An IDV story (dumb)

By nutstate

34.3K 996 5.2K


Just some background
Gay boi hours
Naib, help!
Accept or reject?
Joseph, get out!
They won't stop crying...
Roadman Robbie and Chavvy Follower?
Bald boi time
A wedding?
Finally husband and wife
A small problem...
Soft boi dates!
A second wedding
Even more weddings...
New character: John Cena!
Adopting a roadman...
A moment of peace, please?!
Joseph done goofed
Sacrifice the child
Fully snapped
Movie night!
The mini hunters
Adopted Andrew
McDonalds madness
Beach time!
Wait, you're a boy and I'm a rat?!
Helena causing trouble again?!
Uncovering the truth
The rise of Rah Queen
Rah Queen films a video
Thank you so much!
How's Norton doing?
A manly sleepover
Girls' night!
Naib's sad boi hours...
Unexpected pregnancy
Two-person skewer
Kevin gets a man
Just brotherly love~
Not the holy woman!
The softest content you'll get
Luca's virginities
Mike's kebabs
A boat date!
Magnet man's turn
A night out
The park
Poor health
Over the bridge and far away
Finding out
Too much soup
Don't drop your ice lolly
A not-so-private chat
Inviting some friends
Last minute plans
Always interrupted
Joseph's going crazy...
Car wash
Duo hunters
Cleaning survivors' rooms
Cleaning hunters' rooms
Relationship problems
All in one day
Is this how it ends?
A peek into the future

No way... Another wedding?!

295 14 9
By nutstate

Two years later, in the same small funeral shop...

Aesop: *living in bliss, in the abandoned shop, in the abandoned village, until he hears lots of clapping*

Aesop: That sounds like a lot of people... I thought I was the only one here...

Aesop: *steps out to see what the commotion is about, but turns around and walks back in when he sees it's just a wedding*

Aesop: Calm down, Aesop, they won't come in...

*somebody knocks on the door*

Aesop: *flinches*

Aesop: Uhhh... Gotta hide...!

Eli: *flings open the door and walks in*

Naib: *stands in the doorway*

Aesop: ...! Umm...

Eli: Is that you, Aesop?

Naib: Dude! Where have you been?!

Aesop: I... I'm not Aesop...

Eli: You sure sound like him, though...

Naib: Mate, stop playing! Tell us why you're here!

Aesop: It's just a coincidence that I look and sound like your friend...

Eli: Oh... Then what's your name?

Aesop: Aes- Ee- Eeeeeli...

Eli: Really? My name's also Eli.

Aesop: That's nice to know...

Eli: Okay, you're coming with us, Mr Eli.

Aesop: Wait, what? I don't want to go back...!

Eli: Go back? Go back to where? Have you been to our home before, Mr Eli?

Aesop: Uh- I heard from my brother Aesop that it's a terrifying place...

Eli: That didn't really answer the question... But, you don't have a choice.

Eli: *grabs Aesop's arm and drags him outside*

Naib: *follows behind them*

The three boys: *go over to where the wedding is taking place*

Eli: Aesop... Stop this facade already...

Aesop: How did you even know?

Eli: That's not the problem here... Why did you leave and not come back for two years?!

Aesop: *trembles a little*

Aesop: I needed to escape...

Eli: Escape what?! What happened?! What did you do, Aesop?!

Aesop: *looking back a few times to his old home*

Aesop: Maybe you shouldn't know...?

Aesop: *does a full 180 and runs back*

Eli: Wait! Jeez, this guy...

Naib: I'll go get him. I'm more chill than you.

Eli: Naib, you little-

Naib: *uses elbow pads to zoom away before he gets shouted at by Eli*

Naib: Hey, Aesop, it's me, your best mate. Let me in?

Naib: *leans against the front door and pushes slightly, to try and open it*

Aesop: *on the other side, with his back against the door, keeping it shut*

Aesop: No...

Naib: Let me in! Let me iiiiin!

Naib: *starts bashing the door with his fists*

Aesop: Still no.

Naib: *flies through the door, using his head to break a hole in the middle, also hitting Aesop*

Aesop: Urk-

Aesop: *falls onto his front, with Naib laying on top of him*

Naib: *quickly gets up, brushes off the dust and helps Aesop up*

Naib: Dude, just tell me what happened. I won't judge.

Aesop: I can't... As much as I would like to...

Naib: Why, man? Is somebody else in here?

Naib: *raises his fists, and his eyes dart around the room*

Naib: Is somebody threatening you, dude?

Aesop: *places his hands on Naib's fists and lowers them*

Aesop: No, no, it's not that... I might end up going to jail if I tell you...

Naib: Wow, dude. Was it drugs? Did you get caught by the police when you was still drunk?

Aesop: No... You can keep asking but I won't tell you...

Naib: I'm no snitch, my guy, just tell me. I won't report you, I promise.

Aesop: Highly unlikely.

Naib: Nah, dude, I'm telling the truth. When have I ever lied?

Aesop: *stares at Naib with a blank expression*

Naib: Okay! Maybe a little! But, I'm not lying this time!

Aesop: I'm still not saying...

Naib: You're so difficult to deal with... Anyway, let's go home! Everyone was so worried! We thought you died, dude!

Aesop: Why would I die?

Naib: Well, Norton brought back your penis and Joseph confirmed that it was yours, so we all thought you died of blood loss or something.

Aesop: Joseph has never seen my-

Naib: What?! You guys have been married for... How long? And you still haven't done... You know...

Aesop: No... I was never really comfortable with it...

Naib: That's probably why he's marrying Helena...

Aesop: Huh? He's marrying who?

Naib: Helena. Did you go deaf or something?

Aesop: Helena... That's amazing...

Aesop: *trying his hardest not to cry*

Naib: Not really that great, in my opinion. I mean, he's like nearly 70 and Helena's still like... In her 20s?

Aesop: *ignoring Naib*

Aesop: That is so good... I bet he's real happy...

Naib: You really think so, mate? I mean like-

Aesop: Haha... He's finally done it... I was wondering when they were going to get married... Haha...

Naib: *places a hand on Aesop's back*

Naib: You feeling alright, my guy?

Aesop: *looks down at his hands, then looks at Naib*

Aesop: You're not serious, are you?

Naib: Look at me, bro, this is the face of seriousness.

Aesop: I suppose... But I've never really seen your serious face...

Naib: Nevermind, dude, let's just go, okay?

Naib: *still has his hand on Aesop's back, and leads him out back to Eli*

Eli: Finally... I thought you would be faster with your elbow pads... Just like how you-!

Naib: Alright, chill, Eli! I got Aesop and that's all that matters!

Eli: I guess you're right... For once...

Naib: I'm right most of the time!

Aesop: *shaking*

Eli: Shut up! You're scaring Aesop!

Naib: You're more scary than me!

Aesop: *places a hand on Naib's shoulder*

Naib: *a little stunned*

Aesop: Please stop shouting...

Naib: Oh- Yeah, of course, dude.

Aesop: Thank you...

Eli: Well, the wedding is over and you're not leaving again, Aesop.

Aesop: Okay...

Eli: *holds onto Aesop's wrist and pulls him over to Norton's monster truck (probs illegal to drive one on the road, but oh well, they all illegal)*

Naib: *walks behind them*

Aesop: What is this...?

Eli: Norton's other car... He says it's a monster truck... I never knew he was into those strange things...

Aesop: Oh...

Eli: He's a punk... Anyway, get in.

Eli: *releases Aesop's wrist and shoves him in*

Eli: We're heading home in this crazy thing.

Eli: *climbs in and fastens three seatbelts for himself (dunno if they have three seatbelts or if they have seatbelts at all, just know a bit about them because of my baby bro)*

Naib: Oh, I didn't come in the truck... I came with Jack in his car, so I'll get going now.

Aesop: He has a car? I thought he wasn't trust-

Naib: Yeah, but we don't have children throwing birthday parties, at the manor, so he was permitted to drive a car again.

Aesop: But-

Naib: Okay, see ya!

Naib: *waves to them and rushes off*

Aesop: He has a child...

Eli: Don't mind him... He may have grown two years, but his stupid personality never changed...

Aesop: *nods slowly*

Norton and Mike: *walk up to the monster truck*

Norton: Heya, Eli, we about to head out. You coming home with us?

Eli: Yes, please. I can't really stand staying in this deserted area...

Norton: Righty-o! Let's get going then.

Norton: *climbs into the driver's seat*

Mike: *sits in the seat next to Norton's*

Norton: Okay, Robbie, be careful during the ride, okay? Eli has all the seatbelts again...

Aesop's mind: Robbie?

Aesop: *looks to his side and sees Eli*

Eli: *leans back a bit to reveal Robbie sitting next to him*

Robbie: *looks at Eli, then past Eli, at Aesop*

Robbie: Fam, there's a ghost!

Mike: Don't be silly, Robbie, ghosts don't exist~

Robbie: Nah, bruv, he's actually sitting right there! I can't be the only one seeing that dumbass!

Norton and Mike: *look behind to see what's going on, and they see Aesop*

Mike: Ohmigosh! A ghost! Norton, help me!

Norton: Aesop?! You're alive?!

Aesop: *gives a small wave*

Norton: Bro, I seriously thought you were a goner!

Aesop: Let's not talk about it anymore... Please, just drive us home...

Robbie: Nah, nah, nah, fam! Get out! He's come back to haunt us!

Aesop: That's not what's happening...

Robbie: I ain't trusting you again, bruv!

Norton: Robbie, calm down! He's not a ghost!

Mike: *trying to stop shaking*

Robbie: You brainwashed or something?! Mad lad! Let me out right now!

Robbie: *attempts to get out*

Eli: *holds onto Robbie firmly*

Eli: Listen to your parents, problem child...

Robbie: *a bit scared of Eli, so stays in his seat*

Robbie: Okay, I will... Please don't tug my shirt...

Eli: *lets go*

Eli: Oops, sorry... Anyways, Norton, if you please...

Norton: Oh yeah. Alright, sheeple, we're going home!

Norton: *drives them all back to the manor, occassionally screaming 'Yeah, babeh!' when he flies over the speed bumps*

The four guys and one boy: *exit the monster truck and walk back into the manor*

Mike: *yawns*

Norton: Err, we're all a bit tired, so we're gonna head back to my room and rest a while. See you later, Eli... And Aesop...

Eli: Yeah, see you later.

Norton: Oh, by the way, Aesop, if you want your dick back... I kinda preserved it with some of your embalming techniques...

Aesop: That would be greatly appreciated...

Norton: Alright, I'll bring it to you later on, bro.

Norton: *waves to Eli and Aesop, then leads Mike to his room, while Robbie climbs onto Norton's back for a piggy back ride*

Eli: Well, maybe you want to go find Emily and get your... Private parts back... And attached...

Aesop: *small muffled noise of agreement*

Eli: I'll see you later, then. And don't forget that you can always come to me for support... I'll hear you out and help you...

Eli: *takes one last look at Aesop, still a little worried about him, then leaves*

Aesop: *watches Eli walk away, then goes to find Emily, who is in her room, making some medicine*

Emily: Aesop?! Oh my goodness! Are you alright?!

Emily: *rushes over to Aesop and checks his body for any injuries*

Aesop: I'm okay... Thanks, doc...

Emily: Quick! Get on the bed! I need to make sure! And if you don't mind, please remove your clothes... Whatever you're comfortable with...

Aesop: *lays on the bed and takes off his clothes, leaving his boxers on*

Emily: *checks his body, checks his heartbeat, does all that doctor stuff*

Emily: If I press here, does it hurt?

Aesop: No...

Emily: What about here?

Aesop: No...

Emily: Okay... You seem fine, then. There's nothing serious. You can put your clothes on now...

Aesop: Okay...

Aesop: *gets up, off the bed, and places his clothes back on*

Emily: So... What happened? Why did you decide to leave all of a sudden?

Aesop: I don't know... I was drunk and... Yeah, I don't know...

Emily: Drunk? Jeez, you need to be more careful...!

Aesop: Sorry...

Emily: It's fine now, I guess. I'm just glad that you're safe...

Aesop: I'm sorry for worrying you...

Emily: It wasn't just me who was worried... Most of us were so shocked when Norton came back with just your... Ahem... And he claimed that you had died...

Aesop: Oh, that's right. Is it okay for you to sew my peen back on for me?

Emily: You've been living for two years without one?!

Aesop: No... I had a temporary one... But I'd prefer to have mine back...

Emily: Oh- Umm- Of course I can help you...

Emily: *a bit embarassed, looks down, blushing*

Aesop: Thank you...

Emily: No problem...

Fiona: *bursts in*

Fiona: I thought it was just a rumour, but you really are alive!

Fiona: *runs up to Aesop*

Fiona: Are you okay?! What happened?! Do you have any injuries?! How are you, emotionally?! Is there anything that I-

Emily: Fiona, please calm down. I believe that Aesop needs to rest a while and all these questions may stress him too much.

Fiona: Oh yes... Sorry...

Aesop: Did you... Get them married?

Fiona: No, I didn't! It was wrong of Joseph to suggest such an idea and I had to refuse! Freddy helped them... I promise that I didn't help!

Aesop: Okay... It doesn't matter...

Fiona: Don't think so lightly of it! Almost all of us disagree with their relationship! We were all there to see you and Joseph get together, so seeing him be so unfaithful... It's surprising...

Aesop: I don't really care... As long as he's happy, then he can do whatever...

Fiona: No, Aesop... Stop being so depressed! You need to go and get Joseph to snap back to his senses! He's blinded by lust...

Emily: Fiona... Let Aesop rest... Please?

Fiona: But this is so wrong! Joseph is going against God! You can't just break a marriage that God has approved of, then sin!

Emily: I understand your frustration, but maybe we can deal with this later... Okay?

Fiona: *breathes in and out slowly and deeply*

Fiona: Okay... I'm calmer now... I'll come back later...

Fiona: *leaves, her back hunched over*

Norton: *looks through the door and comes in, when he sees that nobody else is inside*

Norton: Aesop, I have your... Great manly part!

Emily: Norton, not so loud!

Norton: *clenching one fist, holding Aesop's peewee with his other hand, looking up with tears rolling down*

Norton: He is such a bro...! He was able to endure all that pain...! Aesop, my poor guy...!

Aesop: Thanks, Norton, but please stop now...

Norton: Anything for you, Great and Powerful Aesop...

Norton: *bows down and uses both hands to present Aesop's dick to him*

Aesop: *takes it*

Aesop: Thanks...?

Norton: I will do anything! Please teach me your ways, master!

Aesop: Master? Uhh... Maybe you should leave now, so I can get my surgery...

Norton: If that is what you wish.

Norton: *shuffles out of the room and closes the door*

Aesop: *lays back on the bed and removes all of the bottom half of his clothes*

Emily: *putting on gloves and a mask and other surgical clothing, then turns to Aesop, a bit blushy*

Emily: I will now commence the surgery!

Emily: *does surgery on Aesop*

Servais: *magically appears, during the surgery, through the floor*

Servais: May I interest you in a new, limited edition, mAgIc PeN- Oof-

Emily: *steps on Servais' head and makes him go back down, through the floor*

Servais: I will be back!

Servais: *disappears*

Emily: *finishes the surgery and wipes sweat off of her forehead*

Emily: There we go! It's back on!

Aesop: *gets up*

Aesop: Thank you so much, Emily...

Emily: No problem... Please just be more careful...

Aesop: Will do... Thanks again...

Emily: No worri-

Joseph: *barges in, eyeliner dripping down his face*


Aesop: Thank you, Emily, I'll be going now...

Emily: Alright. Stay safe and careful.

Aesop: *nods, then walks towards Joseph*

Joseph: *holds his arms out*


Aesop: *ducks his head to go under Joseph's outstretched arms, dodging him and leaving the room*

Joseph: *watches Aesop go, shocked, and still has his arms outstretched*

Emily: You've seriously messed up big time...

Joseph: *can't stop crying*

Joseph: Aesop... I'm so sorry...

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