Room 17

By Shirley-yah

358 59 17

June J'ose is moving to Maryland to start a new life with her grandma or is she..... More

The 1ne
First Friend
High school.
A day in the basement.
Blackmer's library.


19 3 1
By Shirley-yah

Echo Jones was the brain burst of  tenth grade. She transferred into Maryland in her second grade. She never had good friends. Nerd life, I must say must have been tough for her. She comes from a rich family, her dad is the CEO of Gold line.

Gold line is a company that produces products like phones, perfumes, t- shirts and other stuffs. Her mom is a cardiologist at a hospital. I don't see how she's a nerd.
She took a seat behind me throughout maths class and beside me for history class. Soon it was the first break time of the day. I headed to the cafeteria, I got some burgers and orange marmalade. I got hailed by Richie and Guy signaling me to come seat with them for lunch.
"Oh my God, maths class was a hell one! Mrs Brichley couldn't solve a question"I said and laughed. We spoke and chatted for some minutes as we ate lunch.

I looked over at the counter, I saw Echo collecting her meal. She strolled round the hall in search of where to seat.
"Guys, there's echo! Shouldn't we call her over here? I asked them
"Of course "Guy said,, chewing his sausage.
There was a loud sound, like plates crashing to the floor, there we're murmurs, giggles and laughs. I turned I saw Echo struggling to her feet dusting her clothes silently while looking round. I stood up and dragged her out of the hall into the bathroom.
"What happened out there" i asked her
"Its nothing"she smiled and kept on dusting her clothes.
I knew she was lying but i just decided to cut it off and remain silent. I got a clean towel and handed it over to her.
"Thanks"she said smiling.
"It was nothing, you needed help and I gave that to you. Its my pleasure"I said back to her.
She laughed a little.
We strolled back to the cafeteria, almost everyone had gone, Richie and Guy had also gone.
"Damn it my burgers are damp"I said
Echo collected a new meal and came to seat beside me. She ate silently and smiled anytime our eyes locked.
"So... How old are you? I asked her
"Seventeen, I'll be eighteen next week"she said.
"Am also seventeen but am younger than you "I told her and she giggled.
She soon finished eating and we went out to the hallway. I saw Tyler at his locker, he looked my direction and saw me also.
"Hi, are you okay? He said
"Of course, how do you know I was sick yesterday? I asked curiously. Echo giggled beside me clutching her books, I turned and gave her a smile also and turned back to Tyler.

"About that"he said smiling and put his hands in his pockets.
"I took you home that day Guy had an accident " he said
I smirked and laughed.
"Look, I was right on time that day you collapsed on my arms, like you we're so... I covered my hands on his mouth and dragged him to the janitor's closet.
"Don't say that loud ever again, okay I appreciate you taking me home yesterday. "I released my hands from his mouth and dusted it on his shirt and laughed. He laughed also.
"Thanks"I said once again and left.
"Come on, we will be late for class" Echo and I ran back to class.

Echo and I talked for a long time in class with Tyler smiling and passing by our seats every minute. We became like best friends already. I found out she loves creepy things and weird things just like me. She dislikes fashion things, she said she loves  social media but social media doesn't love her. I laughed at that part. She has 47 followers on Instagram. I on my side was battling with 320 followers. She prefers adventures to romantic scenes.

"Tyler, just take a seat here and stop patrolling all over "I finally spoke to him.
"Finally"he smiled and sat in front of me and turned back.
Tyler also spoke about himself. He said he also loves horror things. He had almost two thousand followers on  Instagram with no posts. We all had same desires of things. We decided to be best friends. We were already free with each other.

"Good day ma'am!" Lawrencia said and stood up to greet Mrs Elena.
"Good day students"she greeted and stood straight in front of the class. Everyone scampered back to their seats.
"Today, I'm going to be allocating all of you to formal seating positions in the class". There was a disagreement in the class, and every one started murmuring.
"Keep quiet"Mrs Elena said
"I'm going to change your seats right now.
Torina and Trea seat together
Lawrencia and Charles
Solomon and Amy
Tyler and June
Diane and Brooke
Echo and Finn
Abby and Harry
Trevor and Mary, finally
Rammie and Noah.
"Today has been compelled as a free day because miss Annabel is getting married. All of you can have access to the school for the rest of the day. Good day students. "And she walked out of the class.

"Urgh, I hate this class! Torina stinks"Trea said and looked away.
I turned to my new best friend and seatmate and laughed. We clapped our right hands together. Luckily for Echo, her seat was also close to ours. She sat with Finn in front of us.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom, I'll be back. I stuffed my books into my bag before leaving. I walked to the restroom slowly, I saw Brooke run over to Guy at the corner of the janitor's closet. I walked fast to them, my anger boiling. I didn't get time to unleash what happened that day.
"Hey" I shouted to her.
"What? She shouted back at me.
I came closer and folded my Arms.
"What do you mean what? Well the last time I checked, you stabbed Guy at the farm house and ran away, leaving me to be blamed".
"I don't think I can answer that "she flipped her hair and turned back to Guy.
I held her hand back and turned her back. "I just asked you a question Brooke, you need to answer that ".
She pushed me and I fell down . I cursed her under my breath. I ran towards her and gave her a slap.
"What the hell! Did June just slap me?, I must dreaming right now right?

She was already creating a scene which I didn't want to happen but she already got me on my nerves. I was panting and scared. Guy was motioning me to be calm but I paid no attention to him. He was so calm, it was like I'm his guardian. He was stabbed by this mean being here and I'm helping him out? I regained my balance and started arranging my hair back to a bun since it had scattered due to the fall.

Immediately before I could think of  anything, she rushed over to me. We both crashed to the floor. She pulled my innocent hair vigorously. I just wanted her to win and let me be. But Brooke started jerking my shirt up. I couldn't take it any longer. I turned her over, this time, she was on the floor and I was over her. I devoured her with slaps wherever I could hit. All she did was scream and send fruitless punches in the hair.
"What is going on here? I heard Mrs Elena say. Her heels making freaky noises. I didn't notice how the hallway was already filled up with students. My seniors, juniors and mates were  staring at us. I saw Echo and Tyler already approaching me. I stood up and almost fell back down. I hated attention. Everyone murmured and gave dirty looks at me.

"What's going on? Mrs Elena screamed.
"Its all her fault. Brooke cried, still on the floor. Her panthers came and helped her up.
"Who are you blaming now? I managed to say.
"Go to the principal's office right now, you two" Mrs Elena's voice rang out. She walked back to her office sharply.

"Are you okay? Tyler and Echo came to me.
"I mean, what happened? I'm totally confused right now" Echo said scared.
"I'll explain everything when I get back okay? I said and walked to the principal's office.
Brooke had already gone before me. I met already lamenting lies to the principal or should I say "her dad". I knew she was gonna lie or her dad would believe her. I turned the knob opened and stepped inside. I threw my both hands behind my back and stood straight.
"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him.
"I understand the fact that you are new here in this school, that doesn't mean you can get into a fight in the middle of the hallway "Principal Sanders blurted.
I explained everything to him but he didn't take my side. He sent Brooke back to the class and had me sit down in his office.
"Miss J'ose, I'll have you to chose one of these. "Detention or Suspension? He asked me.


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