Falling For My Best Friend

By jungkookslovely

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"I'm glad you didn't kiss any other men. Cause your lips are my lips, only for me." Hyunjin said and I giggle... More

part 1: big news
part 2: meeting SKZ
part 3: forgive
part 5: date with Jisung
part 6: girlfriend
part 7: you
part 8: friend from college
part 9: precious
part 10: stay with you
part 11: special night
part 12: broken
part 13: make your day
part 14: gone
part 15: together
part 16: reunion
part 17: friends
part 18: us
part 19: lesson
part 20: answer me
part 21: surprise
part 22: you and i
part 23: day&night at the beach
part 24: talk with boys
part 25: arcade
part 26: nervous
part 27: perfect
part 28: with you
part 29: move in
part 30: drama queen
part 31: suffering date
part 32: haunted house

part 4: promise

683 17 16
By jungkookslovely

When I opened the door I saw Jisung.

"Jisung?!!" I said, shocked.

"hiii Y/N!! I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I'll be quick. I got something to ask you." Jisung said.

While Jisung was speaking Hyunjin heard him and stood behind me giving him a look.

"what are you doing here Jisung?! How did you even get her address?!" Hyunjin said, annoyed.

"well I actually didn't. I followed you cause I thought you might be going to her since you brought flowers with you." Jisung said.

"well that's smooth." I said.

"Jisung, what the heck?! Why would you follow me to her house?" Hyunjin said, pissed.

"cause I got something to ask her." Jisung said.

"okay well come in. don't just stand there." I said.

"okay." Jisung said, entered my house and the three of us sat on sofa.

"Hyunjin I hope you won't be mad at me, AGAIN!" Jisung said.

"no he won't! Don't you worry about him." I said.

Hyunjin just sat there confused and didn't talk.

"Y/N I asked you before but we didn't really talk after fight. Y/N will you go on a date with me?!" Jisung said.

Both Hyunjin and I were shocked. Hyunjin seemed angry and sad at the same time. Thankfully he listened to me and didn't speak.

"w-well sure. Why not?" I said, smiling.

When I said those words Hyunjin looked at me even more shocked.

"really?!! Yes you go girl! I'm going to pick you up tomorrow around 1 pm and then we'll go to a café or a restaurant if that's okay with you." Jisung said, happily.

"it's fine! Can't wait!" I smiled.

"me neither! Okay so I'll go now I just wanted to ask you this face to face." Jisung said, standing up.

"that's nice from you. I like that kind of things and not just texting about something important." I said.

Hyunjin thought I was talking about him when I said this about texting and went to the kitchen.

I followed Jisung to the door and said goodbye to him. After that I went straight to the kitchen to find Hyunjin standing there drinking water with tears in his eyes.

"Hyunjin?!! What's happening?" I said, shocked.

"oh nothing." he said, not looking at me.

"boy why are you crying all of a sudden?!"

"how the fuck could you agree to go on a date with him?!!" Hyunjin said, pissed.

"what?! Really? That's what bothers you?!!"

"no not just that and you also found a way to insult me in front of him! Saying that he is better!!"

"what?!! When did I?! I just agreed to go on a date with him, Hyunjin it's one date!!" I said.

"you said that thing about texting like you don't like when someone texts you about something important! You were obviously referring to me texting you to forgive me Y/N!"

"oh my God Hyunjin!! Nooo!! I would NEVER hurt you like that! What are you even talking about?!" I said, confused.

"you don't have to lie to me Y/N!"

"I'm noooot!!! Hyunjin yes you may have texted me to forgive you which I didn't really like but you showed up at my door with rose and chocolate and that's what's MOST IMPORTANT!! Hyunjin you came to me! I really appreciate that!" I said while putting my hands on his face and wiping off his tears.

"well yes, but I really thought you talked about me when you said that!" he hugged me tightly for about 5 minutes.

I hugged him back.
"Damn I didn't know how much I needed this. How much I needed him!" I thought.

"Hyunjin just promise me that you will forever be there for me cause I need you!" I said while we were still hugging.

"of course I'll always be there for you Y/N! I promise you!!" he hugged me even more tightly.

"But you promise me as well!" Hyunjin said.

"I promise you Hwang Hyunjin that I'll always be there for you!" as I said that a tear fell of my eye.

"look at me Y/N!" Hyunjin said, lifting my chin.

I looked up to him with teary eyes.

"are you crying?! Awww come here you lil baby!" he said while embracing me again and putting my head on his chest.
He patted my head.

"Hyunjin if you make me cry even more because of this I swear to God!" I playfully hit his chest.

"don't you worry Y/N!! If you ever cry because of me then it will be tears of happiness, like right now." Hyunjin said, smiling.

I looked up to him again and saw his teary eyes as well.

"awwww my lil Hyunjinieee!! Don't you dare to cry anymore!!" I said while wiping off his tears once again.

"you know, Hyunjin, this time you cried because of me but those are tears of happiness. But before... those were tears of pure sadness and I- I'm so sorry that I was the reason you were crying. I'm such a horrible p—,"

Hyunjin quickly lifted me up and carried me to the sofa where we laid down and he cuddled me, softly, full of love. I was laying on his chest while he embraced me tightly.

"don't you dare to finish that sentence! Y/N do you realize that you are the best person ever?!" Hyunjin said.

"awww thank you!! But I'm not that great as you think. I can hurt you easily and I hate that. I hate even the thought of that!"

"no! You didn't even hurt me! I hurt myself!! So none of this was your fault but mine! Stop talking bad about yourself!"

"well okay you're right. But still somehow i feel dumb."

"no don't!! It's not your fault! You are the best ever! I hope you realize that Y/N!!" Hyunjin smiled.

I smiled as well.
We were now silent and I noticed Hyunjin looking at me and smiling.

"what? what are you smiling for?" I said, curiously.

"oh, just admiring you."

"okay, but why are you smiling?"

"cause you are so beautiful and I'm lucky to have you in my life."

I was speechless. He really said that without hesitation. We were never like this before. I mean we were really close but we never cuddled and he would never say stuff like this to me. It looked like he was confessing or something.

"awww so are you. And I'm luckier actually!" I smiled.

"what? NOOO I'M LUCKIER!!" Hyunjin, insisted.

"okay I'll let you win. I'm pretty amazing huh?"

"yes you are! You aren't even aware."

"what's up with you lately?" I said while smiling at him.

"what? Nothing."

"noo. It clearly is something. Why are you so soft and touchy all of a sudden?"

"me? I was always like that."

"no no you weren't! What changed?"

"well I actually like someone Y/N. She changed my life." he said while smiling at me.

My smile disappeared and I got sad. "It probably isn't me" I thought.

"oh really?! Who is it?"

"I'm not telling you yet! I need to be sure that she is the one for me."

"oh okay. That's cool."

I was shocked. He never talked with me about this before. Didn't even mention that he has someone in his life. Of course I was sad cause now my chance is gone. I thought about telling him about my feelings cause I couldn't keep it in anymore but now I think I need to forget him.

"can't you even tell me her name?" I stood up from sofa cause I felt embarrassed to even hug him now. He somehow felt like a stranger.

"no. I'll tell you when it's the right moment, I promise."
"oh and when will that be?!" I started getting anxious and kinda angry but I didn't want him to see it.

"soon. Just give me a few days."

"fine. Does she like you back?" I asked, curiously.

"I'm not quite sure but I think she does. You're gonna love her. I feel like she's my other half and when I'm with her nothing matters anymore. Just me and her in that moment." Hyunjin smiled.

"oh you must be really happy to have her in your life huh?" I said almost choking on my own words.

"YES! You know what? I think I LOVE her!! And I'll tell her soon!"

The moment he said those words I was broken.

A/N: Hiii! I hope you guys liked this part I made it a little longer. Look forward to a date with Jisung! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Thank you for reading❤️

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