
By lauren_b05

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Harry Potter has always hated Draco Malfoy, and all of Hogwarts knows that, but what happens when Harry start... More

chapter 1: Wecome Home
chapter 2: Stalker
chapter 4: Klutz
chapter 5: 'The Game'
chapter 6: Just That Not Into You
chapter 7: Sweet Poetry
chapter 8: Mistake
chapter 9: Catch Me If I Fall
chapter 10: Rumor
chapter 11: F-Fuck
chapter 12: Broken Whispers
chapter 13: Vibrations
Chapter 14: Undecided
chapter 15: Perfect
chapter 16: Out
chapter 17: Aftermath
chapter 18: Constellations
chapter 19: Brilliant
chapter 20: The Cycle
chapter 21: Nearly
chapter 22: Repeat After Pansy
chapter 23: Phases
chapter 24: Charades
chapter 25: Softly
chapter 26: Brighter
Chapter 27: Quiet
Chapter 28: Promise Me
Chapter 29: Misinterpreted
Chapter 30: Goodbye
Chapter 31: Closure

chapter 3: Stuck Together

681 26 0
By lauren_b05

  "Let go." Draco stated, attempting to jerk his hand out of the other boy's tight grasp.

Harry took a step closer, "No."

Malfoy scratched the back of his head in confusion as he stared at his peers and professor, "Is anyone else seeing this?"

They nodded slowly. Professor Snape frowned, looking back and forth between the boys.

Malfoy started, "Potter-"

"Call me Harry." The shorter boy murmured, reaching up to touch the tendrils of Draco's hair.

"P-Professor," He stared at his godfather, panicking, "make it stop!"

Severus sneered, "Obviously Parkinson and Zabini didn't follow the instructions on lowering the heat after adding welchspring, and that's what caused the explosion. Detention for the two of you." He glowered at the Slytherins responsible, "Due to your actions, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy shall continue to be stuck together until the potion wears off."

"You're joking."

"No, Mr. Malfoy." Snape scowled, dismissing the class with a wave of his hand, "A counter-curse could cause in you and Mr. Potter losing your connected hands, and a potion to reverse the damage done will take longer to brew then the potion itself lasts."

Thank the gods that Potions was their last class of the day.

Draco dragged Harry through the corridors and into the nearest empty classroom.

As soon as the door closed, Draco placed a silencing charm over the door, "Listen here, Potter. It seems that we are most literally, physically stuck together. We need to set some ground rules." He started numbering them off with his free hand, "Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me."

Harry murmured, "Well I sort of can't not touch you..."

True, since their hands were glued together.

"I mean you're too irresistible."

Draco's face went funny, before remembering the effects of the potion, "Okay, so this is the potion talking. Don't worry I won't soil your perfect reputation. I won't tell anyone about the ghastly, embarrassing things you'll say. I'm a good person, or trying to be."

Harry frowned.

"What?" Draco murmured.

The Raven-haired boy traced the taller boy's jawline, "Person? You're a... god."

Malfoy stared at the ceiling, "Okay, rule one is no touching, so please don't tou- what are you doing? No. No." He tried to wriggle out of the tight hug. "Potter." He groaned, tiredly.

"Mmm." Harry snuggled in tightly.

"Think! What if someone sees this? What if someone sees what they think is us? Let go of- oh my G- don't..." He sighed, as Harry played with his platinum hair.

The Gryffindor really had a thing for his locks.


"What?" He responded already feeling fatigue consume him, as he realized that Potter called him by his first name.

"I have to... pee." Harry mumbled.


"So... can you take me?" Harry asked.

"So, hold it." Malfoy stated, bluntly.

"Draco." He insisted.

Malfoy groaned, "Fine! If you must." He led Harry to the lavatory that they'd previously been in without knowing who the other one was.

"Well, go ahead." Draco murmured, fixating his eyes on a spot of the opposite wall.

"I... can't." Harry whispered.

"Why the bloody hell not." Draco snapped, scowling, "And don't you dare tell me you're too nervous to pee."

"No, it's not that." Harry licked his lips, glancing at their hands, "Thats the hand I use."

"Okay, so you want me to use my own hand, grab your cock and what? Help you urinate?" Draco asked, sarcastically.

Harry waited.

"Merlin's Beard, Potter! No!" Draco groaned, looking away again.

Harry sighed, and attempted to unzip his pants, fumbling slightly.

"Stop jerking my hand around!" Draco hissed.

Harry was beginning to control his mind a little better. He was annoyed that Draco was making a big deal about what was going on.

"Our hands." He corrected.

The blonde scoffed, retrieving his hand from the zipper of Harry's pants.

Harry eventually got his pants down, and a few seconds later, the Slytherin heard the sound of urine hitting the urinal.

Draco groaned, "Pee faster! And quieter!"

Eventually the sound stopped, and Harry began inching up his pants, "Er, Draco?"


"Can you help me?"

"Excuse me? With what?"

"Can you zip my pants back up?"

"No, Potter."

"Well I don't want to go to dinner with my zipper down!"

"We aren't going to dinner. I'm not going to explain this little mistake to my friends." Draco yanked Harry out of the bathroom, leading him to the Slytherin Common Room.

Harry was amazed by the beauty and complicity of the room. The black distressed leather couches in front of the roaring fireplace made the room feel homey.

Harry was led into Draco's bedroom.

"Why do you have your own room?" Harry asked, glancing around.

"I don't. Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise share a room with me. Blaise saw what happened and let me, er, us use Terry Boot's old room."

"I'm tired." Harry complained, trying to unbutton his shirt.

"What do you think you're doing?" Malfoy demanded.

"Undressing?" Harry murmured.

"Okay how do you expect that to work? Our hands are glued together. It'll get caught in the middle."

Harry sighed, yanking down his pants.


Harry covered Draco's mouth, gently, "Shhh... someone will hear you."

"Put your pants back on." Draco demanded, jerking his head away from Harry's grasp. He fiercely stared at the Gryffindor's tan face, "You put those on right now or I swear-"

"No." Harry yawned, diving into the bed.

Draco was jerked forward and landed on top of Harry, "Bloody hell!"

The blonde scrambled off, disgusted. He turned over, and began to attempt to sleep.


He didn't answer.


No response.


"What?" He groaned into his pillow.

"Turn the lights out."

Draco murmured a charm and the light diminished.


"What?" He snapped.

"Goodnight." Harry smiled.

"Ugh." The blonde muttered, "Shut up."


When sun arose, Harry awoke finding himself cuddled into a firm form. The brunette blinked, before realizing what, or who it was. He was spooning a sleeping Slytherin.

"MALFOY!" He jerked himself away, falling off the bed, dragging his attachment with him.

"AH!" There was a loud crack, sounding that Malfoy had broken his wrist, since it had been attached to Harry's, "What the bloody fuck?!"

Harry realized that he was cuddled into Malfoy which meant Malfoy didn't take part... so if he informed the blonde on why he jerked away...

"I...I forgot the attachment." Harry lied.

Malfoy clutched his and Harry's wrist, howling, "You broke my- ow!" His hair was messy, and face a shade paler then it usually was.

It was clear the Binding Potion was waring off, and Harry was mortified, "Episky!" He flicked his wand and with another crack, Malfoy yelped.

"Is it better?" Harry asked, anxiously.

Draco tentatively stretched his hand, "Um...I think so."

Their hands broke apart.

"Has it been 24 hours?" The darker boy asked, rubbing his hand, and un-tightening the muscles.

"No... I'm not sure but I'm glad it's over." Malfoy muttered, standing up. He started to offer Potter a hand, but chuckled instead, "You can get up yourself."

"Prick." Harry grumbled, standing and putting on his pants.

"You can... let yourself out." Draco murmured, fixing his hair. Since he'd slept in his robes, he just headed for the door.

"W-Wait! So that's it?" Harry asked, frantically.

The blonde smirked, "What do you want me to say? See you around Potter."


"How was your one-night-stand?" Ron asked with a smirk.

"What?" The Chosen One's head snapped up, in alarm.

"You're lovely evening with Malfoy!" Ron let out a moan.

Harry's face turned red as he hissed, "Shut up! Nothing happened!"

"What a shame." Seamus Finigan smiled.

"Quit it! Nothing happened." Harry insisted.

"Did you cuddle?" Weasley asked mockingly. When Harry didn't answer right away Ron's expression changed to horror, "Harry?!"

Potter swallowed, "No we didn't bloody cuddle! I'm not into blokes! It's Malfoy after all! Use your head."

Ron sighed in relief, "You gave me a heart attack."

"Well Harry, if you were queer I'd support you." Seamus patted him on the back.

Harry scoffed, "Right. Thank you."

"Well that makes one of us." Ron chortled.

"What are we talking about?" Hermione asked, approaching the boys.

"Poor Harry's sex-life." Ron informed, earning a grin from Seamus.

"Isn't that nonexistent?" Hermione smirked.

"Exactly!" Harry retorted.

"But who's the lucky girl?" Granger asked, spreading margarine over her whole wheat toast.

"Not a girl." Seamus coughed.

"Draco Malfoy." Ron grinned, flipping his famous Weasley red hair.

Hermione turned pink, "Oh, Harry..."

"We're joking." Weasley laughed.

"Maybe... but let's take bets. Who says that Harry hooked up with Malfoy?" Seamus winked at the Boy Who Lived.


"HARRY JAMES POTTER WAS IN YOUR BED?!" Pansy screeched, doing a one-eighty to face Draco.

"Shut up!" He frowned, looking around the corridor, making sure they were alone, "It was because of the Binding Potion!"

Blaise giggled, "We all know he's had it bad for you since First Year!"

The blonde rolled his eyes in sarcasm, "Yes, of course he has. As has every Hogwarts student. Don't even get me started on Dumbledore, he's been trying to get into me knickers for years."

Blaise gagged, "Imagine."

"No, don't change the subject." Pansy frowned, " thought it was a good idea to let Harry sleep in your bed?"

"It wasn't my choice, Pansy!" Draco groaned as he rubbed his eyes with his fists, "My left hand was attached to his right."

"But still." Zabini chuckled.

"What are you going to do now?" Pansy smiled sarcastically.

"Bribe him to make sure no one ever finds out. Ever." He swallowed, worry flickering in his grey eyes, "And burn the sheets."


'My Draco... slept with... Harry Potter?!' Zane had been hiding in a nearby classroom when he heard Draco and his friends conversing over the events of last night.

Conversing about Draco... in bed... with Harry Potter.

Edwards was completely outraged- he was infuriated. How dare Potter take the Binding Potion! Maybe he didn't mean to consume the drink, but nevertheless. Zane was pissed.

He raced out into the hall, and walked back to his dorm, shaking in rage.

Potter was going to pay.


Harry was walking to the Great Hall from class, when he heard his name, "Potter!"

He froze, recognizing the voice immediately. He turned to face an anxious looking blonde.

Draco had gotten taller, since last year. His stature was now 6'2", and his platinum locks fell naturally tousled. The blonde did have a killer jawline. He was lanky, but somehow firm.

"What?" Harry asked, frowning.

"Come here." Malfoy ordered, beckoning him into the empty bathroom.

Harry was skeptical, but obeyed, "What?"

"How much do you want?" Malfoy asked quietly.

The darker boy blinked, "Excuse me?"

"Just pick a number. I just want to make sure that no one ever finds out about last night."

"Seriously? Nothing happened. It's not like we shagged, Malfoy." The Gryffindor snorted.

"Well! You slept in my bed, while I was in the same bed. Do you know how-how outrageous that is?" Hissed Malfoy.

Harry was startled by the raw terror in the sparkly eyes he loved to hate, "You really don't want anyone to know?"

"Of course not."


"Oh. My. Gods! You already told people didn't you?!" Malfoy gaped, shoving Harry against the wall, thrusting his arm against the shorter boy's neck.

"Look! It wasn't my fault. Seamus already knew since he's in potions! When I didn't come back to Gryffindor Tower, he knew we couldn't come up with a solution!" Harry squeaked.

"How. Many. People. Know?" Malfoy asked through gritted teeth.

"Just Seamus." He swallowed, "Um... and Hermione... and Ron."

"Weasley and Granger know?" He groaned.

"Nothing happened, Malfoy. Get over yourself. You're making it seem like we actually did stuff!"

"And thank God I made sure you didn't, Mr. "you're a god" Potter." Malfoy scoffed, as he quoted Harry. He released the brunette and heading to dinner.


'Potter fucking told people...' Malfoy knew he was overreacting. They hadn't done anything. His panicking made it look like they had, so he needed to calm down.

He stared at his feet all the way back to Slytherin table. He sat at his table, when heard Pansy cough, "Draco."

"Not now." He groaned, resting his forehead on the table and closing his eyes.

"Draco." Blaise muttered urgently.

"What?" He complained looking up.

The blonde glanced to his right and saw Pansy looking distraught. In front of him was Blaise. He glanced at his left and saw a pair of rose gold eyes peering at him.

"Bloody hell!" Malfoy screamed, falling out of his chair.

Zane smiled, "Let's have a chat, yeah?"

Malfoy swallowed, scowling, "Not in a million years."

"Sweetie. It has to do with your little friend." Zane whispered, nodding toward the Gryffindor table.


Harry kept glancing up at the Slytherin table, and saw Malfoy fall off his chair after screaming. His eyes narrowed at seeing the ashen-haired Ravenclaw roughly jerk him up, into his arms, as he proceeded to push the Slytherin out of the Great Hall.

Harry followed them, quietly listening to their conversation.


"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco stated, jerking his arm away from Zane, as soon as they exited the Great Hall.

Zane traced Draco's forearm, "See, us Ravenclaw's have a sense when someone is lying. Don't lie to me."

The blonde jerked his arm away again, "Don't touch me."

"Why'd you sleep with him, Dray?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you-"

"I heard," He scowled, "what you said. What I don't get is what the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"You slept with Potter." Zane frowned.

The blonde rolled his eyes, "He accidentally consumed a Binding Potion. The first person he saw was me. I offered him a hand to help him up, and he took it." Draco scoffed, "Snape wouldn't give us the antidote which meant he had to be attached to me for a night. I wasn't about to sleep on the floor so we slept in the same bed." The blonde blinked, "Why am I even explaining this to you?"

Zane sighed in relief, "Oh good. So I'll still be your first."

Draco stared in disbelief, "Come again?" He sneered, "You know what, I don't even want to hear that a second time. I'm not interested in you. Get that through your thick skull!"

Zane shoved Draco against the wall, pinning him there, "I've explained this to you. You don't have to like me. All that matters is my love for you. That will be enough for us."

"There is no 'us.'" Draco snarled, attempting to look for an escape. The Slytherin could easily overthrow the Ravenclaw, but he didn't want to hurt anyone. He preferred to fight with his words rather than his fists.

"Draco. This is silly. How about we just tell people?"

"Tell them what? There is nothing to tell!"

"Tell them about us. That you're mine, and I'm yours." Zane released one of Draco's hands to stroke his face.

With Draco's newfound freedom he slammed Zane away, "There is no us! There never has been! There never will be. I'm not your pet. Zane, let it go."

"Let what go?! You?! No!" Zane growled, grabbing Draco's face, lowering his forehead to the blonde's, "I love you too much."

"It's not love! This is not love. It's obsession. You're only infatuated." Draco swallowed back the fear that was arising, "Zane I'm going to say this once more. Let. Go."

Draco didn't get scared easily but this was causing him anxiety.


Harry began to realize something from listening to the conversation. From listening to the two's voices bicker, it dawned on him. That fateful night... in the boy's lavatory... that was-

"Draco." Harry whispered in shock.

That meant that Zane was the other boy-the one chasing Draco- and hearing them now was... unsettling. Harry was hiding behind the Griffin statue, 20 yards away.

"Draco. Tell me you love me." Zane demanded. He attempted to slide his hand into Draco's pants.

The blonde tensed at the groping, slapping the Ravenclaw's hand away before it reached its destination, "Stop."

"Or what?"

"Or th-this!" The blonde Slytherin head-butt his stalker in the forehead before sprinted back into the Great Hall.

Harry didn't know what he wanted to do more... high-five Draco for that great shot, or murder Edwards.

'Maybe both.' Harry was just about to exit his hiding place when he heard Zane talking to himself.

"Ah Draco... Maybe you don't love me... but you will. Thank the gods for Amortantia."

The Gryffindor was shaking with rage. He sprinted over to Zane, and pinned him to the wall, shoving his arm against his neck, "Listen to me. You're never going to go near him ever again, do you hear me? I will fucking murder you. Don't touch him. Don't look at him. Don't talk to him. Oh, and don't even think about him."

Zane smiled, "You can't keep us apart. He'll choose me." Zane yanked at Harry's hair which stung, but he kept his cool. He might have liked to have his hair pulled, had it been by a certain Slytherin.

Harry snorted, "Like hell he will." He released him, and walked back to the Great Hall, like nothing happened.

That's when Zane's words registered.

"He'll choose me."

Did that imply that Harry was... an option?

_Please Vote_

Just a chapter-ly reminder:

You are loved.

You are valid.

You are worth it.

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