
By 22Csotomayor12

505K 8.6K 2.8K

Toni Topaz is a billionaire. She owns Topaz Inc. She is also the worlds youngest billionaire. She graduated h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
House Pictures
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Should Cheryl get Pregnant?
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chaptet 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Cheryl's Family Ring
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 30

10.7K 154 26
By 22Csotomayor12

Cheryl's P.O.V
I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I covered my eyes and felt Toni's hand land on my left breast. I look down and saw her still sleeping. I smiled and raked my hands through her hair. I sighed and looked at the window,I honestly can't believe that Toni,Sweet Pea, and Fangs finished this all in one day. Sometimes I think she isn't human,be-
"Good morning babygirl." Toni said in her raspy morning voice and kissed my stomach.
"Good morning daddy." I said and cupped her face and gave her a peck. Toni moved up so our faces are closer.
"Yes?" I asked her,but she didn't say anything. But instead she grabbed my hand and placed it behind her neck.
"Scratch." Toni said and laid back down. I rolled my eyes but scratched her neck anyways,after a few minutes of scratching her neck we got dressed and climbed down the ladder.
"I'm gonna install security cameras,what do you think?" Toni asked me as she locked the tree house door.
"Why?" I asked her as I intertwined our hands.
"Because I know they guys will try to get in,and then they'll fuck up the whole place." Toni said as we walked through the woods. When we entered our house both of us walked to our room and took a shower. After we took a shower I wore a white crop long tee with ripped jeans with Addis's sneakers.

And Toni wore a red pattern shirt with a brown jacket over it and black ripped jeans and back shoes.

"Where are you going?" I asked me as I ran my fingers through my hair.
"I'm going out to get cameras,and I want to look good." Toni replied and spread some clone on her. I inhaled it and sighed.
"You smell really good,how come you don't use it often?" I asked Toni and walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck.
"I thought you'd might like it ." Toni said and I smiled.
"Well I like you should wear it often." I said and kissed Toni.
"If I get kissed like that I just might." Toni replied and I smiled and we walked downstairs. Once we came downstairs Bob came out the kitchen.
"Breakfast is ready Toni. And did Jason ever come by the tree house?" Bob asked and me and I shook my head.
"No he didn't come by this morning." I replied and grabbed my pate of pancakes.
"Oh no he didn't come by this morning he came by last night. Saying that he wanted to apologize to you." Bob replied and gave me and Toni our coffee. Me and Toni gave each other confused looks but ate our breakfast. Once we finished we got in Tonis black Jeep and went to Best Buy. As Toni was driving I was thinking about last night and how I thought I heard a door close. And then it hit me Jason heard me and Toni having sex.
"Holy shit!" I shouted and covered my face.
"What?! Are you okay what's going on?!" Toni asked worriedly and looked up at me.
"Jason heard us having sex last night?" I said me and I smiled.
"Then he heard you rocking my world." Toni said with a smile.
"Toni now is not the time for that." I said and rubbed my temples.
"It's not a big deal, you heard him having sex right?" Toni asked me and I nodded.
"Well then now you guys are even the only difference is that he heard an angle,and you heard two little rabbits." Toni said and laughed right afterwards. I rolled my eyes and flicked her ear.
"Hey what is it with you and my ear?" Toni asked annoyed and rubbed her ear. I got out of the car once Toni parked and we walked hand in hand into the store. When we entered the store we walked right up to the security cameras. As we were looking a worker came up to us.
"Do guys need any help"She asked.
"Yes please,do you know which is the best camera?" Toni asked the lady and the lady smiled at Toni.
"Yes we only have the best cameras here in Best Buy,but if you wanted one either audio in it. Then you have to go with the one on the very last shelf to you right. But if your just looking for the camera then the one I'm holding is the best." The lady said and Toni looked at me.
"Which one baby, should we have audio or not?" Toni asked me as she caressed my back. I sighed and choose the one without the audio.
"Let's get the normal one without the audio." I responded,and Toni looked at me curiously.
"Why princess?" She asked me and I blushed.
"Cause then we don't have to hear you know what." I said and his my face in her chest.
"Oh yeah right... I'm well just go with the regular camera no audio." Toni said and the lady handed it to her. We walked up to the desk and Toni also grabbed a PS4 remote controller and placed it on the counter. And I looked at her.
"What Fangs busted my other controller." Toni said and handed the man the money. Once we finished paying we walked back to the car and Toni drove us back to the house.
We parked in the garage and Toni grabbed the security cameras and mounted her four wheeler. And turned the keys.
"You coming?" Toni asked me and I nodded sitting behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. Toni drove out the garage and into her trails. Once we reached the tree house we got off the four wheeler and Toni unlocked the tree house and we walked in.
"I'm gonna our one facing the door and one in our room and two cameras are going outside and one facing the deck. How's that sound baby?" Toni asked me as she placed her hand on my ass.
"It sounds good." I said and sat down on the couch and scrolled through my phone. Until I got a face time call from father. My heart dropped what if Jason told mom and dad about me and Toni having sex? I pushed the fear down and answered my dad.
"Hello father." I said and saw him smile.
"Hello honey how are you?" He asked me and I smiled.
"I'm good,how are you and mom?" I questioned him and he smiled.
"We're fine I just called because your mother and I are free today and Jason is hanging out with his fellow classmates. So I called to see what your doing." My father said and took a sip of his tea.
"Well me and Toni aren't doing anything today. She's just setting up security cameras in the tree house she built. And I'm sitting on the couch." I responded and handed Toni a screw driver she nodded.
"Oh she built a tree house?! How long did that take?" My father asked me.
"A day." I said and my father almost chocked on his tea.
"A day?!" He asked in a shocked voice.
"Yes a day she built this yesterday." I respond and Toni climbed down the ladder and walked outside.
"How big is it,because from what I can see it looks like a house." My father said and I nodded in agreement.
"It might as well be a house father,she put in a bed room a little kitchen and living room a library and a deck." I said and my father was in shock.
"Wow she works fast." He said.
"Yeah I know,but do you wanna swing by and take a look at it?" I asked my father knowing he wants to see it.
"If it's alright with your mother then well swing by. Because you she has me on a leash." My father chuckling. And I laughed and we hung up. I got off the couch and walked to Toni.
"Hey TT is it okay if my parents come over to check the tree house?" I asked Toni who took the screwdriver out of her mouth and looked at me.
"Baby this your house to you can invite anybody you like." Toni responded and tightened a nail.
"Ok good cause I already invited them. And be prepared cause my dad loves to build things so he'll blast you with questions about building." I said and Toni climbed down the ladder.
"That's fine we'll have another thing in common." Toni replied and kissed my cheek.
"What are the other things you have in common?" I asked her.
"Well we both own business and we both love one thing.. you." Toni said and kissed my cheek. I blushed and we walked inside the tree house and we climbed the ladder up to our room. I looked at the window and no smudge.
"Thank god the window isn't dirty,that would have been embarrassing if my parents saw it." I said and Toni laughed and rubbed my back. She placed the ladder in the corner of our room which made it face the ladder that leads up to our room. Once she finished that my father called again.
"Hello father." I said and climbed down the ladder.
"Hello Cheryl I just called to tell you that your mother is okay with coming over. And we'll be there in a few minutes." My father informed me.
"Okay dad well be here waiting." I said and hung up. Me and Toni sat out in the deck looking at the birds and trees.
"I love you Cher." Toni said and looked at me I turned my body around and looked at her.
"I love you to TT." I replied and kissed her passionately. When we pulled away I got a text from my father saying he's at our house.
"My dad is at the house." I said and Toni nodded and I got off her lap. Toni drove us back to the house and once she turned off the four wheeler my dad smiled at me and hugged me. And so did my mom.
"Hello honey." My mother said as she moved some hair out of my face. My father shook Toni's hand and looked at the four wheeler.
"You know your dad begged me to come over here." My mother said and I laughed.
"I bet once I told him Toni built a tree house he got all excited." I replied and smiled as I looked at Toni and my dad talking about the four wheeler.
"Do you remember the tree houses he used to built for you and Jason?" My mother asked me and I nodded.
"Yeah dad always used to love building things for us." I said and my mom nodded in agreement.
"So you want to see the tree house?" Toni asked my dad and he nodded.
"Yes where is it?" He asked and Toni pointed to the woods.
"It's in the woods so you'll have to drive there in either a razor or a go cart. But we can always just walk." Toni said and my dad looked at my mother.
"We'll walk I want to enjoy the woods." She replied and my dad nodded and all four of us walked to the tree house. Once we got close to the tree house my patents gasped.
"Oh my god!" My mother said and placed her hand on her chest.
"Wow!" My father said and we walked up the ramp and into the house.
"It's a lot bigger inside." My mom pointed out.
"Yeah I made the design like that. I just wanted people to think it's a medium sized tree house. But once you get inside it's huge." Toni said as she closed the door. My father looked around the tree house while my mother looked at the furniture.
"You picked the furniture Cheryl?" My mother asked me and I nodded.
"It goes wonderful with the wood." My mom informed me.
"Thank you mom." I said and we found my dad and Toni talking about the counter in the kitchen.
"Did you coat this wood?" My dad asked Toni and she nodded.
"Yeah I did and I shined it as well so it looks nice when the sun hits it." Toni replied and my father agreed.
"Cheryl told me you built this one day, how did you manage to do that?" My dad asked Toni and she rubbed her neck.
"I had help with my two best friends. And we work fast." Toni said and my dad looked confused by nodded his head anyways.
"Umm do guys want to see the library and the bedroom?" I asked and they nodded. We climbed up the ladder and made it in the little library part.
"Wow this is a beautiful spot for a library." My mom said and patted Toni's shoulder.
"Thank you Mrs.Blossom." Toni said and walked to me.
"And if you climb that ladder you'll make it to the little bedroom we have up there." I said and climbed up before my parents.
"What a nice view, and such a clean window." My dad said and me and Toni looked at each other and smiled.
"Yeah I actually had those windows in my garage hair waiting to be used." Toni explained.
"Well I have to say this one of the most finest tree houses I've ever seen." My dad complimented Toni.
"Thank you Mr.Blossom." Toni said and I kissed her cheek. We all climbed down to the living room where we sat on the couches and talked.
"So Toni's hows the business been?" My dad asked her.
"It's been good, everything's fine and going smoothly ever since Nick gave you guys your truck back." Toni said and placed her arm around me.
"Well that's good, and if Nick haven't given us back our maple. Our business would be very slow." My dad said and I leaned my head on Toni's shoulder.
We all stayed and talked for hours until all of us went to lunch together. As I got out of the car Toni wrapped her and arms around my waist and we walked up to my parents.
"I've never been here,it looks nice." I said and Toni rubbed my back.
"The food here is amazing me and your father come here all the time." My mom said as we entered the restaurant. All four of us sat in the back porch of the which gave us a view of a beautiful lake. As we all were talking a waitress came up to us.
"Hello my name is Chloe and I will be your waitress,what can I get for you guys to drink?" She asked us and smiled.
"I'll just have Sweet Tea." My mom said and Chole nodded and wrote it down. She looked to my dad who just asked for water and then looked at Toni.
"I'll have a sprite." Toni replied and Chloe wrote it down and looked at me.
"I'll have cherry cola." I said and she wrote it down and left us with the menus.
"Wow they have good options." Toni said and I agreed.
"I don't know what to get,TT what should I get?" I asked Toni who shrugged her shoulders.
"Wanna get what I get?" Toni asked me and I nodded.
"What are you gonna get?"
I'm gonna get Creamy Pasta with Crispy Mushrooms." Toni replied and I bit my lip.
"That sounds good let's get that." I said and Toni smiled and kissed my temple. I looked and saw my parents looking at me with smiles on their faces. I blushed and looked out to the lake.
"So I know this is to soon..but we're not getting any younger-"I interrupted my mom with a sigh.
"Mom this better not be going where I think this is going." I said and looked at Toni who was confused.
"Where is this going?" Toni asked.
"I'm just saying for future reference." My mom said and I rubbed my temples.
"Mom I'm only 19 years old." I said and Toni rouse a brow. I swear for a billionaire she can be pretty stupid.
I looked at Toni who still looked confused. I rolled my eyes and brought her shoulders down to my level.
"She wants grandchildren." I whispered in her elevar and her eyes went wide.
"Oh-well I m-mean it's a Umm bit early for that..right?" Toni said and rubbed her neck nervously.
"I know I'm just saying for the future. I know Jason isn't gonna give us any for a while and I know you've always wanted kids." My mom said and my dad nodded in agreement.
"How about we give you grandchildren when we get married." Toni and I said at the same time causing us to laugh.
"Well at least we both know that you guys want the same thing." My dad said and Chloe came back with our drinks getting ready to take our orders.
"I'll have the stake and mash potatoes." My dad said.
"And I'll have the grilled shrimp and rice." My mom said andChole wrote it down and looked at Toni.
"Well both have the Creamy Pasta with Crispy Mushrooms." Toni said and I nodded and Chloe took our menus and left to get our food.
"So just to make sure you are going to have children?" My dad asked and me and Toni nodded.
"Yeah in the future,but I'd like to be married to her before any of that happens. And I'd also like for her to finish school before she had to worry about having a kid." Toni said and my father smiled approvingly.
"Well I'm just going to say now that when the times comes you'll have my blessing to marry my daughter." My dad said and Toni smiled and my eyes watered.
"Thank you sir." Toni said and placed her hand on my thigh. We all kept talking for a couple of minutes,until Chloe came back with our food.
"If you need anything els,please don't hesitate to call me enjoy your meal." Chloe said and left us to eat.
As we ate we continued to talk about random things until it was time for us to leave. I hugged my parents as we left the restaurant.
"Bye mom,bye dad love you." I said and kissed both of their cheeks.
"We love you to honey." My mom replied and hugged Toni,while my dad patted her on her back. Toni drove us back to our house where we found the gang sitting in the living room watching Tv and eating our food.
"There eating our food?!" Toni whispered yelled and I shushed her.
"B-but their eating my hot Cheetos." Toni said and I looked over and saw Sweet Pea eating them. And I looked over and saw Betty and Veronica eating my chocolate bites with cherry filling in it.
"There eating my chocolate!" I whispered yelled to Toni who looked over and saw them eating my chocolate.
"That caused me nine bucks!" Toni whispered to me.
"Let's sneak up on them." I said and Toni agreed.
"H-hey guys when did you get here?"Sweet Pea asked us.
"A couple of seconds ago,now answer the question." I said and crossed my arms and walked to Betty and Veronica and grabbed my chocolate.
"B&V why were you eating my food that was in my cabinet?" I asked them and Veronica wipes her mouth.
"Because your cabinet has the good food." Veronica said and I looked at Toni who grabbed her hot Cheetos and slapped Sweet Pea.
"You ate them all,you owe me a new bag." Toni said and crumbled up the bag and threw it away along with my chocolate bites.
"You know that caused me nine dollars and y'all just ate it all." Toni said and crossed her arms to.
"Sorry,well buy you a new one Cher." Betty said and I nodded.
"And what are you guys doing here,anyways?" I asked them and they all shrugged.
"Wanted to hang out." Kevin said and I looked at him and Toni.
"You guys could have called us. What happed if we were busy?" I asked him and Jughead spoke up.
"Toni doesn't have any thing scheduled." I looked at him and glared at him.
"Still this is our house you could have called and NOT eat all of my snacks." I said and took a deep breath.
"Aww shit everybody rub!" Betty shouted and everybody ran.
"What was that about baby?" Toni asked me and I smiled.
"Back in high school when ever I took a deep breath after being heated. It meant I was gonna kick someone's ass. I think I gave them PTSD." I said and Toni laughed. Me and Toni sat in the living room and watched Tv as everybody was hiding. After a few moments everybody came out and Betty tapped on my shoulder.
"What is it cousin?" I asked her and looked back.
"Ummm were gonna leave and come back with your snacks." Betty said and I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Ok dear cousin we'll be waiting here." I said and they all left. I turned to Toni and saw her looking at me.
"TT why are you staring at me?" I asked her and she leaned in and laid on me.
"Toni." Whined as Toni laid on top of me,putting all her weight on me.
"What?" Toni said and shoved her face in the crook of my neck. And kissed it making me giggle. I grabbed Toni's face and squished it.
"Oh I totally forgot". Toni said and got off of me but not before lifting me up and putting me over her shoulder.
"Toni put me down!" I shouted and Toni laughed and shook her head. Toni jogged down the hall and into a room. I felt Toni's hand grip my hips and I felt her lift me off her shoulder and she threw me.
"Toni!!" I screamed as I fell into a foam pit. I rose up and looked at Toni who was laughing.
"Toni that's not funny." I said and got out of the foam pit. I walked to Toni and I was about to hit her but she jumped in the foam pit.
"Nooo!!! I'm sorry!!!" Toni shouted as she started to throwing the foam balls at me. I jumped in after and grabbed Toni.
"Baby I'm sorry." Toni said as I started to tickle her.
"Hahaha b-babe s-stooop!" Toni laughed out and I stopped. Toni caught her breath and looked at me.
"I'm sorry baby I won't throw you again,I'll just do it to our kids." Toni said and I gave her a death glare.
"I'm kidding,come here." Toni said and opened her arms. I crawled over to her and she picked me up and placed me outside of the foam pit. Toni then crawled out and sat next to me. She moved my hair to on side of my neck and she placed a gentle kiss on my neck. I turned to her and kissed her lips gently.
"I love you so much Cheryl,you don't even know. There are no words to express how much I love you." Toni said and kissed me.
"I love you to Toni so much that if you broke my heart I'd still want you." I said and Toni teared up.
"I'll never break your heart I want you to know that." Toni said and I nodded.
"I know baby I know." I said and kissed her passionately. As me and Toni were passionately making out the gang opened the door.
"Damn do you guys always have to be making out?" Sweet Pea said and I rolled my eyes and Toni glared at him.
"And why are always at my house? I've bought you guys a house and even given you room here in my house out of the kindness of my heart. So don't come complaining when you see me and Cheryl making out." Toni said and rolled her eyes.
"Ok sorry here's your snacks." Sweet Pea said and handed me and Toni a bad filled with our favorite snacks.
"Thanks." Toni said and the whole gang jumped into the foam pit and we all had fun. The after awhile we stopped messing around and Toni helped me up and we walked into the kitchen and I placed them in our snack cabinet. We all walked back into the living room and we continued to to watch TV. All of us stayed watching random TV shows and three movies until we all got hungry.
"Y'all want to go out to eat?" I asked and everybody nodded.
"Where are we gonna go?" Betty asked as we all got up.
"I don't know where ever we stop at." Toni said and we all got in our cars and drove out of our drive way. We ended up going to Applebee's.
"I'm see if my sexy ass face can get us a table early so we won't have to wait." Toni said and grabbed my face and kissed my lips and left. I sighed and bit my lip and walked out of the car.
Once I walked out of the car a group of guys whistled at me.
"Damn baby come over here." One of them said,and I glared at them.
"Aww come on baby don't look at me like that let me show you a good time." He said and I rolled my eyes and closed the passenger side door.
"Hey lance don't worry I like them feisty that means there a freak in the sheets." Another guy said.
"Ew get out of my sight." I said and they looked taken back but didn't move.
"Byeeee." I said and they left.
"This is way I hate men." I said and walked into Applebee's. I walked in and the gang was chilling and I saw Toni sitting down. I walked over to her and sat on her lap.
"We have to wait a minute,and what took you?" Toni asked me as her arms were wrapped around my waist.
"Some boys were trying to hit on me." I said and gagged. Toni looked mad and tried to get up. But I placed my hand on her chest.
"TT it's fine I made them leave." I said as my was still on her chest.
"Ok good,but wait did they say?" Toni asked me.
"They kept saying that I was a freak in the sheets and they asked me if they can show me a good time." I said and gagged again. Toni jaw clenched but I ran my finger over it and she loosened her jaw.
"But I mean you are a freak." Toni said with a smirk. And I leaned in her ear.
"Only for you daddy."I whispered and bit her ear.
"Baby where in public." Toni warned me and I sighed and backed away. Then a waiter came up to us.
"Please follow me." He said and we all got up and followed him to a big table. We all sat down and he handed us our menus.
"What would you like to drink?" He asked all of us and we all gave him our orders. After three hours we all headed back home and had a little get together in the living room. We all were having are own conversations until Sweet Pea interrupted us.
"I saw this video of the is guy who was blindfolded and could tell which was is girlfriend and who was not. But that shits fake nobody can do that." Sweet Pea said and I scoffed.
"That's not fake I could do that right now." Toni said and took a sip of my tea.
"Yeah right stop lying Tiny,you can't." Sweet Pea said and Toni glared at him.
"Bet." Toni said and he smirked.
"100 dollars on the line." He said and stuck his hand for Toni to shake which Toni did. She reached in her wallet and grabbed a one hundred dollar bill and placed it on the coffee table. And Sweet Pea did the same thing.
"Ok Fangs get a blind fold." Sweet Pea said and Fangs nodded and grabbed the blind fold. He came back and blindfolded Toni.
"Ok guys let's all get in a line and Toni stick your hand out. And she did as asked,and Kevin was the first person to walk forward.
"Kevin." Toni said and she was right. Then Veronica went next.
"Veronica." Toni said,and I was shocked. Then Jughead went.
"Jughead." Toni said. Then Fangs went.
"Fangs." Toni said. Then I went.
"My baby and the love of my life." Toni said and pushed me sit on her lap. Then Betty came up.
"Betty." Then Sweet Pea cake up.
"Pea." She said and Archie held her hand.
"Archie." Toni said and we all let our mouth opened wide.
"Fuck tiny!" Sweet Pea said and handed Toni her one hundred dollars.
"How did you get it all right." I asked and Toni smiled.
"It's a gift." Toni said and we all went back to chilling around the house. An hour passed and everybody left the house and me and Toni took a shower and I got dressed in a dark red lace top with shorts.

And Toni got dressed in boxers and sports bra. I sat on the bed and waited for Toni. When she walked out the bathroom she stopped in her tracks and bit her lip.
"Damn you look soo good baby." Toni said and climbed into the bed and kissed me passionately.
"Sit on my face." Toni whispered in my ear and I instantly melted. I bit my lip and took off my shirt and panties and Toni laid on her back. She grabbed my hips and lowered me to her face Toni tongue ran along my folds which caused me to raise my self. But Toni lowers me again and sucked on my clit.
"Ahh shit Toni." I moaned out. Toni then shoved two fingers into me while still sucking on my clit. I bit my lip and threw my head back and grabbed in the bed post. My right hand traveled to Toni's hair and gripped it. Which caused Toni to moan which sent vibrations to my core.
"Fast daddy..please!" I yelled. Toni complied and thrusted her fingers faster,my walls tightened around her fingers.
"Daddy i-i-I'm...ahhh." I tried to get out.
"Hold it babygirl ....your not allowed to cum until I say so." Toni replied and went even faster and harder. As she kept thrusting her fingers and sucking my clit. It was getting harder and harder not to cum.
"D-Daddy please...I c-can't." I said riding her face.
"Nope." Toni replied I felt the knot in my stomach getting stronger and stronger.
"TT please..I can't hold it any longer!" I moaned out I felt Toni smirk.
"Let go baby let me taste your sweet juices." Toni said which sent me off. I moaned really loud and came into Toni's mouth. Toni licked me up clean and laid me down next to her. I looked up at Toni who smiled and kissed my nose. I looked down and saw that Toni had a huge boner.
"Want that taken care of?" I asked and Toni nodded. I crawled over and pulled her boxers down and her dick slapped the lower part of her stomach. I heard Toni sigh and I got an idea.
"Baby I'll be right back I said and Toni whined and tried to grab me but I got off the bed. I walked to her sex room and grabbed some cuffs. Then I ran back into our room.
"Close you eyed baby." I said and she did I straddled her and Toni smirked.
I grabbed her hands and cuffed them to the bed. Then Toni opened her eyes.
"Oh getting bold are we?" Toni said and I smirked and kissed her. I opened her night stand and took out a magnum condom and placed it on her. Then I got off the bed and locked the door and walked back over to Toni. I took her boxers off and entered Toni into me. Toni moaned and I bit my lip hearing Toni moan is the sexiest nose I ever heard. And I rolled my hips onto her.
"B-baby speed up." Toni moaned out and I smiled. But I didn't sped up I stayed in my painfully slow pace.
"C-Cheryl please go faster." Toni moaned out and tugged on the cuffs. I started to roll my hips more and Toni breath hitched. But as I did that I got lost in the pleasure I sped up.
"Yes!!" Toni moaned out and tugged again on the cuffs.
"Don't stop,don't stop!" Toni moaned out and I went even faster. In the room all you could hear was our moans pants and our slapping against each other.
"Fuuuuck baby I-I'm close." Toni moaned out and I came and slowed down on purpose.
"N-no b-baby sped up I- I was close." Toni panted out and tugged on the cuffs again. I leaned over her and kissed her hungrily. And when I pulled away Toni whimpered. Then out of no where I rode her full speed.
"Fuuuuck yes!" Toni shouted and bit her lips. I moaned at the feeling of Toni stretching me out.
"Please don't stop baby." Toni said and I moaned out.
"I-I won't baby."  As I continued to ride Toni I saw her and tense I knew she was close.
"I- I'm gonna cum!" Toni moaned out and a few moments later she came into the condom. Soon after I came again. I slowed down and I caught my breath. I got off of Toni and took off the condom and threw it away. Then I took off the cuffs,Toni wiped the sweat off her face and sat up.
"Fuck." Toni said and placed her hand on my ass.
"I know." I said and placed my panties and shorts and my top back on and Toni placed her boxers on.
"I love you." I said and Toni smiled.
"I love you to." She replied and we fell asleep in each other's arm.

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18.2K 547 54
Imagine Riverdale, but the roles reversed. Cheryl Blossom is the schools bad girl, from the wrong side of the tracks. Her and her friends are all pa...
17.9K 505 15
toni is forced to marry someone by her abusive father when she turned eighteen. she met cheryl blossom, leader of the largest mafia in the city...
6.8K 184 18
In the town of Riverdale, residents are assigned a guardian at birth, but do not get them till they're sixteen. You can get an angel, or a demon. Dem...
336K 11K 74
Cheryl Blossom is a princess, a spoiled one too. Her parents are king and queen of Riverdale. They are very nice people, after the death of their son...