Mr Callahan #wattys2014

By SarahannBennett

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Caitlin is fresh out of university with a business degree and in need of a job. She sees an advertisement for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

489 18 5
By SarahannBennett

After pouring my heart out to Vince, (not that I really needed to as he knows everything about me) I glance at the clock noticing that i only have thirty minutes to get ready and get to work. Jumping up off of the couch I almost trip in hurry to get to my room.


“What’s the rush baby girl?” Vince calls from behind me as I enter my room.


“I’m going to be late, I need to hurry” I reply scrambling around my room looking for something to wear.


“Why not just pull a sickie, I don’t think you’re really in the right frame of mind to be facing the boss right now”.


“Yeah because that’ll work wont it Vince, I’ve just spent the night and morning with my boss who knows I’m not sick but it’s fine I’m sure he’ll believe that I caught something in the last hour” my voice dripping with sarcasm.


“Just trying to help, you go shower real quick and I’ll get everything ready for you”.


Doing as he says I scamper off into my bathroom and hop in the shower. I’m done in a record time of six minutes and proceed to the bedroom to get ready.


I put on the clothes and underwear that Vince has so kindly left on the bed for me and throw my still wet hair into a ponytail, apply a small amount of make-up and grab my bag. I’m ready.


I run out of my room and find my heels by the door, quickly sliding my feet in I head out the door shouting a goodbye to Vince, I don’t hear his reply as the door slams behind me.


Racing through the building to get to my car I realise I have to make the stop at Starbucks. I jumped in and started the engine driving to the coffee shop as quickly as possible.


Thankfully it was the same barista that has been here every morning so far so he knew what I wanted and I didn’t have to wait long, I looked up at the clock on the wall behind the counter noticing that I have five minutes remaining till I have to be in my office, I should only be a couple of minutes late.


I eventually make it to the floor my office is located on only three minutes late, how I managed it? I have absolutely no idea.


“Morning Suzy” I called to reception as I sped down the corridor to the office.


I heard footsteps behind me but paid no attention as I was eager to get to my office no later than necessary.


“Cait” I heard Suzy’s voice from behind me.


“Can’t stop Suz, I’m late as it is” I replied glancing behind me.


My elbow reached the handle to Xavier’s office and I pushed the door open using my foot whilst balancing the coffees in my hand.


“Sorry I’m late X, bought coffee” I smiled lifting my gaze.


What I saw next almost shattered me but in reality I should have been expecting it. I watched as Xavier pushed the leggy brunette away from him, the same one that had her tongue down his throat as I entered the office.


“Sorry to interrupt” I said as I placed his coffee on his desk.


“Ever heard of knocking first?” the brunette Barbie doll snapped.


“Sorry but I just want to get to my office” I replied pointing to the other door inside the room.


“Please continue”, in made my way to my office and pushed the door open, closing it behind me I made sure to lock it before heading to my desk.


Placing my drink on the desk I slumped down into my seat, head tilted back and eyes closed.


I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have believed his lies, all he wanted he got last night and I’ll be sure that he never gets it again, why am I so stupid?


Turning my computer on I place my bag in the drawer and wait for the desktop to appear.


I open one of the files on my desk and get to work. Not even five minutes later there is a knock at my door, I stand up to unlock and open the door and come face to face with none other than the lying dirt bag himself.


“Can I help you Mr Callahan?” I smile politely.


Waking into my office without a word he shuts the door behind him and takes a seat in the chair in front of my desk as I sit in my own seat.


“You have a meeting at nine-thirty today then another at eleven o’clock, you are then free for lunch and have another meeting this afternoon at one-thirty, once that is finished you are free for the rest of the day sir” I state looking at my diary which holds a copy of Xavier’s schedule.


“I didn’t come in here to discuss my day Cait, I came in her to explain”.


“I don’t need an explanation sir, what you do in your own office and in your life in general is nobody’s business but your own”.


“Please Cait, let me explain”.


“No need Mr Callahan, I have a lot of work to do, so please if that is all I would like to get on with it” I take a glance at him to find him staring back at me.


I knew this would happen, I’m just glad it was now instead of once I have strong feelings for this lying, cheating scum bag playboy. Looking back at my computer I start typing away erratically, trying to concentrate on my work with Xavier still here doing nothing but stare at me was hard and honestly irritating.


“Seriously Mr Callahan are you just going to sit there and stare at me all day?” I snapped after ten minutes of awkwardness.


“Yes, until you let me explain”.


“I’ve already told you, you are my boss, you don’t have to explain anything to me, your assistant about your personal life, it’s frankly none of my business”.


“But it is your business, I am not just your boss anymore am I, not after last night” I met his gaze again to see him still looking at me with a smirk on his face, I know he is remembering what happened between us, I was remembering it myself, although I didn’t want to, it was the best night of my life and I wanted to forget it ever happened.


“Last night was a mistake Mr Callahan, one that will never happen again, now please let me continue with my job, it is what I am here to do”.


Xavier stood up abruptly, slamming both hands flat on my desk and towering over me, he looked scary, his eyes looked as if they had darkened and his face flush with anger.


“Enough Cait, let me explain for fuck sake, it’s not what you think, everything I have said to you I meant every god damn word” He shouted, I’m sure half the building heard that and would certainly suspect something and I don’t want to be dealing with the office gossip right now, not on top of having to deal with Xavier’s shit.


Standing up now angered myself I walked around my desk to stand in front of Xavier, anger boiled inside me as I slapped him hard across the face, I felt the sting on my hand.


“Don’t you dare shout at me, what gives you the right huh? Did you walk in on me shoving my tongue down another man’s throat? No you didn’t, I was the one that had to witness that and after everything you said, I knew I shouldn’t have believed a word of it, I knew it was all lies and here I am now proven that you never meant a word, how fucking stupid of me”.


Sitting back down in my chair behind my desk I rest my elbows on the edge of the table and drop my head in my hands, silently willing the tears that threaten to spill to go away, they are not needed, I will not cry over this man, men like him are the exact reason I do not date, they are all the same, will do and say anything to get in to a woman’s knickers, I should have learnt my lesson by now.


I hear a deep sigh and the chair opposite squeak as Xavier sat back down.


“I’m sorry Cait, I really am, please let me talk, I know you don’t particularly want to hear it but give me the chance, please”.


 “Whatever, just talk then leave, can’t promise I will even listen though but go ahead, whatever makes you feel better” I sigh and sit up in my chair, my eyes now laid on Xavier.


“The woman in my office when you walked in is an ex, we were never in a relationship just simply fuck buddies, she is also my best friend, nothing has happened between us in months, nothing except the odd kiss but that is it, she met me here this morning, I didn’t know that she would be here, I told her I have a girlfriend, she was happy for me, then she took her leave but not before asking for one last kiss for old time’s sake and that is when you walked in, that is all there is to it honestly Cait, I want no-one but you” by the time Xavier had finished his explanation he was on his knees in front of me holding both of my hands in his, his eyes pleading with me to believe and forgive him but does he honestly think I am that stupid? I mean even if he is telling the truth he still kissed another woman.


“Have you finished?” I asked pulling out of his grip.


He nodded his head still looking at me.


“Then please leave, I have things to do” I turn back to my computer carrying on with my work, I won’t let him get to me again, he’s a player, always has been and always will be, a leopard never changes his spots, there is pictures of him all over the internet with different women on his arm and they are all amazingly stunning, I can’t compete with that, I won’t even try.


“You’re not even going to listen to my explanation are you?”


“Of course not” I scoff “I did warn you that I may not listen and that has to be the most stupid explanation I have ever heard, if you think I am going to believe that it will never happen again you’re mistaken, you have history, I can’t compete with some-one like that and I will not make a fool out of myself trying, now please leave, we have a meeting in twenty minutes” I again diverted my attention back to my work.


I heard Xavier sigh and stand up making his way to the door, as he opened it he turned to look at me again.


“I won’t give up Cait” he stated, determination evident in his voice and left the room leaving the door open.


Twenty minutes later I received a call from Suzy informing me that she had shown the nine-thirty meeting into meeting room one, I collected my notebook and pen before walking into Xavier’s office.


“Our nine-thirty is here sir, meeting room one, are you ready?” I asked being as professional as I possibly could.


“Sure” he sighs standing up and leading the way to the meeting room to talk business.


I walked back into my office and got to work typing up everything to send to both parties lawyers, all that was left to be done was having the contracts written up and signed then Callahan Enterprise would expand.


Half an hour later I received another call from Suzy letting me know that the next meeting had arrived, again i head into Xavier’s office to inform him.


By twelve fifteen I was back in my office preparing to head to lunch, I only had forty-five minutes today as the meeting had run into lunch by fifteen minutes.


“Cait?” I hear Xavier call my name from his office, I grab my bag and go see what he wants.


“Yes sir?” I question.


“I was going to order lunch in here seen as we don’t have a lot of time and we have another meeting at one-thirty so I was wondering if you would possibly like to join me?”


“I don’t think that is a very good idea Mr Callahan” I state.


“Okay, let me re-phrase, Cait you are staying here for lunch, I hope Chinese is okay”.


“I don’t think I am” I begin to walk across the room to exit his office when I feel him take hold of my wrist preventing me from going any further “Let me go Mr Callahan”.


“Please stay, have lunch with me and please stop calling me that, you call me Xavier”.

“That is not appropriate, none of your other staff call you by your first name so I do not believe I should, also I am quite capable of getting my own lunch, I’ll just go to subway”.


“Tough luck. I have already ordered and you can’t expect me to eat it all”.


“So save some for later” I answer in a ‘dur’ tone.


“Please Cait, its just lunch”.


“Fine, but don’t make this a regular thing because I won’t give in again” I let out a a frustrated sig hand walk over to the chair in front of his desk.


“Okay and thank you Cait, it means a lot”.


“Didn’t really have much of a choice did I now?”


Xavier smiled at me showing me he’s pearly whites then his phone on his desk rang, he picked it up stating his name then hung up.


“Food is here, I’ll just go get it”.


I sat back in my chair letting my head fall back and my eyes close as I let out a deep breath I hadn’t realised I was holding, I had to keep our relationship professional, I knew from what I had seen this morning that he would only hurt me and I couldn’t handle any more pain in my life I have had enough of that, any more would tip me over the edge.


Within a few minutes Xavier had returned with two bags full of boxes, the smell of the food making my mouth water.


“I didn’t know what you liked so I just got a selection, I’m sure there will be something in here that you will like” he told me as he placed the bags down on his desk, he reached in taking the cardboard boxes out and placed them on the desk.


Man when he said he got a selection he wasn’t kidding, there was a bit of everything, different rice’s, noodles, chicken, duck and the list goes on.


I picked up a container of chicken chow mein and a fork and start digging in, the taste was amazing and I didn’t realise how hungry I was till that first forkful was in my mouth and I let out a small moan of satisfaction.


I heard a chuckle come from Xavier and I looked at him raising an eyebrow.


“What’s so funny?” I questioned.


“I like it when you make that noise”.


“Please don’t Xavier, let’s not have that conversation okay”.


I really didn’t want him bringing up anything that has happened between us, we had to keep this strictly professional.


“Why? Look Cait last night was the best night of my life, there’s no denying it, you liked it too and this morning I fucked up big time and I can’t apologise enough, it was a mistake, one that will never happen again” he really did look sincere but I couldn’t trust him, not after he had already screwed up not even twenty-four hours after I had agreed to give him a chance.


“Please don’t Xavier, I don’t regret what happened last night but it cannot ever happen again, you and i just wouldn’t work, you have already proven that”.


“I’m not going to beg Cait, I’m not that type of man” he snaps.


“Then don’t, my decision is final, I think I better get back to work” I stand up and throw my rubbish in the bin before heading for my own office.


The rest of the day went by smoothly, not fast enough but I had no more run-ins with Xavier which is a bonus. At six o’clock I left the office and set off home, I simply couldn’t wait to relax in a nice hot bath and go to bed, I may finally be able to get Xavier out of my mind, I had been thinking about our discussion at lunch all day, half of me was relieved that he would finally give up and stop trying to pursue me but the other half didn’t want him to stop. I know I had done the right thing telling him that I wasn’t interested and that what happened would never happen again, it just simply wouldn’t work between us, he was not the type to stay faithful and I was not the type to just have casual sex.


Arriving home at six-thirty I was immediately engulfed by the smell of spaghetti bolognaise wafting towards me from the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I notice Vince placing the food onto the plates.


“Hey, smells good” I call out.


“Hey baby girl, come eat, how was your day? I hope everything turned out okay”. He replied placing the plates onto the kitchen island.


I let out a sigh (something that I seem to be doing a lot lately) as I walked to the counter and took a seat.


“Well Mr Callahan and I will not ever be repeating what happened last night. I walked in this morning to find him swapping spit with another chick so everything he said to me was complete bullshit, I knew I shouldn’t have believed a word of it”.


“I’m sorry baby girl he’s an arse, you okay though, you still going to be able to work with him?” Vince asked concerned, he knows how much this job means to me.


“I’m fine, I mean it’s good it happened now and not later so all good and yeah I’m not leaving my job, I love it there so we will have to go back to a professional relationship” I shrug my shoulders and continue eating.


“I feel for you girl, after what you said this morning it sounds as if the sex is amazing and loosing that……well, bad times” he laughed trying to lighten the mood, to which he succeeded.


I let out a laugh before replying “yeah must say it was fucking incredible sex, so going to miss that, at least I got to experience it once though right…….damn that was good sex” I continue eating as Vince carries on laughing at my comment.


After ten minutes I have cleaned my plate and stand up putting my dish into the sink.


“Thanks Vince that food was gorgeous, you’re an awesome cook” I tell him kissing his cheek “I’m going to bath then head to bed, I’m beat”.


“Okay baby girl” he turns to give me a hug and pecks my forehead “goodnight, give me a shout if you need anything” he adds and releases me.


“Will do, nighty night” I call over my shoulder and carry on to my bedroom/bathroom.


Once out of the relaxing bubble bath I change into my pyjamas and climb into bed, my head on the pillow I close my eyes, my thoughts again drifting to Xavier just as they have every night since I met him.

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