Percy Jackson banished to One...

By Magizen

74.9K 1.8K 666

Percy betrayed and banished from his world finds himself in a world filled with pirates. Secluded on an islan... More

The gods vote
Pineapple Phoenix
Marco's revenge on Thatch
Thatch meets Percy
Marco's attempt at kidnapping
Izo does what?!
Percy's gift for being irritating
Deciding to stay or fight
The Meeting of the Whitebeard Commanders
Devil Fruits?
Thatch joins team Pineapple Head
Whitebeard upsets Percy
Annoying Pineapple Head
The Moby Dick can fly?!
Xian's attempt at a Conversation
Staying is of course an option
Don't abandon me!

The first encounter

6.9K 140 89
By Magizen

(4 months later)

Did he have control over his power? Percy chuckled not a bit. He had a mutual understanding of it and as long as his emotions didn't change suddenly nothing would happen...probably. Percy practiced for four straight months on controlling it and he had discovered many interesting abilities. For example, he learned how to fly with his raven black wings and was surprisingly good at it. While he found a way to make the wings disappear and make him back into a human many of his senses which had grown at least a thousand times better dimmed down. Still his senses were far superior to an average human.

Controlling storms, talking with animals, influencing the nature were all things he could do and much more. However, his powers were far from controlled. He could feel it the sheer undiscovered force trying to rip him apart. He pressed it down never letting it escape. Actually, once it escaped and he killed some weird long-haired man with horns. People were yelling Kaido the beast or something or other, but Percy didn't stay around to find out.

For most of the time he was alone, but a small miracle at least to him happened. Two stones one black and white he had found next to him when he woke up turned out to be eggs, dragon eggs to be exact. Two separate dragons hatched, one a glorious white with an arch of golden scales atop his majestic head and entrancing golden eyes, almost as dark as Percy's. He named the male white dragon, Xian.

The other a midnight black dragon with an arch of silver scales and brilliant silver eyes. Percy named it Zorak and the two already five-inch dragons grew quickly. With four months' time passed much changed. For one the size of his two no longer baby dragons was bigger than fifty feet and much too large to accurately measure. However, with the village on the island the dragons couldn't be in their true forms. With their ever-growing height they'd easily be spotted, and hunters would be after them.

However, some of Percy's power was transferred into the two dragons and they had many curious powers. For one they could shrink down to any previous size which is what they are now doing. At three feet the two dragons were playing a game of tag as Percy leaned against a tree. Memories haunted him as he lay there but he made no move to stand. Memories were a constant nightmare one that he knew would never leave, nor would the pain fade. This was his fate, and while the two twin dragons had helped lift his grief it still hung thickly around him like a coat.

Xian: Percy play with us! 

Percy opened his eyes focusing on the two wrestling dragons. He enjoyed being able to hear their thoughts telepathically no matter how far away he went. Xian bounded over having been the one to send the thought and emotions to him. He grimaced as Zorak joined in the game of pull Percy away from the tree. Percy opted to breaking free of the dragon's sharp teeth and running. Percy was grateful for the curse of Achilles or he'd have been mincemeat long ago.

Percy: Come on let's head to the village, I need some supplies!

Zorak: What?! But we'll have to hide!

Percy: Please Zorak, I promise I'll be fast. I just need to buy some spices I can't find on the island.

Xian: Hurry?

Percy: Promise, we'll have the whole afternoon to ourselves.

Xian: Alright, we'll stay and fly.

Percy: Okay you two be safe, don't go near the village.

Zorak: We won't

Xian: Be back soon, we want to play!

Percy ran through the forest his senses helping him to know all his surroundings. Since his senses improved drastically even in his human form he could smell or hear things miles away. Percy chuckled remembering when he first woke up and heard a cricket chirp. Well to him it sounded like a bomb going off and he almost let his power escape. So far, he had only let it escape once and he had no plans of doing that again. Percy had spent long hours working on control and keeping his grief from making his powers go out of control. Then again, he had so much grief to hold back.

Percy stopped at the outskirts of town, pulling his black hood up the rest of the way. His outfit was able to change into any outfit and repair itself at his will. He was currently wearing black boots with black pants. Along with that was a long-sleeved white shirt with sea stone cuffs. The sea stone cuffs were beautiful to look at and helped calm his mind. His outfit currently shifted for a black coat to appear. The black long-sleeved shirt had a fur hood that Percy pulled up.

It's not that Percy stood out, but he didn't like people seeing his eyes. Ever since he killed that Kaido fellow there's been people talking of a sea green eyed man. For some reason this world doesn't have many with that eye color. Lucky for Percy the only details they knew about him, were male, black hair and sea green eyes. They didn't know he looked like a child or that a strip of his black hair was white. Percy walked through town and glanced at a poster board. One of the bounties with no pictures caught his eye. Demon – 10,000,000,000 beri – sea green eyes, black hair, male – devil fruit unknown - wanted dead or alive. Percy closed his eyes counting to ten to calm himself. He was pretty positive this bounty was for his head.

"Horrifying isn't it, that guy has the highest bounty in the world. He must be a real demon to kill Kaido in one hit. Hopefully, those Marines catch and kill him."

"Yeah..." Percy muttered skirting around the talkative old man. Highest bounty in the world, just great this is the worst. Percy entered the spice store and magically made some money appear in his hand. It was a nifty trick that he was grateful for whenever he needed to buy items. He picked out some spices and grabbed some blue dye. He never was able to stop making his food blue colored.

"That'll be 50 beri." The shopkeeper says.

"Right, here thanks." Percy handed over the money, wanting to go back to his dragons.

Percy grabbed the bag and left heading for the waiting Zorak and Xian. He considered changing back to his form where he had wings but decided against it. It was nice not sensing everything on this island. He hummed a slow tune as he skipped back. He was tackled to the ground by two bigger than he was forms.

Percy: Alright, alright I get it, I was slow. Sorry

Xian and Zorak hopped off. Percy pushed himself off the cold ground looking over the two. They were both in their human form. Xian had white hair that cascaded around his golden eyes. Lightly tanned skin and a slender frame, he looked about fourteen. Zorak was the same height and looked about the same age but had deep black hair cascading around entrancing silver eyes. His skin was paler than Xian's and reminded Percy a bit of Nico.

Percy: I'm jealous you two look like your fourteen! What am I seven maybe eight?!

Percy collapsed on the ground acting like he was going to die.

Zorak: Well you definitely fit the part of a six-year-old.

Percy: Zor! I'm at least seven!

Xian: What I thought you were five?!

Percy: That's it! X, you're going down!

And that my friends is how Percy ended up sprawled on the ground succumbing to a tickle attack.

Percy: Not fair, no teaming up!

The two dragon boys chuckled and helped Percy up.

Zorak: Xian and I are going for a run since today you're in charge of dinner.

Percy: I'm always in charge of dinner!

Xian: If you want, we can cook.

Percy grimaced remembering the last cooking experience. While the two had learned how to cook from Percy they preferred roasting it with a breath of fire. According to the two it was faster and left more time to play. Percy unfortunately wasn't a fan of burnt food.

Percy: Go play, I'll find an animal I haven't spoken to and made friends with to cook.

Zorak: Yay, make something delicious!

Percy: Yeah, yeah.

Percy watched them run off a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. He glanced up at the sky wondering how long this would last. While he was happy with Xian and Zorak the grief was slowly overpowering him. Every time he saw people or stepped into the village, he remembered everything he lost.

"Nico, I'm trying...I hope you're happy, wherever you are."

(Whitebeard Pirate ship)

"Is that the island?" Thatch asks.

"No idiotic cook it's a deserted island that were visiting!" Marco retorts, snickering at Thatch's mock hurt expression.

"What did you say flaming chicken?!"

"Sons, calm down. Get ready to land." Pops interrupts the lovely bickering.

"Hey Pops, why are we looking for Demon?" Izo asks.

Pops looks out at the distant island. "I wish to know if he's a threat or a friend."

Marco narrowed his eyes at Pops face. "You're not trying to recruit him, are you, yoi?"

Pops aka Whitebeard chuckled. "Who knows, I suppose I have to meet him."

Marco and Thatch shared a look. "Fifteen beri he joins the crew." Thatch said and Marco countered with,

"Alright I bet he stays behind."

A couple other crewmembers joined into the betting and Whitebeard shook his head figuring to ignore them. Glancing ahead at the growing land mass he saw Grey Island. Grey Island was under Kaido's power or was when he was alive. Now that Kaido died from some mysterious being it was open for grabs. Knowing Pops, he'd claim the island and help rebuild it after Kaido's reign. Marco yelled,

"Pops I'm heading ahead. According to Thatch we need more food, so I'll be hunting!"

"Be safe!" A couple of the crewmember's yell.

Marco nodded and jumped off, blue flames flickering around him turning into wings. He allowed the wind to carry him to the island. Glancing down he saw a peak above a clearing he could land at. He landed glancing down in the clearing to see a little kid crouched down over a small satchel.

He cocked his head glancing over the kid. A long-sleeved black hoodie with odd green cuffs glinting out from under the fabric. Black pants and black boots. The hood was pulled up hiding the facial features. However, it was obvious that the person was young going off the size. Marco's eyes widened as he saw three wolves prowling out of the forest. The person was still staring at the satchel and Marco sweat-dropped. How stupid was the boy he was about to get eaten!

The wolves prowled closer and as one jumped forward Marco swiftly flew down pulling out one of his two swords. He killed the first wolf followed by the other two who sprang at the child.

Marco whirls around, glaring lightly at the child. "What on earth are you doing just sitting there you could have died, yoi?!"

"I didn't." The child says with a blank look.

Marco sweat-dropped at the kid. The child was an idiot, one hundred percent idi..."Watch your back." Marco whirled plunging his sword into the wolf. He glanced over at the child, how'd the child know there was a wolf behind Marco.

"You should be more careful." The child states and Marco looks at the child in shock, yelling,

"I should be careful?! You're the one who almost got eaten!"

"But, I didn't."

Marco face palmed. This kid was stupid, but his voice was charming. Low soft and melodious. 'I'm sure the child most likely a boy would be a great singer with a voice like that.' Marco thinks, before saying, "That's not the point! The point is you almost died, yoi!"

The boy only sighs and replies with, "So did you."

"No, I could tell where the wolf was so I wasn't about to get eaten, yoi!" Marco says, wondering how he got into this conversation.

"So, you just let it get right behind you?" The child says.

"I was letting it come closer for the kill, yoi!" Marco yells, getting irritated

The boy fires right back with his own retort. "Kill meaning you or the wolf?"

Marco groaned this kid was something. Well time for a change of topic before he feels the urge to murder the boy.

"Well I came out here to hunt since there's hungr..." Marco trailed off noticing the boy had stood. He turned glancing at Marco his face shadowed by the hood.

"If you're hungry you can come eat." The boy cuts in.

"But I..." The boy was already walking off, and Marco was interested in the boy and what better way to learn about someone then to have dinner at their place. "Alright I'm coming, yoi. Afterwards show me the best places to hunt so I can store food."


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