Frat House // harry styles

By plainlystyles

351K 6.6K 7.8K

[DISCONTINUED] (for now) After giving up on finding a place to stay after being accepted into WSU, Ariana res... More

✧ chapter one ✧
✧ chapter two ✧
✧ chapter three ✧
✧ chapter four ✧
✧ chapter five ✧
✧ chapter six ✧
✧ chapter seven ✧
✧ chapter eight ✧
✧ chapter nine ✧
✧ chapter ten ✧
✧ chapter eleven ✧
✧ chapter twelve ✧
✧ chapter thirteen ✧
✧ chapter fourteen ✧
✧ chapter fifteen ✧
✧ chapter sixteen ✧
✧ chapter seventeen ✧
✧ chapter eighteen ✧
✧ chapter nineteen ✧
✧ chapter twenty ✧
✧ chapter twenty-one ✧
✧ chapter twenty-two ✧
✧ chapter twenty-three ✧
✧ chapter twenty-four ✧
✧ chapter twenty-five ✧
✧ chapter twenty-six ✧
✧ chapter twenty-seven ✧
✧ chapter twenty-nine ✧
✧ chapter thirty ✧
✧ chapter thirty-one ✧
✧ chapter thirty-two ✧
✧ chapter thirty-three ✧
thirty four

✧ chapter twenty-eight ✧

7.7K 172 172
By plainlystyles

Questionable outfit

It was slightly cooler today and I was panicking to get ready. All my leggings were in the wash and as much as I love my tracksuit pants I really didn't want to wear them to school today. I paced in and out of my wardrobe and finally gave up, snatching a black frilled skirt off the hanger along with a pink sweater, my black old school vans and a few accessories to tie the look together.

Once I had the outfit on I looked at myself in the mirror. Okay she's cute dayum. Surprisingly happy with my outfit I quickly grabbed my 'in process' artwork and raced downstairs. Harry ordered that he was gonna take me to school today so I had to say yes, but I obviously I didn't want to say no either.

I headed into the kitchen with my bag in my hand and put a piece of toast in the toaster. Once it had popped back up I smeared peanut butter and jam- or as the Americans say 'jelly' all over the piece of toast.

As I was about to take a bite I felt a broad and tall body press against me. I tried to move away until I heard his voice.

"You know, you really are looking to drive me crazy today right?" Harry whispered into my ear. I felt his hard on pressing up against my ass through his jean fabric. Holy shit it felt huge.

I quickly spun around and looked up with him in the most innocent way possible. "That wasn't my intention..." I teased him, he sucked in on his breath and bit his lip. "You'll come to learn I don't like people teasing me." He replied as I smirked at him, making his expression darken. He pressed his body into mine and attached his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily.

He detached his lips momentarily after rubbing small circles over my now hard nipples. I immediately felt hot down there. How could such dominant sexual behaviours turn me on so fucking much?

He merely smirked at me as he stood back and attempted to adjust his obvious boner in his pants. I chuckled quietly at him, swiftly turning back around to finish my toast. Once I was done Harry was leaning against the counter waiting, spinning his keys around his fingers to kill time.

"Okay I'm ready." I told him, walking past him and swaying my hips. We hopped in his car and Harry begin driving to school. Although we weren't talking, the car trip was filled with my thoughts rushing through my head, trying to piece together what was happening.

Harry was 4 years older then me. I was eighteen, he was 22. I was always so self sufficient and strong. I never needed a man, never wanted one after Carter. As soon as Harry came into my life I didn't take his shit one bit. Then all of a sudden, I crave him, I submit, I show him a side of me that I hadn't seen for 2 years. An innocent side. I don't think this side of me is fully shined through though, because I still feel independent and not willing to take peoples shit- but there's something about Harry that just changed me altogether...

Like I wanted to be what he wanted me to be.

But I couldn't- because this is suppose to be merely sexual. No strings attached.

And that's what made it difficult.

I sighed quietly to myself and leant against the window, aimlessly looking out at the scenery. It wasn't long before we arrived at school.

I went to hop out of the car but Harry grabbed my thigh. I quickly turned to look at him with a frown on my face.

"Am I going to get a kiss goodbye?" He smirked. I blushed to myself and nodded my head, leaning forward and pecking his lips unobtrusively. Thank god for Harry's tinted windows.

I pulled away and jumped out of the car, waving goodbye to him in the process. I scurried away to art and sat in my seat next to Nova.

She glanced over to me and smirked to herself, looking down at the table to avert her gaze. I placed my hands on the table and turned to her. "What!" I groaned as she aimlessly looked up at the ceiling with a cheeky smile.

"Stop knowing everything." I groan at her.

She shook her head at me and focused on our artworks. After class had ended I bid goodbye to Nova as I had some free time to study.

I collected my things and headed out to the outdoor seating area and placed my stuff down on a table I had claimed mine.

Once I got out my laptop and started creating some notes on what I've learnt over the past week onto the document. I felt a pair of eyes on me from afar, I quickly turned around and saw nothing. I quickly shrugged my shoulders and faced the front. I almost jumped out of my seat as I noticed the presence in front of me.

"Hello Ariana." Liam mused. I folded my arms and gave him an off look. What was Liam doing here?

"Can I help you?" I rolled my eyes at the boy. He smirked slightly and looked down at his hands, quietly scoffing.

"I've heard a lot about you." He tells me. I raised an eyebrow and proceeded to frown.

"As have I." I responded. "What can I do for you Liam."

"I'm just here to clear the air." He began. I watched him and waited for him to continue. "I know you've heard a lot of negatives about me due to your brother, but I want you to know I have no intention of doing anything to hurt you. I'm not the bad guy here."

"I'm pretty sure I know and trust my brother as the good guy a lot better then I trust you." I folded my arms. He chuckled lightly and pressed his lips together.

"I'm not here to argue with you. I'm just telling you the true side of me because your impression of me would clearly be clouded due to your brother and Kappa Sigma Gamma." He took a breath. "I'm not your enemy."

I looked down slowly and looked back into his eyes. "Okay? I don't care about you guys' stupid frat war bullshit. Like, it has nothing to do with me. Please just leave me out of it and leave me alone."

"Okay, it was nice to officially meet you Ariana." Liam nodded to me before standing up from the chair and walking away.

Weird shit.

I decided to shrug off my encounter with Liam. It was my first proper impression of him and all the shit going on around and in the background is confusing. Hopefully he was truthful about him not being a threat as I am sick of being the pawn in this stupid game.

A couple of hours past and it was finally lunch. I skipped over to the cafeteria and noticed Nova, Amelia, Cori and Leela sitting down at our table.

"Hey guys." I said as I sat down at the table. They pulled faces to each other which confused my immensely. "What..."

"Noah is pissed at you. He stormed over here earlier looking for you." Leela spoke up. I widened my eyes and looked between the girls, they all nodded in agreement and I threw my head back and groaned.

"What the hell? Why!" I asked them. Nova shrugged her shoulders.

"Why me. This is fucking stupid." I groaned.

"What's fucking stupid is your outfit. Are you kidding? What are you wearing." Noah questioned.

"Clothes? Are you serious right now." I huffed at him, rolling my eyes at my brother and facing away from him.

"It's really not appropriate. You've had everyone ogling you all day!" He snapped. I felt like hitting him in the face. God forbid me actually looking good for once.

"Well I can't control what people do. Why can't I just wear what I want to wear. Besides, all my jeans were in the wash so this is the most sophisticated outfit I could find. Sorry it doesn't meet 'your standards'." I gestured with air quotes. The girls around our argument attempted to divert their attention away from us, trying to be removed from the situation.

"Please just come sit with me and the boys." He begged. I widened my eyes and felt as if I was fuming. Yeah he's my brother and he cares about me but he had no right in this situation to control what I do I in any way.

"No way. Fuck off." I spat. Noah sighed and walked away, I quickly gave my attention back to the girls and sighed also. "I'm sorry." I told them. "I just hate that he thought he had the authority to do that."

"No dude it's okay." Amelia spoke up for everyone. "You legitimately look fine, he's being ridiculous."

"I mean he's not being ridiculous, he's just being protective of his little sister." Cori added to Amelia.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, noticing the emerald green eyes in which I cared about so much burn into me.

"Did you wanna come with me?" He said as he squeezed my shoulder lightly. I hesitantly nodded and sat up, waving goodbye to the girls as I clutched onto my bag tightly to relieve my uncomfortableness.

"Where are we going?" I asked Harry. He looked at me with the side of his eye quickly before returning his gaze back forward.

"Out to lunch. I wanted Mexican." He shrugged.

"Oh okay?" I raised an eyebrow. "Your shout?"

"Of course, baby."

Sorry this took so long I've been working all week and have been so fucking tired like I barely wrote this I'm so tired

Sorry if this chapter is shit, I tried-

Love you all, thank you so much for 100k reads! That's crazy

Tash xx

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