By -cupidschokehold

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Y/n Matthews was Cory Matthews' twin sister. From the time that they were born, Cory and Y/n shared everythin... More

Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 4: Brillo Heads and Alternative Friends
Chapter 5: Killer Bee
Chapter 6: Kids II Mensa
Chapter 7: Grandma Was a Rolling Stone
Chapter 8: Teacher's Bet
Chapter 9: Class Preunion
Chapter 10: Santa's Little Helper
valentines day special
Chapter 12: Once in Love With Amy
Chapter 13: Risky Business
Chapter 14: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Chapter 2: On the fence

4.8K 97 86
By -cupidschokehold

(Y/n) P.O.V


Cory, Shawn, and I were sitting at our lunch table with one of our friends Elijah. (Sorry if that's not his name!) I was eating a sandwich that our mom had packed me

"Say you could pick any superhero to be your dad. Who would you choose?" Cory asked

"Batman, no question. Live in a cool cave, borrow the Batmobile," Elijah listed

"He lets Robin hang out with him and play with all his stuff. And Robin's not even his real kid. He's his ward," Shawn informed

"Don't forget he's like, a billionaire," I said 

"How do you get to be a ward?" Elijah asked

"Batman?" Cory started

"Is he faster than a speeding bullet? I don't think so. Is he more powerful than a locomotive? Uh-uh. I'd want superman," He concluded

"He sees through walls, you'd never get away with anything," Shawn told him

"Not that you do now," I said making Cory glare at me

"Because I'd make somebody a very cool ward." Elijah said

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "Don't you think you should've said that earlier?" I asked and he just shrugged

"I'd like to have Superman for a dad," Cory said

"Cory, our dad is Superman. He looks after us, and we are a piece of work," I said

"Hey, there's Minkus," Shawn pointed out.

I watched as Shawn reached into his bag and pulled out a water gun. A big water gun. He aimed it at Minkus' head and then shot water at him.

"Ow," I heard Minkus say.

"Whoa! The 2000-X Hydro-Saturator," Cory said reaching over for the gun.

"Careful. If Feeny sees this baby on school grounds, he'll shag it, and I'll have to sit out of the water war," Shawn explained

"Gentlemen, meet the hydro-sat 3000-Z. Blow your head clean off," Elijah said pulling out his gun

"The 3000? That's not even supposed to come up till Christmas!" Cory exclaimed

"I know a guy," Elijah said 

"Ladies, calm down. You haven't met the Hydro-Sat 4000-0," I said pulling out an even bigger water gun.

Cory looked at in awe, "Where did you get that?" He asked

"It was my Christmas gift from grandma, remember? She got it from a man in Pakistan?" I said. Cory nodded and sighed because he didn't ask for one

Elijah and I both shot at Minkus, "You really shouldn't do that," Minkus warned

"What, are you going to melt?" Shawn asked.

"No, I'm going to retaliate," Minkus answered.

He pulled out a giant case and pulled out a water gun instead of an instrument. Then he aimed it at our table so, I pulled Cory and Shawn in front of me,  "You two are my bodyguards now," I said

Elijah aimed his gun for Minkus as well. "Go ahead. Make. Me. Wet," He said

Elijah pulled his gun down and retreated. "Wise choice," Minkus told him before lowering his gun.

"Ah, who needs one of those," Cory stood up from his seat and began to walk away.

"For your information, a well-placed water balloon can give you just as much splash for your cash," Cory said

As he started to fill up his balloon in the water fountain I looked to Shawn and Elijah. We all nodded and pulled out our water guns and aimed them to Cory. "Like everyone's gonna have a humongous water gun," Cory said before turning around.

He was left facing every kid in the cafeteria aiming a giant water gun at him, "How are ya?" He asked before we started spraying him.

"AHH! AHH! STOP! I'LL GET ONE! I PROMISE! OH, MY G--," He paused before he continued to scream.

"I'LL GET ONE! STOP! I PROMISE!" Cory yelled.

We quickly noticed Mr. Feeny walk in and hid our water. Cory, who was drenched in water stood there.

Mr. Feeny set his tray on an empty table, walked to the water fountain, and examined Cory. "Mr. Matthews, the drinking fountain is no a toy," He told Cory before taking a drink, flicking his mustache and walking away.


I was in the kitchen doing my homework at the table when dad walked in. "Hi, Hon. What's horrible?" He asked my mom

"Hmm. The plumbing in the boys' bathroom is leaking again," She said before kissing dad.

"I'm on it," He said.

As he walked to the cabinets to get his tools he ruffled my hair and tickled Morgan. I smiled before continuing to do my work.

"You are an amazing guy," My mom told him

Cory came downstairs just as dad was going to fix his toilet, "Hey, Dad, how about some quality time with your son?" Cory asked obviously wanting something. I know my brother very well. In fact, we used to be womb-mates.

Get it, roommates, wombmates? No, ok then. "I can't. I'm spending some quality time with your toilet," Dad said before heading upstairs.

"But you just got home from work," Cory exclaimed

"Well, maybe if you and Eric didn't poop so much you might get to spend time with him," I said to Cory, who glanced in my direction.

"Hi, mom. Wow, dinner smells terrific, and that thing you're wearing is really lovely," Cory complimented

I shook my head at the boy and turned around to watch this play out. "What is that, a dress?" He asked

"Oh, Cory, what a lovely and sincere compliment, and I just know that you wouldn't spoil it by asking me for something," Mom told Cory

"Eerie how she always knows, huh?" Eric asked

"What do all women have antennas hidden somewhere on their bodies?" Cory asked then looked to me and I nodded

"I don't know. None of them will let me look," Eric said. I raised my eyebrow at him and he shrugged in response.

"Look. Ok, look, say you're in the kitchen and the living room burst in flames." Cory explained

"Why?" Morgan asked.

"I don't know. Maybe lightning hit it." Cory answered

"Why?" Morgan asked

"Because it was attracted by the metal plate in your head," Cory said

"And you can't escape 'cause your legs are broken. What will you do?" Cory asked

"Why are her legs broken?" Morgan asked

"Because she tripped over your dead body," Cory told her

"Cory, spit it out. What do you want?" She asked

"Just a water gun. You know, so you can put out that fire in the living room," Cory told her

"Fine. I'll buy you a water gun," She said

"Cool. Here's the brochure. Color charts on the back," Cory said and handed mom the brochure.

"Watch this, Morgan," I said. 

"How much do these things cost?" Mom said

"How can you put a price on the safety of your family?" Cory said trying to reason before she saw the price.

"$50?" Mom asked

"There it is," I said. Morgan laughed

"$49.95...plus tax, but--" Cory said before getting cut off by mom.

"I'll take my chances with the lightning," Mom said and handed the brochure back to Cory.

"Come on, mom. You and dad blow that much money on food every week," Cory tried to reason. Obviously it wasn't working.

"Your bathroom sink doesn't leak now," Dad announced as he came downstairs.

"Wow, dad. You fixed it all by yourself?" Cory asked

"Morgan it's happening again," I told her

"Yeah, and your toilet doesn't do that geyser thing anymore, either," Dad said

"You never cease to amaze me," Cory complimented. I rolled my eyes

"Cory, get a life," I said. He glared at me until he went back to Dad.

"How much do you figure you saved on a plumber?" Cory asked.

Dad quickly grabbed Cory, "What's he want this time?" He asked Mom

"A $50 squirt gun," She said

"A $50 dollar squirt gun?" He exclaimed

"No, really, what's he want?" Dad asked

I stood from my place at the table. "Dad, we're not talking about an ordinary squirt gun. We're talking the Hydro-Sat 4000-0," I said and pulled mine out of my bag.

"It's the big boy on the block," Cory finished

"That's nice you guys. Pretty steep, though. Maybe for Christmas," Dad said

"Hey, great, a water gun in December. I'll be the little boy spreading pneumonia," Cory said before he went upstairs. After a minute of exchanging looks with mom and dad, I went upstairs

"If they can't afford to buy toys for four children, why did they have 4 children," Cory said.

"Well, actually Core-" I paused.

"Um, nevermind, continue," I said.

"Leave me alone. I'm trying to put Heather in my watch," Eric said. 

"What?" Cory said and kneeled down to see.

"I can't get it out of video baseball mode," Eric said. He touched something and it beeped baseball charge.

"Hey, how'd you get mom and dad to buy that for you?" I asked.

"I bought it for me. I cashed my first week's paycheck, went down to the mall. Welcome to the wonderful world of stuff," Eric explained

"Mom and Dad just let you buy that?" Cory asked

"Yeah, they said it's my money. I can buy anything I want, except that Buns of Steel  Video," Eric said. I raised my eyebrows at him then shrugged

"Eric, you know, I'm thinking," Cory said

"That's not a good thing," I told him

Ignoring me, he continued, "Now that you're raking in the big bucks, maybe you'd like to consider this exciting investment opportunity," Cory said

"Call my broker-- Shearson, leave me alone," He said

"Big man, doesn't even know what time it is," Cory said.

"I do so. It is... 12:00. 12:00, 12:00," Eric repeated then his watch beeped baseball charge again.


Cory was outside painting the fence. I set my gun on a chair out on the patio. "Hey, Core," I greeted.

"Hey, (N/N)," He said concentrating on the fence. 

"Do you want some water?" I asked. He looked really tired and it was hot today.

"Yes please," He said.

I went inside and grabbed a glass of water. I filled it up and brought it to him. "Here you go," I said.

Cory took the water and drank it very fast. "Wow, you must be tired," I said

"Yeah, I am," Cory replied.

"Water war time, guys!" Shawn exclaimed as he walked into our back yard along with, Minkus and Elijah.

I walked over to the chair with my water gun on it and picked it up, "Well, I'm ready," I said.

"WAR!" Minkus yelled.

"War brings out the beast in Minkus," I said.

"But you bring the love out of my heart, my sweet,"  Minkus said to me. I raised my eyebrows at this. I wasn't surprised by this. It's been like this since kindergarten.

"You kids and your water wars. I'd love to join you, but I'm having way too much fun here," Cory says gesturing to the fence.

"You're bailing on the water war?" Shawn asked

"To paint a fence?" Elijah added.

"You say paint a fence. I say party," Cory said

"And, by the way, even if you wanted to, I wouldn't cut you in on this action," Cory said. I rolled my eyes because I knew what he was doing.

"Why not? I thought we were friends," Shawn said sounding a little hurt.

"Yeah, how come you're cutting us out?" Elijah asked

"People, people, and I the only one who read the summer reading list?" Minkus asked.

The boys stayed silent, "Tom Sawyer?" He asked. Again the boys stayed silent.

I gently pushed Minkus to the side, "He's trying to get us to do the work for him," I said.

"Guys, who are you gonna listen to, me, or the banana?" He asked

"Well, let's see. The banana says play. You say work. We're gonna hang with the big yellow guy," Shawn said.

"Ok, look, I got seven bucks left after buying my Hydro-Sat, and it's yours if you help me paint the fence," Cory said. 

"I say we hold out till lunch. And that's Mr. Banana to you, bud," Minkus said and pointed his gun at Cory.

"Well, I'm not helping," I said.

"I'll tell mom you that you were the one who broke her favorite mug last week," Cory said.

"Fine," I said and took the paintbrush. 


"What flavor did you bring us?" Shawn asked.

"Vanilla," I said.

"They're vanilla with chocolate on the outside, just like they've been for 1,000 years!" Cory said

"I'd really prefer a heath bar crunch,"Minkus said

"YOU DO?" Cory asked.

He grabbed the icecream from Minkus and dipped it in the dirt. "Here you are, Minkus. Crunch on this," Cory said and handed it back to Minkus.

"Is it just me, or is he copping an attitude?" Minkus asked

"I'm beginning to feel unwelcome here," Shawn said.

"Water war?" I asked.

"Water war," Shawn said.

I grabbed my gun and started to walk. "Hey, come on, come on! I paid you. I brought you sandwiches. I brought you ice cream," Cory said trying to get us to stay

"Yeah, so?" Shawn asked

"So I'm gonna sue you!" Cory shouted

"Fine. Have your lawyer call my mom," Shawn said

"Then you'd be suing your own family," I told Cory


Cory and I walked into his and Eric's room soaking wet.

"Ahh, the water war to end all water wars," Cory said

We both started ringing out our shirts over Eric. "Both sides are claiming victory," I said.

"I'd kill you two, but I can't move," Eric said

"Bagging groceries...chasing carts...price checks...spill on aisle seven!" Eric yells sitting up.

"Oh, it's a nightmare. I only worked half a shift today. I don't know how he does it," Eric said

"Who?" Cory asked

"Dad," Eric answered

"12-hour days...never sits...eats his lunch standing up, never take a break. It's like he's not human," Eric said

"It's like he's--" 

"It's like he's superman," Cory said cutting Eric off

"What?" Eric asked

Cory and I looked out the window. "(Y/N), you were right, our dad is Superman," He tells me.


We were all sitting at the table eating when Cory said something, "I know you finished painting the fence for me today, dad," Cory says.

"That's all right, Cory," Dad said

"No, it's not all right," I said

"You work all day, then you come home and work some more, and then you do our work," I said.

"You're hogging all the work, and I'm calling you out," Cory said.

"Huh?" Dad said and looked us with a confused expression.

"We're calling you out," I said

Cory and I stood up from the table. Cory pulled out a small water gun and I pulled out my big one, "Cory, (Y/N)---"

"Draw," Cory said cutting off dad

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked

I pulled the trigger on my gun and sprayed him. Everyone started shouting while Cory and I started laughing.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Mom asked.

"I think we're being kids, ma! I think we're living up to our responsibility of being eleven years old," Cory said and then started spraying dad.

"Hey, hey! No, listen, I'm serious! I've had a very rough day, we do not shoot water pistols at the dinner table," Dad says.

"You would if you had one," I said

"What?" Dad asked.

"Go ahead. Maybe there's a little surprise taped underneath the table for you," I said. I gave my dad a playful grin as he looked under the table.

"Hey, where did you get these?" Dad asked while he examined the gun.

"I traded my 3000 for two 1500s," Cory told him.

"Cool!" Dad exclaimed.

"Dad, I know you said you had a rough day, and that you only get to be a kid once, but I thought it'd be ok if you came back to visit," Cory said.

"Visiting hours are outside in the yard," Mom said.

I smiled at her before me, Cory and dad started spraying her with water.

"No, shooting water guns in the house!" Mom said

"Maybe you wouldn't feel that way if you checked under your side of the table," I said.

Mom quickly checked under the table and pulled out another Hydro-sat 1500. As soon as she pulled it out we all started spraying each other. We reached the backyard and Eric joined in.


Hi you guys! Thank you so much for reading this. If you saw any mistakes or errors could you please comment on it so I can fix it. Also, give me some suggestions because It would really help!

Word Count- 2803

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