The Show Must Go On [boyxboy]

Oleh SkeneKidz

550K 25.8K 16.6K

Alexander Sullivan has money, looks, charisma, a cunning mind, and constant boredom. When feisty Neo Bartosz... Lebih Banyak

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The Show Must Go On {12}

22.5K 1.1K 938
Oleh SkeneKidz

                “So, are you going to date Neo?” Scott asked.

                I shrugged. I was lying upside down on his bed, my head hanging off the edge. He was sitting on his desk, letting Isaac crawl up and down his arms.

                I shrugged, texting on my phone. “Probably.”

                “Are you texting him?” he asked.

                “No, Scott. I do have friends other than you and Bennett, you know,” I said.

                “I was just wondering,” he said, cupping Isaac into his hand before the newt could crawl up his sleeve. “You seem happier lately.”

                “When I say Neo is different, I’m not lying,” I said, glancing at him upside down.

                “Just don’t completely ignore Bennett. I’m not saying he’s right, but I’m not saying he’s wrong. Personally, I couldn’t care less. You can date whoever you want. I’m not your mom,” he said, setting Isaac back in his cage.

                “Such a compassionate friend,” I said, sitting up.

                “What? Like you care who Bennett or I date,” he said with a shrug. “We’re big boys. We can make our own decisions.”

                “What if Neo starts abusing me?” I asked.

                “That’s your problem. You know he bites,” Scott said.

                “What, are you saying if someone started abusing me, you wouldn’t step in? Even you, Mr. I-Don’t-Care-About-Anything, have had some bruised knuckles before,” I said.

                “I’m a mama bear at heart,” he said. “Plus if you get depressed, you’ll get more attached to your dog. I can’t have that.”

                “Greatest best friend in the world,” I said. “Go wash your hands. I’m hungry.”

                “You act like Isaac is dirty,” he said, jumping off of his desk.

                “Isaac IS dirty, Scott,” I said. “He’s a freaking Newt.”

                “Link licks his privates but you still let him lick your face,” Scott said, squinting his eyes at me. “You leave Isaac alone. I’m not a fan of you lately.”

                “I’m sorry I threatened the koalas, I’m sorry we make it uncomfortable when you’re trying to eat, and I’m sorry I called Isaac dirty,” I said with a sigh. “Please go wash your hands and let’s go meet Bennett for dinner.”               

                He glanced at Isaac. “Isaac, don’t let the bad man touch you.”

                I rolled my eyes as Scott left the room. I fell back on Scott’s bed, pulling out my cell phone as it buzzed again.

                From: Neo

                Hey fuckboy. I’m bored, entertain me.

                “Charming,” I mumbled, smiling a little as I replied.

                Scott came into the room, wiping his hands on his jeans. “You’re texting Neo,” he said, glancing at my face. “Don’t smile like that. It’s creepy. If you’re going to murder someone, my dad is downstairs. Leave me out of it.”

                “I’m not murdering anyone. Now, let’s go eat. I’ll text Bennett to leave his house now,” I said, pushing myself off of Scott’s bed.

                The two of us went downstairs, passing through his living room. His parents offered us smiles.

                “Are you going to eat, Scott?” his dad asked.

                “Yea.” He held his hand out.

                Mr. Anderson rolled his eyes. “You’re spoiled, but you’re typically too lazy to be a brat about it,” he said, pulling out his wallet and handing Scott money.

                “He’s not spoiled!” Mrs. Anderson said, hitting Mr. Anderson’s arm.

                “I’m a little spoiled,” Scott said, tucking the money in his pocket.

                “Spoiled,” I agreed.

                “You can’t talk,” Scott said. “Now, let’s go eat. I’m hungry too.”

                “Bye boys! Have fun! Scott, be safe and behave!” Mrs. Anderson said.

                “Yea, yea,” Scott said, and I followed him out of the house.

                We got in my car and I texted Bennett before driving towards the restaurant we were going to meet at. I played my music as I drove. Scott slouched down and kicked his feet up on the dashboard, folding his hands behind his head.

                “You’re lucky I let you do that,” I said.

                “You’re lucky I even get in this car. I know what you’ve done in your backseat,” he said, closing his eyes and slouching down more.

                “I put a blanket down. And I clean my car,” I said.

                “I should start slut shaming you,” he said.

                “That would be too much work,” I said.

                “Which is why I haven’t started slut shaming you,” he said. “Put on Disney music. I know you have it on your phone.”

                “Why would I play Disney music?” I asked.

                “Dude, why wouldn’t you play Disney music? Now shut up and put on Prince Ali,” he said.

                “You have hands,” I said, but unlocked my phone and played Prince Ali. “You are such a child, Scott.”

                “Hey, it’s on your phone,” he pointed out.

                I sighed and ignored that comment. A few minutes later, I parked the car, and the two of us got out. Bennett was waiting for us by the door, his arms crossed impatiently.

                “Scott is rubbing off on you,” he said as we came up to him.

                “Traffic was slowing us down,” I said. “I am not turning into Scott.”

                “What’s wrong with Scott?” Scott said.

                “You’re slow and late to everything,” Bennett said.

                “I don’t want to be you, Scott. I like sex way too much,” I said.

                “We’re not even in the restaurant and you’re already doing the thing,” Scott said with a sigh.

                “Oops, sorry,” I said. “Let’s go eat. I’ll try not to mention sex.”

                The three of us entered the restaurant together and followed the waiter back to our seats. I paused as we walked and glanced over, smirking.

                “Professor Bartosz, Neo,” I said, going over to their table.

                Neo looked up at me in surprise. He phone was resting in his lap, pulled up to our conversation. He hastily locked it and shoved it in his pocket.

                “Alexander,” he said in disinterest.

                “Alexander Sullivan!” Professor Bartosz said with a smile, standing up and holding his hand out.

                I shook it and gave him a polite smile. “Sorry to interrupt your meal, sir. I just wanted to say hello.” I turned to his wife. “Hello Mrs. Bartosz!”

                “Hello Alexander. How are your mother and father?” she asked.

                “They’re great, thank you,” I said.

                “Are you here with Steve and Bennett?” Neo asked.

                “Scott,” Scott said, appearing behind me with Bennett. “My name is Scott, not Steve.”

                “Yea, whatever, I’ll call you Steve if I want to,” Neo said with a shrug.

                “Neo! This is Scott Anderson. His mother is a very well respected business owner,” Professor Bartosz said, glaring at Neo.

                “I don’t care if his mother is Obama,” Neo said.

                “I care,” Scott said. “Wrong skin color.”

                “Sorry these two are interrupting your meal. Nice to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Bartosz,” Bennett said, coming over. “Scott, Alexander, let’s go sit down and leave them to eat in peace.”

                “Sorry to bother you. It was nice to see you,” I said with a smile, following Bennett over to our table and sitting down. A waiter came and took our drink orders, leaving us to look over our menus.

                “Don’t do anything while his parents are here,” Bennett said without looking up from his menu.

                “Yes Bennett, I’m completely stupid,” I said.

                “Glad you accept it,” Bennett said.

                “I’m debating between singing Broken Home by Papa Roach, or Stay Together For The Kids by Blink182,” Scott said.

                “I’m just looking out for Alexander,” Bennett said, finally looking up from his menu.

                “I don’t need you to look out for me. I can look out for myself,” I said in annoyance.

                “Scott,” Bennett said, turning to Scott.

                “Scott’s not here right now, please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeep,” Scott said, slouching down and holding his menu up to hide his face.

                “You idiot, I was just going to ask you if you were paying with cash or your card,” Bennett said, yanking the menu away from Scott.

                “Cash,” Scott said. “Don’t take my menu. I want food. Why do you two hate me so much?”

                “We don’t hate you. You just get caught up in our fights,” I said, snatching the menu from Bennett and handing it back to Scott.

                “You’re just trying to make up for insulting Isaac,” Scott said.

                “Are you going to hold a grudge against me for that?” I asked.

                “Probably. Isaac is not dirty. You’re dirty,” he said, but his tone was lazy, and I knew he was just pretending to hold a grudge.

                “Sure, whatever makes you happy,” I said, shaking my head.

                My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. I opened the text and had to keep my face neutral.

                From: Neo

                Pull a cliché romantic moment and meet me in the bathroom in two minutes.

                I texted him back and checked the time before locking my phone. I scanned over my menu, ignoring the knowing look Bennett was giving me.

                The waiter came back and the three of us gave our orders. He left us bread and plates and went to put our orders in.

                “Scott, can I get out? I have to use the bathroom,” I said.

                “Army crawl under the table, I’m not moving,” he said.

                “I’m sorry about insulting Isaac,” I said.

                “Buy him colored rocks for his birthday. He likes the purple ones,” Scott said.

                “Deal,” I said, and Scott slid out of the booth so I could get out.

                I calmly walked back to the bathroom and went in. There was stall on the right and a stall on the left, and Neo was leaning against the two sinks in the center.

                “Lock the door,” he said.

                I locked the door and turned, opening my arms. Neo sighed and moved into my arms, hugging me.

                “Why are you here?” I asked.

                “To eat, you moron. We’re at a restaurant,” he said.

                “Right, sorry, stupid question,” I said.

                “Very stupid question,” he said.

                I bent down, kissing him, loving that feel of his lips on mine. He kissed me back, his arms wrapping around my waist.

                “What are we?” he asked nervously, pulling away from my lips.

                “We’re whatever you want us to be,” I said, reaching out and twirling a strand of his hair around my finger.

                “What…What do you want us to be?” he asked.

                “Isn’t it obvious?” I said, smiling and kissing him. “But you call the shots here. We’re whatever you want us to be, Neo.”

                “I think I want us to be what you want us to be,” he said.

                “Okay. But I am not going to ask you out in a bathroom,” I said. “So you’re coming over tonight. It gives you time to think this over and make sure you know what you’re doing.”

                “Yea…sure,” he said, nodding.

                I kissed him. “I’ll text you when I get home.”     

                “I’ll eagerly wait by my phone like a love struck girl,” Neo said.

                “I’m going back out to my friends now,” I said, unlocking the bathroom door and slipping out.

                I went up to the booth. Scott looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, not moving out of his seat to let me back into the booth.

                “I’ll send you that picture of a koala in a party hat that you love,” I said.

                Scott jumped up and I laughed as I slid into the booth. Scott said down and watched eagerly as I pulled out my phone. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, grinning as he looked at the picture.

                “Yes. I love that koala. Look at the party hat!” he said, showing the picture to Bennett.

                “Frame it on your wall,” Bennett said.

                “I think I might,” Scott mumbled, staring at the picture in content.

                I snickered and took a sip of my drink. The waiter came a few minutes later, setting our food down for us. Scott reluctantly put his phone back in his pocket, and we dug into the food.

                When we were done, we paid and got up. I glanced at the empty table where Neo and his family had been sitting.

                “Do you guys want to come over?” Bennett asked me.

                I shook my head. “No, I’m going to head home.”

                “I knew you were going to hang out with Neo tonight,” Bennett said.

                “Indeed I am. It’s none of your business, though,” I said.

                “Koala in a party hat. Koala in a party hat. Koala in a party hat,” Scott said.

                “Scott, what the hell are you doing?” I asked.

                “Trying to fight away this negativity with the greatest force on earth,” he said. “Koala in a party hat. Koala in a party hat.”

                I pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and bringing up the picture, handing it back to him. He stared at it happily, instantly distracted.

                “Take the koala lover to your house and hang out with him. I’m busy tonight,” I said.

                “You’re going to regret this,” Bennett said, glaring at me.

                “I doubt it. Stop bothering me about it,” I said.

                “This is my last warning, Alexander. You will regret this. He’ll just break your heart. If you ignore my warning, I won’t feel sympathy for you when he does break your heart,” Bennett said simply.

                “I won’t need, and don’t want, your sympathy. See you two tomorrow,” I said.

                Bennett glared more, his lip twitching. He grabbed Scott’s arm and dragged him away, over to his car.

                I rolled my eyes and got in my own car. I drove myself back to my house and texted Neo that I was home.

                “Vesper, Bennett is wrong,” I said, picking the cat up off the counter.

                “Meow. Meow,” Vesper said, curling up in my arms.

                “But boyfriend or not, Neo is not allowed to steal you!” I said sternly.

                Link padded over to me, barking in excitement. I pet his head, and he panted in content, leaning against me.

                “Scott’s not allowed to steal you, either,” I said. “You and Vesper are mine.” I snickered, remember Scott trying to steal Link when we were kids, and how upset he had been when I caught him.

                The doorbell rang and Link barked more, running away from me to go sniff the door. I set Vesper on my shoulders and went out to the door, pulling it open.

                Neo stepped inside and held his arms out. I sighed and pulled Vesper off of my shoulders, handing him to Neo.

                “Kitty,” Neo said happily, petting Vesper.

                “Come on,” I said, gesturing at Neo to follow me.

                I led him up to my bedroom. He set Vesper on my bed, looking like he regretted it as the cat hopped up onto the windowsill away from him. He had nothing to distract himself with anymore.

                “Have you thought it over?” I asked.

                “I have,” he said, not meeting my eyes. “I…I still want what you want.”

                “In that case…Neo, will you be my boyfriend?” I asked.

                “Duh,” he said. “You keep asking stupid questions today. It’s annoying. I thought you were smarter than that.”

                I went over to him, pulling him into my arms and kissing him. “My friends will know. Bennett always knows things. But your friends don’t have to know. I don’t mind keeping secrets,” I said.

                “Yea. Thanks,” he mumbled. “I doubt Donnie would be jumping for joy. Shit, is this betraying him?”

                “No,” I said, tilting Neo’s chin up so that he was looking at me. “This isn’t betraying him. I dated Donnie a long time ago. Things change. People change. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. I want to make you happy, Neo. Being happy isn’t betraying your friend.”

                “If you want to make me happy then stop being a cliché sap,” he said and kissed me. “You know what would make me really happy?”

                “You can’t have my cat,” I said.

                “Wow this was my shortest relationship yet,” he said.

                “Shut up,” I said, sighing and pulling him close. I hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder, nuzzling my face against his neck. He smelled lightly of wood. “You smell like wood.”

                “Our floors are being redone. We’re putting down hardwood in our den,” he said, his arms around me, his face pressing against my hair. “Your hair is so fluffy.”

                I laughed and he shivered as my breath blew against his neck. I straightened up and took his hand in mine, pulling him over to my bed, lying down.

                He was awkward in my arms, as if he wasn’t used to cuddling. I lightly played with his hair, kissing his cheek, hoping to ease his tension.

                “It’s getting late…what if we fall asleep?” he asked.

                “I won’t fall asleep. You can take a nap if you want,” I said.

                He yawned. “You sure you won’t fall asleep? I don’t want your parents knowing about us yet. Or mine. Not yet. Later.”

                “That’s fine with me. I promise I won’t fall asleep. I’m wide awake,” I assured.

                He closed his eyes, and I pulled him closer to me, kissing his forehead. “I’ll wake you up in an hour.”

                “Thanks,” he mumbled, snuggling against me and drifting off to sleep. I smiled down at him. He looked so innocent and vulnerable when he was asleep. Bennett was wrong about Neo, I was sure of it. Maybe this relationship would work out, and the two of us could actually be happy together. 

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