Love-Love || OLD DRAFT

By glassEyed

335K 28.3K 16.2K

[THIS IS AN OLD DRAFT. Please read the rewrite that is currently up on my profile] ............ "Look, man, I... More

one - love
two - love
two - one
three - one
three - two
three - three
four - three
five - three
five - four
five - five
five - six
six - six
seven - six
eight - six
eight - seven
eight - eight
eight - nine
eight - ten
eight - eleven
nine - eleven
ten - eleven
eleven - eleven
twelve - eleven
twelve - twelve
thirteen - twelve
thirteen - thirteen
fourteen - thirteen
EXTRA : Identity Crisis
EXTRA : Family Dinner (Part 1)
EXTRA : Family Dinner (Part 2)

EXTRA : Playdate

6.3K 557 581
By glassEyed


Hey folks!! How have you been? Feels surreal to live in a history-book moment, eh?

I hope you're well.

Here's the first Love-Love EXTRA chapter - unedited, and I'm honestly too excited to even proofread it properly, so holler if you see any errors!


Aspen wasn't replying to my messages. So like any other attention-deprived boyfriend, I went to rob a bank!

"This isn't even your money, so stop being an ass and hurry!" I shouted to the bank manager as he fumbled with the keys.

"You get those, I'll be on my way with these," Garnet said, slinging two bags full of money on her shoulders.

I flicked my hand in acknowledgment. A tunnel opened up on the ground. Garnet gave me a nod and jumped down - only to find herself freeze midway, levitating inches above the tunnel.

At the same time, the air around me pressed against me from all sides, trapping me in an immovable hold.

"What the fuck, Gravel," came a familiar voice.

I rolled my eyes as my 'nemesis' came flying in, the breeze ruffling his golden hair, his costume clean and sparkling. The people in the bank, who were crouching in one corner, cheered. Seeing his saviour, the bank manager dropped the keys and ran towards Super Storm, crouching down along with the rest of the people.

"What are you doing?" Storm asked incredulously, levitating right in front of me.

I wanted to fold my hands over my chest but I wasn't able to move them. "What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied in a bored tone.

Super Storm opened his mouth, but Roux interrupted – "Leave me out of your domestic disputes!" she cried.

Instantly, a blast of water shot out from the sprinkler over Super Storm, drenching him completely. The second's worth of distraction was all Roux needed – the moment Storm's hold on us loosened, she jumped down the tunnel and I closed it off after her.

"Seriously, Gravel, stop it!" Storm said, emerging from the shower, pushing his wet hair out of his face. Whatever I was planning on doing next vanished from my mind as I saw the city's dearest Superhero drenched and dripping wet in front of me, the water dripping from his hair, his mask, his nose, his lips –

One moment I was admiring my 'enemy', and the next moment he lunged at me.

"Wait, wait - TIME OUT!" I cried as he tackled me to the floor.

He did not heed to my time-out and proceeded to pin my wrists to the side, hovering above me.

"Are you done?" he sighed. Water dripped from his hair and fell on my face.

Storm was going easy on me - why else would he pin me to the ground?! So I too decided to give him some leeway and did not struggle against his hold.

"Someone's getting bold," I smirked. "What if someone photographs us like this?"

As expected, his eyes widened as he realised the position we were in. He let go of me immediately and was about to get up when I grabbed him by the collar, stopping him. "What, afraid of a little PR scandal?"

"Stop it," he growled. He reached out to hold my wrist that was clutching his collar, but surprisingly, he did not pull out of my hold. "Why are you suddenly robbing a bank again?" he said instead, his voice serious.

I was unfazed. "Because I need money to survive. Blame capitalism, Storm, not me. I'm all up for good ol' barter!"

Storm rolled his eyes and leaned in closer to me (lol, this was definitely going to be a scandal!). "If you want to play games, leave them for the bedroom, not here – "

"Dude, what the fuck?" I cried, shoving his face away. "a – this is not a game, and b – excuse you, but I keep my personal and professional lives completely separate, okay!"

Storm looked down at me, unimpressed. "I can see that."

I held his gaze. He wanted to play it like that? Fine, I could play it like that!

"You want me to stop and surrender?" I said, lowering my voice to almost a whisper. "Kiss me, and I will."

Above me, Storm was fighting a smile. "Really, Gravel, not the time."

"You are the one who was ignoring my messages," I huffed.

"What? I wasn't –" he broke off on realising my play. He shook his head incredulously. "You're unbelievable!"

"Sure, call me unbelievable," I said dramatically. "Call me crazy. For I am crazy in your love –" Storm clasped his hand over my mouth, cutting me off.

"We're done here!" he said in his usual Super Storm authority but I could see a smile peaking out from the corners of his lips.

We were so not done there! Columns of earth erupted on all sides, surrounding us in a dome that cut off the rest of the world.

Storm was eyeing the walls with suspicion. "What are you –"

I took off my mask, wound my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, cutting him off. I was expecting Storm to break away but he melted in my embrace, pulling me closer and kissing me back, his lips cold and wet.

Seeing my chance, I flipped us over so that I was the one straddling him. I broke away from the kiss, and looked down at my 'nemesis'. He reached out to kiss me again but I backed away, refusing to indulge him. "Still think we should leave this for the bedroom?" I said.

Despite being caught red-handed Aspen had the audacity to say "Yes." He let his head fall back to the ground. "There are hostages outside, I need to save them."

"Pfft they're not hostages, I rarely take hostages," I said; then lowering my voice, I whispered in his ear, "In any case, you should be worried about yourself."

I kissed him along his jaw, chuckling as his hands tightened around my waist. My teeth had barely touched skin when I heard Aspen pant, "Gravel" as a warning.

I momentarily froze. I was used to hearing him moan my name but never had I heard him say "Gravel" in such a tone. It made me really really excited.

"What is it, Super Storm?" I purred in his ear.

All of a sudden, it was like something in him snapped. With a rough push, he switched our positions and rolled on top me. Before I could protest, he caught my lips with his.

I wound my arms around his neck, my fingers tangled in his soft, wet hair. Aspen on the other hand was tugging at my collar, his fingers expertly loosening my costume.

"My turn," Aspen said, breaking the kiss.

"Hey, I – " I broke off as he harshly bit my now exposed shoulder. "Storm!"

"Hmm" he said in return. One of his hands slid down my chest as he continued to kiss and bite my neck. I closed my eyes and pulled him closer.

There was a loud bang and a gun shot. My eyes flew open and I saw a crack emerge on one of the walls I had pulled up to surround us.

I had no time to crosscheck with Aspen.

I willed the ground beneath us to open up and we fell through with a hard crash. Aspen moved his hand, just in time, to the back of my head and his fingers cushioned the fall. My back however felt the entire impact, doubled with Aspen's weight on top of me.

Groaning and cursing, I flicked my hand and the earth closed above us.

"Are you hurt?" Aspen asked.

I made a face at him. "Great help you were Mr. I-can-fly."

"I'm sorry," he muttered, brows furrowed. "I was... distracted."

I smiled despite myself and rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding, Aspen, I'm fine."

Aspen didn't reply, just kept staring at me.

"What?" I drawled.

He smiled. "You're crazy."

I fought the smile but it spilled out of my lips anyway. "Whatever. Now get up, we need to get out of here."

Aspen didn't budge.

"Aspen, get up! We can't be lying here, there might be rats and roaches and other insects around."

"You're the earth guy. Make them go away."

My smile vanished. I had a bad feeling about this. "I can't, Storm, just get up."

"But Gravel, you robbed a bank," Aspen said innocently. "I can't let you go."

"If you send me to jail, I'll never kiss you again," I threatened.

Aspen chuckled against my ear. "So does that mean it's onto me to punish you now?" He gently removed his hand from behind my head.

I didn't refute. "Not with the roaches, please."

Aspen said nothing. He trailed his hands down my chest, then rested them on either side of my stomach.

He looked down at me, grinning an evil grin.

I gulped despite myself. "Aspen what are – " I broke off as that bitch stated tickling me.

"No, Storm no, stop!" I cried between my laughter, panting and trying to pull his hands away.

"I honestly didn't think you'd be ticklish," Aspen laughed, using the air to pin down both my wrists

"Storm... you're evil... Stop... no... fuck you... Storm!"

"Hmm... maybe later."

"Aspen please... no," I panted, struggling to breathe. "I'd ... rather... go to... jail! I... hate you! STORM!!"



I've always wanted to see enemies make out in the middle of their fight hahahaha. Loved writing it. Hope you loved reading it.

More EXTRAS coming - next up we have Ridge meeting Aspen's ADORABLE FAMILY I'M EXCITED - stay tuned!!

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