An Assassin's Rose: Teen Tita...

By Egyptiandragon

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Because of a little stunt both Ruby and Damian pulled when the Legion of Doom attacked the Justice League, th... More

Chapter 1: Summer Break
Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham
Chapter 3: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 5: A Women's Wrath
Chapter 6: A Sister's Advice
Chapter 7: The Legion of Doom
Chapter 8: The Teen Titans
Chapter 9: Suspicious Behavior
Chapter 10: Demonic Superman
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Titans Go
Chapter 13: Raven's Story
Chapter 14: Titans vs Justice League
Chapter 15: Hell on Earth
Chapter 16: Strength
Chapter 17: The Aftermath

Chapter 4: Wayne Gala

1.8K 47 26
By Egyptiandragon

Yang sighs as dusts off the books in one of the libraries, which she found ridiculous since Wayne manor has up to 3 libraries.

Because seriously? Who needs those many books?

What annoyed her the most that Alfred had sent her to clean all 3 rooms by herself and by the time she started on the last room it was 3:00.

It is been 3 weeks since her punishment started and now the huntress felt like her arms were going to fall off.

She does not know how Alfred does it, but she has to give the butler props especially when you take it in consideration at how old he is and how long he has been a butler for Wayne Manor.

The only good thing about it is that she only has one more week left before her time is up, so at least she has something to look up to.

Finishing dusting the books, Yang climbs down the ladder. But instead of leaving the room she went and grabbed the vacuum which was sitting near a lounge chair and started to vacuum.

And unnoticed to her at some point Ruby and Alfred had come by and was now watching the blonde clean up.

And after 20 minutes Yang finished and sighed, as she sat down on the couch and took a deep breath and wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Finished." She mutters.

"Very good Yang." Alfred complimented.

The blonde lets out a yelp in surprise and looks at them. "How long have you been standing there?" she asked.

"For about 23 minutes." Ruby answered.

"Ok. So, do you need something?" she asked.

Ruby smiled, "To relieve you of your duties for tonight." She stated.

Yang raised an eyebrow in confusion, "What?" she questioned.

"Since you were doing such a good job, it was decided that as a tiny award you get to relax for the rest of the day and attend the Wayne Gala as a guest." Ruby explained.

Yang blinked in shock for a moment as she comprehended what she just heard, she's going to the Wayne Gala, a party that is apparently one of the most elite of the elite parties in the entire world next to the annual Winter Gala that the Wayne's hosts every year?

Jumping out of her seat the blonde looks at them in happiness, "Are you serious?" she questioned.


Overcome with joy Yang lets out the happiest squeal that was so loud that Superman probably heard it. She then rushes forward and gives them both a bone crushing hug, "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" She exclaimed repeatedly.

"Glad you like your surprise." Ruby said as she pats Yang's back.

"And while I am all for the hugging, can you let us go? I need to breathe." She added.

"Oh, Sorry." Yang said and lets them go.

Taking a minute to catch her breath Ruby then looks at Yang and said, "Your dress is in your room and the party starts at 6:20." Ruby stated.

Not needing to be told twice Yang raced off to her room to get ready.

Slamming her door open, Yang quickly closes it and looks around her room until her eyes landed on a golden yellow present box with an orange ribbon and a shoe box of the same color. Furthermore, there was a small case of makeup sitting right next to it as well.

Grabbing the bigger box Yang opens it to reveal a beautiful golden yellow dress that had a shiny effect to it.

Setting back down the blonde then opens the shoe box and saw that there were a pair of glittery heels inside it as well.

Smiling to herself she sets the box down and spent the next 3 hours taking a nice hot shower to get rid of the dust and sweat and once she makeup and did her hair.

And as for the makeup since her outfit is so beautiful applying lots of makeup would make her look too busy, so she opted to just putting in lip gloss and mascara.

Putting on her dress and shoes Yang looks at herself in the full body mirror in the far corner of her room and could not help but admire herself.

Suddenly there is a knock on her door, "Yang? Are almost ready?" Ruby's voice proclaimed.

Walking over to the door, Yang opens it and could not help but gasped and hugged her cousin, "You look so beautiful!" she exclaimed.

(I didn't make this dress, all credit goes to the creator.)

Ruby groans at the tight hug, "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." She said and pats her on the back.

Yang giggles as she lets Ruby go and said, "Thanks."

"Let's go. The guys are probably waiting for us." Ruby said and walks away with the blonde.

"I'm surprised you can walk in those. You usually stumble around like a total klutz." Yang commented once she realized that Ruby was actually walking in heels without failure.

"True. But this is what 3 weeks of taking etiquette classes with Alfred as your teacher will do to you." Ruby stated.

Yang laughed at that, "Then he is godsend for managing to do the impossible." she proclaimed.

Meanwhile Damian and Bruce were making their way to the ballroom where all the guest are waiting for their host.

Damian sighs as he fixes his tie, "Worried?" Bruce questioned.

"I don't get worried. If anything, I'm annoyed at how insistent those reporters are going to be once you introduce me at the party." He stated.

Bruce shakes his head in amusement.

"Hey, guys." Ruby said as her and Yang crossed paths with them.

Damian glances at the girls and his heart skipped 2 beats and his jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the beautiful being in front him.

It was like he was staring at a goodness.

Smirking at his son's reaction Bruce reaches out and uses his finger to close his mouth. "You'll catch flies that way." He teased.

Snapping out of his daze state Damian clears his throat and walks over to Ruby. "You look beautiful this evening my love." He proclaimed.

Ruby giggles bashfully as she brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks."

Yang groans at this but decided not to say anything since she agrees with Damian about Ruby looking beautiful.

Starting to walk again their way to the ballroom was silent for the most part.

And when they got to their destination, they were met with one of the guests and his family. Which was his Wife, two sons, and one daughter.

"Mr. Saikou. It's been awhile." Bruce greeted.

Mr. Saikou nods his head "Yes, and I take these are a few more wards of yours?" he said gesturing to Damian and the girls.

"No and Yes. This is Damian, he's actually my blood son." Bruce proclaimed.

Mr. Saikou eyes widen in surprise, "That's a surprise, I never expected you to have another child." He stated.

"What about the others?" Mr. Saikou's  youngest son asked.

Damian looks at the boy in question, "And you are?"

The boy gives him a proud smirk, "Kencho Saikou, it's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted.

He then looks at the girls and lightly bowed his head with his hand on his chest.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you too as well ladies." He added with a charming smile.

But both Damian and Yang soon noticed that he was mainly looking at Ruby and was looking her over multiple times with clear interest.

Damian lightly grimaces in annoyance and anger that this boy had the nerve to stare at Ruby like that.

"And to answer your question, the girl right next to Damian is his girlfriend; Ruby Rose and the blonde is her cousin Yang Xiao Long."

Hearing that, both Damian and Ruby looked at the billionaire at the corner their eyes. But decide to leave it alone.

"Cousin?" Mr. Saikou said confused and looked at the blonde.

How can these two be related they do not look like each other at all.

"Ruby Rose? That is an interesting name. Tell me, you wouldn't happen to be related to Lucinda Rose?" Mrs. Saikou asked.

Ruby's eyes widen in recognition when she heard her aunts name. At first, she was surprised that she knows her but then again it makes sense since Lucinda decided to live outside of Remnant and even took a job in the business industry.

"Oh, you know Aunt Lucy?" she inquired.

Mrs. Saikou lightly smiles and nods her head, "Yes, we're only friends and now that I think about it you do show a striking resemblance to her minus the black and red hair."

Which makes since Ruby's aunt was born with maroon hair that faded into a lighter red.

"So, how is she?" she asked.

"She is doing well." Mrs. Saikou replied.

"Ah, Hell I thought that was you Miyako?" Qrow said as he walks over to the others dressed in a nice black tux and to Ruby's surprise he even shaved.

"Qrow?" Mrs. Saikou muttered not expecting to see the man.

"Qrow? Why are you here?" Ruby questioned.

Said Huntsman looks at his daughter with a raised eyebrow. "I was invited. Why else would I be here?" he asked.

"You hate parties...besides, I expected you to already be in a coma're here for the wine, aren't you?" she questioned.

"I have a right to remain silent." The man stated as goes to walk inside but Ruby grabbed him by the back of his tux.

Looking at his daughter he was met with a stern look that said, 'do not make a fool out of yourself.'

He sighs knowing that Ruby will make him pay if he makes an embarrassing display while drunk at a party again.

He holds his hands up in surrender, "I promise I won't go overboard this time. Besides, since the kids were invited Alfred is the only one that can distribute the wine to the guests." He stated.

Ruby narrows her eyes at him and lets him go. "Don't make me regret this." She stated.

Qrow just smiles at his daughter "I'll do you proud." He said.

He then looks at Mrs. Saikou, "Also it was good to see you again Miyako." He said and walks into the ballroom.

Mrs. Saikou blinks in surprised and she then looks at Ruby, "You wouldn't happen to be Summer's daughter, would you?" she asked.

"Yes. I am." Ruby answered.

Mr. Saikou looks at his wife in curiosity on how she knows Ruby's family, but he will leave it alone for now.

"Anyway, why don't we go enjoy the party?" Bruce offered.

"Very well." Mr. Saikou said.

And with that they all went inside and began to socialize with the other guests.

And for the most part Damian stayed at his father's side as he introduced him to the guests and the reporters.

Which overtime was getting annoying for Damian because of their questions.

But after a while he was able to break free from them and was looking around for Ruby when a pair of arms grabs him.

At first, he smiles thinking that it was Ruby but that stopped when a feminine voice that had a noticeable french accent said, "So, you're Damian right?"

Looking at the girl, he was met with a blonde girl with striking blue eyes and was wearing a beautiful golden dress with topaz earrings and white shoes.

Frowning at the strange he snatches his arm from her and took 4 steps away from her before he asked, "And you are?"

"Chloe Bourgeois, I'm the daughter of the Mayor of Paris." The blonde girl said proudly.

She then rushes forward and grabs his arm again and gives him a flirty smile "So Damian, what's it like being the son of Bruce Wayne? I would love to hear all about it." She said with a wink.

Grimacing Damian snatches his arm from her again, "Sorry but no."

"No? what do you mean no?" Chloe demanded peeved that he is not accepting her advances.

"I don't want to talk with you. Especially since you obviously are trying to flirt with me, a man who's already spoken for." He stated.

That made Chloe's eyes widen in shock, "What?! by who?" she demanded.

"Me." Ruby said walking over to them and had a small scowl on her face as she wraps her arms around Damian's arm.

She then looks at Chloe and gives her a territorial stare that made the blonde take a step back from the scary look.

"Hello Beloved." Damian said lovingly.

Sneering at Ruby, Chloe was about to say something to insult the silver eyed girl but when she took in her appearance, she could not find anything to insult her about.

Which only made her angry, how can she insult someone when they look so perfect.

And while she has no problem making a scene, she knows better than to do that while she was outside of Paris, mainly since her daddy has no power out here. Not to mention she is currently at one of the most elite parties of the year and it would be bad publicity if the mayor of Paris's daughter threw a tantrum at said party.

"Ugh. And who are you?" she asked.

"Ruby Rose. I'm Damian's girlfriend" Ruby replied.

All anger seemed to leave the blonde girl when she said that. "Did you say Rose?" she questioned amused.


The rich girl's lips seemed to twitch as she tried to keep herself from laughing but she could not keep it in.

Which only confused the two teens, why was she laughing? was she crazy or something?

"What's so funny?" Damian asked.

Calming down Chloe wipes away a tear from her eye. "It's nothing. It's just that I have a classmate named Rose, so to meet someone with that name as their last name is...amusing." She admitted.

She then looks at the huntress dress, "At least you don't wear all pink." She stated and then walks away to socialize some more.

Both Damian and Ruby looked at each other, "She...was something." Ruby stated.

"A brat. She's a spoiled brat is what she is." Damian stated.

Ruby snorts at that, "Looks who talking." She teased.

Damian pouts at the huntress slightly offended that she compared him to that blonde bimbo. "I will choose to ignore that and furthermore, it doesn't take a genius to see that, that girl is a grade A spoiled brat that had everything handed down to her on a silver platter." He stated.

"I on the other hand, had to prove of my worth to everyone growing up. I may be proud, but I value hard work. And she looks like the type of person that makes some poor soul do all of her work for her." He added.

Ruby wanted to deny that, but she knew that he was right.

"So, what were you doing while I was being surrounded by the reporters?" Damian asked changing the subject.

"I was actually talking to Mr. Saikou's older children at the food stand. Megami and Megamo if I remember correctly. Despite being standoffish at first glance they are actually pretty pleasant." Ruby answered.

"I'm glad one of us is enjoying themselves." He stated.

"Oh, don't be like that. I'm sure, your mood will turn around." Ruby stated.

Smiling lovingly, Damian reaches out with his free hand and pushes a piece of hair behind her ear. "It already has." He stated

Blushing redder than her cape, Ruby could not help but chuckle, flattered at the compliment. "You are such a sap." She proclaimed.

"Only for you beloved." Damian stated and could only smirk as Ruby's face got redder.

He was about to say something else, but he then noticed that some reporters were trying to take picture of them, "Let's go talk somewhere else." He said and walks away with Ruby.

After searching the two teens decided to go onto the balcony that was vacant of people and as result, they knew they could talk without people eavesdropping on them.

But they were soon interrupted by a female reporter that found them, "Excuse me?"

The teens look at the woman and to their surprise, the reporter in question was in fact famous journalist woman Lois Lane.

And probably the only person in the news business that Damian has respect for.

"Ah, Miss Lane. Is there anything you need?" Damian asked.

"I wanted to talk about you and your relationship with this girl. Is that ok?" she asked.

Damian and Ruby looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the reporter and nodding their heads.

"Sure, ask away." Ruby replied.

Taking out a notepad and pin the woman asked, "So, to be clear you too are dating?"

"Yes." the teens replied at the same time.

"How do you know each other?"

"Childhood friends. My grandfather was family friends with Ruby's family, so were soon introduced to each other." Damian answered.

Lois looks at Ruby, "Ruby? If you do not mind me asking, what is your last name?"

"Rose." Ruby answered.

Muttering the huntress's name under her breaths she wrote it down and could not help but find the name amusing.

"So, what made you two want to date one another?" she asked.

"Well, to be honest we hated each other when we first met, especially since Damian is not good at making good first impressions most of the time. But because of my family and his grandfather being family friends we were stuck in each other's presence."

Lois smiles, "Oh I see. You hated each other but as time went on you started to develop feelings for one another." She summarized.

"Why? What was the catalyst that resulted in your feelings changing from hate to love?" she asked.

That made the teens blushed, "I don't see how that's any of your business." Damian stated in embarrassment.

Ruby giggles at his embarrassment, "For me. It was his sincerity and morality. He may be cold to others, but he is without a doubt one of the most honest and noblest person I know. Not to mention when I get to see his soft side." She stated.

She then smirks and points her thumb at the boy wonder, "Trust me. This sap goes into an entire soliloquy when he is trying to apologize anyone or when he's talking about his emotions in general." She added.

"I do not." Damian denied.

Ruby smirks at him, "Uh, yeah you do." She teased.

She then takes a step forward, "And since I told her the reason why I found your presence tolerable you have to tell us your reason." She stated.

Damian sighed at that, "Fine. It was your strong will and kindness."

"Meaning?" Ruby questioned.

"When I first met you, I just saw you as some immature girl that wasn't worth my time. But as I got to know you, I could help but respect you for your headstrong nature and your kind heart. But it was not until, me and father's disagreement 2 years ago that I realized my feelings."

"See, soliloquy." Ruby stated to Lois before she turns back to look at Damian and hugs him. Touching at his speech.

Lois could not help but smile and feel her heart melt at the cute display, they may be young, but it is obvious that the love that they share with each other is genuine. It would not surprise her if the two teens were in fact soulmates. But as heartwarming as it was, she was curious on what disagreement transpired between father and son.

But she felt that it was not her place to ask and decided to keep it to herself.

"Alright. I think that is all I need. It was a pleasure talking to you." She said.

Letting go of Damian, Ruby lightly waves goodbye to the journalist as she goes off to probably find another scoop. "It was nice talking to you too."

"She was nice." She added to Damian.

"Yes. But at least there were some good that came out of it." Damian stated.

"What?" Ruby asked.

"I got the reason on why you love me, and I couldn't be happier" He stated as he takes the huntress's hand and brings up to lay a small kiss on her knuckle.

Ruby blushed at that, "of course I do. If I didn't I would have said yes to calling off the engagement." She said but she decided to whisper the last part just in case there was eavesdropping reporters.

Damian just look at her with adoration as he places his hand on her cheek and lightly caresses. "I know, but hearing you say you love me, and the reason why makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine. Especially since I was the one that admitted my feelings first and have said it more times than you."

Ruby chuckles halfheartedly knowing that he's right. "Sorry."

"It is fine. Hearing it today makes up for it my love."

The two teens looked at each other loving as everything around them to go silent as they got lost in each other's eyes.

And that hypnotism only got strong as they leaned forward and before they knew it their lips had made contact.

And it was...fantastic, magical even.

Wrapping her arms around his neck Ruby brought him closer which made Damian wrap his arms around her.

After a while wanting more their kiss became slightly more passionate and they both found themselves fighting dominance over the kiss but soon Damian won and deepened it.

But after a while they soon needed to breathe, so they were forced to pull away.

And when they did, they both stared at each other and could not help but blush when they realized what they just did.

"Oh my god." Ruby muttered in shock.

"Was it bad?" Damian asked.

"No!" Ruby said too quickly.

She lets out an awkward cough and sighs to calm her fast beating heart. "No, it was wonderful. Especially since it was my first kiss."

Damian chuckles as he places his forehead against hers "It was my first kiss too; it was magical and...I wouldn't mind doing it again." He stated.

Ruby giggled at that and places her hands on his chest. "Maybe later. We are in the middle of a party and the fact that we weren't caught kissing is a miracle." She stated.

"Let them stare. If people object to our undying love, then that's their problem and frankly none of their business if we show our affection publicly." Damian declared.

Letting out a sigh of adoration Ruby places her hand on his cheek. "You sap. What did I ever do to have someone like you?"

"Fate." Damian stated.

Ruby looks at him amused. "Fate?"

"Yes, fate has brought us together and I couldn't be happier that it did. You are my one and only love."

Ruby smiles at that, "I feel the same way. I don't think I could ever love someone as much as I love you." She admitted.

"Glad that we're on the same page." Damian said and gives the huntress another loving kiss.

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