Chapter 9: Class Preunion

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Y/n's POV

Cory clicked the button on his stop-watch as he pointed the camera to himself. "I'm Cory Matthews. Today on Eyewitness Cory a probing expose on the plight of the middle child. Stay with us," Cory said to the camera

"Cory there is no middle child, there's four of us." I said into the camera

"Y/n, that's not important right now and get out of my shot." He said shoving me out of the camera and onto the soft couch cushion.

Mom, Dad, and Morgan came downstairs and grabbed their coats as Cory pointed the camera towards them. "Mr and Mrs Matthews, where are we taking youngest child Morgan today?" Cory asked

"Hey, cor, we're going to stephanie's birthday party." Dad said as he fixed the collar of his shirt

"Doesn't your sister look adorable? Get a close-up of her new dress." Mom said Morgan pulled at the skirt to show it off to the camera

Cory went closer to our grinning little sister with the camera, "Excuse me ma'am, did you say new dress? And is the baby of the family wearing a gold necklace?" Cory asked while mom helped Morgan put her Jacket on

"My mommy gave it to me." Morgan bragged

"Lent it to you." Mom corrected

"Party, necklace, new dress all for your youngest daughter. You even brought your older daughter 2 limited edition beanie babies and candy, but yet just last night your son was imprisoned in his room, forbidden to go to the movies with his best friends."

"Our daughters didn't dial random numbers in Saskatchewan just to hear people talk Canadian." Dad said into the camera making me crack up

"Say goodbye to your poor exploited brother and your amazing and well raised sister, sweetie." Mom said to Morgan

"We were raised by the same pe-"

"Bye. Sorry everybody hates you. Bye Y/n, you're the best." She said as she waved and the camera and then at me.

"Bye. You're amazing!" I waved back

Morgan and Mom walked out the door while Cory pointed the camera at dad who was about to follow them out, "Finally, the naked truth emerges."

"Hey, cor, do me a favor. No phone calls, no home shopping network, and be careful with my video camera! Y/n, you just be good and help yourself to food in the kitchen. Have fun!" Dad said before closing the door.

Cory turned the camera back to himself, "There you have it. All across America, middle children suffering at the hands of suspicious, mistrustful parents."

Cory put the stop watch in front of the camera to stop it but instead the camera had other plans. He began fumbling with it until fell out of his hands and onto the wooden floor. "Next week, grounded and how to cope with it." I said to the broken camera


Mr. Feeny sat at his desk with Stuart on one side of him and Cory on the other. Cory wore a wig and a hat from the 1700s and Stuart wore a crown. "Taxation without representation. King George." Mr. Feeny said and pointed to Stuart

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐍 ( shawn hunter x fem!reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя