Thread Of Fate - Postwickship...

By Kaasbroodje

21.7K 236 319

~ The two heroes of Galar have always been equals until one of them becomes champion. Both feeling thorn apar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Final

Chapter 5

1.5K 17 49
By Kaasbroodje

It was the start of another day. Gloria and Hop parted ways in Motostoke. She was curious what the sudden meeting was about. She was told that she'd be free for the coming two weeks. She let out a sigh as she walked in the cafe where the meeting held place. The brunette girl was really hoping she'd be able to spend the day together with Hop again. Tomorrow was going to be another day, maybe she had more luck then. When she entered the building she was welcomed by Leon. They shook hands and walked towards the meeting room together.

"So...How are things?" The former champion had a smug smile on his face.

"Things are fine, why?"

"No no no. How are things between you and Hop. You like him, right?"

Gloria smiled brightly. "Of course I like him!" Leon put his hands on his head full of pride. "He's my best friend! I like you too, and Marnie, and Bede!"

Leon put his hands back down immediately and stopped walking. He held her cheeks with both of his hands. "No. I mean, like like. As in, you love him. Right?"

Gloria took a step back and blushed. "Eh, I, Eh..." she stammered uneasily.

Leon sighed and patted her back. "You and Hop really share the same two braincells."

They continued walking and knocked on the door. They were greeted by Oleana and a strange tall man, who were already sitting down. Leon and Gloria took a seat across of each other. Gloria glared at the strange man. He was tall and had blonde hair, just like...
Suddenly panic arose in her and she stood up. She pointed his finger at the guy who bothered her yesterday.
"What are YOU doing here?"

The man looked away and said nothing.

"Gloria sit down. This is Usui. Usui is a master in self defense, and we made him fly all the way over here to train you." Oleana ordered and explained.

Gloria obeyed and sat back down, but with her arms crossed. "Couldn't you have asked Bea to help me with that?" she muttered.

"What is this about? You two know each other already?" Leon asked curiously.

Usui and Gloria shared a look with each other. He stood up and bowed towards the champion and ex champion.

"My name is Usui. I was asked by Oleana and Mr Rose to train the champion in self defense." he stood back up and looked at Gloria, he then bowed again. But this time deeper and just for her. "I'm terribly sorry about yesterday. If I had known that it was you I'd never done it."

"What'd you do?" Leon asked more sternly.

"I tried to hit on her yesterday at one of the stations. If I had known you had a boyfriend already I would never have tried it. Once again, I'm terribly sorry." Usui explained, his voice full of regret.

Oleana nearly spit out her drink and looked at him in shock. She was silent, obviously deep in thought. Leon looked at Gloria when Usui said the word boyfriend.

"He's talking about Hop, right?" he nudged her shoulder.

Gloria growled and looked at Usui. "He isn't my boyfriend."

Usui tilted his head. "But he said you were his girl."

Gloria turned as red as a beet. Leon was nudging her harder now with a very pleased smirk on his face. "He just said that to protect me." She softly explained.

There was an awkward silence for a moment until Oleana cleared her throat.
"But it has already been decided. Gloria, you will train with Usui three days a week, until he says that you're finished with his training. Please exchange numbers with each other so you can plan on what days the training will take place. Leon, I want you to join them too. It'll make a good news story."

Gloria puffed out her nose and wrote down her phone number. She passed down the note to Usui without looking at him. Oleana glanced at both Usui and Gloria.

" Speaking about good news stories... I might have an idea. How about a love triangle? " she said with a smirk on her face.

Gloria stood back up and wanted to ask if she'd gone crazy, but Leon was first.
"No way. Not happening. Come on Glo we're going." He grabbed Gloria's shoulders and walked out of the door with her. They heard a chair being shoved.

"Wait! If you'd want, I can make it up to you. Please let me walk you to the-"

"Nope. See ya' later!" Leon interrupted the blonde boy and continues walking, pushing Gloria forwards with him. Once they were outside of the building Leon let go of the young girl. Gloria felt a bit happy that Leon was on her side. He was always very protective about her. They walked at a fast pase towards the station.

"Did he really just try to hit on you?" He asked her calmy.

Gloria looked down. "He started to touch my hair and wanted to put his hands on my lips to silence me..." She looked back at Leon with a smile on her face. "Hop was there to help me out."

Leon looked up with a proud smile on his face.

"I've been wondering... We should keep an eye on him. If he is one of the two persons Hop saw in his vision, we should defenitly keep track of his movements." Leon thought out loud. Gloria agreed with him.

They arrived at the station. Leon set her on the train, and turned around to call Hop immediately.

Hop and Gloria both arrived at Gloria's home after doing research nearly the whole day. They also talked about Usui. Hop was mad at first, but calmed down when he heard Leon was going to be with them all the time. Tomorrow Gloria's mom would return from her trip. Since Leon, Gloria and Usui agreed to start with the first training session tomorrow , it would be the last time they'd see each other for a few days. It would be three days in a row each week. They decided to meet in Wyndon, so that'd mean Gloria had to rent a hotel for a few days. Hop would continue doing his research with Sonia while she was out training.

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