Boboiboy splits (highschool a...

By Jun_Matie

58.1K 2.1K 1.7K

Fang just moved into the neighborhood recently with his older brother. The nearby, school offered to have Fan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 12.5
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 16.5 +new book?
chapter 17 (un edited)
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
A/N + suggestion?
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 22.5
Chapter 23

chapter 14

1.4K 68 66
By Jun_Matie

Anyone know Brandon Rogers? XD
I watched his videos when I was in 5th grade and the video that audio is from was actually the first video I watched from him!

Anyways, I dunno how long this stories gonna be but, I hope you continue reading this!!

(despite me making 4-5 chapters taking place on the same day.)

Word count: 2400


Fang had finished his conversation with the Boboiboy siblings about half an hour ago. Now, he was walking back alone.

He had left after they were done asking eachother questions. He grabbed his stuff from his locker and headed home.

Fang's memory of the conversation was vague. Some minor details and information were all that he could remember clearly. The rest, he wasn't so sure about. The little pieces of that conversation he can remembered were atleast important enough.


Air: "okay, Fang, what's your most embarrassing moment?"

Or maybe not.

Fang blushed a little, furrowing his eyebrows in a concentrated but, sheepish manner as he tried to remember what his most embarrassing moment was. He glance up at the Boboiboy siblings real quick and he could've sworn some of them were blushing a little. Specifically Angin, Daun and Cahaya.

Fang shook his head at that memory. He knows that wasn't possible. It must be because of his hazy memory. Though, he'll list that as a red flag for now.

Fang: "uhh... maybe that time... I kept calling myself Pang instead of Fang as a child...?"

Cahaya: "awe! That's surprisingly adorable~"

Daun: "yeah!"

The two's compliment made Fang bury his head in his hands in shame. That was something he couldn't move on from considering his older brother uses that as a pet name for him.

Fang: *cough* "alright, my turn. Do you guys have cousins?"

Angin and Daun raised their eyebrow curiously. Api was about to answer when Cahaya suddenly covered Api's mouth before he could say anything.

Cahaya: "yeah! We do! I already told you about one of them, right Pang~?"

Fang groaned at the nickname. "Don't call me that."
He just got a chuckle in response.

Angin was about to interject but Air quickly caught onto Cahaya's act and pretended to be confused while cutting Angin off. "You told him about our cousins?"

Cahaya nodded and let go of Api. Fang caught onto Cahaya's strange behavior but, kept his suspicions to himself for now.

"I wonder why Cahaya was acting strange... Why would he suddenly cover Api's mouth...?" Fang mumbled to himself as he turned towards an alley way. The usual short cut he takes to get home from school fast. Too distracted to notice someone following him.

Angin: "MY TURN!! Fang!! Do you like anyone???"

Fang wasn't sure if his eyes were messing with him but he blinked once and he could've sworn practically everyone other than Angin, Air and Api flinched. He had to blink again to see if his vision was okay.

It was.

Fang frowned. "Another sign of weird behavior... What does this mean...?" He couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried to think. Footsteps started getting closer but, Fang was too deep into his mind to hear.

Cahaya: "so fang~ what made you curious about us?"

Fang paused for a sec. The question hitting a realization Fang had subconsciously thrown to the very bottom of the pile.

Why? Why was Fang so adamant about learning more about them? Why was he so curious? Why was he so drawn to these septuplets? He didn't have an answer. It was like he was being pulled towards them. Like a magnet.

"I... I..." Fang muttered. Stuttering and struggling to find a good answer. "It... it's because... I feel so..." he tried again, finding it hard to explain it in words.

Angin: "yeah?? Yeah???"

Fang: "I... I feel this sort of... magnetic like feeling? It's like... I'm being pulled or... or drawn towards all of you or something...! I... I don't know anymore..."

Fang was looking down. He glanced up and found Cahaya with a shocked face. Air was surprised while Angin, Daun and Api were looking at each other then back to Fang, then back at eachother, then to Cahaya. As if they were waiting for him to have an answer for them.

"Another red flag... I don't understand why...!" Fang was getting more and more frustrated. He stopped walking, putting on his dark amethyst and cobalt blue jacket tied around his waist as he kept thinking of theory after theory after theory but, still no luck.

Fang can tell the Boboiboy siblings were hiding something from him but, the question is, What? What are they hiding and why?

Eyes watched Fang's back. Movements stiff and still. Waiting like a predator on a hunt for new prey.

Fang: "what are you all hiding?"

The question had come out before Fang could even register what had just asked. It was vague. Too general to give an answer. Fang quickly changed his question as he was stared down by curious, surprised and quizzical looks. "I meant! What're your secrets?!"

Air: "we don't really have too many secrets."

Angin: "yeah! ... Wai—"

Daun: "you forgot! Quake Isn't actually the oldest, remember? That's one secret!"

Fang was not expecting that. "What?"

Api: "oh yeah! Tanah isn't the oldest! It's actually Petir!"

Fang: "hold on! Really?!"

Cahaya: "yeah, Petir's the oldest. Angin's the second oldest. Tanah's the third."

Air: "I forgot about that..."

Angin: "Petir and I aren't really 'Big brother' material, are we?"

Cahaya: "Pfft– yeah, definitely. You act like a child Angin. Tanah's more older brother like than Petir."

Daun: "remember that time in middle school where we pretended that I was the youngest? That was really fun! tricking people!"

Air: "until Tanah found out and you guys got in trouble."

Api: "hehe, it was worth it!"

Fang had continued walking after putting on his jacket. This time though, he heard the footsteps. They were getting louder and louder as he approached the end of the long Alley. The fence gate blocking the path to his street.

Fang usually climbs up on it with ease. However, today, he needed to climb up that faster. Who knows what and who this stranger was, following him.

Fang decided to think about the Boboiboy septuplets later. He needed to get home safely.

He quickened his pace little by little until he was sprinting towards the gate. Getting ready to jump and grab onto that wired fence. The footsteps from behind Fang made louder and louder thumps.

Once Fang was close to the Fence, he jumped. He quickly tried climbing up but, that proved to be a futile attempt when a hand grabbed onto Fang's leg before he could move.

Fang tried kicking and struggling but no use. The grip on his ankle was too strong. He was suddenly pulled down to the ground hard.

Whoever this stranger was, they managed to catch Fang as he fell down. Before even being able to register his fall, a knife immediately snaked up around his neck. The blade being too close for comfort. Fang knew this stranger was Male from his body type, muscles and his voice.

Man: "give me all your money and belongings or I'll kill you."

Fang tried to struggle a bit but, the guy wouldn't budge. Fang gritted his teeth and yelled as loud as he can.


Fang felt the knife get closer to his neck. He can feel the blood dripping down from the cut.


"NO!! HELP!!!" Fang shouted as loud as he can. Jabbing his elbow onto the man's stomach.

"AGH!! THAT'S IT!!" The man yelled in rage.

With a shout of frustration from the guy, Fang was flown to the wall with a loud crash.


Fang felt his head and back were throbbing in pain. His vision blurred and unfocused as he watched the feet of the man stomp towards him angrily.

He felt a sudden surge of strength. A feeling that was familiar to him but, never this strong. He felt the urge to lift his hand. So he did and the guy noticed.


And with the last of Fang's consciousness, he whispered a command. A sentence that had been circling his mind. Screaming at him like a desperate cry.

"...shadow... ti...ger..."

And everything went black. The last thing Fang heard and saw was a growl of a beast and the shocked fearful look of that man before he screamed.

He was engulfed in darkness after. Passing out as he unknowingly caused his entire life to change from here on out.


Tanah, Petir and Ochobot were heading home together. They had just finished their Student Council work and made a bit of progress on the stack of suggestions for the sports fest in 2-3 days. They've also cut down on the list a lot too.

Petir stretched his arms behind his head. "Finally! I want to go home."

Tanah chuckled. "Yeah, I hope they didn't cause any trouble today."

Petir rolled his eyes. "lower your expectations Tanah." Causing Ochobot to giggle a little.

Tanah: "fair enough—"


All 3 of them stopped their walk to comprehend what they just heard. They looked at eachother nervously.

Ochobot: "what was that...?"

Tanah: "it sounds like someone's in trouble!"

Petir: "wait! Wasn't that—?"

"NO!! HELP!!!"

"THAT'S FANG!!" Tanah realized and started bolting towards the voice. Ochobot followed after a second.

"Lightning speed!" Tanah heard Petir say behind him and in a flurry of ruby red lightning flickering forward, Petir was far ahead of Tanah and Ochobot.

As they got closer, they hear a loud thud. Like someone threw something at a brick wall. They heard Fang groan in pain after that.


They finally got to, what looked to be a long dark alley. thanks to Petir's lightning and Ochobots glowing gold eyes, they could see a little of what was happening.

Ochobot's eyes glow whenever he scans people or things. He'd found out a few months ago that he can keep his eyes glowing without having to scan anything.

It seemed like the guy who attacked Fang was too focused on him to realize Tanah, Petir and Ochobot were there.

Petir: "that IS Fang."

Ochobot: "we should help him!"

Petir was about to strike but, Tanah stopped him. Petir looked incredulously at Tanah. Confusion and rising anger clear in his expression. Tanah shook his head and pointed at Fang.

Tanah: "just wait. Look!"

Fang was lifting his hand at the man weakly. They couldn't see his face but, they noticed his slight movement.

The man grew angrier at Fang. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU LITTLE SHI—"

The man was cut off when Fang had whispered a command of sorts. They had to strain their ears to hear it but, what came out surprised them.

"...shadow... ti... ger..." Fang whispered and his hand fell to ground.

They watched as Fang's shadows started moving. It was bending and shaping itself into a rough outline of an animal. It was mesmerizing to watch it take form slowly. The man took cautious steps back in fear. Watching wide eyed as the dark violet shadow took form of a tiger. The man screamed when it solidified into the aforementioned predator.

It roared and growled at the man. Preparing to pounce and attack the guy with it's claws. Keeping itself between Fang and that Man.

The man stood, shaking. His knife on hand as he tried to get into a fighting stance. The tiger slowly walked up to the man, who took several steps back. He reached the other wall really quickly and slid down. The tiger loomed menacingly at the man.

It roared loud at the man. Jaws uncomfortably close to the man's face. After it was done growling, the man had a terrified look as he fainted. The tiger stepped back.

It suddenly turned towards Tanah, Petir and Ochobot. They flinched at the tiger's blood red eyes and gaze. They calmed down after It cocked it's head towards Fang. As if it were asking them to check on Fang.

They, Petir and Tanah, took cautious steps towards the unconscious Fang. Keeping an eye on the shadow Tiger as they passed. After reaching Fang, Petir checked if he was okay.

Petir: "he's only unconscious, I think. He probably fainted after he hit his head."

Tanah nodded. The tiger gave a quiet, satisfied growl. Bowing it's head at Tanah and Petir before it dispersed. The tanzanite silhouette going back into Fang's shadow. Leaving them to comprehend what happened.

"You don't think...?" Tanah started. Staring at Fang's passed out body warily. Petir kept quiet.

"I can find out!" Ochobot said behind them. The two stepped back a little and allowed Ochobot to scan Fang's body.

"... he has powers too. The ability to manipulate Shadows into anything." Ochobot said, in his robotic-like voice he always uses whenever he scans people.

Tanah and Petir stared, shocked. Not knowing how to react.

Petir: "... we... we should head back home quickly. It's getting dark. Should we carry him back home?"

Tanah: "I don't know... we don't know where his house is."

Petir: "let's take him back to ours then. We can't leave him here."

Tanah: "yeah..."

Ochobot: "but, what about the others?"

Petir sighed. "It's fine. If he also has powers, he'll find out sooner or later."

Tanah picked up Fang in a piggy back style. Surprisingly, Fang wasn't that heavy.

Tanah never noticed before. Well, he hasn't been around Fang that long anyways but, he never noticed how muscle-ly Fang was. Even with Fang's muscles, he was also a little slim too.

Tanah: "let's worry about that later. We need to get back home soon. They must be pretty worried by now."

Petir: "yeah let's go."


So I'll try to update this book daily. Occasionally taking a day or two's break so I don't get too overwhelmed.

A little insight or fun fact about the previous chapter. I wasn't planning on Fang asking Cahaya, Air, Daun, Api and Angin questions and them asking Fang questions too. It was a spur of the moment, go with the flow type of thing. I wasn't prepared to create questions that would be important or informative to the plot so it took awhile to write this chapter.

Anyways, other than that, I just wanna THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! XD

Tis' was the first story I've ever wrote that got over 1k reads. The most I got were 60+.

I really wanna thank you all so much for reading this!!!

Now, make sure you guys stay safe!!
Ja ne!!

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