Madness- T.M.R.

By ReducedByPi

53.5K 1.4K 331

"There is no good and evil, only power and those too weak to seek it." "You're wrong, there is only madness a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

5K 95 28
By ReducedByPi

The great hall was vibrating with the noisy chatter of the students who were desperately waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin. After many hours stuck in the rather uncomfortable compartments of the scarlet red Hogwarts-Express, most were feeling rather famished and exhausted and honestly couldn't wait for the commencement of the beginning-of-term feast. The sorting hat as per usual had been placed on a three-legged chair up by the staff table surrounded by a group of mortified looking first-years. 

To everyone's utter surprise amongst the first years stood a girl who was definitely a bit older. If anyone had to take a guess, they would have placed her in fifth or sixth year. She was beautiful, undeniably so. There was an almost unearthly glow to her that completely captivated innocent onlookers and ensnared their senses. Maybe she was a Veela, some mused. 

At the headtable headmaster Dippet raised his voice to drown out the buzzing sound of the students' gossip: "Before we begin with the annual sorting ceremony, I wish to say a few words. As most of you have already noticed Hogwarts will be graced with an addition to our fifth year. Miss Cassedy has transferred from Ilvermony to engage in her O.W.Ls and NEWTs here at Hogwarts. I ask you all to give her a warm welcome and help her get accustomed to her new surroundings. That shall be all for now." 

At the far end of the Great Hall at the table beneath a large silver and green banner sat a young man, not older than sixteen, who was eying the transfer student with apprehensive curiosity. Transferring schools within the wizarding community wasn't something common, therefore the young man, Tom Riddle was his name, couldn't help but wonder about the reason. Why, why would this new girl change schools in the midst of her education moving from one continent to another nonetheless. He could hardly believe it to be merely for academic purposes. Tom's interest was spiked, something that didn't occur often when it came to people other than himself. He would wait to see how it played out and then decide if this new girl was worth his time and interest. 

At the center of the great hall the sorting of the first years had just started, the little kids all stumbling up to the three-legged chair looking faint and pale while doing so. "Bennson, Emily" was called and a pudgy little girl sat on the stool. Shortly after being placed on Emily's head the sorting hat called out "Hufflepuff" and the rosy cheeked girl made her way towards her new house table. The Hufflepuffs' cheers immediately died down when Professor Merrythought called the next person to the front: "Cassedy, Seraya". 

Nobody dared utter a sound as the transfer student made her way towards the sorting hat. Her movements were graceful and it nearly gave the illusion that she was gliding instead of walking. Her head was held high as she sat on the stool with an impeccably straight posture. As Professor Merrythought moved to place the sorting hat on the new girl's head, it immediately opened its mouth but closed it as a slight shiver ran through it. The only person who caught notice of this was Tom. He also didn't fail to notice the cramp-like motion that passed through the ancient magical artifact before it was placed on Miss Cassedy's head. 

Tom assumed that everyone else was too enthralled by her beauty to really pay attention to what was going on. Pathetic, letting oneself be blinded by human emotions and urges. It took the sorting hat a while but when it called out "Ravenclaw" the dam of silence that had been built around the students broke at once. The cheers that erupted at Ravenclaw table were earsplitting and all the other students began talking to each other. 

At Slytherin table a platinum blond boy with sharp facial structures and gray eyes who was sat to the right of Tom muttered something along the lines of "There is nothing better than a beautiful lady with brains". Tom's head reared towards the other boy; his face distorted with disgust. "Really Abraxas, someone of your upbringing shouldn't be choosing ladies so lavishly. For all you know she could be a mudblood", Tom's voice was cold and held a sense of authority. The blond, Abraxas Malfoy, huffed before responding: "Mudblood or not, unlike you I can appreciate beauty when I see it." 

Tom's face morphed into an expression of incredulity. "It is not that I lack taste in women, as you so kindly put it Abraxas, it is merely that I have other objectives and do not wish to be distracted by meaningless things such as sexual interactions." At the hard edge to Tom's voice Abraxas Malfoy slumped slightly, gaze fixed on the empty gold plates in front of him as he answered: "Of course Tom."


At Ravenclaw table Seraya Cassedy found herself immediately surrounded by excited students who were bombarding her with different questions from all angles. "How was Ilvermony? I've heard it's the best wizarding school in the US." "Why did you come to Hogwarts?" "Are you a descendant of a Veela?" Descendant of a Veela? How utterly ridiculous. Veela were lowly creatures who were clearly inferior to the average wizard and witch but that wasn't an opinion Seraya Cassedy would publicly state. 

She opted to ignore the hail of questions which continued throughout the entire sorting ceremony and only died down when Dippet made yet another announcement: "Let the feast begin." The golden plates on the long house tables were instantly filled with delicacies of all sorts and the students began shoveling food onto their plates. Seraya scooped some carrot-ginger soup into a bowl and began eating, yet again doing so with unnatural grace. She began taking in her surroundings. 

Hundreds of candles floated above the four house tables bathing the Great Hall in warm orange light. The ceiling of the great hall had been charmed to show the night sky, no doubt a rather ancient and powerful charm. Students at all tables were intently discussing their summers or talking about upcoming classes. It was all so different from what she knew at Ilvermony. It seemed as though her old school had valued manners a bit more, since they had always dined in decorum. At Ilvermony you could talk and be loud all you wanted in the common rooms and outside but being noisy during dining hours was seen as disrespectful and ill-mannered. Seraya let her gaze wander towards the staff table. 

Headmaster Dippet seemed completely engaged in a lively discussion with the lady who had overseen the sorting earlier. On Dippet's other side sat an aged man with a long white beard and equally long white hair. His bright blue eyes were twinkling happily behind his halfmoon spectacles as he let his eyes trace the students. However, when his gaze fixed on someone at the table at the far end of the hall, the joyful expression on his face made place for a stern and disapproving look. Seraya followed his gaze. The man was staring at a boy who seemed to be about her age. 

He sat with his back to the wall beneath a silver and green banner decorated with the crest of a silver serpent. He had shiny black hair that reflected the candlelight and gave it a golden hue. It was displayed in neat curls that reached slightly onto his forehead. His facial features gave him an aristocratic appearance, high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, a slender yet sharp nose and thick dark eyebrows. His pale rose lips fit perfectly to the rest of his face and his eyes, oh his eyes...they were a deep navy blue that glowed with power and knowledge. 

The boy had a regal air about him and he held himself in a manner that many purebloods desperately tried to teach their offsprings. Nevertheless, Seraya had the feeling that the stranger wasn't the perfect pureblood heir he intended for people to see. His demeanor seemed only the slightest bit forced, as though he was desperate to be something he wasn't. Figuring that the boy was probably either a halfblood or dare she say even a muggleborn, Seraya smirked to herself. It was always good to have some blackmail on people who didn't expect it. Blackmailing and manipulating were means of survival that the girl had learned early on in life. 

In an instant and out of sudden curiosity she turned to the boy sitting next to her. "Say, who is the boy over at the far table? The one with the black hair?" The boy obviously surprised at the sudden question followed her gaze. Comprehension flashed through his eyes. "Oh that, that is Tom Riddle. Quite the brilliant mind, he's top of most of his classes. Personally, I find him to be a bit unsettling. Although the girls all swoon over him and he is every teacher's favorite there is just something about him that doesn't sit right with me. Also, the eight boys you can see more or less flocking around him are his goonies. Nasty bunch. You should definitely keep away from them. They are what we consider typical Slytherin bullies," the other Ravenclaw stated sounding slightly bitter. 

Seraya thanked him and let him return to his plate of food. This Tom Riddle was a curious guy. He was about her age and already had eight followers. The young American witch was intrigued to find out how deep the loyalty of Riddle's followers ran. Although she would never openly admit to it, Seraya Cassedy felt utterly excited to start her schooling at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. It was bound to be better than her time in the US.

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