I will never be loved! (BWWM)...

By Storylover2016

313K 14.6K 1.8K

Follow Danielle as she has to leave everything behind to start a whole new life. As she is reunited with a fa... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two!
Chapter Four!
Chapter Five!
Chapter Six!
Chpater Seven!
Chapter Eight!
Chapter Nine!
Chapter Ten!
Chapter Eleven!
Chapter Twelve!
Chapter Thirteen!
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen!
Chapter Sixteen!
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty!
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Authors note!
Important message! Please read this!:-)

Chapter Three!

12.9K 588 44
By Storylover2016

Danielle's Prov:

I still couldn't believe that they actually thought I would be cool with having a party with people I don't even know. People who think that they know me, but have no idea who I am at all. "Oh my god you are so beautiful." "Oh she looks just like her mother. "Look at her glowing skin" "Were so happy to finally meet you." These were just a few of the many things that I heard within seconds. I was being pulled from one person to the next.

"Okay guys give her some space. Mom I thought I told you we weren't going to have a party yet." I saw Lisa say to a cute older lady.

"Please Lisa when have I ever been someone who listens to what anyone says. You know me sweetie." She said to Lisa with a smile. She was definitely something else. Maybe that was where I got my confidence at my old school from. She walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. Wow everyone around here is really touchy feely. " I am so glade we finally found you sweet heart. It's so good to finally have you home with all of us." She said to me as she held me tightly.

She moved away from me to look me in the face. She just kept looking at me. "Is there something wrong with you? What's wrong with her Lisa? Why isn't she talking? Why isn't she happy?" She said to me and Lisa. That made me mad. Was she serious, did she really just ask that question?

"Are you kidding me? Did you really just ask me that? Would you really like to know what's wrong with me. Well where do I start? You guys haven't been in my life for seventeen years. All of a sudden you show up and expect me to be okay with everything that is going on. I went through hell my whole life, not once getting a break. Four days ago I finally got the break I have been waiting for, and once I have it you guys show up and take it away from me. Everything I have ever wanted was just ripped away, because you want me 'home'." I screamed at her. I didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.

I looked around to see everyone looking at me with a shocked expression. I couldn't take this right now. I couldn't deal with being the fat girl who was crying. I quickly turned around and ran out of the house. I really didn't know where I was going, or what I was going to do once I got there. I just wanted to be away from everything and everyone around me. I looked over to see the barn I saw earlier.

I ran inside the barn and shut the door. I looked around to find that no one was in it beside the animals. I sent a silent prayer to god. Then I quickly took it back because this is probably the only good thing he had ever done for me in all of my life. That thought only made me cry harder. Not even god had any love for me the fat girl. I cried for what seemed like forever, before I finally stopped. Once I had finally stopped crying I looked around the barn. It was a beautiful barn with so many animals in it. Every farm animal you could think of was in this barn.

Out of all the animals I saw there, only one of them truly caught my attention. It was a beautiful big black horse. Probably bigger then any horse I have ever seen. She was absolutely beautiful in every way. She must have sensed that I was looking at her, because she quickly came over to where I was. She stood close enough for me to be able to see her, but not close enough for me to touch her. I put my hand out waiting for her to come closer. After a few minutes she finally came close enough to let me touch her.

I couldn't believe how soft she was. She must have liked my touch because she kept pushing her head towards me. I just kept rubbing/touching her for what seemed like forever. I didn't even realize that there was someone else in the barn until I heard a gasp. I felt like my heart jumped out of my body. I touched my chest to calm my breathing. I looked over to see Luke standing there, looking completely shocked.

"How did you do that?" He asked me.

"Do what?" I asked back. I honestly had no idea what he was talking about.

"How did you touch Princess. She never lets anyone, and I do mean anyone touch her. No one who has worked here has ever been able to come close to her. That's why we call her princess, because she acts like one."

"I don't know I just walked up and touched her. It's not like I did anything out of the ordinary or anything," I said to him while looking at the ground.

It stayed silent for a while. "Wow I would have never guessed that a city girl would be the one to melt old Princess's heart. She must really like you to be letting you touch her." I looked up to see him standing right in front of me. I just shrugged my shoulders. It really didn't seem like a big deal to me. "Are you okay Love? I know that was a lot to handle in a short amount of time."

"My name is Danielle." Was all I said to him. I heard him chuckle from in front of me. I looked back up at him. He really was so hot. Why was he here? Did he actually care about me? Wow did I actually think that. There was no way a guy like him would ever be interested in a girl like me. He was probably more into the tooth pick kind of girls. The ones that were extremely bitchy but still got the hot guys anyway.

"I know your name is Danielle, but that's something everyone is going to be calling you. I want a special name that only I call you. Therefore that's why I called you Love." He said to me with a smile. Was this guy serious? You could tell that he was definitely a charmer.

I really didn't know how to respond to what he said. I mean did he really come up with a nick name for me, or was it just because he really couldn't remember my name? Neither really matter at the moment. I just wanted to be told where my room was so I could get some rest. But I didn't want to run into all the people who were at the house. I wanted to make sure they were gone first."Did everyone leave?" I asked him while rubbing Princess.

"Yeah Lisa made them all leave. She really didn't plan any of this. She wanted you to meet everyone but not the minute you got here. Your grandmother meant well though. She's just really excited to finally have you home with us. She was really upset when she saw you cry. I was upset when I saw you cry." With that he pushed my head up with his fingers.

I felt like I couldn't breath at all. I have never had a guy talk to me in such a tender way before. Most of the guys who talked to me only did so because they wanted to make fun of me. Why was he being so damn nice. It must be because he wanted to impress my family. There was no way he actually cared. As much as I wished it was true, it wasn't. I had already come to facts that I would never be loved by someone, let alone liked.

I quickly pulled my head away. "Could you please just show me to where I am going to be sleeping." He kept looking at me for what seemed like a life time. I saw him shake his head.

"Yeah come on, I'll show you to your room. Oh and by the way, I told you I would get you to talk to me. I honestly thought it would take longer, but now that I have heard that beautiful angelic voice, I never wanted to stop hearing it." He said to me before he started to head out of the barn. Was this man serious? Did he actually believe I would fall for that kind of line.

I didn't say anything just continued to walk behind him. Today had been a long day and I honestly didn't have the energy to fight or come up with a good comeback. I went back to just being silent. I followed him into the house which was now empty. I saw my aunt and my grandmother talking. I really didn't have the energy to talk to anyone. I just wanted to get to bed and sleep the rest of my life away.

As I started to head for the stairs I heard a voice call my name. "Danielle darling please wait." My grandmother said to me. I turned around to face her. "I am so sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean to make you feel overwhelmed or anything. I just wanted to welcome you home." She said to me, then she started to cry and I didn't know what to do. So I just nodded. She looked at me and gave me a week smile.

Luke cleared his throat making both of us look up at him. "I'm going to show Danielle to her room. She's probably really tired. " I noticed my grandmother smile at this.

"Of course, thank you Luke. I will see you in the morning." With that she gave me a quick hug before heading back into the kitchen. I was kind of shocked. I mean I am not use to this, and it would definitely take some time before I was. I sighed and continued to climb the stairs. I followed Luke down the hall until we reacher a room. He stopped and stood out of the way so I could open the door.

I did and what I saw shocked me. Not only was the room huge, but it was beautiful. It had so many colors in it. The bed in the room was enormous and had at least ten pillows on it. The room had a bunch of bookcases with books in it, and dressers. I looked around to find a bathroom connected to the room. It was just as beautiful as my room. There was a walk in shower and sit in tub. It was absolutely perfect. This was probably the only thing that made me like this move so far.

"I hope you like it. I mean we hope you do." I looked over at Luke to see him scratching the back of his head. "We worked really hard at putting everything together. Lisa kept calling telling us things we should buy for your room. We didn't really know anything about you so she had to talk to your foster mom to see what you would like." I just nodded at him.

This room was truly amazing, and I loved it already. It made my heart melt thinking they put so much work into making putting my room together. "Thanks"

"No need to thank me Love. It was my pleasure. "

I just nodded again and looked at him. Why was he still here? He was just staring at me. I hated when people stared at me. I knew I was bigger but did he really have to look at me like that. I cleared my throat and he brought his eyes to mine. "Ummm yeah so I guess I will let you get settled in. If you need anything I am at the other end of the hall. Don't hesitate to come get me, you don't even have to knock." He said to me with a wink.

Again I just nodded. I really wanted him to leave already. I hated the way he made me feel I hated hated that I actually thought he was flirting with me. Why was I loosing all my senses around him."Good night beautiful" He said to me before leaving and closing the door behind him. UGHHH why did he have to say that.

I knew he was just fucking with my heart. I knew he really didn't want me. And I wish he would stop calling me beautiful because I wasn't. I was no where near beautiful. He needs to stop calling me beautiful. I looked over at the bed and walked over to it. I just fell on top of it and before I knew it I was asleep.


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