Baby [H.S]

By harryslittlesavage

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She was gorgeous green eyes and curly locks just like her father. Her name... Darcy May Joy. More

Baby ~Harry Styles~
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By harryslittlesavage

•dress for the night is on the side or if you are using a iphone at the top of the page•

Harry has seen me at my best and my worst. Tonight I want it to be perfect. Me and him just connecting. I love Darcy so much. Sometimes I feel selfish and just want Harry alone.

I have spent a hour prepping and fixing everything. I wanted to give Harry a good reaction. I ended up straightening my curls making my hair look wicked long. Then I slipped on a white thin dress to show my curves. Harry always commented on my curves.

Sometimes I feel self conscious, Harry makes them look beautiful. I applied some makeup while Darcy was by my side watching me while coloring in her coloring book.

"Mommy you look pretty" She bubbled in her shy yet sweet voice. I turned around and placed a kiss on top of her head.

I continue to apply mascara when I hear a very impatient Harry. "Are you almost done". His whined were loud causing me to smile. He sounds like a little boy. "The more you rush me the uglier I will look" I picked up my blush and fanned it over my cheeks.

"You beautiful no matter what love" Cue the blush, my cheeks at this point didn't need the blush. My face was on fire. I saw Darcy pick up my red lipstick curiously as she applied it all over her face. Her lips included, but all over her face. "Oh baby" I lightly giggled while grabbing a moist towel. I dab the red off of her cheeks as she makes a fuss.

"I just wanted to be like mommy" She crossed her arms and pouted. "Baby girl I promise when your older I will do your makeup for you, but now mommy wants you natural you gorgeous" I kissed her cheek while setting her up on the counter. I continued to wipe the smudged red lipstick off.

Once I was done with Darcy I put on a pair of silver hoops. Once I looked in the mirror and decided I looked presentable I grabbed my clutch. I had Darcy propped up on my hip as I kicked the door open.

"Finally your do-" His husky voice spoke then stopped as he faced me with his mouth gaped open. He bit his lips while scanning me up and down, making me feel awkward. I propped Darcy up more was staring at his gaze. He still remained quiet as I set Darcy down.

"Harry pick your jaw up from the floor" The sweet voice which who belonged to Anne smiled. "Gwanma" Darcy yelled while running up and clutching her leg. I smiled at the two of them then focused on Harry.

"You going to speak or stand there and be silent the whole night" Harry shook his head and snapped out of his current state. He walked up to me and gripped both of my sides lightly. His touch sent mini electric shocks up my side.

"You look absolutely stunning love, you left me speechless" He breathed out his hot breath fanning my lips. He held me close while connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. I responded with the same tingling feeling that shows up in each of our kisses.

"Wuck" I hear Darcy complain as i break the kiss and turn towards her. She had her hands covering her eyes as Anne put her hands over Darcy's mockingly. I turned to face Harry and he just smiled shyly.

"Well we will leave you two" Harry spoke while wrapping his long tatooed arm around my waist. I leaned into him while waving at Anne. "You are my favorite Styles" I winked as Harry frowned.

"What about me" He pretended to look sad, but he damn well knows he is my favorite. He bit his lip, god I love it when he does that. His lips just look so plump and kissable and just...

"Oh shut up lets go" I tugged at his arm. I sent a kiss to Darcy as she reached out with her tiny hands and grabbed it. I saw Harry look down on me due to height difference and smile lovingly. He bent down and placed a kiss onto my forehead.

I loved the little things he does. Like kissing my head, or playing with my fingers. My favorite is when we cuddle he plays with my hair, and twists it in his large fingers. I felt his hand wrap with mine as I looked into his jade green eyes,

"Your hand is so big gosh" I laughed wile lifting up our wrapped fingers. "You know what they say about big hands" He wiggled his little fingers around.

"Its foot, and been there done that" I winked causing him to gasp. He placed his hands over his mouth. "Don't talk about Harry Jr. in such a negative tone." If I was drinking water it would have been spit out and all over the floor.

"You did not just refer your man parts as Harry Jr." I gasped as his grin grew. His dimpled were popping out of his cheek as we hopped into the car.

"Well its is a little me you know" He trailed off beginning to explain. "I know I know" I waved my hands around causing her to howl in laughter. I had to admit this conversation was kinda funny. Our laugh's filled the quiet car, as he gripped the wheel.

"Well this Harry is taking me out to dinner so where are we doing" I sung as he waved his finger in my face." Its a surprise.

I placed my hand on his thigh as he chomped down on his lip, his eyes darkening as he held the wheel tighter. "Please tell me" I soothed playing with a loose curl.

"Tiff stop I am not telling you" He spoke through gritted teeth. I took my hand back as soon as he spoke. I slumped in my seat knowing he wont tell me. I heard him chuckle at me and I pouted out my upper lip.

"Your such a drama queen" He teased as I huffed out a breath. I turned to face the window as I watched the buildings fly by. I heard him shuffle around as he pressed the radio. Guess what song was on oh yeah What Makes You Beautiful of course.

He turned the music up as I couldn't help but grin. "Your so self centered" I retorted as he gripped my chin. He tilted me to face his gaze as he sung to me. "Your insecure don't know what for your turning heads when you walk through the door" I snapped my head away as he released a chuckle.

"Your difficult" He joked as I turned he radio down. "Your weird" I smiled as we both began to sang. Honestly our voices sounded horrible together, mostly because we were trying to sound bad. Which we accomplished.

"That was the worst song ever" I spoke just as it ended. "I agree, but I hear the man in the band with curly hair is pretty smoking" He smirked as I gazed into his eyes innocently.

"Yeah Liam is cute" I swayed my words. His face became stern, "Liam doesn't have curly hair anymore." I rubbed his cheek while grinning.

"Oh my jealous Harry I was just kidding your the hottest one" I spoke as we turned into a parking lot. He turned off the car and turned to me. He collided our lips together and muttered 'you better be' into our kiss. I gripped some of his curls he gently pulled away and he decided to let us out.

"Don't move" He yelled as I began to open the door. I looked at his body running around the front of the car. you never know with this crazy boy. Once we reached my door he opened it with a bow.

"M'lady" I patted his head while hopping out. "Aren't you just full of surprises" He nodded his head as I looked around. We were on the pier, a long dock near the water. Shops and restaurant lined the wooden deck as I smiled.

He looked at me then held out his hand, I gripped it as we began walking. "I like the location this date is going well on your part" I smiled as we stepped onto the pier.

"Was it going bad before" He joked back as I nodded my head. "Your singing was quite the turn off" I walked in front of him as he pulled me back. My shoulder hit his chest as he managed to whisper into my ear, "Some girls find it quite the turn on" He spoke.

I shivered due to the contact and still maintained to walk. He lead to way to a small Italian restaurant. It smelled so good. I saw waiters hustling around the kitchen and smile at the warmth of the room. Harry held the door open as the tiny jingling of the bells sounded.

"Name" Squeaked a fake high annoying voice. I take it back about loving the restaurant. I looked up and met the eyes of a twig thin, blond bimbo who was clearly trying to show her cleavage. I saw Harry looked around not even giving her the time of day. "Styles" he smiled down at me, which eased the feeling of envy.

"Right this way" She spoke while sauntering in front of Harry, attempted to shake her hips. We sat down a small secluded booth as I gripped the menu. "Anything I can get you guys' She purred while gripping Harry's hand,

I stiffened as my heart dropped. Isn't this just fucking great. My heart suddenly built up as he slide her slimy paws off of him. "Yes I would like a new waiter, because your attempts of trying to get me to find you attractive is ruining the date with me and this beautiful girl" He smiled over at me.

My heart swelled as I saw the girl huff and walk off. "Your amazing" I sighed while gripping his hand. He bobbed his head while gripping the wine menu. "I have been told, oh and the house wine on me" He winked while pulling out the glasses.

"You read my mind." I searched up and down the menu and finally decided on chicken riggies. The new waitress who was much older came and took down our orders. She came back and poured the wine into each of our glasses. Once she left I picked up my class as Harry mirrored my actions.

"To our amazing first date, well sort of" he spoke as I tapped my glass into his. "To our sort of first date." We sipped our wine as I moaned in pleasure. This wine was so good, sweet yet dry. Just how I like it. i saw Harry gazing at me as I looked down. Had I spilled wine on my shirt.

"Why are you looking at me like that" I traced my shirt to see nothing there. He just grinned and shook his head. "Because your beautiful." My stomach was swarming with millions of butterflies. I just looked down and hid my red face in my hands.

"Don't hid your blush its gorgeous" He commented causing me to flush more. "Your not helping" I whined following with a laugh. Just then the waitress placed our meals down, which looked fantastic. I immediately dug in which caused Harry's eyebrow to raise.

"You haven't changed a bit" He crookedly smiled. I knew what he was talking about. I had always had an appetite, ever since we were kids. I was comfortable around him. Usually on a first date I would order a salad and nibble at it. I like this feeling of comfort with him.

We sat in comfortable silence, with the occasional eye contact. After a few minutes our plates were empty and the check was being paid by Harry. "I hate you spending you money on me" I frown as he takes his credit card back.

"Well it sucks for you because i love spending money on you" Harry laughed while poking my nose. I scrunched it up at the contact. We both began to stand up. I slide in my chair and we made our way out.

"Lets go on a walk" He quietly spoke as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. he pulled our bodies close creating warmth in this cold weather.I smiled at the contact and leaned in. I shivered at the gust of wind and he rubbed my shoulder.

Off to the side the sun was setting as you could see lights in the horizon. It reminded me to that night in Florida with Adam. I completely forgot about him, but now I have Harry I can use Adam. "This is gorgeous" I sighed as Harry kept his gaze fixed upon me.

"Yeah the view is gorgeous" He still looked at me. "I meant the view" I pointed towards the water.

"I am perfectly content looking at you" He spoke while pulling me into a surprise kiss. There was really no one around due to how far we walked down. I melted into the kiss, as the sun set. It really was the perfect moment. After minutes filled of passion he pulled away and dug in his pocket.

I looked down and saw a tiny black ring box. I gasped and stepped back which made his eyes widen in alarm. "I am not proposing... yet... This is a promise ring Tiff. I wanted to give it to you to promise, that I won leave you like I did before. That I want to spend forever with both you and Darcy. Its a symbol that later an engagement ring will be on that finger. My word might not be a big promise, but this ring is. Will you except it" He held out the most gorgeous thing ever. A silver infinity ring.

I couldn't speak I was speechless like he had been earlier. I managed a nod as he happily smiled and slide the ring on. I gripped my hand in amazement as I was pulled into a deep hug,

"You Tiffany May Joy make me the happiest man alive" He kissed me deeply.

"What about Darcy" I joked as he pulled away.

"And Darcy I can't forget about my baby."

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