By piadreamer

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This is a sequel to A Surprise and A Betrayal. If you haven't read that story go check it out first. Because... More

1. I found a sister in you.
2. Buried Truth
3. Further information and the Nightstorms.
4. I'll breathe again
5. Happiness comes in all forms.
7. Perfect two
8. A friend or foe?
9. Arising threats.
10. Impossible but true.
11. The silver angel.
12. Suspicions.
13. The Fallen Angel.
14. If aught but death part thee and me.
15. I'm Back.
16. Kasper whispers.....
17. Expect the unexpected
18. Gone
19. Spawn of Satan or Superior than Satan?
20. Watch the world burn.
21. Consul Alec Lightwood Bane
22. The Angel's demise.
23. Searching for Magnus
24. Embrace what you got.
25. First defeat
26. Like a diamond cuts diamond.
27. Challenge accepted.
28. Only one would stand at the end of it all.
29. Looking to a bright future.

6. Single for life - not.

411 22 25
By piadreamer

"By the angel! It's beautiful! Magnus, I love you!" Izzy squealed and hugged Magnus tightly as the others covered their ears from her loud excited scream.

"Iz! You do realize it's me who told Magnus everything about shadowhunter wedding, he just brought everything here, right?" Alec said a bit offended that his efforts weren't getting acknowledged.

"Of course, I do big brother. And, I love you, that's why I agreed with you, Mom, and Magnus being the wedding planner for my wedding. I didn't mean to offend you, big bro." Squeezing Alec's shoulder lightly, she sends him an apologetic look.

Alec sighed and nodded back. In a week, his little sister was going to get married, so he wanted to do everything he could to make it as best as possible. He wanted her to have the brightest smile on her big day. What kind of brother he would be if he can't fulfill that.

It's been four and a half months since Simon's ascension, he was an approved shadowhunter by the Clave and his training was going great. As soon as Clave approved that he could have a wedded union rune, Sizzy didn't waste any time in setting their wedding date. As for Simon's training, Alec hadn't seen an archer or fighter like him in a long time, and coming this from Alec Lightwood Bane himself was a big thing. The sightings of the shadow near Jace's window were barely three to four times in these four months, but they were on alert every second as no one knew what that person wanted.

Right now, everyone was gathered in Magnus' loft because he wanted to show all the decorations to Izzy for approval before sending it to the Lightwood Manor. In spite of the Accords Hall, Isabelle wanted her wedding to be in their own traditional Manor and everyone was excited to see it, as Alec and Magnus hadn't allowed anyone to go there until they wanted to. They both and Maryse were working and staying there day and night to make the manor lively and homely again. Because Alec was now the Inquisitor, they had their manor back to themselves approximately two years ago and they had reconstructed it with the help of Magnus, knowing the history of it.

Magnus' loft was filled with huge boxes of daylilies, Mexican marigold, basket of gold; hundreds of curtains ranging from light gold to dark gold, which was either silk or satin; and different types of ancient cutlery. He, Alec, and Maryse had decorated the manor to some extent already. They were all excited about this wedding.

"So, when are we going to the mansion?" Simon asked. "I'm really excited to see it."

"It's Manor Sherman and let me send everything there first," Magnus said and clicked his fingers and all the boxes vanished.

"It's Simon and I've heard it both ways!" Simon replied with a shrug.

"I can't believe it's actually happening, two of my favorite people are finally going to become one," Clary said, having a huge grin on her face.

"That.. was really cheesy Fray, but thanks anyway."

"Thank you, Clary." Izzy smiled brightly, then turned towards Alec. "Alec, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it? Something's wrong?" Alec frowned.

"No, nothing's wrong, actually, big brother," she took his hand in hers, a nervous smile playing on her lips. "Will you be my suggenes?" She asked with little hesitation.

If Alec got a little worried there, all of it vanished completely hearing that, and a warm smile formed on his lips. "I'd be honored to, Isabelle Sophia Lightwood!" He said, wrapped her in a tight hug then kissed the top of her head. "Can't believe you're actually going to be married in a week."

Wrapping her arms tighter around his torso, she tilted her chin up and looked at him. "You have to, big brother. I'm not your little sister anymore."

"For me, you'll always be." He smiled warmly with a proud look in his eyes.

Everyone looked at the Lightwood siblings with awe, having a light smile on their faces.

"Ready to go?" Magnus asked, and he opened the portal when everyone nodded.

Everyone's mouth hung open except for Alec and Magnus when they stepped out of the portal. Even though they've been here a few times before in these two years, the manor looked completely different. It was huge and was painted with white and light brown colors, giving it a classy look. The oak floorings were running through the whole manor. They were in the living area/foyer which was filled with ancient furniture, above them hung a huge chandelier, the crystals of it were shining brightly in the dim lighting of the room. 

There were two spiral staircases to their left, merging as one in the hallway of the first floor, the stairs were decorated with small golden mats contrasting to the ancient cream-colored flooring on them. The metals of it had light to dark gold shades of ribbon tied to them in spirals. To their right, there was a small staircase leading to the main door, which was a huge wooden one, engraved with different kinds of runes. In the distance were door-sized glass windows showing the night sky and plains of the Brocelind. The small wooden tables placed on every corner had candelabras on them, and the white walls of the manor had several paintings hung over them.

Clary gasped when she realized that those paintings were hers. And in between the space of both the staircases, beside the wall of a wooden door and an open area leading to the kitchen, hung a huge painting along with the wall lamps, the abstract painting of Magnus and Alec's wedding she painted four years ago when she met Jace again. She looked around and noticed that most of the paintings in that room were hers she painted and put on exhibition in that one year. Her eyes teared up and she looked at the immortal couple.

"Do you like the surprise, biscuit?" Magnus asked. He really hoped she did, it was to honor the memories she had with them.

"By the angel! Liked? I loved it. But how do you people get it all and why weren't these here before?"

"That's because we wanted to take it out for some special occasion and also to surprise you, redhead. And we had our way." Alec answered with a smile.

"Oh my god! Thank you. I thought I'll never get to see them again. I never knew who brought them, so..." She trailed off then looked at Jace. "Jace, did you know too? Simon, Izzy?"

"Honestly, no. It's a surprise for me too. And I'm glad that they did it." Jace said, trying to sound excited but failing miserably. "I'll.. um, I'm tired, can you people tell us where our rooms are? I'm not sure I'll be up for dinner." Jace was being quiet and different and not the typical Jace Herondale at all.

"Upstairs, we've written your names on the door as there'll be many guests staying over," Alec answered, Jace nodded and left as he knew, they all knew that belongings were already in their respective rooms as Magnus had done it earlier before showing them the decorations.

As soon as Jace left they all looked in that direction in disbelief and worry.

"What is wrong with him!? Why is he behaving weird for few days!?" Simon exclaimed. He was frustrated, everyone was frustrated with Jace's behavior.

"I swear on the angels if he ruins my wedding in anyways-"

"Izzy, calm down," Alec stated.

"How can I big brother? He's behaving weirdly and not telling us anything. I'm worried."

"Have you people tried talking to him?" Magnus asked.

"We all did, Magnus. I've tried so many times, but..." Clary trailed off, not sure what to do to make her boyfriend talk to her.

"Then try again, Clary," Alec said and everyone looked at him. Sighing, he placed his hand over his Parabatai rune and looked at Clary. "I'm not sure what I'm thinking is the right reason or not, but I think it's you."

"Wait, me? Did.. did he tell you anything, Alec? Have I done something unknowingly? Did I hurt-"

"Slow down there, redhead. It's not that. I'm not sure if this is the reason, but..." He looked at Magnus then others. "It was our wedding when you lost your memories, when we all lost you. With the wedding vibes again, I think he's having a nostalgic feeling about it. I can feel it through our bond, he's scared, nervous, worried, upset, and it's strong. You need to talk to him, Fray."

"By the angel! I didn't even give it a thought. You really affected our brother, my dear Parabatai." Izzy said with a tight smile.

Clary sighed, she looked at the others who all had worried expressions on their faces. "I'll go talk to him."

As soon as Jace reached his room, which was in the depths of the left wing of the huge hallway of that manor, he slammed the door shut and sat on the bed with his head resting on his palms, as he rubbed it frustratingly. Sighing, he reached for his jeans pocket and took out a small red-colored velvet ring box, having a white ribbon stick over it in a bow design. He opened it and looked at the Herondale ring resting in it beautifully. 

He gently ran his thumb over the ring, thinking about all the times he wanted to do it but couldn't build up the courage. The weight of that box was resting in his pocket for about a year. Every time he wanted to pop the question, something or the other happened and he kept missing the chances. And now with Izzy's wedding, he couldn't help but think back to Alec's wedding, when Clary lost her memories, when he lost her. And now he was scared that something would happen again and he'd lose her. He didn't want to lose her, not again. They had the worst luck in being together and he wanted to fight that.

A knock on the door broke his chain of thoughts and he quickly placed the ring back in his jeans pocket. "Come in!" He said in a flat voice.

"Hey, are you okay, Jace?" Clary asked as she walked in and sat beside her boyfriend.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, short and simple.

"Jace, please talk to me. I know something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong Clary. I'm fine."

"You know, Alec told me, so please stop pretending and talk."

Jace froze at that. Only Alec knew that he wanted to propose to Clary and wasn't able to because he was scared. He didn't think Alec would ever betray him like that. "What did he tell you?" He asked in a cold voice.

Clary took his hand in hers, her eyes filled with concern for him. "The feelings you're having. He's your Parabatai Jace, he's worried for you. He told me you're feeling scared, worried... nervous. He thinks it's because of Izzy's wedding, that you're thinking about his and Magnus' wedding and how I lost my memories. Is that right, Jace? Do you really think you'll lose me again?"

Jace sighed, half relieved that Alec didn't betray him and half frustrated, cursing Alec mentally. How did his Parabatai know him so well? He was so lost in his worries that he didn't realize he had tears falling on his cheeks until Clary wiped them away with her gentle fingers.

"I don't want to, Clary. I don't want to lose you ever again. I won't be able to live without you. It hurts so much to think that if something happens again and I'll lose you..." He trailed off, his mind going towards the figure they had seen multiple times besides their window.

"Jace!" Clary said, cupping his face in her tiny hands, she tilted it towards herself. "I'm right here and I'll never ever leave you again. I'll fight anything to be with you. I love you, Jace. And I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon. So, please, don't think like that."

"I love you too, Clary. But with that figure following us and our not so great luck-"

"Jace..." She spoke softly, caressing his cheek with her thumb. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together. I want to spend my whole life with you, and I'm ready to fight anything to make it work. You know I've already fought with the angels, right? Our love was stronger than their retribution that I got my memories back. We'll fight everything that'll come on our faces, together!"

Jace gave a sad smile and kissed her palm. "You are an extraordinary woman, Clary." Clary smiled back, leaned in, and put her lips on his, taking him in a soft and gentle kiss. It was all he needed, her, this was his chance, once again, and he didn't want to lose his courage this time.

Once they broke the kiss, he took her hand and clapped it between his, rubbing his thumb over hers nervously. "Claire bear, thank you. You have no idea how much you have changed my life, changed me, and for good. Before you, I always thought I was a perfect man. I was brought up in the belief that I had to be perfect. A perfect warrior, a perfect son, a perfect soldier. Perfect in everything. I had this world build up around me that I'm the most perfect person, no matter what mistakes I made. I put so many people down because of it. But when you came, you shattered every single belief I had. You loved me, Clary, even with all the mistakes I made, even with all the flaws I have. You loved me unconditionally. You broke my walls, showed me a world full of love. You saw the good in me, changed me, and made me a better person. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Clary. Every time I lost you, I felt like I lost a part of my soul. And I don't want to go through that ever again. I love you, Clary. And that's why..."

He bent down on one knee on the floor and took out the velvet box which was weighing in his heart than his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful antique silver ring which had an 'H' engraved on it along with the traditional Herondale symbol of flying birds. Clary gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands, the tears which were already pooling in her eyes started falling down on her cheeks.

"Clarissa Adele Fairchild, will you do the honor to marry me and call me your husband?" He had too tears pooling in his eyes with a hopeful look in them.

"Yes! Yes, Jace. Oh my god! Yes!" She started chanting it and jumped on him making both of them fall flat on the wooden floor with a loud thud.

"Ow! Clary!" Jace shook his head and started laughing as tears started falling down his face. He took her hand and placed the ring on the ring finger, then wrapped her tighter in his arms pecking her softly, both crying and laughing at the same time. This was unexpected for Clary, she didn't expect the proposal but she was ecstatic when he finally popped the question.

Hearing the loud thud, everyone rushed to their room and saw that the couple had fallen on the ground and both had tears running down their faces, but it looked like they were laughing too.

"What is going on here?" Magnus asked, confused.

"Are you both crying or laughing?" Simon asked.

"Is everything okay? Are you both okay?" Izzy asked.

"Finally, you did it, didn't you?" Alec asked with a smile, and everyone looked at him. "I see the Herondale ring on her finger. So, I guess, congratulations." He added with a smirk.

Jace nodded and hugged her tighter, not wanting to let go of this moment.

"By the angels! Really!" Izzy shrieked, happy for her brother and Parabatai.

"Wow, just before our wedding. Congratulations Fray." Simon grinned.

"So now we have one more wedding to plan. Great!" Magnus sighed dramatically.

"Thank you all, but now get out and let me spend some time with my fiancée," Jace said while giving them a pleading look.

"Oooh, what an irony, the cockblocker doesn't want to get cockblocked!" Magnus mocked playfully.

Knowing that Magnus was just teasing him, he threw a nearby article he could reach at him, which Magnus dodged gracefully, with an embarrassed 'get out'. Everyone laughed and let the couple be.

When everyone was gone, Jace locked his lips with Clary's in a deep, passionate kiss full of love and emotions.

"I love you, Clarissa Fairchild... Herondale!" He grinned while playing with the curls of her hair falling on his face.

"I love you too, Jace Herondale," Clary said and wrapped him in another kiss.


*One week later*

"Should I keep my hair down or make a bun?" Izzy asked Maryse as Alec and Magnus shook their heads. It was obvious that she was nervous but didn't want to show.

Maryse looked at the boys who were looking at her with the same expressions as hers and sighed. "Isabelle, just calm down. You're ruining your hair. Keep it in a bun and let a few strands fall in the front. You're anyways looking beautiful, sweetheart."

That was true, the wedding gown Magnus gifted her fitted perfectly to her curves. The fall was perfect and the light golden veil was adding to the beauty. Magnus had helped her with her makeup and it was sober yet beautiful. She had a light golden eyeshadow with winged eyeliner and light-colored lipstick. The golden loop earrings were small but elegant. The runes contrasting to her pale skin were only adding to her beauty. All in all, she was looking perfect.

"Woah, wow you look beautiful, Izzy," Max exclaimed as he ran into the room. The teenager looked stunning in his gold and black suit.

"Max! Hey big boy. You're looking stunning yourself." She grinned and hugged her baby brother.

"You are one brave and beautiful woman, Isabelle. I'm proud of you." Robert said as he walked inside behind Max.

"Dad, I'm glad you could make it." She said as she hugged him.

"How can I miss my own daughter's wedding, Isabelle? I'm sorry if I ever made you, any of you feel like that." He said with a sad smile and looked at Maryse. It was true that they were separated but after apologizing to her and having a much-needed talk with her, they decided to be friends for everyone's sake. They were bad parents in the beginning, bad spouses to each other, but now, after all these years, they had come to terms that their happiness was with their children and the people they were with now. They were both better off without each other.

Izzy and Alec exchanged a look, knowing what he was talking about. Pursuing her lips and smiling lightly, Izzy squeezed Robert's hand. "Dad, whatever happened, it's in the past. We are all happy for you and Mom. We know you are happy in LA, and, Mom in NY with Luke. It's okay, we all have forgiven you. You're still my dad. Now, it's my wedding so no more sad talk. I need to get ready!"

Everyone gave a light-hearted laugh and Maryse once more got in her mother mode to help Izzy.


"I'm looking fine, right? Do I need to put gel in my hair? My suit isn't creased, right? Should I or should I not wear a watch? Oh, and I need to recite my vows too. I shouldn't forget them...  if I do it would be so embarrassing, Izzy would be so mad... Izzy! How is she doing? How is she looking? Is she feeling the sa-"

"Slow down, kid! You're hyperventilating. Now, you're looking great, don't think too much." Luke squeezed his shoulder and looked proudly at him.

"Thanks, Luke," Simon said, sighing nervously.

"Simon Lewis and hyperventilation go hand in hand Luke."

Simon turned around at the familiar sound and his jaw dropped. "Becky! Oh my god! How? You... you shouldn't be here? How are you here? I mean it's-"

"Slow down, Simon. We all took care of it. You need to relax and enjoy your day. It's your wedding, for god's sake!" Clary said, trying to calm her best friend.

"Clary's right, Simon. They took care of it and it's my brother's wedding, so how can I not be here? By the way, someone's slaying in gold!"

"Thanks, Becky." He grinned and hugged his sister, then frowned. "I wish Mom could be here too, Becky. You remember how she used to daydream about us getting married in royal palaces when we were kids. I'm actually getting married in a royal way and..." He trailed off, the memory of encanto'ing her flashed in front of his eyes.

"Simon, I know you miss her, but know that she would be really proud of you if she knew what all you achieved in these years. I am really proud of the person you are now. You have come a long way, Simon Lewis, sorry, Simon Lovelace. Nice surname." She teased, having a bright smile on her face.

"Oh, come on, Becky!" He grinned and hugged her again.

The crowd had gathered in the great hall of the manor, which was looking like heaven wrapped in gold. On either side of the aisle, there were hundreds of beautiful ancient-looking chairs, the pillars in that hall were decorated with different kinds of flowers, the curtains were light gold satin and the stage was beautifully decorated as well. The crowd had started filling in, and the Lightwoods were doing the greetings.

"Why am I here greeting the shadowhunters? I should be with Isabelle instead, she might need my help." Magnus stated tiredly, trying to find an escape when he was again held by his husband. As usual, he looked ravishing in his black, gold, and purple suit. A little glitter in his hair with the perfectly done makeup was only adding to his beauty.

"You're going nowhere, love. Mom is there for her, so stop whining."

Magnus pouted, earning a feather-soft kiss on his pout, and sighed. There's no way he was getting out of this.

"This manor is awesome. I'm jealous. Why didn't I get to be wedded like this!" A voice said from the entrance of the hall, followed by three more people.

"Underhill!" Alec said with a smile, realizing his mistake when Andrew cocked an eyebrow at him, he corrected himself. "Sorry, my bad. Underhill Ray, how's the Spain Institute doing to you?"

"As long as I get to be with my husband, it's going great," Underhill answered, linking his arms with his husband's.

"Lorenzo! Happy to see you again. You look different." Magnus said with a smile.

"All credit goes to my beautiful husband. He changed me a lot. You should have seen his efforts for our one-year anniversary. It was adorable." He said with his usual grin, which now held only positivity.

"Shut up, Enzo!" Underhill said with a blush, as the others laughed. They got married almost one and a half years ago and were really happy together.

"Things really have changed in recent years, right babe?" Helen asked, intertwining her fingers with her wife's.

"Aline, Helen, you both look beautiful," Alec said as he hugged them both and noticed Aline's growing belly. "Okay... no offense Aline, but.. you have gotten fat. Are you not working out?"

The women exchanged a look and looked at Alec with a wide smile. "Alec Lightwood Bane, always a great observer." Aline teased. "Actually, Alec, I'm not 'fat' fat. I'm... pregnant." She grinned, waiting for his close friend's response.

"By the angel! Already! You both have been married for what... two years! Well, congratulations nonetheless, but..."

"We got a willing donor and we felt like we were ready to be parents, so..." Helen trailed off and placed her hand above Aline's tiny bump.

"Wow, I'm going to be an uncle already! I'm feeling old now!" Magnus said in a teasing tone as he hugged both the women and congratulated them.

"Attention! The ceremony will begin in some time. I request everyone to take their respective places." The silent brother's voice echoed in the whole hall.

Following the lead, the crowd settled down on the chair. The front rows were occupied by all the council members and their families. All their close ones were present there, and Maryse had tears pooling in her eyes already, her hair was down having curls at the base and she was wearing a beautiful one-shoulder gown.

Alec was standing as Izzy's suggenes, and for Simon's, it was Julian Lovelace. The boy had the widest grin on his face, and he was looking all around himself, at the new family he was about to have. It was one of the most beautiful and genuine smiles he had since he came to live in the institute.

Simon was already standing there in his gold suit waiting for Izzy to walk down the aisle. To say that he was nervous would be an understatement. He looked around and saw all his close ones sitting there with huge smiles on their faces. He was really proud of how much the Clave had changed in these years. The whole room was filled with all three worlds alike. He looked at the crowd and his eyes fell on his sister, Becky was sitting beside Maryse and Luke, looking all proud and happy for him. Beside her were Maya and Bat, their hands intertwined and the promise rings sitting beautifully on their fingers. He was happy for her that she finally found someone who was willing to give her all the happiness she deserved.

Then there was Raphael, who was finally training to become a priest. He had changed a lot in these years, but his smile was still the same. Beside him was Maureen, his and Clary's old friend, and the new vampire representative, grinning like an idiot. Her story was long and a tale for another time. Clary and Jace too were sitting together with their fingers intertwined. They were smiling the brightest, maybe because they were newly engaged. Robert and Max were sitting together, both having genuine smiles on their faces. Then there were Magnus, Catarina, Madzie, Lorenzo, Andrew, Jia, Aline, and Helen, all sitting together in one row with wide smiles on their faces. That's when Simon noticed Helen had her hand placed above Aline's tiny bump and realized she was pregnant. He grinned and made a mental note to congratulate her later.

"Attention everyone! The ceremony is about to commence." The silent brother spoke and on cue, an acoustic version of Perfect by Ed Sheeran started playing which was sung by Simon himself for Izzy.  [A/N- The song is attached above. Do listen to it while reading it. It fits so perfectly for Sizzy.]

Simon looked towards the aisle and as soon as he saw Izzy in her wedding gown, his heart skipped a beat, and tears formed in the back of his eyes. She was looking gorgeous and he felt like every single step she was taking was in slow motion.

♪♪I found a love for me♪♪
♪♪Darling, just dive right in♪♪
♪♪And follow my lead♪♪
♪♪Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet♪♪
♪♪I never knew you were the someone waiting for me♪♪

"Hey, stranger!"
*Izzy kisses Simon's cheek*
"What was that for?"
"For being you."

♪♪'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love♪♪
♪♪Not knowing what it was♪♪
♪♪I will not give you up this time♪♪
♪♪Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own♪♪
♪♪And in your eyes, you're holding mine♪♪

"I'm Isabelle."
"Lewis, Simon, Simon Lewis, two first names."
"Am I still talking?"
*Izzy: widest grin*

"Simon is kind of nerd hot."

♪♪Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms♪♪
♪♪Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song♪♪
♪♪When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath♪♪
♪♪But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight♪♪

Simon looked at Izzy who was still walking down the aisle. Was time actually running slow or was it just him? Listening to the lyrics of the song and looking at Izzy in her wedding gown had him all the flashbacks of their time in these five years. Their dates at the central park beneath the stars, walking in the rain and just letting their hearts out, going on missions together. Their own share of fights, everything. He didn't realize when the tears escaped from his eyes. He was completely mesmerized by the woman walking towards him.

♪♪Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know♪♪
♪♪She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home♪♪
♪♪I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets♪♪
♪♪To carry love, to carry children of our own♪♪

"I'm seriously getting tired of saving your life."
"I am not."

"Such an attractive couple. How long have you two been married?"
"No." "No, we're just friends."
"Big mistake, he's a catch."

"Roza's right, you're a catch."

♪♪We are still kids, but we're so in love♪♪
♪♪Fightin' against all odds♪♪
♪♪I know we'll be alright this time♪♪
♪♪Darling, just hold my hand♪♪
♪♪Be my girl, I'll be your man♪♪
♪♪I see my future in your eyes♪♪

"All clear, no rat in sight."
"My hero!"

"I don't know if this whole love thing is really for me!"

"Let's make a pact, single for life."
"I love sacred vows."

♪♪Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms♪♪
♪♪Barefoot on the grass, listenin' to our favorite song♪♪
♪♪When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful♪♪
♪♪I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight♪♪

"I'm a monster."
"No, you're not." "You're a good man, Simon Lewis."
"And we're gonna get through this. Together."

"Come back to me, Simon." "You have so much more to live for."

♪♪Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms♪♪
♪♪Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song♪♪
♪♪I have faith in what I see♪♪
♪♪Now I know I have met an angel in person♪♪
♪♪And she looks perfect♪♪
♪♪No, I don't deserve this♪♪
♪♪You look perfect tonight♪♪

That was true, Isabelle Lightwood was actually an angel, a badass angel. And Simon was crazily in love with her. He got out of his trance when he felt her gentle fingers wiping away his tears. He gave his usual widest smile when he saw her from up-close.

"You're looking gorgeous, Izzy."

And there it was, her perfect sweetest and brightest smile. "You look stunning too, Si." She said and stood in her place, linking her hands with Simon's.

"We are here to celebrate the marriage of Simon Lovelace and Isabelle Lightwood. The bride and the groom may exchange their vows now." The silent brother spoke.

Taking a deep breath, Simon started with his vow. "I promise to giveth thee the best of myself." His hands were shaking and tears were still pooling on the edge of his eyes.

"I promise to trust and respect thee as thy own person." Izzy continued, they were going back and forth with their vows.

"I promise to realise that thy interests, desires and needeth art no less important than mine own." He was overwhelmed with emotions. He was actually marrying the love of his life.

"I promise to share with thee mine time and mine attention and to bringeth joy, strength, and imagination to our relationship," Izzy spoke.

"I promise to keepeth myself ope to thee, encourage thy dreams, and holp shoulder our challenges." He squeezed her hands gently and Izzy smiled.

"I promise to groweth along with thee, to beest willing to visage changeth in order to keepeth our relationship alive and exciting." She smiled.

"I promise to beest thy partner and egal in all things." Simon continued.

"I promise to love thee in valorous times and in bad- completely and still." Izzy spoke, her own eyes pooled with tears now.

"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is as strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave." They completed their vows in unison.

"It is now time for Simon Lovelace and Isabelle Lightwood to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune and exchange their rings. A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart, and a union is born." The silent brother's voice echoed.

They took their steles which their suggenes were carrying, and the look Alec and Julian were having didn't go unnoticed. Julian was on cloud nine and smiling the brightest while Alec had a warm smile on his face with tears shining brightly in his eyes. They both marked each other with the wedded union rune on the back of the right-hand wrist and decided to put the other rune privately. Then they put their wedding rings on each other, the Lovelace ring looked beautiful on Izzy's ring finger, resting just above the ring from which he proposed.

"You both are now bonded as one. This is the beginning of your new life." The silent brother spoke.

Simon and Izzy had the brightest smile on their faces as tears were running down on their faces too. They leaned in and kissed each other, completely forgetting the crowd around them until a low, familiar clearing of the throat broke them out of it. They broke the kiss, still having wide smiles on their faces but their cheeks were pink with slight embarrassment.

Alec simply shook his head, still smiling at the couple, and looked at Magnus, who was already looking at him. He can't blame them for it, he and Magnus were the same when they got married.

As the ceremony got over, everyone went to the ballroom hall where their reception was planned. It was the second biggest hall of the manor, completely made of wooden walls, with antique decor hanging on them. A huge crystal chandelier was placed in the middle of the ceiling, a piano was resting on one corner of the room, and there were several tables with appetizers served in antique golden plates and utensils. The pair were getting congratulations from everyone, which was exciting and exhausting at the same time.

"Hey there, mind if I steal my sister for a moment?" Alec asked the dancing couple.

"Why big brother, got bored from Magnus?" She teased.

"Oh, come on, Izzy!"

"Well, I was about to ask if I could steal my best friend for a moment!" Clary interrupted, having a huge grin on her face.

"Fine, Fray!" Simon said, kissing Izzy's cheek, he went with Clary.

Once Simon was gone, Alec kissed Izzy's forehead and held her hand. "I'm so proud and happy for you, Izzy. I might have hated him in the beginning, but today, seeing him crying for you as you walked down the aisle, I couldn't have asked for any better person than him for you. I can't believe my little sister is actually married now."

"Thank you, big brother. Honestly, me too. It feels like it's a dream, but I know it's not." She looked at her wedding ring and smiled.

"There you are, hey Isabelle. Alexander, don't leave me alone in a party of shadowhunters ever again."

Izzy cocked her eyebrows, and Alec did his legendary eye roll. "Stop being overdramatic, Magnus."

"I'm not being overdramatic. It's called freaking out."

Izzy burst out laughing. "Magnus, I'm sorry, but I agree with Alec. You are being overdramatic. Now, I'm going to find my husband."

As she left, Magnus smiled softly as he looked at her walking away. "She's going to change, isn't she?" He asked as he felt Alec's arms going around his waist and he leaned into it.

"Yeah, she is. But in good ways, I hope."

"This is exhausting!" Simon complained as he thanked only the fiftieth person present in that humongous hall.

"I agree, Si, but isn't it worth it?" Izzy asked as they move softly in the rhythm of the tune of the piano Jace was playing.

"Yeah, that's true. It's worth everything!" He nosed her face up and kissed her soft lips.

"I love you, Simon Lovelace."

"I love you too, Isabelle Lightwood Lovelace."


This is the longest chapter I've written so far. I hope you guys liked it. Let me know through your comments and votes. They are highly appreciated.
Thank you ❤️❤️

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