"He always does." Fallon said


I was sat next to Fallon at dinner. We were eating when Fallon broke the silence.

"I'm seeing Jeff Colby tonight." Fallon said before turning to a confused Cristal.

"The tech guru. He used to work in IT. Daddy hates him." Fallon explained.

"Hate's a strong word." Dad said.

"While Jeff was at CA he developed a music software that'd go on to earn him his first billion. We should've owned it but a judge disagreed." I said.

"Okay. I guess I do hate him." Dad said

"Friend of Fallon's older brother. A charity case. Tried to give him a break." Dad said to Cristal.

"Just goes to show you never know who'll stab you in the back." Fallon said

"Hey." Steven said walking in.

"You're missing all the fun, Steven." Fallon said.

"I had a date." Steven said.

"A date?" I said.

"We didn't know." Fallon and I said.

"Neither did I." Steven said.

"You said we had common interests. I didn't realise you whored me out." Steven said to Dad.

"Can't this wait until after dinner." Dad asked.

"It's fine. I'd be more pissed if you hadn't let us tour Windbriar." Steven said. Fallon flipped out.

"What? I gave you that tip and you sent Steven?" Fallon asked.

"When striking any deal, you send in whoever makes the client feel most comfortable. Is that so wrong?" Dad asked.

"Yes. If your business deal is more important than your family you need help." I said

"I bet he sent you to Prather with the promise of going solar. Did he happen to mention that Windbriar's largest site is smack in the middle of a shale field? Eight hundred acres of frackable land. That's why I brought it to him." Fallon said

"Is that true?" Steven asked Dad.

"There's a lot to work out." Dad said. Steven walked off.

"Actually there's not. You used us both. And why? We could've worked together on this." Fallon said to dad.

"Steven wouldn't have gone. You'd have been jealous that I asked him. We'd fight either way. At least now we have a deal on the table for Windbriar." Dad said.

"In case you ever wondered why my dad is so successful, it's because he's a genius at making you feel
like he's acting in your best interest, when really it's all about him." Fallon said getting up and leaving. Cristal looked at my dad then me.

"Welcome to what it's actually like being a Carrington." I said.

"I was going to call you but I didn't think you would come. As an apology I've got you a interview with an engineer from CA." Dad said.

"Dad, I love you and your company but I don't want to work at CA. Thank you though." I said.

"Will you just talk to them please? You don't have to work at CA." Dad said.

"Okay." I said.


I got ready for the wedding and was stood next to Steven while Fallon was fixing her hair.

"She isn't family." Fallon said annoyed.

"She will be soon." Steven said putting his hands on her shoulders.

"It's not the same thing." I said.

"Look at everyone we know. The Kochs, the Murdochs, the president dad voted for, all those businesses were passed down to the next generation." Fallon said.

"Also worth noting, all of those people are evil." Steven said while I nodded in agreement.

"Family dynasties flow through blood from parent to child.Wives, ugh... they just come and go." Fallon said facing us.

"So, that's what this is really about, isn't it?Mom. Ever since the day she took off, you've done whatever you can to fill the hole she left.Always trying to be the best and the brightest." Steven said.

"I don't have to try. I just am." Fallon said.

"Now you feel like you're being replaced.Not just at home, but worse, the office." I said.

"So says your high-priced therapist. That company is the thing that Dad values most in the world.He should be giving it to me." Fallon said

"You know no one can ever replace you,right?" I said.

"Not to us. Not to Dad." Steven said.

"He's in love.I can't compete with that." Fallon said.

"Then change the game.Or don't play at all." Steven said.

"Gabs are you serious about being an engineer?" Fallon asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Go back to college and study engineering and while your doing that I will help you get a job that's not for CA. Deal?" Fallon said.

"Okay. Deal." I said. We walked downstairs and Fallon and I walked over to Monica and Jeff Colby.

"Little Carrington returns." Jeff said hugging me.

"I got threatened by Fallon." I said.

"Sounds about right." Monica said.

"It's how we bond." Fallon said putting her arm around me.

"Your family is messed up." Jeff said.

"Thanks I didn't realise." I said sarcastically. Jared my ex boyfriend walked towards us.

"You look good Gabs." Jared said.

"I'm not getting in bed with you so our fathers can make a business deal." I said.

"I told you never to step foot near my sister again so please leave." Fallon said.

"Come on just one night. You know no one can pleasure you like I do." Jared whispered in my ear. I turned and slapped him.

"You disgusting pig." I spat.

"Security please escort this rat off the estate." Fallon yelled.

"Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?" Coby my boyfriend asked.

"Nothing apart from me slapping someone." I said

"Who are you?" Fallon asked.

"I'm Coby Watts." Coby said.

"Coby this Fallon my older sister. Fallon this is my boyfriend Coby." I said.

"I'll  interrogate you later." Fallon said.

"And this is Monica and Jeff Colby." I said to Coby.

"If I had any idea what I'd invited you to..." Fallon said as Coby kissed my cheek. I noticed Fallon watching Coby.

"What do you mean? Everything looks beautiful. Very white, but..." Monica said

"Ignore my sister. I've been thinking about your Braves pitch.We should talk." Jeff said.

"Let's. Meet me in the pool house in an hour?" Fallon said as Dad and Cristal walked half way down the stairs.

"Hello.Thank you all for coming.Everyone's been asking when Cristal and I are getting married.We are thrilled to announce that we have picked a date and a venue. It's today, right here, and you all are invited." Dad said.

"Wait a minute. This is a surprise wedding?" Monica said.

"More like an ambush." Fallon said.

"Did you know?" I asked.

"I found out before we talked. Dad told Steven I thought he told you too." Fallon whispered.

"Is this your way to say sorry? I know you struggle with being nice." I whispered. Fallon nodded and kissed my temple. We walked outside and watched the ceremony. Steven was Dad's best man. Fallon, Coby and I stood on the side.

"So Steven is going with the being kind approach to Cristal. What are we doing?" I asked.

"For now nothing however with Dad I'm working on that." Fallon assured me.

"I trust you. What's your plan?" I asked.

"Jeff's backing me in starting my own company. I'm gonna need engineers if you want to work with me." Fallon offered.

"Sure. I'll reapply for college later." I said.

"Thank you." Fallon said. After they finished I was stood with Coby when Dad came over.

"Coby Watts, how's your father doing?" Dad asked.

"You two know each other?" I asked. Coby rubbed his neck.

"Yeah I just got a great deal with Watts Power." Dad said.

"How long have you been working with them?" I asked Dad.

"4 months." Dad said.

"That's how long we've been dating. You whored me out so you could score a deal with his parents." I snapped at Dad.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dad said.

"Coby we're over you need to leave." I said. Coby left. I walked away over to Steven who was talking with a tanned boy.

"Hey baby sis. This is Sam Cristal's nephew." Steven said.

"Hi Sam. Nice to meet you. I'm Gabbie." I said.

"Hi Gabbie." Sam responded.

"Gabs where's your boy?" Fallon asked grabbing my arm pulling me away.

"I kicked him out. Dad whored me out to him. So he could get a deal with Watts Power." I said.

"I'm gonna kill him." Fallon snapped.

"Who?" I asked.

"Coby and Dad." Fallon said. We noticed Jeff and Dad having a disagreement.

"Jeff. I didn't know you were here." Dad said.

"Thanks for including me." Jeff said.

"I didn't." Dad said. Fallon and I walked over.

"Oh, hey, I moved on that tip. Just got off the phone with him." Jeff said to Fallon.

"What tip is this?" Dad asked.

"Company called Windbriar. Heard of it?" Fallon asked

"What the hell have you done? You can't just dabble in energy.You don't have experience." Dad said.

"But I do. With Jeff's backing,I will be chief executive officer of Carrington Windbriar. My own company, my name." Fallon said with a smug smile.

"Actually, it's my name." Dad said.

"And your new competition." I said.

"Oh and you'll be pleased to know I'm going back to college to study engineering and I've got a job."  I said.

"With who?" Dad asked.

"With me." Fallon said.

"I'm looking forward to working with you Gabbie." Jeff said. Dad looked pissed off.

Dad and Cristal were posing for photos when Matthew Blaisdel's wife turned up screaming at Dad.

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