
By sparkly_phantom

44 9 0

Twin sisters, Zyrena and Delaney Ellis were complete opposite of each other. Delaney was born with super powe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

2 1 0
By sparkly_phantom

Thirty students stood inside the training room. It made Zyrena a little claustrophic with its dark walls but it was wide enough to fit a football field. She stood in the back since she was one of the tallest girls. Sam was a row behind her. She haven't talked to him and she didn't know what to say. Lyall was the last to arrive. He looked tired and Zyrena couldn't help but blame herself from what happened. He saved her many times and twice in a day. She looked at Lyall but he didn't even glanced at her.

Loud footsteps alerted them and the same man from last night walked in his gray Arkya unifrom. He has a clean cut dirty blonde hair and his stoic expression made Zyrena tremble inside.

General Carter Lewis. Graduated as the top student of Arkya Class 5031. He served King Lydron for ten years and returned to the academy as an instructor.

"At ease."

"I am General Carter Lewis. Your instructor for the first half of the year."

"Most of you had training before this. Some of your trainers were once in my class and we had tracked your performances. But once you step foot into this academy, you are under me. Every thing you learned may or may not help you but all of you will act according to my rules." he walked back and forth surveying everyone.

"You may think you are better than others who had less privileges than you. But once you step into this academy, you are all the same. You may fought hard in you previous screenings, but this one will be hell."

Zyrena gulped down in fear. She never knew what it's like in their screening, camps, or training. She watched Delaney practice at home and it made her feel exhausted by watching. Zyrena knew General Carter had an idea of who she truly was. It gave her a little relief but still she had to perform like one of them.

"Expect the worst. Sector Arkya is bound to protect the kingdom. Soon you'll have to swear your oath in front of the King. People will entrust their lives to all of you. But before that, you must earn it. Remember this, Sector Arkya will make or break you. It is up to you which choice will you take."

After that the General blew his whistle and every one started the warm up drills. Most of the time Zyrena cluelessly followed. She tried to remember the instructions and videos given to her. It was their first day on combat training. There were 15 girls who were tasked to climb on the ropes that hung from the ceiling. Zyrena loved to climb trees but this one tortured her. She fell multiple times and Carter gave a disappointed look. Sometimes she glanced at Sam who looked effortless in dragging a rubber tire about his size. Even Lyall made it look easy.

"Come on Delaney. I thought you're stronger than this." Priscilla whispered as Zyrena tried to avoid her punches. They were paired for most partner work since they are about the same size. Priscilla didn't hesitate to hit her. Zyrena could taste blood in her mouth but she did everything she can. She managed to hit her a few times but it was nothing compared to Priscilla does.

The general whistled and everybody sat on the floor.

"All of you are one catastrophic mess. If you fight your enemies like that no one will be left to protect the King. Fight not because I ask you too. Fight like your life depended on it." the General rubbed his face. Zyrena thought everybody did great but it was never enough in his standards.

"Ten minute break. Except for you, you, you, and you." Zyrena's eyes widened as he pointed her last. She was the only girl among the four. Zyrena have been aching that break but she had no choice.

"I can't believe how you got here in the first place. I can drag some ordinary street fighters in town and they can defeat you in a single punch." he gritted his teeth.

"You know we tally scores in the evaluation and if you don't meet our standards in the evaluation, you can kiss your pins good bye."

Every week, an evaluation test is performed and everyone is ranked by scores. Those with the lowest can be eliminated from the academy.

"Better perform your best or I'll kick you out."

Zyrena eyed Carter like she was telling him who she was. But there was no hint of mercy in the General's eyes.

The rest of the afternoon session passed by a blur. Zyrena's body was now decorated with blue and purple bruises. She sat for a while wishing she could just sleep on the ground but the General yelled again to unpack the place. Zyrena waited outside to talk to Carter about the switch and maybe ask for some mercy in the training but he didn't appeared.

Can he pass through walls too?

Footsteps echoed and she composed herself. But it wasn't the General. It was Lyall.

He stopped for moment before walking pass her.

"Wait, Lyall." He turned to her.

"Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry I haven't helped you. I – I was scared." she was scared but she was also powerless.

"If you were scared then you shouldn't be here." he stopped closer to her. Zyrena shivered at his coldness. She was silent for it was the truth. Zyrena wanted to ask him if he had been to Manville but a voice called her from afar.

"Delaney." Sam walked towards them. Lyall swiftly walked away before Zyrena could say anything

"I need to talk to you." Sam pleaded. She knew she couldn't escape him forever so she nodded.

"Meet me after dinner."


Glaze placed another leaf on one of Zyrena's bruises. Her entire body covered in leaves that Glaze conjured. It was soothing the pain bit by bit.

"Thank you, Glaze. You don't know how much this means to me." Zyrena said eyes closed.

"It's all right. I used to do this back home. My brothers fought a lot." she twirled merrily as she crushed the leaves in her hand.

"Does your brother have powers too?" Zyrena opened her eyes and read the things she needed to learn for tomorrow.

"No, they don't. I'm the only one in the family who has powers. My eldest bro, Steven, a teacher while Ben is a chef."

Glaze also added that she once helped Ben on his cooking and discovered she can make a rotten tomato in a fresh one.

"What about? Do you have any siblings?" Glaze sat beside her and added some more leaves.

"Yeah. A younger sister, Zyrena." she didn't mention about them being twins but she didn't lied since Zyrena was born first then Delaney. She knew Glaze will forget about her sister so she felt no harm about sharing this information to her.

"Where is she now?"

"She's a senior in our town. Probably filling up some college forms. She wanted to create films but dad doesn't want to." there was some sort of comfort felt when she expressed her feelings freely. It felt like talking to a stranger and that stranger won't judge you.

"Well, I think Zyrena should follow her heart. We only have one life to live. She should give it a shot." Glaze smiled.

"Yeah, I think she should." Zyrena chuckled lightly.

But look at where I am now.

A soft knock sounded and before Zyrena could hide from her peculiar leafy state, Glazed opened the door. Sam peeked in at laughed a little as she saw Zyrena.

"Hey Dels! I guess I'll wait for you outside." he smiled. Even though Zyrena hated their situation, his smile will forever be a memory of why she fell in love with her best friend.

"Oooh, is that your boyfriend?" Glaze smiled sheepishly.

"No, he's just my... friend." Are Delaney and Sam just friends?


Sam and Zyrena strolled along the garden near their dorm since Zyrena could only manage to limp around. The night was quiet and and the golden glow of lamps gave a romantic feel to the place. Perfectly trimmed hedges outline the area with topiaries in different shapes. Rows of blue and purple tulips formed a circle around the fountain. Benches were scattered along the lawn.

"For you." Sam handed her a purple tulip with a shy smile on his face. He picked purple over blue, her sister's favorite color over hers.

"First day was bad huh." Sam said as they sat on one of the benches. Zyrena tried to hide her aching body but she can't hide it.

"No, it was hell. I feel like dying." Sam smirked at her reply. Then, Zyrena realized she shouldn't be acting like herself.

"I mean– it was exhausting." she bit her lip.

"Here give me you leg." Sam scooted to give room.


"I'll give you a massage. Just like old times." he smiled, dimples highlighted his face.

Zyrena felt hurt thinking about 'old times' and what happened in between. Was she really blinded by her love to his best friend that she didn't saw he loved someone else? Hesitantly, Zyrena lifted her legs and placed them on Sam's thighs. He touch was gentle and warm.

"Does it feel better?" his soft green eyes focused on her and she gave him a nod.

"I'm sorry if I scared you last night. The drink got me a little. But everything I said was real." he said passionately.

This time Zyrena took her legs from Sam's touch and composed herself. Zyrena couldn't even believe that he managed to put his feelings first without even asking her how she escaped the shadows that almost killed her. Did the academy kept it a secret?

"Sam, I'm sorry I left. I was just overwhelmed with everything." she started.

"I'm really happy that you're here with me. To serve the kingdom as an Arkya has always been my dream since we were young. Right now, I really wanted to focus on that dream." she smiled unsure if she said the right words without hurting him.

"I know how you feel and I respect that, I do. I'm willing to wait, whatever it takes. Just know that I will always be here for you." Sam took her hand and Zyrena felt butterflies in her stomach. He pulled her into a hug and the cold breeze enveloped them under the night sky.

I'm sorry Sam.

She wondered what would Delaney do if she were in this position. Zyrena promised to herself that she will protect her sister's relationship with his best friend. Even if it means, breaking her own heart.   

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