An IDV story (dumb)

By nutstate

34.3K 996 5.2K


Just some background
Gay boi hours
Naib, help!
Accept or reject?
Joseph, get out!
They won't stop crying...
Roadman Robbie and Chavvy Follower?
Bald boi time
A wedding?
Finally husband and wife
A small problem...
Soft boi dates!
A second wedding
Even more weddings...
New character: John Cena!
Adopting a roadman...
Joseph done goofed
Sacrifice the child
Fully snapped
No way... Another wedding?!
Movie night!
The mini hunters
Adopted Andrew
McDonalds madness
Beach time!
Wait, you're a boy and I'm a rat?!
Helena causing trouble again?!
Uncovering the truth
The rise of Rah Queen
Rah Queen films a video
Thank you so much!
How's Norton doing?
A manly sleepover
Girls' night!
Naib's sad boi hours...
Unexpected pregnancy
Two-person skewer
Kevin gets a man
Just brotherly love~
Not the holy woman!
The softest content you'll get
Luca's virginities
Mike's kebabs
A boat date!
Magnet man's turn
A night out
The park
Poor health
Over the bridge and far away
Finding out
Too much soup
Don't drop your ice lolly
A not-so-private chat
Inviting some friends
Last minute plans
Always interrupted
Joseph's going crazy...
Car wash
Duo hunters
Cleaning survivors' rooms
Cleaning hunters' rooms
Relationship problems
All in one day
Is this how it ends?
A peek into the future

A moment of peace, please?!

275 10 19
By nutstate

In the music room...

Aesop: *playing the piano*

Joseph: *walks in*

Joseph: I thought I heard some lovely music playing! How silly of me to not think about you, my love.

Aesop: *stops playing*

Aesop: Oh hey, Joseph.

Aesop: *makes some space on the seat for Joseph*

Joseph: *sits down next to Aesop*

Joseph: So, my darling, what were you playing~?

Aesop: I was actually trying to compose my own music... Would you... Like to hear it...?

Joseph: Sure! And I could help with composing it, if you would like~

Aesop: I would appreciate that... Thanks...

Aesop: *starts playing the piano again*

Joseph: *slowly slides his hands over Aesop's*

Aesop: *gets flustered and stops midway, blushing*

Aesop: Joseph... I can't play like this...

Joseph: Then, let me play for you~

Aesop: H-Huh?

Joseph: *pulls Aesop onto his lap and shuffles into the middle of the seat*

Aesop: Joseph-

Aesop: *blushes even harder and digs his face into Joseph's shoulder*

Joseph: My love, that tickles~ Show me your face~

Aesop: *muffled noises to say that he doesn't want to and continues to keep his bright red face hidden in Joseph's shoulder*

Joseph: Haha! Alright then~ I'll just play for you~

Aesop: *relaxes a bit and lifts his head up to watch Joseph play*

Joseph: *plays an unfamiliar song*

Aesop: What song is this...?

Joseph: It's a song... That I made with someone special...

Aesop: Oh- Sorry- I-

Joseph: No, no, it's alright... I chose to play this particular song, so it's not your fault...

Joseph: *continues playing, a sad smile on his face*

Aesop: If you... Say so... Well, it is a really nice song...

Joseph: Yeah, thank you, my love~

Aesop: No problem...

Joseph: *continues to play, while they are both silent, just listening to the song*

Mike: *slams open the door and starts playing the Wii theme song on his phone, the volume at the highest setting*

Joseph: *stops playing and looks over at Mike, confused, shocked and annoyed*

Aesop: *jumps off of Joseph's lap, embarassed, and looks down at the floor*

Mike: *dancing, not caring about Joseph's gaze*

Joseph: Can you... Can you get out?

Mike: *doesn't notice the other two in the room and just keeps dancing*

Joseph: Oh my gosh... Can you- Can you- CAN YOU GET OUT?!

Mike: *still doesn't care*

Norton: *bursts in and starts dancing with Mike, playing an epic beat on his phone, to match the Wii theme song*

Joseph: My goodness...

Joseph: *holds his forehead with one hand and shakes his head*

Aesop: *getting even more blushier, holds the bottom of his jacket and pulls it down, as if it was too short and it's not covering much*

Norton and Mike: *starts twerking, random MLG glasses fall onto their faces*

Hastur: *casually walks in too, and his eyes have a different coloured light coming out of each eye, acting as a disco light* (See xMikannnx's IDV school AU book for the reference)

Joseph: What- How- Hastur- All of you, please just get out!

Aesop: *leaves the room*

Joseph: Aesop- Hey! Wait! Gosh darn...

Eli: *rushes inside*

Eli: What on earth is happening in here?! What is up with all the noise?!

Hastur: Babe-

Hastur: *turns towards Eli, who is standing in the doorway, without turning off the lights in his eyes*

Eli: *gets blinded temporarily*


Eli: *uses his hands to cover his eyes*

Hastur: Oops- Sorry, babe...

Hastur: *turns off his lights*

Hastur: I'm a bit surprised that your eyes were damaged even though you have your eye mask on...

Eli: This cloth is thin... And your eye lights are so bright that it can probably go through any fabric!

Hastur: Again, I'm so sorry...

Joseph: How many more people are going to walk in?!

Eli: It's probably just going to be us five, not including you...

Joseph: Five? Wait... Eli, Hastur, Mike and Norton... If you're not including me, then who's the fifth person?

Eli: Jose, duh.

Joseph: Jose?

Eli: Yeah, he's over there.

Eli: *points to Jose*

Joseph: *looks over at Jose*

Jose: *lying on his front, on the floor, then lifts his head and looks up at Joseph*

Jose: Hi...

Joseph: When did you get here?!

Jose: I was laying here the whole time... I was in here before Aesop came in...

Joseph: So you heard...?

Jose: Yep, I heard everything...

Mike: *stops twerking and takes off MLG glasses*

Mike: Wait, what were they saying?

Jose: Oh, basically, they were being all lovey dovey and talking about music. Then, Aesop went and sat on-

Joseph: Stop, stop, stop! He doesn't need to know! Jose, you should just forget everything that happened in here...

Jose: I heard the most weirdest things in here, so I don't think I can forget so easily...

Mike: I wanna know! Please, Jose! Don't listen to Joseph and just tell me!

Joseph: We didn't say or do anything weird, though...?

Jose: Then, who was the couple that were kissing and making those strange sounds in here, earlier?

Mike: ...Umm...

Norton: *stops dancing, turns off the music and takes off his MLG glasses*

Norton: At what time were the... Couple in here...?

Jose: Like, about five hours ago...

Norton: ...Oh...

Mike: *smiles and scratches head in embarassment*

Eli: Well, now we know who were in here...

Joseph: Okay, now that that's solved, I'll be heading out to find my love~

Joseph: *leaves to go find Aesop, but bumps into Helena*

Joseph: Ah- Sorry, Helena, dear...

Helena: Oh, Joseph? It's okay, hehe.

Helena: *smiles brightly, but not facing Joseph*

Joseph: *holds onto Helena's shoulders and makes his way around her, then faces her in the right direction so that she can head off*

Joseph: There you are, Helena, off you go~

Helena: Oh- Thank you!

Helena: *walks off*

Joseph: *stares at Helena until she is out of his sight, then continues to go find Aesop, who is found in the kitchen*

Aesop: *humming while baking*

Joseph: *standing in the kitchen doorway, leaning on one side*

Joseph: My love~ What are you baking~?

Aesop: Uhh... Just some pie...

Joseph: *walks up to Aesop and hugs him from behind*

Joseph: What kind? Apple?

Joseph: *picks up an apple from the kitchen counter and bites into it*

Aesop: Joseph-! That-! It was for the pie! Now I have to get a new one...

Joseph: Sorry... Don't worry, you keep mixing, I'll get you another apple!

Joseph: *lets go of Aesop and finds an apple in the fridge*

Aesop: Now it's cold...

Joseph: Hm? Cold? Is it the fridge? Is the window open?

Aesop: No... It's just... You were hugging me, then you left, so it just got a bit cold...

Joseph: Oh~? You like me hugging you, huh~?

Aesop: Maybe...

Joseph: *washes the apple, then walks back to Aesop, places the apple on the counter, and hugs Aesop again*

Joseph: Feeling warm again~?

Aesop: Mhm...

Joseph: *leans his chin on Aesop's shoulder*

Joseph: It smells so good already, and it's not even baked yet.

Aesop: *blushing slightly*

Aesop: Wanna help?

Joseph: Oh yes, of course.

Joseph: *helps Aesop with making the pie*

Joseph: Wow~ Looking good~ Just like my love~

Joseph: *kisses Aesop's cheek*

Aesop: You're beautiful too, Joseph...

Aesop: *places the pie in the oven*

Joseph: Getting complimented by my darling~ Aah, feels so good!

Aesop: You're making strange sounds...

Joseph: Nobody's in here, except us~ It's so peaceful in here that we can even...

Joseph: *pushes Aesop against the counter*

Aesop: *leans back so much that he is practically laying down on the counter*

Aesop: Wait- Joseph-

Joseph: *removing Aesop's shirt slowly*

Joseph: Don't worry, my love~ Nobody can stop us in here~

Aesop: That's not the problem...

Joseph: *showing no signs of stopping*

Joseph: Then, what's wrong?

Aesop: L-Let's first stop trying to remove my clothes...

Joseph: Your body says that you want this~

Aesop: I don't feel comfortable doing this...

Joseph: I can't control myself any longer, darling~ This will be our first time~ Don't you feel in the mood~?

Aesop: Not... Really...

Joseph: *finally removes Aesop's shirt and starts removing Aesop's trousers*

Aesop: J-Joseph! Please wait!

Joseph: You've made me wait for so long~ Let me just-

Jack: *runs in*

Jack: I smell fooooooood!

Joseph: *shocked, stops removing Aesop's clothes and turns towards Jack*

Joseph: Jack?! What the hell are you doing in here?!

Jack: I smelt food, so I wanted to see what was cooking.

Joseph: *tries to cover semi-naked Aesop*

Joseph: Well! It's not done, so get out!

Jack: What you guys cooking?

Joseph: None of your business! Now get out!

Jack: WoW, rOoD... I just wanted to see what was cooking...

Naib: *walks in*

Naib: So... I'm a bit malnutriented... And I smell something nice. Oh hi, Jack, Joseph, Aesop.

Jack: Heya, babe, you here to find the source of the great smell too?

Naib: Yeah, I am!

Joseph: Oh my gosh, leave! Both of you! The pie isn't ready yet!

Jack: Ooooh, so it was a pie!

Naib: What pie is it, though?

Joseph: Please go! Right now!

Naib: Why? I don't see a problem... Like, sure, Aesop's a little naked, but it's not like I've never seen him without his shirt on.


Naib: We're best mates, so obviously I have.


Aesop: No, of course not... Naib is just my friend, I promise... Plus, you're more likely to be unfaithful...

Joseph: ...What makes you say that?

Aesop: Just give me back my shirt...

Joseph: *gets off of Aesop and returns his shirt*

Aesop: *puts his shirt back on and gets off of the counter*

Aesop: Thank you... And guys, just wait a bit longer, it's nearly finished...

Naib: Yeah, but what pie is it?

Aesop: Apple...

Naib: Awww yeah boiiii!

Jack: Classic...

Joseph: *a bit disappointed that he couldn't be alone with Aesop*

Joseph: Whatever, you simpleton...

Jack: No idea what that is, but it doesn't sound good...

Joseph: Well, in my opinion, being called a simpleton is an insult.

Jack: Woah, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, old man?

Joseph: How can you wake up on the wrong side- Just, nevermind...

Mini Ripper: I'm hungry...

Jack and Naib: *both turn around to look at Mini Ripper at the same time*

Jack and Naib: Son?!

Naib: Jack! What did-

Jack: I didn't do anything! Is it always me?!

Naib: Yes, it's-

Mini Ripper: It's always you, Jack...

Jack: You... Didn't call me father or anything...

Mini Ripper: Yeah, 'cause it's hella weird! So damn nasty...

Naib: What did you say?! Jack-

Jack: I didn't teach him that, I swear!

Naib: *glares at Jack, then picks up Mini Ripper and walks out of the kitchen*

Naib: Yo, Aesop! Tell us when the pie is ready!

Aesop: *nods*

Naib: *walks away, holding Mini Ripper*

Jack: I should go now...

Joseph: You should have gone earlier...

Jack: Alright, alright! Chill! I'm sorry for cockblocking, okay?! Jeez, see ya...

Jack: *walks out and follows Naib, closing the kitchen door*

Joseph: Finally... Now, where were we~?

Aesop: Sorry... The pie is done...

Joseph: What...? They just left and the pie is done?

Aesop: Yep...

Aesop: *takes the pie out of the oven and places it on the counter*

Joseph: Seeing you bent over like that... Gosh...

Joseph: *fans himself with his hands*

Aesop: Okay, stop thinking dirty things and help me take this pie out to the dining room.

Joseph: Then, will you let me fu-

Aesop: No...

Joseph: *cries in baguette*

Aesop: It's been a while since you've done that...

Joseph: Yeah... Well, I'll take the pie out now.

Aesop: *makes a small noise of agreement*

Joseph: *takes the pie and walks to the dining room*

Aesop: *takes out the plates and forks and follows behind Joseph*

Joseph: *places the pie on the dining table, cuts slices for him and Aesop, then sits down and eats his slice*

Aesop: *sits down next to Joseph and also eats his slice of pie*

Emily: *comes in*

Emily: What is that delicious smell? Mmm~ Is that pie?

Emily: *sniffs the air and walks closer to the pair*

Joseph: It sure is, doc, come and have some.

Emily: Oh, thank you, but I'd rather eat with Emma, so I'll go get her.

Emily: *goes to find Emma and returns successful*

Emily and Emma: *sit down at the table and eats some pie*

Aesop: I'll get going first... There's something that I remembered I had to do... So, let everyone have some...

Aesop: *kisses Joseph's cheek, stands up and takes his plate and fork back to the kitchen*

Joseph: Alright... See you later, my love~

Aesop: *heads to the kitchen to place his dirty dishes into the sink, then goes to find Ms Nightingale, in her office, where he knocks on her door*

Ms Nightingale: Ah, Aesop, come in.

Aesop: *slowly walks in and stands around*

Ms Nightingale: Okay, honey, what can I do for you?

Aesop: I wanted to buy a pet...

Ms Nightingale: Oh right! Which pet were you thinking of getting? The butterfly? It's beautiful and elegant.

Aesop: I actually wanted to get Mini Photographer...

Ms Nightingale: Oh, that's a great choice too! I'll go get him for you! Wait here, sugar...

Aesop: Sugar...?

Ms Nightingale: *goes to get Mini Photographer, then returns and gives him to Aesop*

Ms Nightingale: Okay, there you are, love. Anything else you need help with?

Aesop: No, I'm alright, thank you.

Ms Nightingale: No worries, dear. Well, if you ever need me, I'll be here.

Aesop: Okay, thanks again.

Aesop: *walks out, carrying a Mini Photographer in his arms, and waving goodbye to Ms Nightingale, then closes her office door*

Aesop: Even as a child, he looks beautiful...

Mini Photographer: Thank you, I know I look gorgeous.

Aesop: Oh- He spoke-

Mini Photographer: Umm, yeah! I have a mouth and a voice box for a reason!

Aesop: Of course... How could I forget... Anyway, let's go show Joseph, he'll be so surprised!

Mini Photographer: Joseph sounds like a dumb name...

Aesop: Oookaaay...

Aesop: *confused, and walks over to Joseph's room, opening the door, which is a little bit harder to open, not a lot, just a little bit, as if a light object was keeping the door closed*

Aesop: Joseph, look who I-

Joseph: *standing naked, in the middle of his room, all of his clothes scattered on the ground*

Aesop: ...😯

Aesop: *closes the door quickly*

Aesop's mind: Wait, we're married... I'm allowed to see things like that...

Aesop: *opens the door again, only to reveal a naked Helena, her clothes also dispersed across the floor, some on top of Joseph's*

Aesop: ...😯

Aesop: *closes the door again*

Aesop's mind: Wait... Why is Helena naked in Joseph's room?

Aesop: *slams open the door, revealing Joseph and Helena, under the covers, getting it on*

Aesop: What are you doing?!

Joseph: I thought you weren't going to open the door again!

Aesop: I wanted to show you someone... But, maybe...

Aesop: *slams door shut, tears in his eyes*

Joseph: Wait! Aesop!

Aesop: *runs away, crying silently, holding on tightly to Mini Photographer*

Joseph: Aesop... I didn't mean-

Helena: *snakes her arms around Joseph's neck*

Helena: You can carry on~ Please go harder on me~

Joseph: *a bit upset, but still ready to go down on Helena*

Joseph: Okay... I won't hold back!

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