The Creature (Eyeless Jack X...

By MusicIsGreat678

69.3K 2.2K 3.3K

You have everything you've ever wanted. A perfect boyfriend, a dream career, and a stable future. But why do... More

Author's Intro Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
*Lemon Chapter*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
(Not Story Content!!) Life Update: Why I haven't updated in a while
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 14

2K 77 115
By MusicIsGreat678

A sea of people started entering Jack's house, being guided down to the basement. I didn't realize Jack had so many distant friends. I was sipping on my drinks, feeling intimidated by the amount of people. 

"Jack, bruv, I haven't seen you in a while," one guy bro-hugged Jack as he came in. He reminded me of the British version of a Chad. 

"Who's this angel? You finally got a real girlfriend?" the guy pointed out as he looked at me. 

"No, her name is Y/N. She's from the states and she moved here with me," Jack replied. 

"My name's Noah, gorgeous," he said as he extended his hand. I shook it and gave a smile, feeling way more outgoing. 

"So, if you're not together, I'm assuming that means I can flirt with her?" Noah asked. 

"First of all, you should be speaking to her, not me. I don't own her and you should treat her with respect," Jack said. I looked at Jack and smiled. I really liked what he said and it definitely made me like him more. 

"You're right. I'm sorry, sweetheart," Noah said to me. 

"It's all good," I said with a smile. 

"And second of all, hands off her," Jack said, playfully nudging him away from me. I blushed a little bit. 

"Alright, alright, bruv. I'll be downstairs," Noah replied.  

"Noah's a sweet guy, just doesn't always think before he does things," Jack told me. 

"He seems nice." 

"Why don't we head downstairs," Jack suggested. I nodded and followed him, definitely feeling the alcohol as I was walking. 

Jack was immediately grabbed by people wanting to talk to him, so I went off on my own. The big room with french doors was playing music with the lights going. There were a fair amount of people there, with a good amount outside in the halls and bar area as well. I decided to just start out here to ease into things. 

I walked up to a group of a few girls, deciding to make friends. 

"Heyy," one of the girls greeted me. 

"Hey. How are you guys?" I asked. 

"Good! Are you from the states?" a second girl asked. 

"I am." 

"I thought I heard an accent." 

I giggled a little, not used to being told I have an accent. 

"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N. What are your names?" 

"I'm Erika," the girl who greeted me said. She was wearing a dress and had blond hair and green eyes. 

"I'm Emma," the second girl said. She was wearing a skirt and top with brown hair and brown eyes. 

"Kaylee," the third girl who hadn't spoken yet said. She had brown hair and blueish green eyes. 

"Nice to meet you guys!" I replied. 

"Nice to meet you too. Are you new here?" Emma asked, as if it was school. 

"Yeah I just moved a week ago." 

"Oh, awesome. Well, I'm sure it's helpful to make some new friends!" Kaylee chimed in. 

"Yeah, it is."

"Well, we should definitely hang out sometime. Do you want our numbers?" Erika offered. 

"Yeah, that'd be great." I handed them my phone and they all put their numbers in.

"So how do you all know Jack?" I asked. 

"My boyfriend is one of his good friends, so we usually get to come to parties," Erika said. 

"Oh, cool." They handed me my phone back and I made a group text and texted them all so they had my number. 

"Yeah! Well, come find us later if you wanna dance or something. It was nice to meet you," Emma offered, 

"Will do," I said as they all went to go dance. 

I wandered around some more until I saw a girl by herself. 

"Hi, how's it going?" I asked her. 

"Pretty good. You?" she replied. 

"Good," I said as I got another drink. 

"So how do you know Jack?" she asked. 

"Well, we're friends and I'm living here for now," I said. 

"Oh wow, awesome!"


"I know him through his job." 

"Oh. And what's that?" 

"He did an operation of mine."

"Oh. He's a doctor?" I wasn't sure why, but that surprised me. 

She shrugged and took a drink. Something seemed a little odd to me. 

"What operation was it?" I asked. 

"It was on my kidneys. I was having problems."

"Oh, so it was a replacement?" 

"Removal," she corrected. 

"I see. Well, I'll see you around!" 

She waved to me as I left, trying to find more people who knew what Jack did. I talked to a few more people and endured a lot of small talk to find out that a lot of people here knew Jack from outside of work. 

I finally ran across someone who knew him from work. 

"Did he operate on you?" I asked as if I was very familiar with what he did. 

"Yeah! It's still healing," he replied. The man lifted his shirt a little and exposed a large scar on his upper back, where kidneys are. 

I talked to a couple more people, who all had the same experience, before I went to find Jack. I found him talking to a group of people and I lightly tapped on him. 

"Can we talk?" I asked, somewhat irritated. 

"Yeah," he replied gently ushering me away from people with a hand on my back. Once we were somewhat away from other people, he spoke. 

"What's up?" he asked. 

"Can you explain why half the people here had their kidney removed by you?" I asked. 

"It's part of my job."

"What is your job? Because I don't remember there being a job for people to only remove kidneys."

"I know you're probably thinking bad things about me, but I can explain. Just not right now."

"Why not?" I asked. 

"We've both been drinking. It's something I need to tell you sober."

"Okay," I said. 

"You okay?" 

"I need more drinks." I walked away and went over to the bar to get myself some more. I looked over and people were already going up to Jack. He kept looking over at me, then back to the people he was talking to. I decided to go take advantage of the amazing dance area. 

I walked into the room and lots of people were dancing. The music was amazing and the lights were super cool. I started dancing as well and ran into the girls I met earlier. I hung out with them. Erika was taken away by her boyfriend at some point. The other two girls wanted to get on an elevated surface, so I took my shoes off and joined them. 

Someone started passing a bottle of some unknown liquid around, which I happily accepted, along with Emma and Kaylee. We were taking turns pouring it into people's mouths from our elevation, as well as into our own. 

At some point, while I was very drunk, some guy came up to me and started flirting with me. He was grabbing my leg, so I crouched down. 

"You're gorgeous," he told me. 

"Thank you!!" I replied. I stood all the way back up and he danced with me from his place on the ground. I saw Jack come into the room to party eventually. Emma was down on the ground, dancing with someone, but Kaylee was still on the table with me, along with a few other people. 

I kept glancing over at Jack to see what he'd do. Girls were trying to grab him, but he was pretty much ignoring them. He came over to me and looked up at me on the table, pushing the guy out of the way. He put his arms around my legs and carefully picked me up and set me on the floor. I thought he was going to yell at me for something, but he didn't. 

"If you're dancing with anyone, it's gonna be me," he said softly in my ear over the music. I blushed and smiled, dancing with him. I turned around and kind of started grinding on him, which he didn't seem to mind. He put his arms around my waist and held me against him. Someone was passing another bottle around above me, so I interjected and grabbed it. Jack tried to take it, but I leaned away and took a bigger drink than I probably should've, just to be stubborn. 

I offered it to him and I assumed he was glaring at me, but he accepted it and took a big drink as well before passing it on. We continued to dance for awhile, then I turned around and faced him. He looked down at me and we both swayed to the music. He leaned forward, close to my ear. 

"You're kind of a baddie, aren't you?" he asked. He leaned back up, standing straight. I smiled and felt a pang of excitement. I leaned up, standing on my tippy toes, and wrapped my arms around his neck as I put my lips near his ear. 

"Maybe you should find out," I replied, returning to my real height. He grinned and looked away, nodding his head slightly. 

Shortly after, I started to feel the last drink I had kick in, and it started to get harder for me to stand up straight. I leaned against Jack for support and he put his arms around me. My legs started to feel really wobbly, and i felt his muscles tighten around me to support me. 

"You okay?" he asked me over the music. 

I nodded in response and tried to look up at him, but I wasn't exactly sure where he was. He put his arm around me and led me out of the room, doing most of the work because I wasn't walking much on my own. Once we were away from the music and it was quieter, he looked at me, holding me up. 

"You good, Love?" he asked. 


"Okay. These people are probably gonna leave soon, so I'm gonna take you upstairs, okay?"

I nodded and he tried to guide me upstairs, but I was being difficult, so he picked me up and carried me. 

"I loveee being carried," I said. 

He smiled a little and carried me up the stairs with ease. When we got up there, there were only a couple people upstairs. 

"Oh, hey Kev, can you watch her for a little bit? I wanna make sure everyone gets out of here," Jack asked. 

"Who is she?" Kevin asked. 

"Her name's Y/N." 

"Hiiiii," I chimed in, waving at him with Jack's arms under my knees and upper back. 

"Yeah, sure," Kevin answered. 

"Thank you, bruv," Jack said as he carried me over to the couch and sat me down. 

"This is my good friend, Kevin. He's just gonna sit with you for a little bit while I make sure people leave, okay Love?" Jack said as he crouched down in front of me. 

"Okay," I replied as Kevin sat by me. 

Jack smiled and stood up, going back down to the basement, leaving me and Kevin alone. 

"So how long have you two been together?" Kevin asked me. 

"Oh, we're not. I just broke up with my boyfriend and moved here with Jack." 


"There wasn't really anything keeping me there."

"But why'd you move with him?" 

"I don't know. I just wanted to, I guess."

"Well, I'm just saying, when this turns into a relationship, I'm going to be living for it."

"Who says it's gonna?" 

"Ohhh, I can just tell," he said, shooting me a smile. 

"I don't know if he wants that. He might just wanna be friends." 

"Well, I can't read his mind, so let's just see." 

"He's so hot." 

Kevin chuckled a little bit. 

"He is a fine ass man, inn' he?" he replied. 

I looked over towards the kitchen and saw Jack closing the front door. He walked over to us. 

"Sorry about that, but everyone's gone," Jack said to us. 

"All good, man. Thanks for the invite, have a good night," Kevin said as he stood up. 

"You too," Jack said as he walked with Kevin to the front door. Once he left, Jack locked the door behind him and returned to me. 

I was already standing up, walking towards him, somewhat wobbly. He put his arms out and held onto me to keep me from falling. 

"Thank youuu," I said. 

"Mmmhmm. Where are your shoes?" he asked as he examined me. 



His gaze fell on mine and we stared at each other. I stared into his empty eye sockets, wondering what it was I didn't know about him and why he was so secretive. 

"Well," he said, looking away and starting to try to walk away. 

I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to me forcefully. 

"What?" he asked as he looked back at me. 

I didn't say anything, just stared at his lips. I felt his body tense up a little bit and I looked up into his lack of eyes. I leaned up and connected my lips with his. At first he didn't know what to do, but his hands found my waist. He pulled my body against his and kissed me back passionately. His passion turned me on, and I put my hands on his shoulders. I backed him up against the wall gently and his hands felt the shape of body. He gently put his hand on the back of my thigh and rubbed my leg with his thumb. He switched places with me and had me pinned against the wall. He put one hand next to my head against the wall and my hands found his stomach. I slipped one of my hands under his shirt and I felt extremely defined abs. I jumped a little, not expecting to feel that. 

He pulled away from me and moved my hand off his stomach with his free hand. I looked down, worried that he was mad. 

"I don't think we should go any further," he said. 

"Why?" I asked, feeling bad. I was wondering if he didn't like me. 

"Just because you're drunk and I don't want you to regret it tomorrow." 

I looked up at him and pouted a little. 

"I won't."

"You're pretty drunk. I want you to make that decision when you're sober, okay?" he said softly. 

I nodded and stared at him. I leaned up and stole another quick kiss, which left him grinning. 

"Cheeky," he said. 

I giggled a little at his comment. He pushed himself off the wall and backed away from me. 

"Alright, well, I'll see ya tomorrow?" he said. 

"Wait, Jack," I said, stopping him. 


"Can I stay with you tonight?" 

"Ohhh I don't know if that's a good idea." 

"Please?" I pleaded. 

"Alright, fine. But please change," he said, looking me up and down briefly. 

"Okay," I said with a smile. I reached my arms around the back of my dress to unzip it, but he stopped me. 

"Jesus, not here. In your room," he said. 


We both walked upstairs and I went into my room and put on a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt, then went next door into Jack's room. He was changed into shorts and a t-shirt as well and was sitting on his bed. 

"You always sleep with a shirt on?" I asked. 


I walked over to him and got in his bed, invading his personal space severely. He got under the covers and put his arms around me. I got comfy laying on him and put an arm around his stomach. 

"Night, Love," he said. 

"Goodnight," I replied, right before falling asleep. 

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