broken soul ✔️

By arshi_fan_204

442K 18.5K 3.6K

its start from where khushi brought arnav back from kidnappers. But what will happens when instead of thankin... More

part 01
Part 2
cover by me
Part 3
Part 4
part 5
Part 6
Part 07
character sketch
●must read it ●
Part 9
important note.
Part 10
new story
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
important note
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
try this
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Last part
try this
try this
Try this
New os

Part 08

10.6K 544 98
By arshi_fan_204

Happy reading

Next day

Anika and khushi are running here and there  for preparation. Shivay try to ask Anika to take rest but that madam wanna take full part in this function. She don't want khushi to feel alone in this busy day. So she decided to do all things which could help her in making ready things

Ani. It's all ready khushi now we should leave.

K. That's great. Let me get in my clothes then we will leave.  Anika nodded and she left from there.

In sight

Arnab is discussing something with his models when khushi cAme there with anika.  Arnav who was busy in talking he suddenly stopped to seeing her.  She is looking beautiful knee length baby pink dress with open hair having a cute ring in her hair..

K. Mr Arnab everything is ready. I've Make sure to not do any mistake. I've arranged everything according to you. Now if you need any more help then do tell me. I'll do that as well.but he didn't answer and keep looking at her

Lavanaya felt so much anger and she immediately jolt him making him coming out from his lalala land.

Ar.  What what did you say he stammers.

K. I said you need any help then do tell me. I can do it.

Ar. Yes you have to stay with  all those models and Make sure to not do any mistakes because only one problem can make big issue.

K. That's fine I won't.

Ar.  Gd let's go lavanaya I've to see stage as well saying this he walked out from there. 

Mod.  Hey girl can you bring water for  me.  I'm feeling thirsty.

K. I'm just here to see you people so that you guys don't do any mistake and everyone get ready according to  asr. So go and bring water for yourself

M.  Don't need to show me attitude ok. Go and do my work. Other wise ill complain about you to asr.

K. Go a head I'm not afraid.

M.  Your tongue is moving so fast.  Look how I call asr

Ani. Don't need to waste your time on her. She seems some cheap girl. Just go and bring water for her. Otherwise she will keep barking. 

K.  Ok fine I'm bringing.

M. You better be.  Khushi glare her and left to get water for her.

K here is your water she about to forward her when that model hand touched and it fell on her clothes making her all drenched. 

M.  O bloody bitch you spoiled my whole clothes.  She got up and started shrugging her clothes

K. I didn't do deliberately. Your hand had been touched it which  caused it to fell over you. 

M.  Now you are blaming me for this ha.  First you do mistake and then excusing me. How dare you. 

K. Listen you are making big issue now

M. I'm going from here I don't wanna do modelling there where people insults me.

K. Then get the hell out of here. If you won't walk on ramp walk then  show won't stop. So get out.

M. Now I will surely leave from here. Saying this she grabbed her things and left from there

Ar.  Reena reena he called her but he didn't stop and went off.

Ar. Where she has gone and why she was angry. He questions to khushi who is standing silently.

Other model. Asr this girl insulted her. First she shouted at her then when she asked her for water she without thinking anything spill all over her making her clothes spoils.

Ar. Whattt?

Ani. She is laying.  Khushi didn't do anything.  That girl made issue unnecessarily.  She was the one who was insulting khushi.

M. O plz ha we had seen how you people were treating her.

L.  I had already told you to change event planner but you didn't listen and look what happened  because of her show stopper has gone. Now who gonna walk over there in this short time we can't get any other model.

Arnab's eyes got red in anger. He clutch his fist to controlling himself but he couldn't do it snd held khushi's arm tightly

K. Aaaa what you doing. Let me go. 

Ar.  Let you gooooo you bloody spoiled everything and saying let you go.  He said pushing her back to the wall making her shriek.

Ar.  How dare you Khushi to do that. Because of you I'm gonna get loss. That girl was our main model but you bloody insulted her and she left  after getting angry and it's all happened because of you.  Why khushi why ?? Why you did it.

K. I didn't do deliberately. She was the one who was insulting me.   I tried to say her I'm not her servant or care taker but she made a big issue and then knowingly makes me spill water over her.  She itself wanted to leave.  I just became source to go from here. 

Arnav held his head in tension and then hit the wall making khushi shut her eyes

Ar.  Now I've one choice.  He look at khushi and pulled her towards him.

Ar. You did mistake  na. Now you are the only one who will pay for it.  Now instead of that girl you gonna run in ramp walk. 

K.  I won't do it mr Arnab singh raizada.  Did you get it. She try to go but he held her and pushed her back.

Ar. You have to do it other wise  I'll call your boss and will call off contract and will make sure to shut your company as well and it's not any threat I'll surely do it.  Now it's your choice. You wanna do this or wanna see your company on the road.

K.  This is wrong. When I've told you I didn't do anything then why are you bloody forcing me to do it

Ar. You did mistake or not but you have to do it and that's final. Now go.  Lavanaya bring her dress and give to her so that our main model can get ready

K. You will pay for this mr raizada

Ar. First you pay which you did. Miss khushi. 

K. Fine I'll do it. But keep one-thing in your bloody brain that if something happened then don't blame me. Did you get it. 

L. Let's go with me. Don't need to show attitude to asr.  She held her arm and dragged her with her.

In changing room

Lavnaya get dress and  pulled zip little to make it damage.

L. Now I'll see how you will save your dignity.  She smirked and cAme out from dressing room. 

L. Here is your dress get ready in it.  Khushi snatched it from her hand and went to get in it.

After sometime

Arnab is making some calls when phone dropped from his hand when he saw her. She is looking not more than a fairy in that dress. He never thought that she gonna look so beautiful. He goes near her and pulled out clip from her hair

Ar. Now perfect. Jastyna can you pass me that necklace. The girl nodded and Gave to him.

Ar.  Move he turns and make her wear it without giving head to her nervousness.he turns her and Make her hair more flurry to give her good look.

K. I'm already saying you.  Change your decision you gonna surely regret.

Ar. I won't.  He smirks. Now let's go show gonna start. Girls be ready in five minutes you have to be out. 

All models nodded and started touch up to make themselves more beautiful. 

Arnab gives one more glance to khushi and walked out with lavanya who is cooking plans in her mind

Ani. Khushi don't do it.

K. It's fine. We can't neglect that his model has gone because of me. Although this dress is not that much bad which will make me comfortable. She smiles

Ani. You are so brave

K. Yes I know she giggle

Anika smiles and tuck her hair back of her ear.

Soon model start coming out in their outfits.  Media started clicking their photo. Arnav. Bring a devilish smiles on his face and give to his competitors. Who scowled to seeing his designs

L. You will win for surly asr.

Arnav nodded and keep tucking his eyes on stage. Suddenly his expression got stuck over his face when he saw Khushi.  Khushi felt nervous little but soon confident hit her and started walking like professional models.

L. Time  get start now. She smiles like an evil thinking about her plan. All people are just admiring khushi's look. She carried her all look so well. She is looking beautiful indeed and even Arnab is admit it.her look is really good.  After doing one walk when khushi is going back when she stopped to feeling something wrong with her dress.  Arnab got confused to seeing her standing there clutching her dress.  All whoops when her dress slipped from her shoulder.  Khushi got jammed on her place because she knows if she will try to walk then her dress will fell down.  Arnab got red when he saw all people are gawking at her bare back.  He didn't take time to react and immediately go back to stage.  Tears started trickling from her cheek. She don't know where to go and what to do. She has been stuck on one place only.  People started gossiping about her.which made her sobs little. Anika is feeling helpless to do anything. But then she decide to go on stage. She about to move when she saw someone beside her. Soon all lights goes off and someone wrapped dupata around her shoulder. Khushi lift up Her eyes and found Arnab is standing beside her holding her shoulder. He blink his eyes to assure her and turned her holding her waist.  All People cheered up to seeing them. Arnab smile and started walking with her again. Lavanaya fums to seeing her plan backfire.  After doing all walk  they about to turns when khushi gasp again to feeling her dress getting Down more. Arnab realises what gonna happens so without thinking further he pick her up in his arms and went inside without looking at her face.

He brought her there and made her sit on the sofa

Ar. Khushi are you alright.

K. You did it deliberately to insult me isn't. She sobs

Ar. What ??

K. Ap na jaan booj ka muja ya dress Di. So that I could feel humiliation infront of people. How dare you to do this. For mere revenge you put my dignity on stake. How can you stoop so low arnav how dare you.

ar. I didn't do it. Why are you blaming me unnecessarily.

K. O really you didn't do it he. How come this dress got damage. It's your so called girlfriend who had given me this dress. You were the one who had chosen it. So it's clear that you did it. Now I'm sure you would be feeling happy to seeing me like this. Congrats mr raizada you achieved your motive. I'll never ever will forgive never ever. She pushed him and run inside leaving him on the floor

In India

Shayam and anjali's face got pale when they saw khushi in Arnav's arms

S. Rani Sahiba how come khushi ji in wala saab Arms. How they are together

An. I don't know how she reached there.  From six months we didn't know where she was then how come she appeared there

S. But sala sahab as well didn't let you know about it.

An. How can he hide from me.  Why he didn't tell me she screams

An. If she cAme back in his life then. No no I won't let her to snatch  my husband and brother. I won't give her permission to come in my life. 

S.  Now what will Happens all news channels are covering them and even they are connecting them with each other.  Now what will happens anjali

Anjali. I won't let her come back. I won't I won't.  She murmured like a mad person.

Precap .....Arnav ask khushi to Arrange his and lavanaya marriage.

Target ...300 votes unlimited comments

Guys keep patience for few more chappies.  Truth gonna come out soon and for that khushi has to go back in Arnav house. So give some time to it and don't be impatient.  ♥️


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