
By Wunderlust_NY

2.7K 169 8

She's Organised, he's messy She's confident, he's shy She's outspoken, he's quiet The list could go on an... More

The Promotion
The Surprise
The Proposal
The Cubicle Neighbour
The Apology
The Demotion
The Opposite Pairing
The House Guest
The New Plan
The Sister Bond
The Preparation
The Big Event
The Mistakes
The Redemtion
The Opposites Attract

The Bickering

134 10 0
By Wunderlust_NY

The next day, Cassie wakes up early in the morning preparing for the trip to all the businesses. She goes downstairs and sees her sister making breakfast... she's never done this unless she wanted something which gets Cassie suspicious.

"Hey, I made your pancakes."
"Er, thanks,"
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"What do you want?"
"I am so insulted that you would think I cooked in the kitchen just because I want something. Of course, I do Cassie."
"Let's hear it then."
"Look I know it's not convenient especially with the state of your job but I need to stay here longer."
"How many more days?"

Emily looks down trying to meet her eyes.


Still no response.

"I promise after everything's good, I will leave and let you have your peaceful apartment back in the best state."

Cassie couldn't care less that Emily's staying longer but in fact, she unknowingly likes company. I would if I was isolated for 5 years. I mean jeez she doesn't even know who lives next door. Aside from criticising Cassie's life choices, we know that she is super stressed out about her job... and well Jason too as a matter of fact. Emily can sense the stress she proceeds to ask about it.

"Why are you so quiet, I just told you I'm going to be living in your apartment for a few months, probably wrecking the place... not that I'm actually going to wreck the place."

Cassie puts her head in her hands as if she just wants the world to come to a halt.

"I'm sorry it's just work, speaking of I need to get going, thanks for the breakfast"
"Hey before you go, I know you're working really hard and the stress is getting to you, but I know you and you're going to do just fine... did that help."

Cassie smiles- that's actually the first time in ages something her sister has said something to make her smile. They usually don't get along but for the sake me and my narration, I'm glad they are. Anyways Cassie leaves her apartment ready to go with Jason but as usual... he's late. And I was rooting for him.

"Ugh, where is he."

Low and behold, he's finally here... in the jankiest car, I've ever seen. Jason, what the heck were you thinking. Cassie's taken back by this, I don't know who wouldn't be. Also in nature's favourite colour... brown.

"Hey sorry I'm late, I was picking up some snacks."

Snacks aside, the car is trashed with wrappers and ... all sorts.

"Hey, are you sure you don't want me to drive, in my car, from behind."
"Don't be silly, there's no point in us going separately, plus you know what they say, save the planet."

Cassie gets into the car. If only there was a way to sit in the car... without actually sitting in it.

"Are you ready?"
"Just drive please."

Jason starts his engine which doesn't actually start. Amazing.

"Just wait a second it.. will..start"
"One of these days."

Jason gets out the car and opens the front to his surprise, not mine, is met by a puff of black smoke. Jason doesn't even attempt to touch it, he goes to the passenger side to inform Cassie about the situation but she's not there. In fact, she's already gotten her car out and is waiting for him.

"Get in."
"Unbelievable, you couldn't wait to get your car out, could you?"
"Look we're running out of time, please get in."

Jason grabs his stuff and gets into the car which is spotless and polished. Cassie starts driving to the first location and silence enters the car. My gosh, talk about the weather or something... nothing still silent.

"You know there was nothing wrong with my car, it's never done this, it's a one-time occurrence."
"You know you shouldn't judge a car from what it looks like."
"Is that your take on "don't judge a book" by its cover or are you just extremely poetic when it comes to cars."
"Very funny, Cassandra"
"You did not just call me Cassandra."
"I didn't... Cassandra."
"Alright Jason Watts, at least I know how to stand up to people, you let them trample all over you."
"It's called people skills."
"You mean those people skills that you don't have"
"Well you can talk, if you had a problem with all the noise and smells coming from my office, you could've come and talked to me about it but you ran to your Mom"
"Well next time you do something I don't like, I'll be sure to tell you All about it."
"You're too loud and clumsy and you type too loud. You're never on time, you let people walk all over you including Michael, kudos to you because I never could, and top of all that, you wanna know what I think Jason Watts ...your car sucks!"

Jason takes great offence to this, and usually, I would back him up but... his car sucks... a lot."

"My car does NOT suck"

Let me spare you your time and say these two went at it for hours into the journey, throwing all kind of insults at each other... even when they were visiting the businesses. What can I say? They're nothing like each other but it works somehow. Yet that's doesn't excuse the arguing... all day.

Business 1

"So how many employees do you have?"
"Well we're short-staffed but we have about 5... no 4, Victoria quit last week so we would like the help."
"Well look at that, maybe you can work here after you get fired, Cassandra."
"Please be quiet Mr Watts."

And it continued when they visited Business no. 2

"Hello Mr Smith, it's nice to meet you, I'm Cassie and this is Mr Watts, my assistant."

Assistant? I'm as confused a Jason is. Before he can set things right, Cassie diverts the man's attention.

"Mr Watts actually can't speak, so if you have any enquiries please don't hesitate to ask me."

Jason can do nothing but smile and Cassie smirks at him. They continued to bicker while they visited all the applicants. That's real professional. They'd be at each other's throats all day. They were both glad that they only had 1 more business to visit.

"Hello, you guys must be the people with the program."
"Yes, we're here to see a...Mr Ferguson."
"But you're not"-
"not Mr Ferguson, that's correct, he's my dad. This bakery is his. My family all work here since my dad was admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, we're struggling with... everything at the moment."
"Well Cassie and I will try to do anything we can"
"That is very much appreciated because by next month we could be closed and my dad won't have anything to come back to, I let him down."
"I know how you feel."
"So would you guys like to look around?"
"We would love to."

Both Cassie and Jason get a tour and before they know it, it's time to leave.

"Thank you guys for coming."
"We should thank you too, I promise we're going to do everything we can to help you."

They leave, but something doesn't sit well with Jason. As they both get into the car, Jason hard stares at Cassie who just starts driving.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I promise we're going to do everything we can to help you? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I was just giving her some hope."
"Yeah, false hope. You know we can't help anyone we met today and you've been on board with that all day. All of a sudden you promise someone they're going to get all the help that they need."
"Okay so we can't help anyone, we can try to act like we can and show some compassion."
"Yeah? Well, what happens when the help they need doesn't come? What are you going to do then? You'll just be a person who left that whole family hanging for something they were never going to get."

The car goes silent as Cassie has no words. Perhaps it's because she starting to see it how Jason does. Painful silence... they can't even look at each other. Please start talking. An hour goes by and still nothing, all can be heard is the car's low pitch humming... come to think of it why is the car making a noise. The car's momentum comes to an end and the car stops in the middle of nowhere at night. A frantic Cassie tries to start the car again. Anyone know a mechanic?

"I thought your car"-
"Not now"

Jason can see Cassie's on the brink of falling apart so he decides to stop pushing her buttons.

"I'll call someone."

Jason and Cassie leave the car and while Jason goes to call someone for help, Cassie sits at the grassy side of the road and she can't keep it together anymore. Tears stream down her face... I'd say this is about a lot more than the car. Jason finishes his call and realises Cassie- well, wait and watch.

"Hey Cassie, are you okay."
"I'm fine."
"I'm sorry about today, I know we've been at each other today and I should've tried to see things from your point of view... but you don't need to hide behind an "I'm fine" with me because I know you're not, I'm here to listen."
"2 weeks ago I was a completely different person, I had a stable job, I was confident, I had a boyfriend, I was happy and I was ready for the next thing. It was all going to plan... then I didn't get promoted... that was a bummer. I sacrificed everything for that job, more than I ever should have. Then I think I'm going to get proposed, he comes to break up with me."
"I know, but it's fine, who would want to marry me, I'm a failure, I couldn't even fulfil my dad's dream. I've been like this for so long, no social life only work, my sister and I butt head because I so wanted a life like her. Tons of friends, a fulfilling job, balance, I can't even have that, and now she's living with me as if I need a reminder that I've always wanted her life."

Jason's shocked by Cassie's words because he sees her as an amazing person who's way out of anyone's league.

"Hey, look at me!"

Jason moves Cassie's face in his direction where they maintain eye contact and as he wipes a tear from her face he says,

"You are not a failure, you're still here aren't you, you're still going. You would've been a failure if you gave up. And what's all this about no one wanting to marry you, you are an amazing hardworking girl and if they can't see that they don't deserve you and I bet your dad is already so proud of you."

Cassie bursts into tears and Jason's instinct is to hug Cassie. Jason is opposed to showing emotion, "conceal don't feel" type of thing, and somehow he has tears in his eyes as he embraces her.

"I know you probably feel like it isn't going to get better, but this is your life Cas, not your sister's, you have the control. Besides, I've only known you for a week and I can already tell, though we don't have the same taste in cars, we're friends."

Cassie starts to laugh. They release from the embrace, and Cassie gets herself together.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting"
"Don't sweat it, it's fine."
"I shouldn't have behaved that way."
"Seriously I was acting like a child too, and henceforth, I promise never to call you Cassandra again."
"One more thing... your car"

Jason decided to give in to the car debate and I say that's a smart move.

"My car... it really does suck doesn't it?"
"Yeah, it does."

They start laughing before being interrupted by the mechanic.

"Guys I'm sorry, the car can't be fixed here, but I called you guys a taxi and it's here."
"That's fine, thank you."

They get into the Taxi and as the night progresses, Cassie falls asleep and her head conveniently rests on Jason's shoulder... but he doesn't mind.

"Hey folks, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go a different way back home, it's much longer but by God's grace, I will get you guys home... even if it may be a 4-hour journey... plus traffic."
"That's fine."

He doesn't mind that either... he smiles as he looks out the window which reflects Cassie. There's something about her he still can't grasp and he ain't going to try either way.

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