By aleiawritesss

11.9K 665 23

fear of losing someone you love- thantophobia love is what you called philo kalopsia is one of the scariest t... More

26 (21+)
43 (21+)
47 (final)
author's note 💞


175 14 0
By aleiawritesss

Suho's penthouse,


Namjoo immediately slaps her brother. "You're so stupid"

Eunji, who is at the back, sighs in frustration. What the hell is this young girl thinking she's doing? Obviously, her brother is still trying to fight the alcohol's influence in his body and this girl slaps her brother just like that? Eunji pulls Namjoo to sit first as she place the hangover soup in front of Suho.

"Eat this first, oppa. You were drunk"


While Suho finishes his soup, Eunji and Namjoo re-read the letters from Hyorin. Know that it's not good, but they have to. Hyorin isn't in guilt here. They need to clear Hyorin's name that has been polluted by her parents' dirty works filled with jealousy and hatred. Suho looks at Namjoo.

"Joo, what's that?" He points to the letter Namjoo's holding.

"Read this. From Hyorin"

Suho frowns, giving an answer as if he refused but ends up taking the letter as Namjoo raise her hand again to slap him. He reads the letter, trying to understand whatever Hyorin writes in it. He frowns, is this even the truth?

"It's real. Mr Seo says Hyorin asked him to give you and Chorong unnie letters"

"Chorong got a letter too? Is it with her?"

"No, it's with us" Eunji says as she hand Suho the letter Hyorin wrote for Chorong. Suho unfolds the letter and reads it. This one is more like an apology and she even wrote about the contract. Cancel the contract. Suho put the letters on his bed, sighing in frustration. What the hell just happened?

"Where's Chorong right now?"

"Chorong unnie is with Haneul at my house"

"I need to talk to her"

"Says the one who signed the divorcement form 3 days ago"

"Namjoo!" Eunji warns her. Namjoo rolls her eyes in annoyance. The reason she's so angry with Suho is because of the sudden divorcement form signing. Isn't he going too far? Signing a divorcement form when his feeling is not so stable? Namjoo takes Chorong's letter and keeps it in her bag. She stands up from the bed but her brother grabs her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to give this to Chorong unnie. She has her right to know"

"No need. Connect me to Yoona"

Namjoo obeys and takes out her cellphone, reaching for Suho's secretary, Yoona. After a while, Yoona picks up the call. Namjoo gives the phone to Suho.

"Nde, daepyonim? What is it?"

"Yoona, are you at work?"

"Yes, daepyonim. Is there anything I can help?"

"Yoona, can you do me a favor?"


"Find anything about Mints' Corporation. Including their other projects and set an appointment with Min Daepyonim in 2 days"

"Nde? Okay, daepyonim. But, can I ask something?"

"What's it?"

"You were absent for 3 days. Are you feeling well?"

"Personal matter. I will hang up now"

Suho ends the call without waiting for Yoona's response. He returns the phone to Namjoo and leans against the headboard. He looks at the girls. He needs to ask them about Chorong.

"How's Chorong?"

"Not good. Has been crying and keeps on waiting for you to call her"

Suho sighs. "Haneul? No one harmed him right?"

"No. He's fine but he seems like he missed you so much, oppa. He keeps on asking me or his Auntie Tinker where's his daddy"

Suho looks away, feeling guilty towards Haneul. He remembers what he said towards Chorong when they fight the other day. He made it as if Chorong is not a good wife because she only takes care of Haneul. Suho messes with his hair, feeling frustrated. He loves Haneul, of course. Haneul's his son. Suho looks at both Eunji and Namjoo.

"I need to see Chorong"

"You sure, oppa?" Namjoo replies. She doesn't think meeting Chorong is a good decision. Suho holds Namjoo's wrist tightly. "Please. I made a big mistake to her. I have to see your sister in law" Suho begs. Namjoo bites her lips, feeling guilty. She turns to look at Eunji and that cousin of her is nodding her head calmly. Namjoo sighs and agrees. Suho smiles to her.

"Go clean yourself first. Eunji unnie will drive you there. I need to go back to the hospital. I'll get going"

Eunji follows Namjoo who is walking out from the room. After Namjoo left, Eunji sits on the couch, waiting for Suho. After a while, Suho comes out with his black shirt with denim jeans and leather jacket. They reach the basement carpark. Suho asks Eunji to drive her car alone as he rides on his motorbike.


ChanJi's place,

Chorong frowns when she sees Eunji's car parked outside. Why is she at home so early? Eunji walks out from the car and Chorong realizes that someone parks his motorbike behind Eunji's car. Chorong is shock, Suho?! What the hell is he doing here? Haneul hugs Chorong's leg and smiles.

"Mummy, daddy comes" the little boy says with a bright smile. Chorong can tell that Haneul is happy to see Suho outside. Eunji walks into the house and greets Chorong and Haneul. She asks Suho to sit in the front with Chorong and Haneul first as she make some drinks. Haneul hugs his daddy. Suho smiles to his son but the smile fades away when he realizes that Chorong doesn't even bother to look at him. He sighs and caresses Haneul's hair.

"Where did you go, daddy?" Haneul asks with his cute voice.

"Umm, I have some works to be done. Does Haneul miss daddy?" Suho says in a fatherly tone. Haneul nods his head cutely. Suho smiles.

"Do you want daddy to buy you new toys?" Suho asks, he's trying to spoil Haneul in front of his so damn strict mummy. Chorong looks at Suho in disbelief. He gives a nonchalant smile as Haneul start clinging on him. "I can ask any kind of toy?" he says with a bright smile, showing his rich white teeth. Suho nods. Chorong widens her eyes in disbelief.

"Don't you dare, Kim Junmyeon"

"Mummy, why? Is it wrong for daddy to buy me some toys?" Haneul pouts, still sitting with his daddy.

"Yes, mummy. Why can't Haneul have more toys?" Suho pouts, imitating Haneul's childish tone. Chorong sighs, giving up. Eunji arrives and she serves Suho the drinks for him. She takes Haneul with her and plays with him. Chorong nudges Eunji's stomach using her elbow. Eunji, who is distracted, looks at Chorong. "Wae, unnie?" Eunji informally speaks to her sister in law. Chorong rolls her eyes in annoyance, asking Eunji for explanation about Suho's sudden appearance here. Eunji chuckles.

"I will take Haneul and you can have some lovey dovey time with oppa, okay?" Eunji plays a teasing grin at the end of her words. Chorong rolls her eyes and stands up, walking upstairs towards her room. Suho looks at Eunji and the girl gives a sign like go get her, idiot. Suho smiles and walks upstairs. He walks faster as Chorong hurries to close the door of her room. Before Chorong could ever close the door, Suho barges in with a nonchalant smile.

"Get out" she says sternly.

Suho ignores Chorong's words and pulls her into his embrace. Chorong is shock but she can't deny she misses his hug. 3 days without being in his arms is somehow suffocating. She feels so empty especially at night. Chorong begins to cry while hitting Suho's chest. Suho tightens the hug as they sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't say something like that to you. Baby, I'm really sorry"

"You bad. You're so bad, Kim Junmyeon. I really hate you" she says one by one while hitting Suho's chest. Suho's black shirt is already wet with Chorong's tears.

"I'm sorry and I love you too, baby"

Chorong breaks the hug and realizes that she already makes Suho's shirt wet. She looks up, Suho uses his thumb to wipe Chorong's tears. He decrease their distance and kisses her forehead. Chorong looks away when Suho looks at her. "I'm sorry baby. Please look at me"

Chorong looks up and meets Suho's eyes. She can't help but to lose in his eyes. Suho pulls Chorong closer into his hug and tilts his head before kissing her lips. Chorong wraps her arms behind Suho's neck and she replies to the kiss. Before anyone could realize it, Chorong is already under Suho who's kissing her passionately. Chorong gasps, giving Suho his opportunity. Suho slides his tongue inside Chorong's mouth and they continue to kiss passionately. Suho's hands go to Chorong's back, finding the zipper of her dress. Chorong quickly pushes Suho and sits on the bed. Her cheeks flush red. Suho smirks.

"You know I'm going to start"

"I didn't say I forgive you"

"Forget that. Let me continue" he pulls her closer. Chorong hits Suho's chest playfully and sits on his lap. She wraps her arms around his neck.

"I'm not giving you anything until you explain everything"

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