Blackcastle Academy

By Bluechaosrose

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BlackCastle Academy is the prestigious school for the supernatural world. It is run completely by its Headmas... More

Welcome to BlackCastle Academy
First day
Bow to who?
Making friends
Are you nervous
Im sorry
Found belongings
A day with sis cut short
The trials
The trials part 2/ after
Mystic ability log
True Colors
Getting help
Ding Dong
Lakien Summerrose
Finally trial
part 2
Three wishes and a surprise
A history lesson
Intruders war
Memory's war
Still me
Let it begin
Not the same
Not the same p2: change
Meet them
What is this, Mate day?
Spring training
Spring Training 2

Not the same P3: recognize

536 25 34
By Bluechaosrose

She was surrounded by them from all sides, her golden hair whipped through the wind in a frenzy. Victoria was the farthest away from the others she was all the way on the other side of the forest. The three sisters hand sent out a scream letting her know of their location, and like the badass she is, Tori dressed in all black jumped through the  third floor window of the girls dormitory. She swing and leaped from tree to tree until she made it to her destination, only to find that it was all a trap the moment she her feet touched the ground a large barrier went up around her and the  red haired girls surrounding her. She could tell that this was a sonic barrier, it could easily be created by a siren song, by aiming the sound waves at the ground they would bounce back up at the sky in a way that formed a dome around them. It was the perfection protection Barrier for a banshee because it can only be destroyed if the banshee who created losses control of the sound waves. But this was a little different the barrier is usually only big enough to fit one or two people and even that would be a tight fit. Though this was large, large enough to cover the entire open field within it.

They must have made it together, a unison barrier. Tori thought as she looked to each sister. The only way for here to even be able to get out would be to take down all three of them. Just as she was about to take a fighting stance all three of the sister dropped down on one knee and bowed their heads to her.

"Crowned Princess Victoria it's a honor to meet you in the battle field." Lani the eldest was the first to speak.

"There is no worthier opponent the our future queen." Next was Tali

"But we must ask for your forgiveness my princess, for luring you into such a strap." Last was Dixie who bowed her head in submission.

"Lift your heads there is no need to ask for my forgiveness as of this moment we are not three Nobles and a princess. We are four warrior banshees standing in battle. Now ready yourselves." The power flowing off of her broke the earth under her feet and even made the three layer sound barrier Shake. But the sisters where no pushovers each one of them had power that could almost rival hers.
Mina unlike everyone else stood in the catacombs below Blackcastle, the future queen of the vampire had a strong belief that the battle between vampires should only be held in the darkness for they where weaker in the sun light. Though it seemed like she was not the only vampire who thought this way for her opponents had no problem following her into the tunnels so they could conduct their battle.

"I never thought that I would see the day that I would get to kill our famous princess the daughter of the vampires greatest traitor."

"Don't speak to me as if your father's is any better Ciel Cruel, he probably bowed to the king of demons faster than my father. All vampires know that the Cruel Clan would serve up all our asses on a silver platter blessed in vervain to save their pasty asses." The two only walked deep and deeper in the tunnels as they spoke.

"I see your venomous as ever, it's kinda a relief I though being the Slut of the demon king my have killed all emotions in you." Ciel didn't have time to react before Mina slammed his body through two tunnel walls.

"Damn princess... I was only joking." Ciel had blood leaking from his mouth and his throat was healing from being halfway crushed when Mina grabbed him.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you where a rodent for a second there."

"That's just hurtful."

"Yuh I know it's an insult... to the rodents." Ciel eyes glowed and in second he was throwing a punch at mina's face. The girl quickly dodged by going low and kicking his legs from under him. As Mina thought he was falling Ciel quickly fell into a hand stand and spun his body to kick out at Mina. The prince quickly put her arms up to protect her self put the for was to great and sent her flying back.

Before she could land on her feet a hardened blood spear was throw towards her head.
They stood before each other face to face no deceptions or tricks or any traps of any kind these two stood together as two powerhouses should. Their scaly wings stretched out and their tails on full display. They where the top of their race an Succubus and an Incubus.

"It's nice to see you again little cousin but-"

"Why the but Bre is it nice to see me or not?"

"Oh just shut up Trezis you know I'm always happy to see you I'm just wondering why you went to that school instead of attending mine?" Trezis rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh goddess not this again I made myself perfectly clear I don't want to attend Blackcastle because I would be able to spread my wings here at all."

"You mean your sex cult?"

"Don't say it like that it's not a cult, it's just a place where people can divulge in the pleasure of sex with wording they upset the balance of nobility." Trezis rolled his eyes as he spoke of the nobility part. It made Bre form a sad smile on her face, he always did hate being appressed by his noble status and since he was in such close relations to the royal house it made it worse for him.

"I know and you know the last thing I would want to do is take your freedom right?" The boy nodded his head.

"I know you don't but the closer I am to you the more I have to act like someone I'm not because my actions would reflect back on you."

"I don't care I want you to be close to me not to act like a noble you can be whoever you want to be here at Blackcastle where it's safe."

"I don't need your protection Bre I've done fine on my own."

"Oh really and what will you do when the nobles round up the members of your little cult, did you ever even stop to think about how I Know about something you started in secret at a whole different school!" The incubus eyes widened. "You think your safe but you didn't even know that the nobles where planning against you. Did you think that they would just be alright with nobles dating regular mystics. The only thing that has held them back is fear of your last name."

"Then let them come, I no longer fear those parasites."

"For someone who hates Nobles you sure enjoy rolling in your arrogance just like them." Trezis eyes grew cold and sharp.

"It is not arrogance, i unlike you know the existence of my power."

"Then show me." In the blink of an eye Trezis was hold a cadenced ball of mana to Bre's back.

"That's why I'm here."

Echonuim slithered around her body glowing from her bracelets , her belt and ankles. The metal slithered over her body as she hummed.

"Unlike my fellow royals I don't think I have the option of holding back so I will come at you with my complete power so please girls survive my strongest defense ." Her humming became stronger than before as the Echonuim dropped to the ground in a circle around him.

"Attack now dont give her a chance!"  Three ear piecing screams went through the air sending powerful sound wave toward Victoria. But before she could even be touched the Echonuim  moved at the command of her hand and pulled in the sound wave. While they where still distracted Victoria hum changed and so did the sound of the vibration within the Echonuim right before it shot out towards the girls. They had no choice but to dodge but the moment they went in a different direction so did the sound wave.

"Brace yourselves!" Dixi screamed to her sister just as she was hi by the wave throwing her back. The other two sisters ran at each other as the waves followed them but just as they where about to run into each other they jumped in the air. Making the waves destroy each other.

"What the hell is that weapon she has, with the power it displayed it should have shattered from the vibration by now."Tali spoke as she helped dixi up. Victoria just watch as she started to sing her voice was enchanting but it wasn't directed at the girl but instead at the liquid metal. It moved and slithered on the ground as she moved her hands using her sound waves to manipulate the Echonuim in the shape of six squid like tentacles. With quickness they flashed out towards the other banshees. Lani quickly shot out a banshee scream so strong it made the liquid metal burst. Tali song a banshee song that weighed down on the Echonuim about to attack her, while Dixi pulled out her weapons and slashed out at the thing.

Dixi was caught off guard by the pieces of living metal pulled itself back together and unleashed a sonic scream towards her body. It hit her so hard that pieces of her very flesh where ripped off of her body. The youngest sister quickly realized that she wasn't the only one facing the metals amplified banshee scream. Her sisters where being Beaten and blasted by the raw power coming from Victoria, mean while the princess had not taken even a scratch.

"Sisters we need to take down the barriers us being in here with her is only being used to her advantage!" Tali yelled just before she matched the banshee scream of the Echonuim.

"Your right we should take it down and gain some distance and attack with a siren song. We can't take this weapon of hers head on." Lani insisted as she and her sister rose their hands to the sky.

"I wouldn't if I were you, have you girls not been paying attention to what's out side this barrier?" Victoria pointed outside and the girls finally took a look. The entire barrier was completely submerged under water.

"Shit this is Armon's power, Deep ocean." Dixi gritted her teeth as she looked toward the endless sea of water.

"Deep ocean that a fairy scribe circle so that means I was right, Nick is fighting Bluerose's representative of the Fae in the forest. I can feel it, he and the others aren't playing anymore. The grounds around Blackcastle feel like death himself is watching over these battles. I guess it's time for me to stop playing and show you the real potential of the Banshee race."
It was as if everything had started to move in slow motion, the blood spear was just about to pierce her heart before a smile broke out on her face. Mina body started to pill apart into a thousand bats they swarmed around the tunnels nipping and scratching at the boy. The noble vampire did his best to fiend of the attacks of Mina's bats but the things moved to fast for him to actually do any damage. By the time he was able to even hit one two would attack from the other side. It wasn't long before he was surrounded and picked up from the ground by the damned thing. The little creature took him as high as they could before slamming him spine first on a jagged piece earth. Mina turned pieces herself back together as she watch her opponent pull himself up from the blood cover rock. As he stood Ciel's blood leaked around him flowing down his body from his wounds like a river. Their was so much blood that it began to form a large puddle under his feet. Before the boy began to laugh.

"You are strong princes but your not the only vampire that can use the blood techniques !" In a flash the boy twirled  his body spraying his blood around the tunnels the substance ran down the wall and leaked from the ceiling making large puddles all around her. Mina's eyes grew wide when she realized what technique Ciel was about to use, but she was too late Ciel Cruel's still twisting body dropped into the puddle under his feet. It was as if he had dived into a lake, the boys entire body was submerged under the blood.

"Shit the blood mirror."  The words slipped from her lips just when Mina flipped her body out of the way of a giant spear came out of the blood puddle that was formed under her by Ciel him self. Though this wasn't the only move she had to make, there where puddles all around her and each time she would get close to one or flip over it a blood spear would come to pierce her body. Although she would easily destroy the spears, Mina did her best to dodge and flip out of their way as to not waste any of her physical energy or mana. The vampir princes knew that a method like the blood mirror eats away at the mana of a vampire faster than any other. It requires you to open up a dimension within a puddle of your own blood but to use this as a fighting technique by opening and closing multiple gateways with puddles of your own blood and while making blood spears is a risky move. Ciel who be weakened soon and he would have no mana left forcing him to come up from his blood dimension. So she moved with more grace than she ever has before flipping and dodging the spears one by one, until she could see the blood puddles began to ripple.

This was her chance the blood world had become unstable meaning that Ciel was low on mana and could hold it for long. At least that's what she thought was happening but the moment she let her guard down a hand shot out from every puddle as it pulled itself free. Each one was a replica of Ciel himself.

They attacked in an instant slicing their sharpen claws at her as the princess dodge just before she punched throw won of the clones making it burst like an over filled water balloon. But from every new puddle made another clone of Ciel rose up surrounding her.

"Don't you just love this new technique I created. Although it does require a lot of energy and the summoning of blood mirrors it's quite nifty. I call it the blood clones." Mina continue to dodge the attackers of the clones as best as she could and only broke one when she had to but soon she found herself surrounded by hundred of these blood clones.

"You created this how!?"  She screamed as the clones began to attack her all together

"It's simple as long as there is even a drop of blood from the blood mirrors left these clones with keep manifesting."  Mina grunted as she threw off all of the clones with a smile on her face as she did it.

"So I just need to get ride of the blood from the blood mirror technique, thanks for the info.  Bloody boil." One by one the clones started to sizzle and steam. Ciel watched as bubbles started to rise to the surface of the clone making them burst apart.

"What kind of technique is that you'll only make more clones for you to deal wi-"  the vampire was cut off when he watched the clones that tried to rise up from the blood mirror sizzle and fall back down. Every single one of his mirror where slowly sizzling away into nothingness. Mina turned to face him but the darkness of her aura made him back away.

"No you don't!" Mina held out her hand and squeezed at the air, the noble stopped and for the second time that day he spit up his own blood. He could feel as she controlled every blood filled vessel in his body. His feet where no longer touching the ground and she eased him in the air like he was nothing.

"Ttthis is immmpossible." To control the blood of anther mystics body was completely unheard of. Every mystic was full of mana and will which is what slows them to keep control of their body. Tire there are spells that witches can use to control another mystics body but the witches nor the vampires had ever made a spell that could control someone with the blood inside of them. A mystics power and will flows through their blood and for a vampire, especially a blood sage, their blood was everything it is the very center of their control. So for one blood sage to take control of the living blood cells of another blood sage should be impossible.

"What you didn't think your where the only vampire able to create a new blood technique." The smile on her face only increased more at the look of horror on Ciel's. "I plan on using this very technique on my father when I rip the crown off of his decapitated head. I guess I should try it out on you first." Ciel started to sweat but he quickly got his cool back as a red light appear before his fingers.

"Don't get cocky!" A beam of red light shot from his finger tips and shot right through her arm making her loose concentration and givin the gray haired fool enough time to change his body into hundreds of snakes and slither away threw the tunnels.

She could fill a freezing cold from beam as his attack slid right through her body. Her cousins attack felt like something formed from a lack of emotions and when it entered her flesh she felt as if it hard ripped away her very feelings from her body. For a second she couldn't understand how was he standing in front of her and able to attack her from behind.  She fell  forward to the ground as her wound burnt more and more, but when she hit the ground and looked up she was able to see. Thread of mana made so thing that you could only see it when the light hit just right. They lead from her cousin behind her to the vision of him before her.

"You came here ready to talk me down, expecting no tricks or foul play because we are family. In the end I knew that we would have to fight and a head on battle with you is one that would end with one of us die and you know I'd never want to kill you. But you should have been expecting a trick we are life eaters after all." The succubus flipped herself to her back and laid on the ground with tears in her eyes. "But your better than the rest of us you don't plot tricks."

"You think to high of me, I'm ashamed to say I was very much prepared from this."  Bre's hand pulsed black and that pulse moved in four different directions until they reached four crystals. They glowed black and sent a pulse out to each other  until a circle closed them in. Trezis looked around him in a panic but he knew he had to act quickly as he shot of out another beam towards the last crystal left but his beam never made it. By the time it was halfway to the mana crystal the circle had already closed and it was as if his attack pooled itself apart. particle by particle and molecule by molecules the energy inside of his attack was absorbed by the circle around it.

"Th-this can't be , this is the highest level chi barrier made. Anything with in the circle will be drain of their Chi and siphoned back into the earth. In your state this will kill yo-" the Incubus turned towards to his cousin and froze. No longer was she laying in the dirt but now she stood before him her skin glow a dark pink as the wound closed up.

"No this isn't the chi barrier you know. You claim to be strong enough to protect yourself but you haven't even realized that the charms of the past are just the building blocks for the our peoples future." Bre took the time where Trezis was chocked to send out an attack of her own. She was stronger than she's ever been as she blew out an ocean of of black smoke, it was darker than the blackest ink and it flowed thick but fast.

"You made it so that the Chi isn't given to the earth but instead given to you?" The black smoke reached for him as his cousin moved her hands but the boy quickly dodged her attack by barrel rolling out of its reach. Just as he came out of the roll he formed a sword with his energy and cut at the black smoke. As second after he cut through the smoke his energy blade fell apart and was absorbed. Trezis lift his eyebrow as an idea came to mind and he was not slow to put into action but he needed to be careful or he would be drained of his mana to quickly.

With as much speed as he could summon the boy took to the sky above the ring and went charging straight for Bre as he shot swirling orbs of chai at her from all over his body. Bre didn't need to even move with out even one command the think black smoke wrapped the girl in its protection his attack only bounced off the substance before it would disappear. Though that was all he needed to see before he put his plan in action. He flew high above the center of the barrier as he charged his energy into a beam of condensed chi.

"You talked a lot of crap cousin but even your advanced chi style has a flow." The large chi ball was focused into a single point at the tip of his finger and just as it had grow to tight to contain the power he released it towards her all at once. All that power and raw energy came exploding towards her, with all her skills the future prince pulled at the dark smoke she had summoned into a cocoon  to protect her. Although that was her worst mistake the blast may have hit her but she was quick to learn that she was not the only target. Just before the beam could be absorbed it engulfed Bre while moving past her and slamming straight into the crystal behind her. It started to shake as it tried to pull in all that raw power. If only the succubus had thought to dodge the attack she would have been able to resort the chi from his attack but it was to late now she was trapped in side his attack. If she tried to move now she would be blasted away, this is exactly what he wanted for her to block and end up trapped. Little did the boy know that this wouldn't work in his favorite.
The Echonuim that once attacked the sister, now slowly pulled itself back towards its master. The once liquid metal seamed to trailer itself to the banshee's body, it hardened and pressed against her to form a beautiful armor. In one hand grew a sword and in the other a shield.

"This is the new power of the entire Banshee race thank to the efforts of the house of Price and the royal witches of Summerrose. This is the birth right of every banshee a weapon that doesn't shatter in the presence of our power, this is the Echonuim rose." Tori crouched and the banshee in front of her could see the sound waves ripple through the suit just befor the women went soaring into the sky, before she could fall down upon them the sisters combined their efforts and aimed their screams like a barrage of bullets at the girl.with quickness the suit reacted and morphed a giant shield before that absorbed the attack. Without a second thought the girl slammed down in between them.

Victoria swiftly kicked Lani in the stomach sending her flying back, Dixi did her best to pull out her daggers but she wasn't fast enough. Tori had already punched the girl in stomach making her spit up blood just as she watched the sound wave travel through the suit of armor a sent her her flying in the air. Tali was had used her time wisely and had began sing the song of destruction Tori could feel her blood starting to boil, this girl who could weapon use the song of destruction in seconds is the one she needed to put down first. She hummed a tone to reinforce her body as she swiftly ran toward the girl who tried to sing faster but before she could tori leaped into the air twisting her body until she land right behind Tali.

She placed her hands over the girls ears and grabbed the sides of her face encasing it in Echonuim, just as she channeled the sound waves absorbed by the suit into her throat and screamed a banshee scream like no other a point blank range into the metal invading the girls head. Lani and Dixie watched as their sisters body shook and scrambled right before it stopped and hung limp. Victoria released her hold and let Tali's body drop to the earth. One of the layers on the shield cracked and shattered around them. Lani and Dixie looked to eachother before that both nodded.

"If we are going to fall so are you!"

"Let's see if you can survive the weight of the ocean!" The two sisters rose their hands to the sky and closed their fist.

"Shit Stop!" But Tori was to late the barriers came down and the weight of the ocean fell on them.
Mina gripped at her bleeding shoulder as she watched the white snakes disappear into the tunnels.

"Just give up Ciel and let me test my new techniques on you." The only sounds she got back in return was the hissing of snakes echoing off the tunnels walls. "I don't see why your so opposed to it, you've been helping me this entire time. From the moment you followed me into these tunnels you had lost and began helping me with my projects." A snake leaped out from the rocks cracks all Mina did was look at it and the poor creature exploded. although it disappointed her because it was just a normal snake but she knew that it was talked into attacking her by Ciel.

"Really Ciel you should give up, by now you've realized the first reason I brought you in here."

"So no one could see your new techniques and run to tell the head nobles."

"Only that is one of the reasons but the first one is actually to protect everyone above, you see if I was to somehow loose this fight I wanted it to be impossible for you to start any trouble for everyone above. You see without the help of a member of Blackcastle these tunnels will never let you leave." Mina's head swiftly turned to the tunnels where she could smell fear coming from. For him to be this afraid means that he never knew that he couldn't leave, he wasn't trying to run away, that means he was planning another attack maybe one like that energy beam he displayed earlier. To bad for him his time was up.

"Now how about I show you they last reason I brought you to this place. Forbidden technique: recall memory of blood!" At first their was nothing just the sound of a slow drip.

"It seems your attack miss fired princess." Ciel appeared in from of her his hand was glowing an intense dark red. "To bad for you mine won't."  He pointed his hand towards her and the blood bean shot out towards her but like always Mina wore her eat shit smile as she dropped into a blood mirror under her. Just as the beam went right above her head. But that wasn't the problem at hand it was the fact that the room was full of growing puddles that where quickly filling the room up to his ankles. The vampire screamed as his flesh began to sizzle at the touch of the rising blood.

"What the hell is this!?" Mina rose to the surface but not a drop of blood touched her as she stood on its surface.

"Not many know what happened here in these tunnels how so many demons where round up here and murdered and burnt to death." His eyes went wide as he climbed on a rock to try to escape but that wouldn't keep him safe for long.

"T-this is dead mans blood? But how you shouldn't be able to control this it should be hurting you too?!"

"Have you ever been hurt by a technique that you've summoned before." Ciel shook his head.

"The one who summons it can not be touched by it." That was the rule of the blood techniques.

"This is the reason my father wanted to get ride on me because of this very technique I created when I was young." Ciel stood on the rock as he watched the blood to continue rising.

"This is insane to recall the blood of those who died here there must have been billions of demons this place will fill to the top, but not if I kill you first."  Ciel threw up his arm and hundred of snakes burst from his flesh but those pieces of him wasn't the only ones she had to face. All around her jumping out of the blood, from the walls and the ceiling where the regular snakes Ciel commands. Mina closed her eyes making Ciel think that he finally would win, that he had caught her before her attack was ready. He had surmised that an technique like this would take slot of time and power she wouldn't be able to do a counter attack. Although all the thoughts he had  and all the planing he did only slapped him in the face in the end. The moment she opened her eyes every snake around her stopped midair, it was as if they where had frozen. Even Ciel Cruel himself couldn't move a muscle as the snakes own blood pierced them from the inside out and ripped them to shreds.

"Now be washed away." Mina rose high above the blood as a tsunami of it came rushing toward the boy taking him under it's surface it dragged him through the tunnels burning his body and slamming him agains the walls. Each slam came harder and harder until it forced him to take in a breath and swallow the dead mans blood. He tried to scream but it only made it worse as his body finally surrendered to darkness and he was spit out of the end of the tunnels.  Blood slowly returned to the earth as Mina walked out of the shadows and stood over Ciel. She dug her healed but into his chest as she rested her arms on her knee.

"Although you didn't quite match up to me in a fight you did have a couple of interesting new techniques to show me. I guess I should say thanks for the contributions you meat suit."

The crystal shattered just as the blast wave of chi stopped flowing from Trezis hand. The Incubus pulled in his blast of white chi drawing into back within in him to regain the power he had but as he pulled it back in he couldn't see the thinner than hair fragments of black chi swimming within the white chi. All he payed attention to was his cousin part of her skin was burning and the black smoke that protected her was now just a small orb stretched to thin around her.

"I see that dark chi style of your could with stand my attack plus your chi trap has been destroyed. What will you do now?"

"Oh don't worry about me I don't play with ordinary styles that can be simply destroyed so easily." As she smoke the dark smoke moved itself into one point and dropped to the earth as it started to grow. "You see I developed this chi style based off the manifestation of Kie's first born Xen. He had the ability to make shade beast a thing born from the inner darkness within the shadow world. When it touches you it literally siphons off your life energy so fast the it burner right through your flesh and as long as it has mana it will continue to grow. Although without the magic abilities of witches I could make a shade beast of my own but i was able to make this out of chi." By the time she had stopped talking she stood on on a giant, still growing pile of darkness. Trezis looked stunned as he watch the thing grow so high that she was now as far up in the sky as him.

A smirk came to her face as she simply moved her hand and hounds of hand stretched out towards her cousin at lightning speed. They came after him so fast that he didn't have time to build up another powerful attack. So it left him with no choice but to unleash the basic as he formed a sword and slashed away at the hands trying to touch him the boy was  quick and powerful with every slash but even he knew that sooner or latter he would be swarmed by the thing and devoured. So once again he put a plan in place, his wings pumped as he went flying into the air.

He moved with the grace of the birds themselves. He moved and maneuvered out of the path of Bre's attacks and flew fast and high into the sky until he deemed he was high enough and stopped. He started to build up his energy just as a hand grabbed his ankle. Just as he had began to fight another hand grabbed him by the shoulder then his arm and legs. They grabbed at him until he could no longer move and with a forceful quickness they they pulled him within their self. Bre watched as she could see the creature growing from adsorbing his chi but something went wrong the creature began to scream as a light burst with in it disintegrating the creature from the inside out.

"So that was his plan to destroy it with its opposite, shit." The column began to grow out towards her. " You smart little devil." she didn't try to move out of the way as the beam engulfed her She endured the burning as it seared away some of her exposed flesh. When light slowly went away  she still stood there flesh burned away and slowly starting to heal  with no expression on her face.

"I had a feeling that it would only get rid of your chi monster that's why I prepare this." Above them high in the air floated a shining ball of pure chi it glowed reddy to be used against her but still Bre didn't flinch she held her angry demeanor until she spoke.

"Dark chi I order you, awaken!" Trezis grabbed at his chest as he spit out blood and fell from the sky his enormous bomb of chi shined as if it was becoming unstable but before it could detonate she opened her mouth sucking in all the build up power in one gulp. Her body was now completely healed free of any scares as she walked up to her cousin.

"What is this?" His skin had began to bruise from the inside and the blood he spit out was blackened.

"When you realize that there was a slit time gap between when chi is use used and before it was absorbed by the trap you focus the full force of your attack on one of the crystals and trapped me within your chi stream. When you did that you gave me the chance to contaminate your stream with pieces of dark chi."

"When I pulled I'm the stream back with in I pulled in your monster, you could have ended this a long time ago so why wait?"

"Because you talked big boy shit, I didn't need to use full force strength on you all I need to do was use my mind. Don't get me wrong you made some smart moves but they weren't smart enough. Now shut up I'm tired of you." Bre gripped at the air and blood came shooting out of Trezis mouth and his body lates still and his eyes turned dull. This was the true power of succubus queen, Intelligence.


"I swear to the gods you three where dumb thank the goddess I saved your bodies." Victoria stood within a giant metal sphere of Echonuim sitting within the ocean of water that was slowly receding. She wasn't the only one in there though sitting in the sphere with her was the three sisters.

"Why? Why did you save us?"

"Because we didn't just promise eachother to not hold back, but we also promise to be strong enough not to kill you. For a king or queen is nothing if they can only solve their problems with bloodshed." And as she spoke a great change was happening all around Blackcastle. Nick was placing Arman in a healing pod, Shanell caught Alora midair before she could hit the ground, Kie was healing and restoring the memories of Damien and Amber, Bre was pulling her dark chakra from her little cousins body, Mahogany was caring Rita to a waiting Abby,  Trenton was pouring healing potions down the twins throats, and Mina was feeding Ceal a blood bag.

"The winds of change are really upon us."

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