Code of a Titan (My Hero Acad...

By Goldengun2002

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In a word full of hero's and villains. Where everyone seems to have their own special power, how can you stan... More

Chapter 0: The beginings
Chapter 1: Where is he?
Chapter 2: Proving ones worth
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Entrance exam begins
Chapter 5: Titan smash
Chapter 6: First day
Chapter 7: The next step
Chapter 8: Hero's VS Villians
Chapter 9: The truth
Chapter 10: Class rep and the media
Chapter 11: 'Resue training'
Chapter 13: The fires of Sol

Chapter 12: The spark

515 7 2
By Goldengun2002

A/N: "Well looks like we might have some flashbacks."

Ghost: "What do you mean?"

A/N: "Let's just day, she had a fiery passion to protect her child."
3rd perspective

The students all stood there and watched as 13 started to suck up the mist villain with her quirk; it looked promising as she started to suck him in. Though, it went downhill fast as the villain opened a portal behind her and on himself. In effect, using her own quirk against her as her back was torn open and she fell to the ground.

13: "I'm sorry, he got me."

Mina: "13!"

They all looked in horror of the pro going down as some of us broke out of our shock.

Sato: "Iida get out of here! Go now!"

F/N: "Sentinel go!"

With that the two nodded and made a break for the door, Sentinel flew at full speed as Iida used his quirk and ran past the villain.

Iida: "Engine!"

The mist villain turned around though and spotted him.

Most villain: "A sheep trying to escape from the wolf? I simply can't allow that!"

He opened up a portal in front of them, causing the two to halt in their tracks but nearly slid into the portal before Shoji jumped and using his arms he tackled the villain and captured him for a short time.

Shoji: "Go! I got him!"

And with that split second opening they both sped up again towards the door.

Mist villain: "You ignorant child. you will not step one foot outside these doors!"

The villain went over and started to form a shadow over the two starting to encase them in his mist as they tried to power through him.

Mist villain: "I have no time for this! Begone!"

And as he was just about to teleport them away, there was a small ding as Uraraka grabbed onto the metal brace on the villain and used her quirk on him.

Uraraka: "I don't know what his quirk is, but he's wearing this weird kind of armor, so he must have a physical form! Now run Iida! Go Sentinel!"

Mist villain: "You little bastard! How dare you!"

He flouted up unable to get to Iida as he tried to pry the doors open. Sentinel doing what he can with his small form and pushing at one side before a crack opened up.

Sentinel: "I'm going to throw!"

Iida: "Go I'm right behind you!"

The small ghost took one look back at his friend, F/N looking back in horror at something.

Sentinel: (Be safe F/N. Please.)

Sentinel thought before turning and speeding out of the doors and towards the campus as fast as his little body could. Iida after a little more help from Sero and Sato being able to pull the mist villain back was able to make it and sped after the small drone to warm the teachers.

Now back with the students, F/N watched in horror to himself and some of the others as their teacher laid bloody as the massive purple monster villain broke his arm. He tried to use his quirk but it only resulted in the monster breaking his other arm before smashing his head into the ground.

The villain with hands all over him that could break people to dust just marveled at him as F/N clutched his hand. He watched in more horror as his gaze turned to Midoriya, Sui and Mineta and almost in a flash he appeared in front of them. His hand outstretched and went directly towards Sui's face. The flash of what he did to Aizawa's elbow crossed his mind.

Though he hadn't realized it, his feet were moving on their own, his hand grasped the handle of his mother's hammer and a memory played in his mind.


F/N: "Dad...... how did mom die?"

A much younger version of himself asked as the two Exo's ate dinner. The older looked at his son with a hint of blue in his light purple eyes as he spoke.

Saint: "She died a hero."

F/N: "That's not what I mean.... everyone tells me she died a hero. That's all I ever hear, I want to know what my mother did to die a hero!"

F/N stood up with crimson red eyes as he looked at his father.

F/N: "I'm sick of half truths and the same old line again and again!"

Saint looked at his child and let out a drawn out sigh. Getting up from his seat he walked past F/N and in front of a small mantel. On it rested the hammer and above it, a picture of Sara in her hero costume.

Saint: "It was supposed to be a simple fight, but it grew to so much more than that. The villain was not from Russia. He had come to Japan to gain support of the Devils Kell, the leader of the fallen at the time. The two of us broke into the stronghold. We fought through them all before we came across the two....... we should never have split up. Your mother went after the Japanese villain as I went after the Devils Kell. I had beaten him with a headbutt to the skull. That's when I heard your mother..... she injured the villain enough for him to retreat, but.... she died trying to stop a very powerful man from doing very bad things son."

He took the hammer off the mantle and looked at F/N.

Saint: "You're so much more like your mother then you realize. I will give you one piece of advice. Protect those you care about, be a hero that protects to their last breath. But most importantly, be a symbol, a guardian of humanity and everything it stands for."

Flashback ends

F/N's perspective

His voice echoes in my mind as I took a leap off the stairs and down to the plaza down below. The hand villain was about to touch her face. I raised my hammer over my head and I felt the usual warmth grow into a blistering heat start to emanate from it as it was my father's last words to me that day flowed through my mind.

Saint: "Be the spark that ignites a fire in the people."

And with that I released the hammer from my hand, fire erupted from around its surface, burning as bright as the sun, the flames flowing across, down the handle. Around my hand and spreading across my body. Engulfing me in a bright orange flame. I had my mother's power and it burned as bright as hers once did.

The hammer sailed through the air and at that moment, Midoriya lashed out at the same villain with a powerful punch. The force creates a massive amount of smoke over the area. Landing in a small crater on the ground I looked up to see what my mother's hammer had done. Though the moment was broken when the monster villain stood in front of the hand guy. Midoriya's fist in his gut, with my hammer laying beside it. A massive scorch mark across its forearm. But no visible damage whatsoever.

F/N: "W-what..... no. They came to kill All Might, this must be their weapon."

I held out my hand as the hammer burst into embers and reformed in my hand. I stood a few feet away from them as the hand guy looked at us.

Hand guy: "So you must be a disciple of All Might with that smash attack. You though, I remember my master speaking of one with such power, to think All Mights Nephew would be here too? Maybe killing you all will get him here!"

With that it all seemed to go in slow motion I watched as he went to grab Sui and Mineta. The monster villain grabbed Midoriya and was about to smash him as I broke into a sprint trying to get to them. He was millimeters from touching them before a massive dust cloud appeared at the doors. Everyone stopped and looked up to none other than the symbol of peace himself standing at the top of the stairs.

All Might: "Have no fear students. I am here."

F/N: "About time Uncle."

I let a small smirk cross my face as he threw his jacket to the side and ripped the tie from his neck.

Mineta: "We're saved!"

Hand guy: "Finally after all this waiting, the heroic peace of trash shows up."

F/N: "Hey handyman! You're down right screwed now!"

Within a flash All Might moved and took out the lesser villains, carefully picking up Aizawa. He turned his head and saw I and then others looking at him. Though his gaze settled on me for a second. A smirk formed for only a second as in a flash I was under his other arm with my fellow students. He set us all down as he got ready to fight.

All Might: "All of you back to the entrance and take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time."

Mineta: "Yes sir!"

Midoriya: "You saved us All Might."

The hand guy quickly walked over and grabbed the hand mask that All Might knocked off. Hiding his face until he put it back on.

Midoriya: "All Might! One fo- I smashed him and it didn't even phase him!"

F/N: "Ya you can't fight this guy in your own Uncle!"

I gripped my hammer and got into a stance before he looked back at us.

All Might: "Young Midoriya, dear Nephew."

He then did a peace sign with his hand.

All Might: "I got this."

We looked at him and nodded slowly. Helping pick up our injured teacher. We carried him towards the exit, the fires around my body dimming and eventually disappearing as I stopped using my quirk. Taking a look back I saw All Might's Carolina smash do nothing to the Nomu as it was called. They got into a brawl and exchanged blows.

F/N: (You got this Uncle.)

Picking up the pace a bit as we as a massive force of wind hit us.

Mineta: "Are you guys seeing this suplex was like a massive explosion. All Mights on a whole other level."

Sui: "Yet he still had to look at notes when he teaches in class."

Mineta: "Get that guy! Punch him right in the balls!"

Sui: "Maybe we were worried about these bad guys for nothing. All Mights unstoppable."

I looked over at Midoriya who gave me the same look I was giving him. All Might was at his limit, and we both knew it. We kept walking back to the entrance. Until the smoke revealed how much trouble he really was. The mist villain had opened a portal under them and allowed Nomu to grip into his sides from under All Might. Breaking skin and letting blood soak into his white dress shirt. All Might tried to get loose but the monster wasn't failing to hold its grasp.

Balling up my fists I looked at Midoriya who nodded as he spoke to Sui.

Midoriya: "Asui."

Sui: "Ya Midoriya?"

Midoriya: "Can you carry Mr. Aizawa."

Sui: "*Ribit* sure. But what are you going to do?"

F/N: "Probably something really stupid."

Grabbing my hammer once again I felt the warmth of the solar flames across my body as me and Midoriya sprinted over towards them. Jumping forward, Midoriya was about to get sucked into a portal before Bakugo came out of nowhere and attack the villain.

Bakugo: "Get out of my way!"

He then grabbed the villain by his weird armor and smashed it down into the dirt as Todoroki sued his quirk to freeze half the monster.

Todoroki: "One of your thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might."

Now due to its frozen state, All Might was able to escape the villains grasp as he held his side.

F/N: "Come on old man, you still got a fight left in you, or am I going to have to help you out."

All Might: "Just like your father."

F/N: "Damn right."

I got ready as Kirishima failed to hit the hand guy.

Kirishima: "Aw that would have been cool."

Bakugo: "Guess I found your body this time!"

Todoroki: "The symbol of peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you."

With that, we all got into a stance.

Hand guy: "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the better of you. You got us in a real jam here."

F/N: "Because he's predictable."

Bakugo: "You got careless, it wasn't hard to figure out. Only parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate, you use that mist to hide your actual body as a kinda distraction. Thinking that makes you safe? That's why we missed. But you wear this neck armor, so you're not immune to physical attacks if they're well placed."

He tried to get up only for Bakugo to die off some small explosions.

Bakugo: "Don't move, if you try anything funny I'll blow your ass up so bad they'll be piecing you back together."

F/N: "For once I agree with Short Fuse."

We watched as the hand guy marveled at us a bit before ordering the Nomu to get up. It reappeared through the portal and even after its arm and leg got taken off from the ice it was still moving.

Midoriya: "How is that thing still moving? He's all messed up."

F/N: "Just means we need to mess him up even more!"

All Might: "No stay back everybody!"

We all watched as Nomu regrew it's lost limbs.

All Might: "How! You told me his quirk was shock absorption."

Hand guy: "That's not his only quirk. He's got super regeneration, basically a punching bag that hits back. But now we need to get our method of escape back. Get him Nomu."

With a blast of wind we all got sent back, we couldn't even see the thing move as we were sent on our ass's.

Midoriya: "Katchan!"

Bakugo: "I'm right here you nerd."

Midoriya: "Wait you dodged that!?"

Bakugo: "Of course i didn't."

Kirishima: "Then how did you get over here?"

Todoroki: "Isn't it obvious."

F/N: "Uncle."

We all looked over to see All Might with his arms crossed as he stood in front of a broken barrier.

All Might: "These are children and you don't hold back."

Hand guy: "He was threatening my companion, I had no choice. Besides these kids are no angels, the plain looking one and the flaming robot tried to kill me. What kinda hero does something like that? You think you can-

F/N: "Chit chat."

Hand guy: "Violence-

F/N: "Chit chat."

Hand guy: "For the sake of-

F/N: "Chitty chitty chit chat."

Hand guy: "Others-

F/N: "Chit chat."

Hand guy: "You're getting on my nerves."

F/N: "Good."

Hand guy: "Anyway, what makes acts of violence from hero's different then Villains? You call yourself the symbol of Peace All Might. But your just another government sponsored instrument of violence and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."

All Might: "Your nothing but a lunatic. Villains like you always try to justify our actions by sounding noble. Admit it, you're only doing this because you like it. Isn't that right."

Todoroki: "We got them out numbered."

Midoriya: "Katchan rounds the mist guy's weakness."

Kirishima: "These guys act all tough, but we can take them down with All Might's help. Let's do this."

All Might: "Don't attack, get out of here."

Todoroki: "You would have been in trouble if we weren't here. You need our help."

F/N: "Ya, let's kick their asses together."

All Might: "And I thank you for that. But this is different, it's going to be alright. Just sit back and watch a pro at work."

Midoriya: "But your bleed and your hurt, plus your almost out of time-

He caught himself as I placed a hand on his shoulder. All Might just gave us a thumbs up.

Hand guy: "Nomu, Kurogiri deal with him. I'll take on the children. So let's clear this level and go home."

All Might got ready as the hand guy ran at us. All Might and Nomu ran at each other and created a massive shock wave, sending the hand guy back away from us.

Hand guy: "Didn't you hear me, one of his quirks is shock absorber."

All Might: "Ya what about it!"

The two started to exchange blows that created a constant wind that pushed us back away from them. They kept exchanging blows at blinding speed. One punch sending the beast threw some trees and the fight broke parts of the facility apart as they became airborne and kept up the blows, All Might being able to land a solid hit to the Nomu to send it crashing down to the ground. We watched on as he landed and started to power up one final punch.

All Might: "Here's a lesson you might have heard before, but I will teach you what they really mean. Go beyond! Plus! Ultra!"

The force of the punch ripped the ground apart and shook the entire USJ as All Might sent Nomu through the roof and into the sky beyond.

Kirishima: "That was like the finishing move out of a video game, he beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen such brute strength."

Bakugo: "Imagine having that kinda power, he must have been punching that monster so fast he couldn't regenerate."

I turned off my quirk and placed the hammer on my side as I chuckled.

F/N: "Now that's my Uncle for you."

All Might: "Back in my hay day it would have only been five nightly blows, but today it was three hundred. Now you've been bested villain, surrender. We all want to get over with this quickly."

We looked on at the two villains. The hero's had won this day, thanks to the symbol of peace himself.

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