Jade West's Sister

By greys-pll

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It is Jade West's junior year at Hollywood Arts and it is supposed to be special, until a new girl claims to... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl
Chapter 3: Family Dinner
Chapter 4: The Calm Before The Strom
Chapter 5: Everything I Wanted
Chapter 6: Weekend Trip
Chapter 7: Katelyn's Play
Chapter 8: A Weekend At Jade's
Chapter 9: The Soccer Game
Chapter 10: Don't Call The Cops
Chapter 11: Returning Trauma
Chapter 12: The End

Chapter 2: Wicked

4.1K 80 35
By greys-pll

Short note: I changed it to it's Jade's junior year and Katelyn's sophomore year, because I didn't want to have a too big age difference between those two.


„Time to wake up", Beck whispers. Jade is a heavy sleeper, no noise can make her wake up, so Beck kisses her cheeck softly and the brown haired girl opens her eyes slowly with a soft smile on her lips.

„I don't want to go to school. Can't we just stay in bed all day?", Jade mumbles.

„I wish that, too", Beck pecks her lips, „I'm gonna make coffee. Hopefully you're ready when I am back."

Beck leaves and Jade starts to get ready slowly. She has forgotten to bring some clothes from home so she just has to go by the skirt she wore yesterday and one of Beck's shirts. She takes the Nirvana one although it is a little too loose for her but it works. Beck comes back from his parents' house and hands Jade her coffee. They are driving to school.

„Can I ask you something about your family thing?", Beck asks. Jade has told him about it yesterday.

„I would rather not talk about it."

„You can't ignore it forever."

„Watch me!"

„How come that you haven't met Katelyn earlier?"

„URGHH", Jade rolls her eyes, „I don't know I don't visit my dad that often. Which is good... you know. We were never at his house because the witch he calls his wife did not want it. So we always stayed in an apartment, it is only one weekend each two months and I hated it anyways so it didn't matter."

„But it kinda matters now?"

„NO! IT DOESN'T! He dicided to leave eight years ago, so he can go back to hell now! And he can take his precious daughter with him!"

Beck should have never asked, it clearly affects Jade a lot.

„I am sure you can avoid her in school today, if you really want to."

„She won't stay long at Hollywood Arts. Trust me, I will take care of that."

They walk into the school and the first person Jade sees is Katelyn.

„Nice shirt! I love that band!", she says to Jade with a smile on her face. Katelyn keeps walking. Jade is about to follow her but Beck holds her back. He lays his arm around her shoulder and leads her in another direction. „You can't be mean to her when she is nice to you", Beck whispers in her ear.

„Why are you defending her?!"
„I am not. I am just saying that you should avoid and not kill her."

They walk into Sikowitz room.

„The list for the cast of the school's new musical Wicked is out!", Cat annouces happy while hugging Jade. Jade hates it but she somehow manages to stay calm.

„You've got the wicked witch and Tori got the good witch", Cat continues.

„What?!", Jade screams excitedly, „I got Elphaba?! The lead?"

Jade cannot believe it, she has not gotten any leads since Tori arrived. The smile on Jade's face is the biggest one Beck has seen for a long time. Jade takes a look at the cast list.

„Katelyn is also in this play?! That has to be a huge mistake! Sikowitz?!"
„No it's not. We took some younger students for minor roles and since you both two look very much alike and she's perfect to play your little sister. Besides she's a very talented singer and actress as I happened to find out yesterday."

„One more but and someone else gets your role immediatly! I am the director, I decide!"

Jade feels the need to say something but she stays silent. She loves that role and she doesn't want to blow it. Jade has the feeling her dad has something to do with this, maybe he has paid Sikowitz to give her the role?

„As I do not hear any complaining anymore. Rehearsal starts today at five o'clock! Jade, give your sister this script!"

„Half- sister", Jade says with clenching teeth.

Jade has driven home to eat some lunch and she is about to leave for rehearsal. As she is getting into her car she hears a voice from the other side of the street shouting her name.

„Jadelyn! Wait!", it's her father.

„My name is Jade! Your new daughter's name is Katelyn as you may or may not remember."
„I know your name, I chose it, Jadelyn! I don't care what your stupid friends call you."

„What do you want?"

„You are going to drive your sister to rehearsal with you!"

„No?", her father gets angry.

„You've heard me right!", Jade smiles provocativly as she opens the door to her car.

Her father catches her arm, Jade shrugs. He has a tight grab, she cannot free herself he's too strong. „Now listen, Miss I-am-better-than-anyone-else! You're gonna drive your sister to rehearsal and you are going to be nice to her or you will have a big problem with me! Understood?!"

Jade stays silent. She pretends she's not scared of him anymore. She will never ever show weakness again. Her father smashes the car door close. He lets go of her wrist and walks back to his house.

„Half-sister", Jade mumbes to herself while massaging her hurting wrist.

She waits in the car. Katelyn opens the other door and sits down. She looks happy and exciting, the opposite to Jade's feelings.

„Thanks for driving me! Dad would normally drive me but he has a lot of work to do and it's also nice to spend some time with you. You know, maybe we can get to know each other!", Katelyn smiles. Jade leaves her eyes on the road, she hates every minute of this drive.

„By the way congrats on your role. I love Wicked, the musical is just amazing. I am also happy to get a role on it although it is just a small one. I haven't expected to since I am new and our grade is working on our own play as well."

„Damn, right. You shouldn't have gotten that role at all."

„Uhm, alright", Katelyn doesn't know what to say but she wants to keep the conversation going. „You're friends seem pretty cool."

Jade gives her a suspicoius look. What is she trying to say by that? Can't she get herself her own life?

„Your boyfriend, I think his name is Beck, he's hot", Katelyn continues.

That's enough! Jade pulls over at the next gas station. Jade fills her tank and says with an innocent smile on her face: „Here are 20 bugs, can you go pay for me, please?"
„Sure", Katelyn seems happy that Jade needs her for something. As Katelyn disappears inside Jade takes the car and leaves without her.

Sikowitz is suppose to be there by any second and there is no way Katelyn will be there on time. Jade is talking to Cat. Sikowitz enters the room.

„Let's get started! Katelyn can you check if my car stopped burning?"

Jade looks around suprised. Katelyn is nowhere to be seen, instead Sikowitz looks at Jade.

„Oh sorry, Jade. I thought you were Katelyn. You kinda look alike especially-"

„-the hair", the others of the cast reply.

„Except for the colorful highlights", Sikowitz continues. Jade gives him an angry glare. Suddenly the door opens and Katelyn walks in. She doesn't look tired and dirty how Jade exspected her to look. Instead she looks flawless.

„Excuse me but I would have been on time", her expression chances to furious but only for a short second, „but SOMEONE left me alone at a gas station. AND DROVE AWAY."

„Who would do that to you?", Jade acts suprised.

„Shut up", Katelyn mumbles when passing Jade.

They start reading the 4th scene. Katelyn has a quick look at Cat's script because she has all her lines colored in different shades of pink. But she realizes Vanessa's lines, her character's lines are different from the ones in her script. She starts reading them from Cat's page since they make more sense than the one's on her own. Katelyn realizes a confused look on Jade's face. She must have changed the script before giving it to Katelyn. That sounds like something Jade would do. After they finished reading the scene, Katelyn asks Sikowitz for a new script.

„Is there a problem with the one you have?", Jade asks, well knowing that there is.

„You know, I am not that stupid", Katelyn stays calm which makes Jade even more furious.

Katelyn walks over to Beck and starts talking to him. She know Jade will hate it, but she is conviced that it's a fair revenge for leaving her at a random gas station. Suprisingly Jade tries to ignore them and starts talking to Cat and Tori. Yet she keeps one eye on Beck and Katelyn all the time. Jade sees Beck laughing. „Why is he laughing? She better be not flirting with him!", Jade asks herself as she starts typing a new The Slap update.

Only seconds later Katelyn's phone explodes with messages. She looks on it in shock. Her hand covers her mouth when she sees all her new friends text messages accusing her of being a slut. „Your sister told us that you are after our boyfriends." One message says and the other ones are similar.

Katelyn feels the tears in her eyes. Jade watches her and she really doesn't want to show her that she's hurt, so she runs out of the class.

„Beck, go get her back!", Sikowitz demands.

„No, I will!", she pushes Beck out the way, not willing to let them ever talk to each other again.

She honestly hasn't thaught Katelyn would react like that. Jade was conviced Katelyn has no feelings, just like her father.

„Hey! Get yourself together and get back inside!", Jade yells.

„OH SHUT UP! I was trying to be nice to you and what do you do?!", Katelyn screams at Jade.

„I tolerated you leaving me in the middle of nowhere, that you gave me the wrong lines and even that you treat me like shit since I have arrived here! BUT POSTING LIES ABOUT ME GOES TOO FAR!"

„I have no idea what you are talking about?"

„Your tweet: Katelyn West is after your boyfriend. Be careful."

„Oh have I tweeted YOUR boyfriend", Jade lies, „I meant MY boyfriend."

Katelyn knows Jade is lying. „What?! I am not after your boyfriend!"
„I saw you flirting with him!"

„Well, I wasn't!", Katelyn has a realization, „You really need to get your jealousy under control! I am not after your boyfriend or your friends! I am not here to steal your life from you! I am so done with you!"

„Why don't you crawl just back into the whole you came from! Or go crying to your daddy?!"

„Why don't you go?!", Katelyn starts pushing Jade towards the door. Jade pushes back. Katelyn is tinier than her, Jade is obviously stronger. Nobody pushes her around like that so she fights back. The girls start fighting more agressively. Suddenly Jade feels arms around her waiste. It's Beck pulling her off Katelyn.

„Are you two insane?!", Sikowitz screams while Andre stops Katelyn from killing Jade. „You two are going to the principals office while I call your parents.

Katelyn and Jade sit opposite to each other on the sofa in the principals office. Both have their arms crossed in front of the chest, legs cross and they refuse to look at each other. They truly look similar. Only Katelyn looks like a younger Jade with medium length hair and a more casual but still black style. Their father rushes into the room as he slams the door open and makes both girls shrug. Jade waits Sikowitz to follow him but he doesn't. She really doesn't want to be alone in a room with her dad.

„I knew something like this would happen!", he begins to scream at them, „This is the reason why I didn't want you to meet her, Katelyn! See what she does! I KNEW IT FROM THE BEGINNING! I should have listened to your mother who has told me that Jade is a bad influence! She was right about it. WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER LET YOU GO TO THIS SCHOOL FULL OF IDIOTS!"

Jade is about to leave the room, she will not longer listen to this.

„OHH NOOO! You are staying right here, Missy. I will come to you in a sec!", he pushes Jade back into the sofa and blogs the door. Jade knows it's better to stay silent and to not show emotions. Katelyn does the exact opposite, a single tear runs down her cheek. She looks so much younger now.

„Dad, I am not- I am really trying to-", Katelyn tries to explain calmly but it's like a string that tightens around her throat.

„Not another word! It's only a matter of time when you decide to ruin your face with ugly jewelry!"
Jade's whole body is shaking, yet she manages to look like she doesn't care about what has been said about her.

„I can't stand you crying like a baby, Katelyn! GO! Wait in the god damn car! You better have your shit together when I come back or I'll give you something to cry about!"

Katelyn wipes away her tears and walks outside with her head held high. Jade feels the need to run away but she know she won't get far anayways. So she stays in her seat, her arms crossed in front of her body, staring on the ground.

„This is all your fault! I told you to be nice to her! But what have I expected from someone who wants to be an actress and singer! Why can't you be like a normal person?!"

Those last words keep repeating in Jade's head like a mantra while her tears begin to fall. Why can't you be like a normal person?

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