The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate...

By simpysnail

179K 6.4K 8K

You (Y/n) find yourself in a dangerous situation when your wish to be in the JoJo Universe comes true. You re... More

1: Introduction
2: The Wish
3: Where are we?
4: I promise
5: Serious Encounters
6: Is that your stand?
7: Shield
8: Broken promises & Goodbyes
9: The letter
10: The plan & meetings
11: Hierophant's defeat
12: Use your words & Interrogations
13: The Journey begins
14: The Trickster & The Tower
15: Hamon & The Chariot
16: Accidents & Pranks
17: Choices & The Moon
18: Strength & Mistakes
19:Yellow Temperance & Girl Trouble
20: Games & Arrangements
I took a break to write, but here are some memes!
21: The Hanged Man & The Stars
22: The Emperor & The Hanged Man
23: Awkward Encounters & The Empress
24: Wheel of Fortune
25: Enya's Justice & Revenge
26: Beileve me, please.
27: Goofs & The Lovers
28: Dan of Steel, No More
29: Decisions, Giggles, & Hidden Abilities
30: Training & Learned Abilites
31: New Friends & The Sun
32: Death 13 & Stronger Bonds.
33: Training, New Discoveries, & Judgment
34: Crazy Talk & The High Preistess
Sorry, I'm a nerd...
35: Risky Games, Iggy & N'Doul
36: She's Confirmed It... She Is Mine
37: Game plan
38: Oingo Boingo Brothers & Hol Horse
39: Confessions & Sunsets
40: Anubis
41: Mariah & Hotel Feasts
42: Alessi & Unexpected Reunions...
43: Where is she? What happend?
44: D'Arby & Meili
45: Training and Emeralds
46: Pet Shop & The Mansion
47: The Enemies in The Mansion
48: DIO & Y/n
50: Last Train Home

49: DIO, The Final Battle

3K 104 386
By simpysnail

Yo, it's me Author- San! As you can see from above, it's a very long chapter! It's 20,000+ words, so make sure you're buckled up cause it's a long, bumpy, emotional ride. I've also added music in that you can start playing right now if you'd like, it makes the whole thing a lot more dramatic (it's totally worth it)! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and I'll see you all at the end!

"DIO. He's going to pay," Polnareff says wiping his eyes clear.

"Mr. Joestar was a very good friend of mine, and I'm not just gonna stand aside and let DIO get away with this," Avdol says.

"B/f," Kakyoin says. I look at him, and he was waiting for my answer.

"Right," I say. I stand up straighter and take a deep breath in and exhale. "We're going to end this... tonight."

There was silence. Silence before the battle really began. We all stare at DIO, accepting that whatever may happen tonight... this was going to end with one and one victor only.

"So what's the plan? I can't wait to hear it," DIO says cockily.

"B/f, Polnareff, Avdol, we're going to hold off Vanilla Ice and DIO for as long as possible," Kakyoin says taking charge. He then turns to Jotaro. "As soon as you get the flesh bud out of Y/n's head, we're going to need your help."

"Okay," Jotaro says in response. 'Kakyoin is really stepping up.' I take Kakyoin's hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. He looks down at me with a confident smile, and he nods.

"Let's avenge Joseph together," he says lowly.

"Together," I confirm his words. "Avdol, Polnareff?" I ask, looking at them for a response. They both also nod their heads in agreement. We all had the same expression and we each understood what the plan was and what we were going up against.

"This... is for everyone DIO has wronged," Polnareff says taking out Silver Chariot.

"Oh, I'm so scared," DIO taunts with his arms crossed. We all glare at him, but we needed to move things along. I quickly go around and touch Avdol, Polnareff, and Kakyoin so they all had my teleportation effect.

"Jotaro, take Y/n somewhere safe where DIO can't find you," I tell him. In that instant, Jotaro was gone, but DIO had still remained in front of us through the stopped time.

"I don't need to know where she is," DIO says confidently. He did not look worried or distressed in the slightest. "I need to take care of you foolish pests before I properly get her back in my care."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Kakyoin says. "Fight us like the man you claim to be."

You lay limp in Jotaro's arms. Your head was fuzzy and your body felt heavy. 'I need to... return... to DIO.' "Get off," you say weakly as you try to push Jotaro away from you. He pulls you closer into himself, and your head lays flat against his chest. Even as you continued to struggle, you could hear and feel his steady heartbeat. Anger rises within you. "Stop. Let go of me, before I-"

"Yare, yare daze. Stop moving," Jotaro cuts you off as he tries to steady your struggling figure. You disobey him and continue to struggle and fight against him as he continued to walk to an unknown location. Jotaro suddenly makes a sharp turn into an alley and he finally sets you down on your feet. As your feet make contact with the ground, you fall back against the wall behind you to keep yourself standing upright. Your legs felt numb and you slowly slide down and onto the floor. 'No. My body won't listen. I need to be by Lord DIO's side.' You breathe in and out, slowly regaining your strength. You try to stand, but you still have a hard time staying upright by yourself. Jotaro watches your attempts, trying to decipher what was going on with you in your mind and what to do. He sighs deeply and he crouches down in front of you so you're both face to face.

"Stay still, I'll mess up if you move," Jotaro says softly as he moves the hair that was in front of your face to behind your ear. You don't want to look him in the eyes, so you stare at his chest as you begin to speak.

"Don't touch me, and what the hell are you talking about? Go away, before I give you a reason to," you say angrily, not even wanting to talk to him in the first place.

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen. If you want to negotiate though, speak up and look at me," he demands.

Your blood begins to boil. You tilt your head up slightly but you still don't look at him. 'Why is this damn stupid Joestar so persistent? I hate him because Lord DIO hates him. But... why can't I do it? I have enough energy to strike him down now, and he's within my reach. But... what's the matter with me?' The thoughts filling your head only fuel your anger more and you snap at Jotaro again.

"I said get out of here before I give you a reason to, dickhead." Your words were harsh and laced with toxic venom. 'I hate him.'

"Oh yeah? Go ahead then," Jotaro goads while getting closer to you. You grit your teeth and you tighten your hand, ready to punch him. You look at his face, and you feel immense anger, yet when you lifted your fist, you didn't have the emotional capability to hit him. Somewhere inside your mind, something was telling you... no, yelling at you, not to hurt him. You bite your lip and turn away from him in disgust and frustration. 'Maybe it's because he looks like Jonathan Joestar. Yeah, DIO spoke highly of Jonathan, and I can't disrespect him...'

"I'm waiting," Jotaro taunts, which in turn only frustrated you more. "Aren't you going to give me a reason to leave you behind?"

"I can't," you say lowly, through gritted teeth and you decide not to look at him again.

"Why? You had no problem fighting me earlier. Your rage shield, remember?"

"Shut up!" You snap at him and you finally look at his face again. "Gosh, you're so annoying! I didn't have control of myself earlier, idiot. The rage shield doesn't give me control. It's like you forget things on purpose," you huff and close your eyes to evade eye contact like a child.

"Is that all?" Jotaro asks as if he doesn't believe a word you were saying. You weren't quite sure if you even believed yourself.

You hesitate for a moment and scoff. "I don't have to tell you anything," you respond with defiance.

"Still a horrible liar," Jotaro says amused. "Didn't DIO teach you anything other than how to be a weapon?"

You go to slap him. "You son of a-" Jotaro catches your wrist. You scowl at him as he smiled back at you.

"Oh, now I got you. What's wrong?" Jotaro taunts again. He seemed to really enjoy making you angry in this state.

"Who do you think you are to question me? How dare you speak to me at all," you say trying to get your hand away from his clutches.

Jotaro lets out a small chuckle. "It seems I'm not the one who's purposely forgetting things, or are you just playing dumb now? You know exactly who I am to you," Jotaro says with a victorious smirk as he gets closer to your face.

You turn your face away from him and you let out a growl of frustration. 'Stupid asshole.' You clench your fist and dig your nails into your skin as you twist and pull your wrist from his hand. You try your best to prevent yourself from remembering your past self with the group. Though you fight it off, all the memories come flowing back against your will. You remember all the laughs, jokes, and battles you shared with the group. You remember who was there to protect you. Who had first confessed to you. Who had truly loved you.

"Bastard," you whisper. 'No, I don't love him. I love my master. I love DIO.' You repeat that thought over and over in your head, and you manage to convince yourself of this lie. "You don't mean anything to me! I'll- I'll kill you!"

You swing at Jotaro, now not giving a damn about disrespecting Jonathan. Jotaro grabs both of your wrists and you only become more hostile. In a moment, you're suddenly standing up in his arms. 'Are you kidding me?' "You're gonna waste your precious ability for something like this? You really are stupid," you taunt with a smirk.

"Nothing is a waste when it comes to helping you," Jotaro says sincerely. "What's a waste, is you fighting me. If you don't stay still now, I'll just stop time and take the flesh bud out then. Your choice." Your entire body stiffens in anger, and you start to push him away. "Suit yourself."

In another instant, you fall to your knees with a killer headache. You grunt in pain as you hit the floor and you grab your forehead. 'Jesus, Mary, and the camel. What the hell just happened?' You groan in pain with your eyes closed.

"Y/n." You hear. You open your eyes and look up to see Jotaro standing over you, and everything becomes clear. 'I... I remember now.' Your eyes begin to water and tears stream down your face. You get a sudden burst of energy, and without a word, you stand up and tackle Jotaro with a hug as you cry into his neck. You feel Jotaro's arms wrap around you as he too hugs you tightly.

"Jotaro, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

You're instantly cut off by Jotaro kissing you, and you kiss him back. Deep inside your heart, when you saw Jotaro while you had your flesh bud, this is all you wanted. To be held by him again, and to feel his warmth. You pull away breathlessly, and before you could say anything else Jotaro interrupts again.

"I love you too," he says lowly. 'What?'

"Jotaro?" You ask, a little thrown by the sudden statement.

"Before you were transported to the mansion, you said you loved me and I never got to say it back," he elaborates. You feel your heart bloom and more tears build up.

"I love you, Jotaro," you whisper softly and you hug him again, burying your face in his chest. You guys continue to just embrace each other for a while until the inevitable happens and the evil breaks the silence.

"Lord DIO will be displeased," Vanilla Ice says from behind you. You turn around and see him at the other side of the alley with his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, watching you.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Kakyoin yells. "Fight us like the man you claim to be."

"Don't place me at your level insect! I am the most powerful being on earth! A god amongst men! You rodents don't stand a chance against the great, powerful, DIO!" DIO yells and laughs like a maniac.

"You're disgusting," I say with distinguished accentuation and repulsion at his words. 'He truly thinks he's above all.'

"With that being said, I'll want my mistress beside me," DIO says calming down. "I know what I said before... but I'll make you all a deal. Bring Y/n to me, and in exchange for your compliance, I'll spare all of your lives and you can stay as our personal servants at the mansion. Do we have a deal?"

"Oi! If you're so adamant about getting her back, why don't you try it yourself you lazy bastard," Polnareff snaps.

"She'll come back to me regardless, but in making this deal, I'll save time and effort as well as gaining new loyal subjects for when we take over the world."

"Y/n. Soon enough I'll have you, and your precious power back. We will take over this world together, and nothing will stop us!" I hear DIO say, but his lips never moved. 'Why am I hearing voices again? It wasn't Y/n's voice this time, but DIO's? What the hell is happening? Why am I the only one to hear these things?'

"We would never give her to someone like you! You atrocious vampire!" Avdol yells, clearly done with DIO's nonsense.

"Making a deal with you is the same as making a deal with the devil himself! We refuse your shitty offer," Kakyoin speaks up.

"How unfortunate. Well then, since you all refused my generous proposition, then you have no other reason to live on this earth," DIO says with a sigh. "Vanilla Ice, go and retrieve Y/n for me. I'll deal with these bunch of low lives," DIO orders.

"Master," Vanilla Ice says in acknowledgment and he bows his head. Vanilla Ice gets inside of his stand so we can't stop him and he leaves DIO's side to follow his orders. DIO watches as Vanilla Ice turns the corner of a building until he is no longer within our sight. He then turns his attention back to us and he crosses his arms.

"Now, let's start the real fun." DIO grins.

"Lord DIO will be displeased," Vanilla Ice says from behind you. You turn around and see him at the other side of the alley with his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, watching you.

"What a creep. How long have you been there?" You ask as your scalp prickles from shock.

"He's been there for about a minute," Jotaro speaks up. 'What the hell? How does he know? Holy hell, that means Vanilla Ice saw all of that... how embarrassing.'

"So you're without a flesh bud now," Vanilla Ice states as he looks at you. He sighs again, and uses his leg to push himself off and away from the wall he was leaning on, to stand in the center of the alleyway. He takes a step forward and glares at the two of you. "Well, until you go back to normal, you no longer hold a place of power. My job is to get you back to Lord DIO, and that's all. If you want your friends to survive, then I suggest you surrender now, so we can reunite with our master."

"Nice try Vanilla Ice, but I'm in my right mind now," you say, leaving Jotaro's arm so you're standing next to him. "I never wanted to hold a place of power in the first place. I don't want to rule over anyone."

"Nonsense! There is no such thing as a person who doesn't want power! Not even you are an exception to that statement. Lord DIO, will succeed, and he will rule this world!"

You feel chills run down your entire body. You take a step forward and begin to speak. "Why are you fighting? You're helping DIO to create a world where everyone is literally brain dead zombies! The world we know will be completely demolished. It will certainly end in ruin! What could you possibly hope to get out of this?"

"Foolish girl. Only those with power get to decide such things," Vanilla Ice retorts back.

"No, you're wrong. Everyone should be able to decide on their own," You say back.

"DIO just tells me where to fight and I fight, that's all there is to it," Vanilla Ice responds seriously.

"Oh? So, that's your reason," Jotaro says with a disappointed sigh. "I would have thought it had been something that made sense, but it's just a bullshit answer, just like DIO's plan."

"And what are you going to do about it?" Vanilla Ice asks with a scowl, knowing full well where this conversation was going.

"You're going to have to fight us," you say getting into a fighting stance. Jotaro reciprocates and pulls out Star Platinum.

"I see. You may have the advantage of having him here with you, but I know you're fighting style and hidden power. Do you really think you'll be able to escape DIO?" Vanilla Ice says cockily.

"Hidden power?" Jotaro asks as he turns his head to look at you.

"Um, I'll explain later. We need to defeat him first," you say motioning to the enemy awaiting your attack. You turn your attention back to Vanilla Ice and you see him climbing inside his stand.

"Get ready then. I'm not going to hold back."

"Now, let's start the real fun." DIO grins. DIO suddenly appears right in front of us and Avdol goes flying to the right. I instinctively teleport all of us away from DIO in an instant.

"A-Avdol! Are you okay?" I ask him as I run to his side.

"I'm fine. Just caught me off guard is all," Avdol answers. I give him a hand up and he takes it.

"He's messing with us. He could have killed all of us when he stopped time," I say to the group.

"It's just like that cocky son of a bitch to pull this kind of thing," Polnareff growls out in anger.

"It doesn't matter what his tactics are," Kakyoin interrupts. "All we're here to do is make time for Jotaro to get Y/n's flesh bud out. Keep your guard up and your eyes sharp. We don't have another chance to fight him other than tonight, so we'll all need to stay alive and finish him off."

"Kakyoin, you've really seemed to have grown in just a mere two months," DIO interrupts. We all turn and see him not too far from us. "What happened to the mere boy who quivered in fear when I spoke to him? The boy who cried and plead for his life? The boy that pledged his loyalty to me?" DIO's arrogance grew more and more by the second, and that only fueled our anger along with it.

"That person died long ago," Kakyoin speaks up confidently. He steps forward and in front of our group in a protective manner. "I'm a new man, I've learned from my past mistakes and fears and grew into someone worth living the life of. You are nothing but lowly scum, hiding behind your insecurities. Your power has only brought you more trouble, so when will you learn you're not better than any of us? You never have been, and never will be a god. That is why we stand before you, ready to fight and we're not going to stop until we can live in a peaceful world without you, who threatens all of life and humanity!"

DIO's face doesn't change, other than the large grin that grew wider. "I see. Let us see who the winner of this battle is then," DIO says cockily. Suddenly Kakyoin disappears from in front of us, as well as DIO himself. I quickly scan the area around us, both of them nowhere to be found.

"Noriaki?" I call out as I continue looking all around for him. "Noriaki? Noriaki?! Where are you?!" I begin to yell. My heart beats faster and my fear starts to get heavier in my chest. I feel the fear wrap itself around my throat, my breathing out of control as I feel it begin to choke me.

"He's up here," DIO calls out from in front of us. Avdol, Polnareff, and I look up and see Kakyoin and DIO up on top of a building, both of them on opposite ends of it. I try to teleport Kakyoin back to me, but my teleportation time had run out. 'DIO, that sneaky bastard. He waited all that time so the effect wore off!'

"I'm fine," Kakyoin yells out to us. My conscious eases, but not for long. Kakyoin calls out Hierophant Green and attacks DIO at full force with his signature Emerald Splash. DIO without any worry or effort dodges the attack with ease. He continues to send attacks, and DIO only laughs at his attempts.

"We need to get up there," Polnareff says. I nod and touch Avdol and Polnareff and I teleport all of us to the roof. DIO, again without hesitation makes his move. As soon as we make it to the roof, Avdol and Polnareff were suddenly back down on the ground and I stood alone. I look back up and around the roof to see Kakyoin was on the floor, badly injured. Without a moment for me to think, DIO comes out of thin air and he hits me so I'm sent flying backward.

"B/f!" Kakyoin calls out to me in worry.

"Malicious Meili!" I yell. Meili comes out and he catches my body, so I don't hit anything. DIO doesn't stop there, and he calls out his stand. Meili sprouts his wings and he uses them as a shield in front of us. DIO's stand continually punches his wings, which had an effect on me. The pain begins to become unbearable, so I teleport away from him, only for DIO to appear in front of me a moment later. DIO pulls out knives from his jacket and my eyes widen. He comes towards me with the intent to kill, but we're both suddenly distracted when green emeralds hit DIO from behind. Since he was caught off guard, DIO goes flying to the side, away from me.

"Noriaki!" I yell. I start to run to him, but my arm is yanked back. I'm quickly turned around so I'm forced to face DIO who looked like a madman. He yells and he squeezes my arm. I feel something snap and I scream out from the pain. DIO then throws me on the ground of the building, and the pavement cracks. Luckily, my head doesn't make an impact.

"B/f!" Kakyoin and the others yell out. I try to teleport away but my energy was draining and it was hard to concentrate due to all of the pain I experienced within a matter of seconds.

DIO stands in front of me, and he smiles down at my vulnerable figure. He lifts his leg and he stomps down on my shin, also causing it to crack. I try, I really try not to scream, as to not scare the others, but I can't hold back my voice and I cry out. "You're his lover right?" DIO suddenly asks. "How do you think he feels? Him having to watch with his own two eyes, seeing that of which he loves, slowly having their life taken away, hit by hit?"

I don't respond, and I breathe in and out, trying to regain my strength. DIO smiles like a lunatic and raises his arm for another punch. My eyes widen. 'I don't have the energy to teleport! Is this where it ends? A Zepili's fate?' I close my eyes, waiting for the impact. 'Y/n, I'm sorry...'

"You bastard! Get away from her!" Kakyoin yells. I open my eyes, and suddenly emeralds from all directions begin to shoot out at DIO. DIO deflects all of them with his stands arms.

"Hold on, we're coming!" Avdol shouts to us. Though I can't see them, I know he and Polnareff were trying to find their way up the building again.

"This world belongs to me, and if you're going to defy your master then you're going to suffer the consequences!" DIO yells.

"We will not bow to you!" Kakyoin yells and he shoots another emerald splash at DIO. Kakyoin stands up straight, though he was still hurt from when DIO attacked him, he stood proud. I look around and see Hierophant Green's tentacles surrounding us like a barrier. DIO perfectly in the center of them, being cautious not to touch them.

"Hmmm, this setting feels familiar," DIO says with a wicked smile as he puts his fingers up to his chin. 'What the- What his he talking about...? No way... he couldn't be.'

"You know if found it quite shocking to find out this world was made up by another being from a different universe. This world, it's a... TV show? Is that what you all call it?" DIO asks and he looks at all of us, gauging our reactions. 'Holy shit... he knows...'

"So what? What does that have to do with the fight right now?" Kakyoin yells.

"As I said, this setting feels familiar," DIO continues. "I used my other stand to cast Y/n's memories onto my orb," DIO explains, and he calls out his other stand another version of Hermit Purple. The stand vines form around his fist and forearm. "I saw everything on the orb, including that 'TV show', so I know what you all think will happen. With this knowledge in mind, do you really think I'll lose now?" DIO asks with a serious tone.

My face pales and a shiver runs up and down my body as I listen to DIO go on. 'No, this can't be. Now that he knows, what is going to change now? And... and what won't?'

"You think that's gonna scare us?" Polnareff shouts. We all turn to see that he and Avdol finally made it up to the building with us once again. Avdol scans the area and tries to find me. His eyes lock with mine and he starts to make his way over to where I was located, being extremely careful not to touch the tentacle strands.

"I would like to think so," DIO responds looking at all of us. "Especially Kakyoin here."

"DIO, stop this!" I yell, and I try to stand, but it's no use. My arm and leg cry out in pain and I fall right back down to the ground. DIO grins, ignoring me and he turns away so his back was facing me.

"Let us recreate a most rememberable scene from the show," DIO says. He turns to Kakyoin who was still badly injured and glaring at him. "Shall we?"

"Get ready then. I'm not going to hold back," Vanilla Ice says and he climbs inside his stand.

"Jotaro, you'll be able to finish him off during your time stop, when he pokes his head out," you whisper.

"This guy's stand is called Cream right?" Jotaro asks you. You quickly turn to him, confused about how he exactly knew what Vanilla Ice's stand was. "B/f informed us of all the enemies and their stands powers we'd encounter inside the mansion," he explains when he sees your expression.

"Oh," you say, now understanding. "Yeah, his stands name is Cream."

"Then this is going to be an annoying fight," Jotaro sighs. You scoff with a smile.

"I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit," you tease. Vanilla Ice charges at the two of you before he completely disappears inside his stand. You nod at Jotaro, and he dodges to the side while you jump up and onto a few Airstrike shields. You create a staircase of shields for Jotaro to join you and he does. You both stand on the shields, above the area Vanilla Ice was destroying.

"He'll come out of his stand eventually, we just have to wait him out," you say observing Vanilla ice down below, through your green transparent shield. You look at Jotaro and see him just looking at you.

"What?" You ask. He smiles at you and gets close to your face.

"Do you have any extra clothes? You're distracting me," he says. You're confused for a second until you look down and see what you were wearing. You try to cover yourself with your hands and he laughs at you. You blush and call out your stand, and look through your inventory. You find some decent clothes and put them on, as well as swapping out your shoes that wouldn't hurt your feet. You shake your head at Jotaro and it's quiet again. It stays quiet for a few moments, and Jotaro finally speaks up.

"What's your hidden power everyone has been talking about?" He asks. You turn to face him.

"Well, I uh... I'm able to see into the future," you say hesitantly. You look at Jotaro and for the first time ever, you see Jotaro with a beyond shocked impression. "I- I know it's hard to believe, but it's true," you continue to explain. "It's kind of hard to put into words. It's almost as if time stops when I see them, and when the vision ends, they happen. I'm unable to control when I'll get a vision of the future, but they usually occur when something vital is going to happen or when someone I care about is in danger. These visions I see, they're never in my own perspective. They're always in a first-person point of view, usually from the perspective of the person who's in danger. Just recently, some of the visions I see are in third person point of view, so I can see everyone and everything around me, like watching a movie."

"That's incredible. I didn't know you could do that," Jotaro says in awe. You look away with a blush. Being praised by him of all people, made your heart race.

"Jotaro, there's more," you say. "These visions... the future I see, it isn't set. I feel like they're more of a warning. A warning of what will happen if I don't do anything about it."

"I see... When did you discover this power?" Jotaro asks.

You snap out of your thoughts and look at him with a guilty smile. 'Shit. I had this power while I was still with the group. Damn it Y/n! I should have told them when I had the chance!' Jotaro's eyes squint at you and you knew he could tell something was up.

"Y/n?" Jotaro says almost accusingly and he turns his entire body towards you. He takes a step forward and you take a step back, causing another shield to form. You start to get nervous and you begin to talk at 100 mph, trying to explain everything at once.

"Well, you see there was a lot for me to think about, with everything going on you know? And then I thought you all would think I was crazy because I already told you guys about being in a tv show, so I wasn't sure how to tell you guys I had this power-"

"Wait. You had this power while you were still with us?!" Jotaro blurts out. Suddenly there's a loud commotion and Vanilla Ice had managed to get to your level while you both were talking. Jotaro grabs you and he jumps off the shield. He lands on the ground with you still in his arms.

"You okay?" Jotaro asks.

"I'm fine," you respond. You both look up and see Cream coming towards you both.

"Stand back, I'll try to get him out of his stand," Jotaro says pulling you behind him.

"But Jotaro he-"

You're suddenly further back from Jotaro, and he was dodging Cream, waiting for the right moment to strike. Cream suddenly makes a sharp turn towards Jotaro.

"Airstrike Shield," you command. The force of air knocks back Cream, as well as protects Jotaro from being injured. Cream starts to roll in your direction and Jotaro suddenly appears in front of you. He snatches you and jumps away with little time to spare.

"Tch. How long is this bastard going to take?" Jotaro huffs, annoyed with Vanilla Ice.

"He's probably extremely cautious right now. He knows you're able to stop time, so he wants to make sure you're dead or at least injured before he comes out," you explain.

"How do you know?" Jotaro asks.

You're throat tightens, and you look away from Jotaro and back at Vanilla Ice, who was still causing destruction. "Because we trained together," you answer.

Your eyes suddenly flash blue. You grab your head, as it begins to pound. 'A- A vision!'


'Who's perspective am I in?'

"Kakyoin! Get out of there! Run!" You hear.

'B/f? That was her voice!'

You look straight ahead and see her in front of you, and behind DIO. She was on the floor and appeared to be badly injured.

"You want more?!" The current you yells.

'That voice... I'm in Kakyoin's perspective?'

You look around the area and see you're surrounded by Hierophant Green's tentacles, DIO blocking all of the emeralds that were being shot out at him. You turn and see Polnareff also fighting DIO, using his blade launch to try and attack him. You turn a little more and see Avdol trying his best to make it to B/f's side. He eventually does, and they begin to talk, as he examines her injuries.

'What the hell? Why are they fighting alone? Where is Jotaro? Where am I? Oh, no... it's because of me... We're not here with them because Jotaro had to get the flesh bud out of my head.'

"DIO! Tonight is the night you suffer for all you have done! I will strike you down and all that you have become, you wretched coward!" Polnareff yells, breaking you from your thoughts.

'DIO isn't going to put up with all of this for much longer. I have to figure out where they all are so we can help them.'

"Kakyoin! Please, get away! He's going to kill you!" B/f yells. "The water tower! Get away from the water tower!"

'Kill Kakyoin? The water tower...? THE WATER TOWER?! DIO you son of a bitch!' You look behind you and see a large grey, water tower a few buildings away.

"No, stop B/f! You can't take anymore, you'll die!" Avdol says. You turn back around and see him holding B/f back.

'Die?! B/f is going to die? Just how bad are her injuries?! DIO, I'm going to murder you!'

"Weak. Weak and useless!" DIO yells loudly as he continues to block Kakyoin's emeralds and Polnareff's blade. "The world!" DIO yells, raising his arms.

'No!' Your vision doesn't end, and you're forced to watch what comes next.

DIO begins to walk forward, breaking apart the tentacles as he goes.

'Why? Why do I have to watch this again? And through Kakyoin's perspective... Why am I able to see this even though it's during stopped time? Is it because this is a vision? I'm not able to see these things in real-time.'

DIO finally makes it right in front of you, Kakyoin.

"It seems even some fates are unchangeable," DIO says. He then punches Kakyoin, right through his, gut. "Y/n will be saddened by your death, but it'll eventually fade, as all things do in time." DIO turns around and looks at Polnareff. "My time has run out, you're lucky this time around, but you're next on the list traitor. Time shall resume once more..."

Time does resume, and you go flying backward and hit something large and metal. The water tower...


The vision ends.

You begin to breathe heavily and sweat begins to drip down your forehead. Your tears begin to build up, and your knees become weak.

"Y/n?" Jotaro calls you. Cream continues to destroy the place around you, and it's hard for you to think straight. 'DIO. He did end up watching my memories, after all. He saw the show through my eyes. So he knows everything, including how much I actually care about these people, my friends.'

Jotaro turns you so you're facing him and he shakes you to snap you out of your shock. He stops and looks into your eyes. "Y/n, what's wrong? Why are you panicking?"

"Jotaro, I had a vision," you say grabbing onto his arms. You're once again interrupted by Cream. Jotaro keeps his arms around you, and suddenly the both of you are somewhere completely different. 'He stopped time again.'

"What happened? What did you see?" He asks.

"I saw everything. K-Kakyoin, h-he's going to be- A-A-And DIO, he- B-B/f is hurt- I need to..." You couldn't get a proper sentence out. 'How much time do I have left? Did it already happen? Am I too late? What happens after the vision? He was going to kill Polnareff next! B/f is hurt, I need to heal her!'

"Go," Jotaro says, breaking you from your thoughts.

"What?" You ask.

"Go, help them fight off DIO," Jotaro elaborates. "As soon as I'm done with Vanilla Ice here, I'll go and help you guys. They need you right now, and DIO won't be expecting you to show up."

"Jotaro," you say shocked.

"Go. You don't know how much time you have left," Jotaro says as he pushes you backward.

"Okay," you say with a nod. You turn to leave, but Jotaro quickly kisses you goodbye.

"Be safe, and stay alive," Jotaro says and he turns back and walks away in the direction of Vanilla Ice. You start to run away, in search of your group.

"Everyone, please... hold on."

"Let us recreate a most rememberable scene from the show," DIO says. He turns to Kakyoin who was still badly injured and glaring at DIO. "Shall we?"

"Kakyoin! Get out of there! Run!" I yell. I try to get up but the pain from my arm and leg was too much to bear. I grunt, but still, try my best to do something. 'I'm... useless.'

"You want more?!" Kakyoin yells. He shoots more emeralds at DIO and Polnareff launches his blade at DIO's head. DIO knocks the blade out of the way, and only a few emeralds hit him, but his wounds heal quickly.

"B/f, are you okay?" Avdol asks as he teaches me side.

"My, arm and leg... I don't know what he did, but DIO hurt me really bad," I inform him. Avdol touches my arm and I wince.

"It appears they're broken," Avdol says with worry in his voice. He suddenly pulls out his pager. "I'm going to page the Speedwagon Foundation, you shouldn't go on in this fight."

"No! I have to stay here! You guys need all the help you can get, I can't leave you all," I say in protest.

"B/f, what are we going to do if DIO gets to you? What if he kills you? Y/n fought long and hard to get to you, just as you did when you swapped places. We can't have either of you dying on us, that's not what Mr. Joestar would have wanted," Avdol says.

I gasp and think things over as I cry. 'He's right, I know he is... but I have a really bad feeling about this... No, I can't go. DIO mentioned recreating a scene...'

I contemplate my options, as I look around the area until I see it. I notice a few buildings behind Kakyoin... was a water tower. My eyes widen and I begin to breathe heavier. It takes me a few seconds to process this. 'The tentacles, the setting, the water tower. No... DIO! Earlier, he was referring to the way Kakyoin dies in the show!' I look up at Kakyoin who was still fighting DIO with all his might.

"B/f?" Avdol says my name filled with worry.

'No, no, no, no, no! I have to hurry! Kakyoin! Hold on, I'm coming! I have to get to where they are so I can save them.'

You run across your Airstrike shields and onto the buildings as fast as you can. 'The water tower. I have to find the water tower.' You see a large gap in between the buildings you were running across, so you jump off the building and back onto your shields, running in what you felt what the right direction. 'Faster, legs! Faster!'

"DIO! Tonight is the night you suffer for all you have done! I will strike you down and all that you have become, you wretched coward!" Polnareff yells while using his rapier to try to land a hit on DIO.

"Kakyoin! Please, get away from there! He's going to kill you!" I yell to him. "The water tower! Get away from the water tower!" I try to stand up once more.

"No, stop B/f! You can't take anymore, you'll die!" Avdol says holding me back. I ignore him and continue to try and stand. I have to try.

"Weak. Weak and useless!" DIO yells as he continues to block Kakyoin's emeralds and Polnareff's blade.

"The water tower! Get away from the water tower!" You hear B/f yell. You jump up onto a higher up building and you finally see them, your group. 'Did I make it?' You look and see Kakyoin and Polnareff fighting DIO. 'He's still alive!' You start running again, and you see DIO make a step forward.

"No, stop B/f! You can't take anymore, you'll die!" Avdol says holding B/f back as she struggled to stand. You grit your teeth, knowing DIO was the one to have injured her so badly.

"Weak. Weak and useless!" DIO yells. You continue to run faster and faster towards the lot of them. 'No! That's what he says before he...'

"DIO!" You yell at the top of your lungs, and you run faster and faster by the step. None of them acknowledged your yell, as you were too far away for them to hear you.

"The world!" DIO commands while he raises his arms.

"NOOO!" You and B/f yell at the same time.

In an instant, Kakyoin's body goes flying backward and into the water tower. You conjure up as much Hamon as you can and jump off of your shield and you kick DIO as hard as you can, as you finally make it to their area. He goes flying off the building.

"Y/n!" B/f calls you. You quickly run to her and Avdol. "Leaf shield," you command. You heal B/f and Avdol. It takes a moment, but B/f is healed quickly and she stands up. She looks at you and you nod. 'She needs to stay with Kakyoin to keep him alive.' She teleports herself to Kakyoin. You turn and see DIO, standing at the edge of the building looking at you.

"Ah, here at last Y/n. I've been missing your presence," DIO says with a cocky smile. You watch as his injury from your Hamon instantly heals within seconds now that he had Joseph's blood.

"Avdol," you speak up. "Go with the others." Avdol follows your instructions without argument. You're left in a stare off with DIO.

In an instant, Kakyoin's body goes flying backward and into the water tower. My heart instantly breaks and my tears begin to flow. I squeeze my fists in frustration and I close my eyes. Suddenly, there's a loud commotion and I look up. Y/n comes out of nowhere and she kicks DIO off of the building we were all on.

"Y/n!" I call her. She quickly runs up to me and Avdol. "Leaf shield." Y/n heals me and all of my body aches for a few seconds until I suddenly feel no more pain. I try to stand and it works. I look towards Kakyoin, who was being helped by Polnareff. My heart stops and I quickly look at Y/n, who nods at me understanding the situation. I instantly teleport myself to Kakyoin. Polnareff had gotten him down from the water tower and he laid him down on the floor.

"Noriaki," I say and I get down next to him. I examine his wound, the blood seeping into his uniform. I gasp and I grab hold of Kakyoin's hand and look at his face. He felt cold.

"B/f," Kakyoin says and he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry... I couldn't... protect you more," he manages to get out.

"No, Nori. It's okay, I'm fine, see?" I reassure him. "You're gonna be okay too. Y/n, she can heal you too," I tell him optimistically. 'He's okay. He's just a little hurt is all. Y/n can heal him.'

Kakyoin does his best and gives me a kind smile. He reaches up and uses his hand to touch my face. "B/f, I'm afraid I'm far too injured even for Y/n's healing abilities to work."

"No, stop that. You're gonna be okay," I say shaking my head, denying his statement. My tears continue to flow. "You can do this. Just hang in there." Avdol soon arrives with us and he and Polnareff sit beside Kakyoin on the other side of him.

"B/f," Kakyoin says and his eyes give off a look, telling me to accept it. To accept this cruel fate. My emotions get the best of me, and I snap.

"No, Noriaki! You can't go!" I yell not at him but to the world. My tears never stopping.

"B/f, please... don't cry. I may not be able to stand by your side to protect you anymore... but at least... I was able... to keep DIO from killing you," Kakyoin says. "I don't regret... a single thing I've done... at all."

"Kakyoin," Polnareff chokes out. I look up and see him crying too. Kakyoin turns to Polnareff and Avdol.

"It's okay everyone... I'm glad you're all okay. Y/n is on your side now, so things are going to turn out the way they should," Kakyoin says optimistically. He begins to cough and I look at his stomach, the blood never stops. "T-Take care of e-each other okay? Promise me..."

"We promise," Avdol says. Polnareff nods his head, also agreeing. Kakyoin turns to me and gives me a closed eyes pretty boy smile. "B/f, I'm almost... out of time..."

"Noriaki, please, please don't go," I plead. Kakyoin pulls me down to his level, and he kisses me. I kiss him back and silently pray for his well-being and life. He pulls away and we stare into each other's eyes. He touches my necklace without breaking eye contact.

"I kept my promise, to keep you safe." He suddenly raises his hand to his ear and takes off his earring. From the hand I was holding, he releases his grip and puts his cherry earring into my palm, and closes my hand. I hold my fist closed and he kisses my knuckles with sentiment. I cry harder and I bend down and hug him around the neck. I slowly start to accept this horrible nightmare, and it makes things a lot harder. 'I don't know how to say goodbye.'

"I love you B/f," Kakyoin says softly.

"I love you too," I say back, clinging onto him, refusing to let go.

"Stay... alive," Kakyoin says. I suddenly hear him stop breathing and I pull away. My eyes widen and I scan his face, checking his state. His eyes were closed, and his face was pale.

"Noriaki?" I call him.

He doesn't respond.

"Noriaki?" I call him again a little louder, and I shake his arm. Still no response.

"B/f," Polnareff says, trying to grab my attention.

"Noriaki, wake up," I say and I shake Kakyoin more. Polnareff gets up from his spot and he comes up behind me and holds my arms back as he hugs me. I cry out louder. "Stop it! Noriaki! Wake up!" I yell, trying to touch him again.

"Shh, Shh, Shh. It's okay B/f," Polnareff whispers, trying to calm me down as he rocks me back and forth. I reach out to Kakyoin, but I had to accept it. He was gone. I hug Polnareff back and I cry into his shirt. Things are quiet for a few moments. We all had to accept that... Noriaki Kakyoin has died.

There's another loud commotion, but I don't bother to look up. I hear heavy breathing and I instantly recognize who it was, and my heart feels yet another pang of sadness.

"I'm here. DIO is trapped for at least a good minute," Y/n says. "Is he okay? I can heal him." It's sudden extremely quiet and I look up with blurred vision. I see Y/n looking down at Kakyoin's body. She begins to slightly shake before she suddenly drops down on all fours and begins to cry.

"Damn it!" She yells in frustration and sadness and she hits her fists against the ground. I hear her sobs and I look up at Polnareff. I use my eyes to tell him I'm fine and he lets me go. I crawl over to Y/n and I hug her. She hugs me back and cries into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Kakyoin. I'm so sorry," she cries. We all take another moment to mourn, but alas, the fight was not over...

"It's as I told you, Y/n. If fate wanted him alive, then he would have never appeared before me." DIO says standing above the corpse of Kakyoin.

"Ah, here at last Y/n. I've been missing your presence," DIO says with a cocky smile.

"Avdol," you speak up. "Go with the others." Avdol follows your instructions without argument. You're left in a stare off with DIO. 'I have to find a way to trap him. If I'm quick, I can go and heal Kakyoin.'

"What an appearance you made there," DIO says. You don't respond and you just glare at him. "Why the long face? You look upset." DIO kept pushing your buttons and you finally speak up.

"Why?" You ask lowly.

"Why what, dear? Elaborate further," DIO says. He sits down on the edge of the building and he crosses his arm and legs, smiling at you. You grit your teeth and take a step closer.

"Why are you doing this? What is the point of you killing all of these innocent people? Why do I have to be a part of your horrible scheme? Why me?" You ask, frustration clear in your tone.

"Oh, Y/n... you're so enticing when you talk to me with that passion," DIO taunts. "Why the outfit change? You looked better before."

"Answer me! Stop beating around the bush," you yell at him. DIO stands up and he walks until he standing right in front of you. You don't move but just continue to glare up at him.

"You're here off your own accord remember? You chose to hand yourself to me when you found there was no other option," DIO responds. 'He's not wrong, but he's blowing things out of proportion.'

"That's not-"

"You're my mistress because no other woman is comparable. You're tenacity, you're fighting spirit, you're quick judgment. No other woman has quite turned my head as you have. No to mention, your power is very useful, it'd be rather stupid of me to pass up such a tempting opportunity, don't you think?"

You turn your head away from him. You weren't sure what to say. This almost sounded like a confession. As you think things over in your head, DIO gets closer and he uses his fingers to grab your chin so you're forced to look at him. "I know what you're thinking, and you might be correct. I have never cared for someone in all of my life. So why would I, DIO, do this for someone like you? Well, you have your perks as a woman, and you're power does not cease to excite me. Therefore I have declared if I am to rule this world, you will be the one standing beside me."

You grab his hand in your own and remove it from your chin. "No, this isn't love. This is something completely different. You want to control me," you say. But there were still some facts you couldn't deny. You think back to your time at the mansion. DIO really did take care of you. Yes, his training was quite harsh and brutal, but he always feed you three times a day and made sure you rested well. He did care for you... but in the end, it was all for his benefit, and nothing more. "Even so, even if I weren't here in this universe, why do you want the world? What is the point of all of this?" You ask.

"Some things are unexplainable. Some things are fated to happen, I'm only sticking to the passage of fate. It was you and all of the others that decided to go against it, to fight against me. You chose to be here, didn't you? Not just by my side, but in this universe altogether. Why are you putting your bad decisions on me? You made your bed, now sleep in it!"

"I am! That's why I'm standing here, ready to fight you! I'm trying to understand! I'm always just trying to understand... You're reasons for doing all of this, it doesn't make sense! Why destroy humanity for all that it is?"

DIO stays quiet for a moment but he finally speaks. "The struggle to acquire fame, power over others, and money is all to meet a certain outcome. Marriage and friendship are also for this purpose. To serve others, to fight for war and peace, all of these... are attempts to sustain peace of mind. The search for peace of mind is the ultimate goal of all human beings. So... what's wrong with serving me? By serving me, you can easily obtain peace of mind."

'That's an actual quote he uses from the manga!'

"Because when people serve under you, it's under you're complete and utter control! In order to grow as people, we need to struggle, to understand that obtaining that 'peace of mind' is not something that's just easily handed to you. It's something you must work for, it's what makes life a learning experience! Every person's journey is different, but that's what makes life exciting. You never know what you're gonna get and you live day by day facing ups and downs, learning and living as you go." You take a deep breath and look at DIO's face. "What you're doing... it's wrong DIO. You were once human too, but you became a monster."

"I became stronger. I became someone with the power to change whatever I didn't like. By becoming immortal, and gaining a stand, nobody doubted my word. Nobody dared to defy me, and if they did, they met their end soon after. I, DIO, have truly surpassed all forms of life and stands!"

"No! You're wrong! The future, it doesn't belong to you!"

"Not yet, you mean," DIO corrects you.

"No, I mean not ever! We won't let you erase everyone's futures!" You yell. "Shield Prison!" The spherical shield surrounds DIO, and you kick it off the building. 'That should buy me some time! It takes a while for him and Jotaro to be able to break out of those shields.' You turn and run in the direction you saw Avdol and B/f go. You make it there within a matter of seconds.

"I'm here. DIO is trapped for at least a good minute," you say trying to catch your breath. "Is he okay? I can heal him." You walk up to Kakyoin, only to see him completely still. You look at B/f and she was crying in Polnareff's shirt. 'No...' You whip your head around and look at Avdol. He shakes his head. 'No!'

You begin to shake and you fall down onto your hands and knees, sobbing.

"Damn it!" You yell. 'I was too late. Again. I was late... again.' You hit your fists against the ground and put your forehead to the floor. You feel arms around you, and you slightly look up and see B/f. You hug her back and cry harder.

"I'm so sorry, Kakyoin. I'm so sorry," you cry. It's quiet, other than the sounds of your sobbing.

"It's as I told you, Y/n." Your head shoots up and your look at DIO who was standing above Kakyoin's corpse. "If fate had wanted him alive, then he would have never appeared before me at all."

"You killed him on your own accord!" You yell extremely frustrated.

"It was written in his destiny and fate that he died tonight by my hands. The future may not belong to me yet, but I shall make it my own... The world will be mine!"

"Shield Prison!" You command. Instead of trapping DIO again, you surround yourself and the group. "B/f, teleport us somewhere, quick!"

B/f nods and she quickly touches all of you. DIO shoots a laser, and it blasts through your shield, the laser hitting Polnareff. You all teleport out of the shield prison, and you're all suddenly on the streets. You heal Polnareff and then look around the area. You see a body on the ground. You run to it and you're anger rises as you see, it was Joseph.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't think of another place to go. I panicked, and it was the only place I could think of," B/f says softly. You turn around and see Avdol, B/f, and Polnareff behind you. Kakyoin's body, being carried by Polnareff.

"Don't apologize B/f, it's okay. As long as DIO doesn't know where we are, we'll be fine for the time being," you assure her. You look back at Joseph and you get on the floor next to him. You sigh and close your eyes as you touch his hand. 'I'm sorry. I couldn't save you, but I promise I'll do everything I can to bring you back.'

Polnareff comes up next to you and he places Kakyoin down next to Joseph. You're heart clenches further at this sight of the two of them, and you have to turn your head away.

"Y/n," B/f calls you. You turn around and look at B/f's face. This was the first time you had seen her... not just her body like when she came after you with Alessi, but her being herself as well. You stand up and face her. The two of you break out in tears and you hug each other.

"B/f, I'm so sorry. If I would have been there on time..."

"No, don't do that. Don't blame yourself," B/f says wiping your tears. "It's not your fault and I don't hold you responsible in the slightest. DIO is the one to blame for all of this bullshit."

"It may not have been my fault, but I could have done something about it. I could have stopped it from happening. Because... I saw it happen before it did," you say with shame and guilt in your voice.

"W-What? What are you talking about?" B/f asks you confused as she holds you at arms length to examine you.

"You... saw it happen? Before it did?" Polnareff asks too as he comes closer to you and B/f.

Avdol also approaches all of you. "Y/n, you can't possibly mean..."

"My power... the one you guys didn't know about... the one everyone has been referring to... I... I can see the future," you say looking at all of your friends.

"No way," Polnareff says lowly with wide eyes of disbelief.

"I-It's not possible. Are you serious?" B/f asks you, looking into your eyes for an answer.

"It's true. It's how I was able to dodge all of your attacks and ambushes when I was under the flesh buds control," you say. "I can't control when I'll get a vision, but they always happen when danger lurks."

"So that time you were blind... and N'Doul attacked you..." Polnareff says, now understanding.

"Yeah, that's how I was able to dodge him," you say looking at the ground ashamed. "I wasn't sure how to tell you guys... I had already broken the news to you all about being a TV show, I wasn't sure how I was going to explain this either."

The group is quiet for a minute as they process this information. A sudden thought hits you and you look at B/f. "There's more," you say.

"More? You have more power?" B/f asks and she looks at you with shock.

"No, no. It's not me. It's you," you say seriously.

"M-Me? What are you talking about? I don't have any new powers," B/f says with a creased brow.

"It's not exactly new, but it was awakened," you say.


"Yes. You see... The spell from the letter the Wish Lady gave you, the one you read out loud, and the ink disappeared right after... it's wasn't about receiving luck at all..."


"Now, let's forget about all that and focus on what's happened and what will happen in the future."

"Th-Thank you Wish Lady..."

"Let's start with the most important thing. What is your goal here? What do you want to happen?"

'What do I want?'

"I want to protect everyone I care about. I want them all to live, and I'll stop at nothing to make sure that happens."

"Good. Now how do you plan to do that?"

"I... I don't know. I have a flesh bud now, so I won't be in my right mind."


"And? And what?"

"What do you plan to do about that Y/n?"

"I just told you I won't be in my right mind. I won't have any control over myself."

"Haven't I told you many times? When there's a will, there's a way."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"That is all up to you."

"But how can I do something that is near impossible? Don't you think that's a bit much to ask of me? I already had to abandon everyone I love, and that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do..."

"Child, that was only the beginning. If you think that was the hard part then, you'd better prepare yourself for the near future."


"You're battle for their well beings isn't over. You still need to defeat the one you call DIO."

"So what do I have to do? What does this mean for our futures?"

"Listen, and listen closely..."

"Okay," you say giving the Wish Lady your utmost attention.

"Bad things are going to happen in the future, and you're the one who is going to have to prevent them or fix them," Wish Lady says.

"Me? But how?"

"For now, you are under the influence of the evil you and your friends are fighting against, but you won't be for long. I had seen this future long ago, so I had made the necessary preparations beforehand. Your best friend, B/f, the night you came to be here, she read aloud the spell from the letter I wrote her that disappeared right after. It was meant for her and her only."

"Oh yeah, the spell. But what does that have to do with it? It just gave her luck, right?"

"No. It was not a spell for luck at all."

"What? Then, what did she read?"

"B/f. She has gained the power to read other's truths of heart. She will be able to hear what others' hearts are feeling. Even when one spouts lies through their mouth, their heart while always tell the truth."

"How amazing. But if you don't mind me asking... why that? Of all powers to give her, why this one in particular?"

"She will need encouragement from you in the future. You as you are now, will not be the same person she has known you to be. The two of you will come face to face in the final battle of your group and DIO. Your harsh and swayed words will hurt her, but even so, you will be able to at least communicate with her through your heart. Only then will she know what to do."

"And what about the future? How can I secure the safety and lives of my friends?"

"I cannot disclose that information, for you will be the one who will have to make that decision when the time comes. I must take my leave now Y/n. This will be the last time I can aid you. You will be the key to make things right. Decide with your heart, communicate with your friends, and when you gaze upon the stars, demand of them, the fate you desire..."


"B/f, you have the ability to hear the truth of people's hearts. You heard me, didn't you? While I was under the influence of DIO, I was communicating with you through my heart," you say. B/f's eyes widen further and she touches her head.

"So I wasn't crazy. I heard things. I heard you, when nobody else could," B/f says in disbelief. "I knew it was you. You really were in there, fighting to help me all along."

"Yes," you confirm. "Were you able to hear anyone else's heart besides mine?"

"I heard DIO's once. He's a sick bastard that guy," B/f says breaking eye contact. "I don't care what he feels, or thinks. We have to kill him tonight."

You nod in agreement.

"Where's Jotaro?" Avdol asks.

"He stayed back to deal with Vanilla Ice. He kept hiding in his stand, so we couldn't finish him off as quickly as we thought. Jotaro sent me to come help you guys and that's why I'm here now."

"I see. I expect he should be joining us anytime soon then," Avdol says.

"So should DIO," Polnareff speaks up.

"Right. Let's be ready," you agree. "Is everyone okay? Does anyone need healing?" You pull out your screen and check everyone's stats. Just then, you see another health bar show up on your radar. You grit your teeth, knowing who's it was. Your eyes flash blue.

"Quiet, I hear something," Polnareff says.

He and Avdol look around the area when suddenly, DIO jumps down from on top of the building above you. He hits Polnareff, slicing off his head.

The vision ends.

"Quiet, I hear something," Polnareff says.

"Loyal Loki!" You yell. You sprint and stand next to Polnareff. You raise your shield and DIO's arm hits it. He lands right in front of you, smiling down at your face. He expected you to be able to do this.

You use your shield to forcefully push his arm away and you guide yourself and DIO away from everyone else. 'I can't use Hamon on his body. If I do that, then there's no hope for Joseph.' DIO comes at you throwing punches and you skid backward on your feet. You get quick snippets of visions telling you where DIO is trying to attack you. You use your shield to protect your body, but DIO calls out his stand, and you're unable to block one of his punches. You grunt out in pain as his fist makes contact.

"Y/n!" The group calls you. Polnareff, Avdol, and B/f begin to run in your direction to come to help you. 'No! They can't help! If DIO's attention is on me, he can't hurt them. I have to buy us some time... time for Jotaro to find us and join the fight.'

"Stop! Stay back!" You order them holding up your hand. They all stop in their tracks, confused by your actions and words. DIO smiles at you, picking up on your plan to keep them at a distance for their safety. You look at B/f. She shakes her head and she teleports next to you. DIO's grin grows bigger.

"Your friends, aren't very good at listening," DIO taunts. He goes to punch B/f, but she touches you and teleports the both of you back to Avdol and Polnareff.

"You can't do this alone, he's too strong," B/f says. You think for a moment. 'I can't say anything that will give DIO a hint of my plan... AH! B/f! She can read my heart!'

"I have to do this alone. Please, let me handle this," you say, but you also speak through your heart. You think B/f gets the message when her eyes widen and she searches your face for confirmation.

"So... you want to be one on one with me?" DIO asks. "Suit yourself."

DIO stops time and he takes you away from your group. You both remain close by, only a few meters away, but now there was more room to fight. "Show them, what you're capable of doing against me. What I trained you to do."

You scowl at DIO. 'I don't want to do this, especially in front of them, but I must. The lives of my friends and the hope of this world, is relying on me to do so. Jotaro, please, hurry here.'

"You refuse to acknowledge the existence and freedom of every being's life but your own. Therefore, I will show you the strength, of our will to resist," you say confidently.

"I can't wait," DIO taunts.

'I can only attack his head with Hamon, but I don't know if I'll be able to land a hit.' You take a deep breath in and out. 'Just like Joseph taught you. Release the energy from one point.' You concentrate and your hands begin to glow with Hamon.

"Getting right to it then? Let the battle begin," DIO says.

"You can't do this alone, he's too strong," I say.

"I have to do this alone. Please, let me handle this," Y/n says.

"I'm going to buy us time for Jotaro to arrive. I don't want any of you getting hurt, so let DIO focus his attention on me. I don't think he'll kill me." 'That was Y/n. No, that was her heart! So that was her plan. But, what if DIO does kill her? Would he do such a thing?'

"So... you want to be one on one with me?" DIO says, interrupting my thoughts. "Suit yourself."

Y/n disappears from in front of us, but DIO chose to remain close to our group. "Show them, what you're capable of doing against me. What I trained you to do."

'Bastard. He wants us to watch them fight, even though... no, especially because Y/n told us not to help.'

The two of them begin fighting. I turn to Avdol and Polnareff who were both watching the fight go on. I get their attention and inform them of what Y/n's heart told me. I turn to Joseph and I grab something from his pocket. 'This is going to come in handy... Jotaro has one too.'

"Something wrong, Y/n? This isn't the height of your training or abilities, I know what I taught you. Your strength and power, you're much stronger than this," DIO says as he continually attacks you. You use the shield on your arm to block the incoming blows, but you don't fight him offensively. You couldn't find the right timing to punch his head. "You're my mistress, the fiercest woman I've come to meet and train. Why are you not using your full potential? Why do refuse to hit back?" DIO then throws a hard punch at your shield and you're knocked against a building, your back hitting the wall first. DIO then throws his full force at you, and you cry out as you use your shield to try and push him off and away from you. "What exactly is your goal? You're actions display different than your words from earlier. Did you change your mind? Do you perhaps reciprocate my feelings?"

You begin to grunt in pain as DIO presses you further into the wall, waiting for your answer. You continue to use your full strength to push him away, but DIO only grins at your futile attempt. He stares deep into your eyes as if he was trying to see into your soul. You break eye contact and take a moment to look away from his gaze. You look past him and down at the two lifeless bodies on the ground. Joseph and Kakyoin. 'I have to find a way to preserve DIO's body. He still has Joseph's blood...' DIO's eyes follow yours and he realizes what you were looking at. He turns back to you and your gaze shifts back to him, with a glare.

"So that's why," DIO says getting closer to your face. "The dead boys are that important to you. Humans are only temporary in this world, gone before their true potential is shown. Once I make them into zombies you and I will be the rulers of this world! Masters of this universe!"

"Have you forgotten? I too am a human, just like them! We are all living beings DIO. Our lives are ours to control! Though you have incomparable power, it doesn't give you the right to stomp on or take advantage of others who possess none or less power, than you! If you cannot understand this, you have no right to rule over anyone! You are not fit to rule!" You yell back at him.

"And who decides that? The person who has the power! Because only a person with this power can decide!"

"The only thing keeping you from your downfall is your power! If not for that, where would you be without it? Nobody would follow you, they'd call you a madman and you'd be locked away! You don't deserve this power! Any of it!" You yell, still trying to push him off of you.

"Oh really? Then why was I granted such power in the first place? Nothing that happens in this world, goes without reason. I was granted this power so that I may do as I please without consequences. You happened to also be granted an amazing power as well so that you may stand by my side and rule alongside me. These friends of yours are only in the way of you realizing that your so much more, Y/n." DIO turns away from you and your eyes flash blue.

DIO shoots out lasers from his eyes, in the direction of your group. The lasers slice through Joseph and Kakyoin, making it impossible to ever recover them, should there be a possibility. DIO then shoots lasers at the rest of your group, instantly killing them.

The vision ends.

You quickly get out of DIO's grasp just as he shoots the lasers. You move your shield in front of the lasers, reflecting one of them away from your group. It hits the top of a building and it cracks. But you accidentally miss one of them and it hits your forearm. You cry out in pain, but you stand your ground, ready for anything else DIO might have coming.

"Y/n!" B/f calls out to you, worried for your life.

"I'm fine," you say back, but you don't break eye contact with DIO.

"This world needs correction, and you're going to do it with me," DIO demands. Your eyes flash blue a second time.

"Surrender yourself to me... if not, then say goodbye to your useless friends!" DIO yells

"DIOOO!" You yell, trying to stop him.

DIO uses his eye lasers once again, and he instantly kills all of you. He then walks up to you and gives you some of his blood, and you're resurrected as a vampire.

"Now we are equal, and you're going to stay with me for all of eternity."

Your vision ends and you panic.

'A- A vampire?! Me? His lasers are too powerful for my shield prisons! What can I do?'

"Surrender yourself to me... if not, then say goodbye to your useless friends!" He yells. '

You gasp, and you're momentarily frozen. 'Shit! I'm too late! I panicked.'

"DIOOO!" You yell.

DIO is about to shoot the lasers from his eyes, but suddenly Jotaro comes out of nowhere and punches DIO in the face.

"J-Jotaro?!" You yell, shocked at his sudden appearance. 'He changed it. He changed fate. It's not just me who can do it then?'

"Thanks, B/f," Jotaro says and he holds up a small rectangular device. 'Is that a pager? Where and when the hell did he get that?' You shake your head and look back towards DIO, whose face was... melting? 'Hold on, that melting looks familiar. No way... the only thing that could've caused that is-'

"Hamon?!" Everyone yells at the same time as you all look at Jotaro's fist glowing with yellow electric sparks surrounding it.

"Jotaro, when did you learn to do that?" Avdol asks. 'So not everyone knew of this?'

"The old man taught me while we stayed in the hotel after training. We thought it best to keep it a secret so DIO never found out," Jotaro says putting his hands in his pockets and walking over to you.

"So that's why Kakyoin switched rooms with Joseph," B/f says as if she finally put the puzzle pieces together.

"I knew something was fishy when Jotaro decided he just wanted to spend quality time with his grandfather," Polnareff says.

Jotaro sighs, and pulls down his hat. "Yare, yare daze. It took me a while, but Vanilla Ice is finally dealt with. DIO over there turned him into a vampire sometime during the chaos and it was annoying having to deal with it. Guess we were right to keep it a secret, DIO didn't know I had Hamon and sent a vampire our way."

"Joseph would be proud of this moment," Avdol comments. "It seems Hamon really does care on well through the Joestar bloodline."

"What's wrong?" Jotaro asks as he examines your puffy red eyes. You bite your lip and look behind you and down at the ground. Jotaro's eyes follow and he too sees Kakyoin and Joseph's lifeless bodies.

"That fucking bastard," Jotaro growls out quietly, anger filled to the brim in each word he spoke. You try your best not to cry anymore.

"Jojo, we have to protect all that we have left," you say trying not to be weak, trying your best to be strong. As helpful and powerful as everyone else in your group was, their stands alone could not defeat DIO without the help of you and Jotaro. If you wanted everyone else to survive, if you yourself wanted to live without being held captive by DIO, then you were going to have to fight with everything you've got.

"Yeah," Jotaro says simply. You all turn and face DIO who had been recovering from the Hamon damage he had taken.

"There's a chance we can bring back Joseph, but in order to do that, we can't destroy DIO's body, because he has Joseph's blood," you say quietly to Jotaro. His eyes give nothing away, but you knew he understood.

"You Joestar's just never give up. You all have to die, in order to be at peace," DIO says as his face completely heals and closes up.

"My family all die with honor and dignity. You won't be able to say the same," Jotaro says while glaring at DIO.

"You're right. I won't. Because I'm not the one who's going to die," DIO says. DIO pulls out The World and Jotaro, Star Platinum. The two begin to throw punches at each other, trying to outdo each other. DIO manages a punch on Jotaro, but they keep on going at it.

"Jotaro!" You yell in worry. Suddenly, a van pulls up and they shine bright AV lights. In an instant, both DIO and Jotaro were gone. You look back towards the van and see an SPW written on the hood. 'The Speedwagon Foundation? What are they doing here?'

A man jumps out of the van and approaches your group. "We received a page from Mr. Avdol."

"Indeed," Avdol says walking in front of you all. "We don't need medical assistance for the girl anymore."

"I see. Then do you require any more assistance?"

"Not at the moment no, but please remain on stand by. Keep clear of the fighting, DIO is very unpredictable," Avdol orders.

"Understood Mr. Avdol."

There's suddenly a loud commotion at the back of the van. "Hey! Stop! Larry, he's getting away!" A man from inside the van calls out.

Iggy, suddenly runs out of the van, and he runs straight towards you. He jumps, and you catch him in your arms.

"I-Iggy!" You say shocked. He begins to lick your face as he whines. "I was wondering where you were! What happened?"

"An enemy stand got him," Polnareff speaks up. You look back at Iggy and you see he had a small prosthetic leg. 'Pet shop...'

"He's okay now," the Speedwagon Foundation employee speaks up. "With our advanced technology, he was able to recover fast."

"Let me fight with you guys," Iggy says interrupting the conversation.

"What? Are you sure?" You ask.

"I want to help," he says confidently. You contemplating your options, and you came up short on reasons to deny him.

"Only if you promise to stay alive," you say seriously.

"I promise," Iggy says back sincerely. You nod your head and hand him to Polnareff.

"I'll take my leave now, all of you be safe," Larry says. He gets back in the van and drives off. You look back at your group and you notice Kakyoin and Joseph again. 'Shit. I should've had the Speedwagon Foundation take them.' You shake your head and get back into focus.

"We need to find Jotaro and DIO," you say to the group.

"No problem," Iggy says. He hops out of Polnareff's arms and he sniffs you. He then starts to sniff around the area, and he picked up a scent. "I smell DIO and Jotaro in the east."
'Hmph. So I have both Jotaro's and DIO's scent on me...'

"Let's go then," you say. You all run and stay behind Iggy, who was leading the way. As you all continue to run in the same direction for a while, Iggy is suddenly kicked and he goes flying until he hits a building. You immediately know who it was, so you pull out your shield and you turn and throw a punch. DIO catches your fist, and he pulls you into his body.

"How are you holding up dear? Want me to hold you as I fight them?" DIO asks with delight clear in his voice.

"Get off me," you say pushing him off. DIO actually listens for once, but he throws you on the ground with force and he walks away. You hit the floor, and Avdol helps you up.

"Y/n, you might want to say the last of your goodbyes now, before you miss the opportunity like you did with Kakyoin and that Joestar disappointment," DIO taunts.

"Y/n," Jotaro calls you. You look up at him and see him looking down at you. "Let's teach this guy to shut his fucking mouth."

You nod in response and you all begin to fight. The battle seemed to be going nowhere and you were getting tired. You notice everyone else began to look tired too, so you go around and touch everyone, healing them with your leaf shield. Suddenly, in an instant, B/f and Jotaro are both knocked away.

"Idiot! I learned how to stop time before you did! Did you really think you could stop time longer or equivalent to me?" DIO yells at Jotaro. DIO then turns back to the rest of you. He eyes Avdol. You quickly got to help him and so does Iggy. You all fight him off like crazy, but it wasn't enough.

"Meet your end coward!" DIO yells to Avdol. Iggy uses his stand to shield Avdol, but DIO picks up Iggy by the neck. You throw Hamon punches at DIO, but he only laughs at you as he dodges. He punches you far away and you skid against the ground away from Avdol and Iggy. You heal yourself and run back to them.

"This is going to be quick," DIO says squeezing Iggy.

Polnareff suddenly jumps out of nowhere and he slices DIO in the brain with his rapier. 'Didn't he do that in the show too?'

In another instant, DIO is no longer in front of Avdol. Instead... Polnareff's body was. You quickly sprint and drop to your knees to check on him. You bend down to listen for his heartbeat. Silence.

"Polnareff!" You yell out shaking him. 'No! No! No!'

"If only he had acted faster," DIO says with a sigh. "If he had swished his sword around, my brain would have been done for and I'd be dead."

Avdol and Iggy bend down with you and they also mourn Polnareff. It was too quick, you couldn't believe it. Suddenly B/f and Jotaro appear with you too. B/f closes her eyes and turns her head.

"I... I didn't even get a vision," you say crestfallen. There was no way you were able to prevent this, and that only frustrated you more.

"It's not your fault," Avdol says. B/f touches Polnareff and teleports him away, most likely to join the others.

"You should have listened to me and said goodbye when you had the chance," DIO interrupts.

"DIO! Why?!" You yell extremely pissed. You stand and walk towards him with anger blooming more in more with each step you took, Jotaro following close behind you. Your screen pops up, the rage shield is ready to be activated. Jotaro pulls you back and he hugs you from behind.

"Calm down," he whispers. On command, you do, but you still wanted to beat the crap out of DIO.

"Stop playing the fool Y/n, you know exactly why," DIO says. "If you all surrender now, there won't be any more 'unnecessary' deaths. I'll take what belongs to me, and we'll be on our way."

"She doesn't belong to you," Jotaro growls out.

"Oh? And I suppose she belongs to you?" DIO asks with a smile. "Wanna fight for her?"

Jotaro takes a step forward, but you push him back. "Stop. Calm down," you say mirroring Jotaro's words from moments ago.

"So what's it to be everyone? Surrender and grovel at my feet for forgiveness? Or death?" DIO says seriously.

"Oh, DIO," B/f says. She teleports next to you and stares into his eyes. "Your mouth can talk all it wants, but the truth lies deep within that black heart of yours. You'll not stop this fight until we're all dead."

'Did she read his heart?'

"Clever little girl you are," DIO says with a smirk. His expression quickly changes but B/f calls out her stand and blocks the attack he threw. B/f teleports you, Jotaro, and herself away. The fight resumes again, and you notice DIO intentionally not hitting you, but he goes for your friends. Most of the time when it seemed he was going to hit you, Jotaro would block, and DIO would swing at one of your allies, causing them to be even more injured.

"Jotaro! Protect them, I'm fine!" You yell, dodging DIO's attacks.

"He's going after you!" Jotaro yells back, trying to land a hit on DIO.

"Jotaro, I'm a shield stand user! I can protect myself! Help them, not me!" You yell back. The fight continues on, and you see DIO pull out knives.

"Let's test your lover's listening skills," DIO says. "If these knives were thrown at you and at B/f at the same time, will he protect you and let her die? I wonder what he'll do...." DIO raises his arms. "The world!"

"Jotaro!" You yell out. 'Please! Protect her!'

In an instant, Jotaro is in front of you and you hear his grunts in pain as the knives hit his back. "J-Jotaro! What are you doing?!" You yell. The both of you fall to the ground and Jotaro goes unconscious. You quickly pull out the knives from his back and call out your leaf shield to heal him. You continue to stare at him, and you're relieved when you see him still breathing.

"Oh? Who would have thought he'd take that approach?" DIO says. You look around and see B/f was perfectly fine, knives surrounding her. "Moving the knives away from B/f and then using himself as a human shield to protect you. A good plan in theory, but if you weren't able to heal him, he'd be dead." DIO says clearly not satisfied. You process these words, and they hit your heart. DIO interrupts your thoughts once more. "But say Y/n, isn't it your job to protect them?"

You gasp with wide eyes. 'He's right. He's absolutely right...' You don't respond to DIO, and you look down at the ground, despair and disappointment etched across your face. You hear DIO's laugh of victory.

"Shut up, DIO!" B/f yells. "Avdol! Iggy!"

You look up and see the three of them attacking DIO. 'But how? How do they still have the inspiration to keep on fighting?'

"Stand up, Y/n! There's no point in dying here! You have to fight and take what you want in this world!" B/f yells, teleporting Avdol and Iggy around to evade DIO attacks.

"Come on, Y/n! Show this bastard what you're made of!" Iggy yells in support as he uses his stand to protect Avdol. "You don't need any more power to defeat him! You can do it!"

"Y/n, believe in yourself! True power, comes from within!" Avdol yells while shooting fire in DIO's direction. "Believe in yourself! In your own true strength!"

"Y/n," Jotaro calls you. You're eyes shift down to Jotaro and you see he's awake and completely fine. He stands up and offers you a hand. "Stand up."

"Everyone. With your faith in me, and our strength combined, we can take him down," you say taking Jotaro's hand.

"Are you guys even going to make this worth my while?" DIO yells with a smile on his face. He then turns to you and you see a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why don't I just kill you now? You'll be brought back as a vampire anyway," DIO says. He then turns his attention to you, with a most sinister look on his face. He pulls out his stand and begins to walk towards you and Jotaro.

"I'm not going to let him hurt you," Jotaro says getting in front of you. DIO and Jotaro begin to throw punches with their stands when suddenly lasers from DIO's eyes come shooting out at you. It barely misses. You begin to run but his eyes follow you, the lasers on your trail, cutting through everything they touch.

"Y/n! Get with the others!" Jotaro yells.

"No! If I do, then DIO will hurt them," you yell, still running away from the lasers.

"Hmph. You think I won't do it anyway?" DIO asks. He suddenly turns his head, to face your group and Jotaro catches him off guard, and he punches DIO far away. He knocks him into a building, but DIO recovers quickly.

"Stupid insects! So desperate to cling onto your pathetic lives. Even when there is no hope for you!" DIO yells. "You will be immortal Y/n!"

"No, she's not!" B/f yells. B/f teleports next to you and touches your arm. "I'm sorry, but stay away from the fight for a while!"

"No! B/f!" You protest. Suddenly you're transported away from the fight, and you're back with Joseph and Kakyoin. Polnareff, now among them...

'No. None of this is going to plan...'

You gaze up at the sky, with tears in your eyes. The bright shining stars, a blur through your vision. Your emotions get the best of you and you scream. A scream of frustration. A scream of sadness. A desperate cry for help.

"Damn it!" You yell, staring up at the stars. "I tried! I really did try! But it's too much! All I wanted was to escape my other world! A world in which, I did nothing but feel sorry for myself! I didn't ask for any of this other side bullshit! Why grant me a wish, if it was going to make things harder?"

Through your rant, you look down at your friend's corpses. You feel anger. "I wanted to save them! To keep them from suffering such a cruel fate! Was that too much to ask?!" You begin to breathe heavier and your tears become hot as they roll down your face and onto the floor. "I was given this power... and I'm not even able to keep my own promise..."

'Why am I asking the stars...? They haven't done shit for me. All I've done is ask... I've asked and asked... but I've received nothing in return....' You look back at the stars, and you take a deep breath.

"Give them back!" You yell up to the sky. "Do you hear me?! I'm not asking anymore! I demand it! GIVE THEM BACK!" You yell at the top of your lungs. Your cry and echo go unanswered, the only response you hear is your heavy breathing. You take a moment to calm down, and you rationalize your thoughts.

"I'm not completely useless yet. I'm still alive and in a mindset where I'm still able to think for myself. There are still people who are depending on me, and they're fighting the battle alone. I have to try. Try until the very end," you encourage yourself. "I have to get back to where they are."

You pull out your stands screen, and you look for health bars, so you could join the fight again. Suddenly, a notification pops up on the screen.

New skill: Leaf Shield

'Huh? What's this?'

Your scroll through your screen and you click on the notification. An arrow pointing downwards appears. You look down, and through your screen, you can see Joseph, Kakyoin, and Polnareff. The title of your upgrade appears on your screen, and your eyes widen.

"I wonder which of you two she'll miss more?" DIO says to Jotaro and me as we close in on him. Jotaro wasn't fighting to his fullest potential. 'He wants to bring back Joseph... but DIO won't give him the opportunity to bash his head in with Hamon.'

"I thought you were going to be a tougher opponent," DIO says to Jotaro. "You did defeat me in that 'show', but you're not even trying anymore."

"Shut the hell up," Jotaro responds, still trying to get a hit in.

"You're more useless than that dog! You have the same ability as I do, yet your lack of smarts and your emotions hold you back!"

"I said shut up!" Jotaro yells and he punches DIO straight through his stomach. He pulls his fist out, his arm covered in blood. DIO was on the ground, healing from the injury.

"So you do have it in you, but again, your mental strength lacks in comparison." DIO must have healed during stopped time, because the next thing I knew, he was standing upright and fighting Jotaro again. "THIS is how you should be fighting!" DIO throws a punch at Jotaro, and he coughs out blood.

"Jotaro!" I yell in worry. I teleport the both of us back to Avdol and Iggy.

"Hahaha! Luck is on my side tonight!" DIO yells. "Better say your last prayers, because this is where your fates end! The future is mine to control! The stars are in my favor, and they said your time is done!"

"No, you're wrong!" Y/n yells. We all turn and see Y/n standing in the middle of the street. 'She's back!'

"Huh?" DIO says as he too turns to face her. "So you've found your way back to me. Well, you're too late! There are only 4 of you left and the stupid mutt! This world belongs to me! "

"Not if we have anything to say about it!"

'Th-That voice! No... It's not possible!'

"Who said I didn't bring extra help?" Y/n says. We hear footsteps and behind Y/n was standing... Kakyoin, Joseph, and Polnareff!

"H-How?! How are they still alive?!" DIO yells out in confusion and anger. His face was completely and utterly beyond shocked, but the same could be said about all of us.

'But how?! How did she do it?'

New skill: Leaf Shield

'Huh? What's this?'

"Leaf shield," you command. Your shield appears on your arm, and an arrow pointing downwards appears on your screen. You look down, and through your screen, you can see Joseph, Kakyoin, and Polnareff. The title of your upgrade appears on your screen, and your eyes widen.
Leaf Shield
Type: Healing enhancement + Sacrificial Revival
Healing: +++
Stamina and Health: - - -
Effectiveness: +++

Healing abilities are now enhanced and the user will be able to heal bigger and more serious injuries and wounds, at the cost of the user's stamina. The user will still be able to use previous healing methods, but they will not be as effective. In addition to healing party members, the user will now be able to revive fallen members by sacrificing their own HP
(Health Points). The user is free to use this skill as necessary at the risk of taking their own life. User will not be able to heal themselves for 48 hours after sacrificing HP.

Your heart stops and your mouth opens in shock. "I can WHAT?!" You look back at your screen and look at Joseph, Kakyoin and Polnareff once more, this time their bodies glowing on the screen now that you had your leaf shield out. "B-But this doesn't make sense! How! How did I-" The last words that the Wish Lady spoke to you suddenly come back and hit you.

"You will be the key to make things right. Decide with your heart, communicate with your friends, and when you gaze upon the stars, demand of them, the fate you desire..."

'Wish lady...'

"Sacrifice my own life..." you say out loud to yourself. You reread the description of the leaf shield. 'It said nothing about how much HP it takes to do this. My stand really is like a video game...' You look back at your friends. 'I'm going to do this no matter what. They did the same for me.'

You first touch Polnareff. Your body tenses up and you feel a great amount of energy leave your body. Your head pounds and you begin to breathe heavier, and your heart beats faster. 'A slice of my life was taken...' You look at your screen and see a quarter of your health was gone. You look back at Polnareff and a huge burst of light appears and he begins to glow a light blue. You see his wounds close up and his skin color returns. The light soon disappears, but nothing happens. You get closer to him and put your head on his chest. There was a heartbeat. You gasp and pull away to look at his face, and he begins breathing. Your eyes tear up.

"Polnareff?" You call him. Polnareff opens his eyes and he looks at you.

"Y/n?" Polnareff says softly. You begin to cry again, and you fall on top of him and hug him.

"You're alive. You're really alive," you say holding onto his shirt.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Polnareff asks. He sits up and he pulls you off of him so he could look at you.

"Y-You died," you say wiping your tears. 'How many times am I going to cry today? Geez, what a crybaby...'

"Oh, yeah. I remember now," Polnareff says. His eyes suddenly widen and he looks at you. He grabs your shoulders and shakes you. "Are you kidding me?! You died too?!"

"N-No! I'm not dead!" You say. "And neither are you. Well, not anymore," you say.

"What?" He asks confused.

"My stand. It gained a new power," you explain.

"You can bring people back?" Polnareff asks amazed. You nod your head. "But how?"

"Sacrificial HP," you respond. Polnareff suddenly hits you upside the head.

"Ow!" You yelp. 'I guess he knows more about video games than I thought.'

"Are you some kind of idiot?! Why did you bring me back then?!" He yells.

"Because I couldn't lose you!" You yell back. It suddenly gets very quiet. You take a deep breath and sigh. "You guys are my family now, and I'll be damned if I have this kind of power and didn't do anything with it."

Polnareff also sighs, and he pulls you back into a hug. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I just don't want you getting hurt for my sake... so I can understand how feel about us dying. Thank you, kid." You hug him back and you smile. You both pull away and you felt happy. Both of you then turn to Kakyoin and Joseph.

"Hey, do you have one of those pager things?" You ask Polnareff.

"Uh, yeah I do. Why?"

"Page the Speedwagon Foundation and tell them to bring some O negative blood."

"What the hell?! Why?!" Polnareff says. "Oh no... Are you a vampi-"

"Not for me dummy! It's for Joseph!" You say bonking Polnareff on the head. "I can definitely bring him back, and heal him, but I don't think I'll be able to replenish his blood."

"Oh, I get you. I'll let them know, and I'll send our location."


You turn back to Kakyoin. You take another deep breath. 'You can do this. It's only another quarter of your health.' You touch Kakyoin. The same feeling from last time returns, only this time it's much more painful. You cry out from the pain and you fall on Kakyoin.

"Hey! Y/n!" Polnareff calls out in worry. He picks you up so your back was leaning against him. "What the hell was that?!"

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to worry you," you say trying to sit up. "That's just a part of the process. No need to fret over it."

You give Polnareff a reassuring smile, but he didn't seem convinced. The flash of light blue distracts you both and you look back at Kakyoin. Again, the light disappears and you wait in anticipation. Kakyoin stirs and your heart leaps. He opens his eyes and he sits up as he looked around.

"G-Guys?" Kakyoin says confused as his eyes land on you and Polnareff.

"Noriaki!" You yell excitedly. You also attack him with a hug. Kakyoin returns the hug, but you knew he was beyond comprehension.

"What happened?" Kakyoin speaks up. You're about to explain, but a flash of headlights interrupts. 'The Speedwagon Foundation.'

"I'll explain after, for now, we need to help Joseph," you say. Kakyoin nods reluctantly but he complies.

"Over here," Polnareff says to one of the employees. A squad of people surrounds Joseph and in a matter of seconds, he's on a bed and there's IV's attached to Joseph's body, bags of blood attached to the end. He was also hooked up to a heart monitor.

"Are you Miss Y/n?" One of the people asks you.

"Yeah," you respond.

"Mr. Joestar informed us about you. How do you plan to bring him back? The blood won't flow into his veins without a heartbeat."

"Leave it to me," you say. You walk up to the stretcher and you stand next to Joseph. You look at your screen again. ' I'm at half health. After this, I'll only have a quarter remaining, and I won't be able to heal myself. It hurt worse last time, so I'm expecting this to be hell... Deep breath.' You inhale and close your eyes. You touch Joseph and you're body has the same reaction. The pain was immensely worse and you fall to your knees.

"Y/n!" Polnareff and Kakyoin yell as they get to your aid.

"Miss Y/n! Are you alright?" The same employee asks you.

"I'm fine," you lie. You hear Joseph's heart monitor pick up and you look at the screen. The light begins to emit again, and the blood from the bags begin to quickly drain as your power takes effect.

"Y/n, what was that?" Kakyoin asks.

"It was... Sacrificial HP," you mumble.

"Hm? What was that?" Kakyoin says. You look at him, and you see a small scowl on his face. He definitely heard you the first time.

"Not you too! Come on Noriaki! Give me a break," you say with a small smile.

"No, you come on!" Kakyoin says grabbing your shoulders. "How much life did you sacrifice?!"

"Sacrifice?" Joseph interrupts. You all turn and see Joseph sitting up, looking alive and well. Somehow, the doctors already took off his IVs.

"Joseph!" You yell, grateful for the momentary distraction. You hug him and he hugs you back as he stands up and spins you around.

"There she is!" He says, happy as can be.

"Joseph! We were in the middle of a scolding!" Kakyoin says. Joseph stops and both of you turn and see Kakyoin with a small scowl.

"Why? What did she do?" Joseph says clueless.

"She sacrificed some of her life to bring us back," Polnareff explains.

Joseph turns to you with a raised brow.

"That true?" He asks.

"Yeah." You respond, expecting him to also let you have it.

"That's pretty cool if you ask me. So how'd you do it? Was it like a weird voodoo thing?" Joseph asks with a smile.

"Joseph!" Kakyoin and Polnareff whine.

"What? I'm sorry!" Joseph pleads innocently. You only laugh in return.

"Don't be upset Kakyoin," you say walking up to him. "You did the same thing, didn't you?" 'You did the same thing to save B/f.'

Kakyoin is about to speak up but he closes his mouth. He sighs and pulls you into a nuggie. "I'm not upset with you, dummy. I'm just upset about how it affected you. I'm truly am grateful. Thank you."

"It's okay, it was my choice," you say getting out of his grip. "I made it a goal of mine to keep you all alive, and though that was technically broken, I have you all back now and that's all I care about."

"We're happy to be back with you too," Kakyoin says hugging you.

"So now what?" Polnareff asks. A few more questions and explanations go around about your abilities.

"You can see the future?!" Kakyoin and Joseph yell at the same time. You got quite used to the reactions now that you finally told everyone multiple times.

"Yes," you respond simply.

"What a rip-off! Your power is so much cooler than mine," Joseph whines.

"Stop complaining," Kakyoin scolds him. Kakyoin turns back to you. "So you can't heal yourself for 48 hours," he repeats as he thinks aloud to himself.

"Yup, but that's fine," you say pulling out your screen. "I still got some health left." You notice that Kakyoin, Polnareff, and Joseph were all in complete health. 'Good. At least all that pain wasn't for nothing.'

"But your at 25% health," Kakyoin says looking at your screen.

"She can't heal herself, but that doesn't mean someone else can't," Joseph says.


"It's not much, but I can use my Hamon to recover some of what you lost," Joseph says holding up his hand with electric sparks. Joseph walks up to you, and you feel a momentary zap. I didn't hurt, but it definitely shocked you. You look back at your screen to see you were now a bit more healed.

"That's good. Thanks, Joseph," you stop him. 'He should save his energy for the fight.'

"We should be thanking you," Joseph says shaking his head.

"No need. But we should go now, we need to help the others," you say.

"Right. Let's go see the look on their faces, when they see us," Polnareff says childishly.

"That's not the point," Kakyoin says with a head shake.

"That's not the point, but it'll be pretty funny and cool. They might look as if they've seen some ghosts," Joseph pipes in. Joseph and Polnareff burst out laughing like children while Kakyoin shakes his head in disappointment. You smile at the sight of them. You were extremely glad to see them alive again. They finally calm down and they look at you.

"Let's go, leader," Joseph says wrapping an arm around you.

"Leader?" You ask.

"Yeah, lead the way," Joseph says. "I'm the real leader though."

"Shut up!" You laugh and push him away. You pull out your screen and look for the health bars again. You find them. You put your screen away and look back at the boys. "I found them. Let's go," you say with a smirk. They nod in response. You begin to run and they all follow behind.

'You're screwed now DIO.'

You begin to approach the area and you slow down. You hide behind a car and look at the group fighting.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Kakyoin says.

"I thought you said it wasn't the point." You say with a smirk.

"It'd also be a missed opportunity," he says back with a smirk.

"You guys wanna be badass and have a movie moment?" You ask looking around the group. They all immediately shake their heads. "Then wait for my cue." You look back at the fight and you listen in to their conversation.

"Luck is on my side tonight!" DIO yells. "Better say your last prayers, because this is where your fates end! The future is mine to control! The stars are in my favor, and they said your time is done!"


"No, you're wrong!" You yell, coming out from hiding. You stand alone and stare at DIO, hoping your excited nature wasn't going to give you away.

"Huh?" DIO says as he too turns to face you. "So you've found your way back to me. Well, you're too late! There are only 4 of you left and the stupid mutt! This world belongs to me! "

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Kakyoin says from behind me.

"Who said I didn't bring extra help?" You say with a cocky smile. Kakyoin, Joseph, and Polnareff all join you and they stand by your side. You look at DIO and actually see his face morph into one of shock.

"How?! How are they still alive?!" DIO yells out in confusion and anger.

"You clearly haven't played nearly enough video games in your lifetime," You say while walking towards your group and DIO, the guys following behind you. "When your allies are in danger, there's something called Sacrificial HP."

"Sacrificial HP?" DIO repeats, still confused.

"It means, you're gonna lose by all of us kicking your ass," Polnareff responds. You all finally make it to the group, their faces still in shock of seeing those who were gone, now alive and breathing.

"Noriaki?" B/f says and she slowly walks towards him. Kakyoin doesn't respond but he holds out his arm out.  B/f runs into his arms and begins to cry into his uniform. You see them begin to talk and B/f puts his earring back in his ear.

"Old man," Jotaro says lowly as he looked at Joseph.

"I was getting tired of being dead, so I thought I'd come back to help," he says childishly as he wrapped his arm around Jotaro's shoulder while his other arm rested on his hip. Jotaro tsks, but you see a smile form on his face before he pulled his hat down.

"Polnareff," Avdol says. Avdol and Iggy approach him, and he smirks.

"Miss me?" Polnareff asks with his arms crossed, a smile plastered on his face. Avdol shakes his head with a smile, but Iggy had other plans. He jumps on Polnareff.

"H-Hey! Iggy! Damn it, not the hair!" Polnareff says, trying to get Iggy off of him.

"I knew you were an idiot! I ought to teach you a lesson about trying to save us like that again!" Iggy whines, but his tail was wagging like crazy.

"I take it, you missed me then," Polnareff says holding Iggy out in front of him with his arms extended.

"Shut up Frenchie," Iggy snaps, but his actions as a dog completely gave him away on how much he truly cared for Polnareff. Polnareff laughs and pulls him in for a hug.

After the small reunions, you felt as if all that was lost was finally restored; your friends, your strength, and your hope. You turn back to DIO who had a very obvious scowl.

"I may not know how you did it, but seeing you, I know that it involved giving them a part of yourself. You look weak. Fragile," DIO says with anger.

"DIO. We tried to reason with you and even gave you a chance to stop, but you've proven that you're unable to change," you say stepping forward, the group following you in pursuit. "Your mind is set and your heart is black. We're going to finish this, and we will be the victors of this battle."

"No! I'm going to win! I will be the one to take over this world!" DIO yells in frustration. "I'm going to take this useless world for all that it can offer!"

"Then prove it, DIO!!" Jotaro yells. There was now no need to hold back since Joseph was alive and had blood again. You all begin to attack him at once.

DIO pulls out The World and starts to throw punches in all directions. Kakyoin releases an emerald attack at DIO, while Avdol used fire on the other side, so DIO couldn't defend himself either way. Iggy used his stand to trap DIO's feet to the floor, while Polnareff used Silver Chariot to do some serious damage with his rapier. DIO tries to fight everyone off, but Jotaro counterattacks using Star Platinum, nullifying any punches he threw. You, B/f, and Joseph did extra work, mostly being support to the team who could do extreme damage from healing, transportation, and Hamon damage.

From what you could tell, Jotaro was also protecting you all during the times DIO stopped time. You also got small visions of the future, which helped you immensely in the intense battle. You kept getting injured to protect, your group, but you didn't care. This had to be done.

Joseph and Kakyoin, use their stands to tie DIO. Joseph using Hamon in his purple vines to keep him trapped. Avdol used his fire to burn as hot as possible so that DIO could not recover so easily. Polnareff and Iggy made sure DIO couldn't escape and did follow-up attacks.

"Get off of me insects! This is your last warning before I kill you all!" DIO yells desperately. You all don't listen and continue to attack. "That's it! The Wor-"

DIO is interrupted when Jotaro punches DIO square in the jaw with a large dose of Hamon. His jaw breaks and DIO cries out in pain. DIO goes to shoot lasers from his eyes, but you put your shield in front of them, causing them to shoot right back at him. DIO's body starts to disintegrate with all the Hamon and Fire that he came into contact with. He continues to struggle, but it was no use. He was trapped.

"This ends now," Jotaro says. DIO glares at Jotaro, but his gaze shifts and he looks at you. Your heart clenches, but this had to be done. 'It looks like you were right DIO... some fates... aren't meant to be changed.'

You begin to tear up from all the tension and emotion. DIO continues to stare at you, and Jotaro finishes him off with one last dose of Hamon with Star Platinum.

DIO was dead.

Silence. Everyone remained silent. You all did it, you saved Holly and the world. Just then, the sun comes up and the rest of DIO's body disintegrates and his ashes flow away in the wind. You fall on your knees. It was over. The battle was finally over.

"We did it," Polnareff says in shock.

"He's been defeated," Avdol chips in. Everyone begins to slowly accept things and the atmosphere turns light once more. Celebration and hugs go around as the feeling of victory soak the atmosphere.

You however were mourning. Though DIO truly was an evil man who refused to change, you knew the entire story of how he came to be, and you sympathized with him. You begin to let your tears free and you walk away, not wanting anyone to worry or confuse your feelings of sympathy for anything else.

At long last, DIO was defeated. I close my eyes, feeling at peace as our accomplishment, and justice washes over me. I open my eyes and begin to tear up from joy. 'We did it. Y/n did it. Everyone survived and we finished our goal.' Kakyoin hugs me and I hug him back. This is how it should have ended in the show all along.
I look to Y/n, and I see her face was relieved but I knew her well. That face was only a front. She was sad. She slowly stands up and makes a small retreat. 

"What's with her?" Kakyoin asks me, also looking at her walk away.

"Where is she going?" Polnareff says also catching glimpse of her.

"Hey, Y/n!" Joseph yells out. We all shush him and he quiets down. "What? What's wrong?"

"Why is she sad? Didn't she want DIO dead too?" Avdol asks confused. I look at Jotaro, and he watches her walk away, but I could tell he was going to stay and listen to what I had to say.

I sigh and turn around so I was facing all of them. "Don't misunderstand. She's not sad per-say, but mourning."

"Mourning? But why?"

"You're all forgetting that we're not from this world. I think I might understand what she's feeling. To you guys, DIO was an evil man from the start, but to Y/n and I... we know how and why DIO came to be how he was. He wasn't always evil. The way he was raised and treated as a child morphed him into who he was today, and gaining all of that insane power only drew him into madness even more. Mr. Joestar, Jonathan's father also tried to believe in DIO's goodness, but that's what led to his death in the end. We know the entire backstory, so it's hard to accept that he wasn't able to change, because he wasn't always like that," I explain. I turn to look at her and she stood alone, gazing upon the sunrise. "Y/n...She doesn't mourn his death... she mourns what could have been..."

You calm down as you look at the sunrise. It was peaceful. The birds were awake, and some people even began to show up and examine the destroyed city. You stand alone, looking up at the sky as the beautiful morning sun slowly took its place high in the sky. 'I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me. Who do I think I am? Jonathan Joestar? He had a reason to cry for DIO. That was his brother. And yet here I am... crying for the same reason as he did.' The sun begins to blind you and you finally look away and wipe your tears. 'I should get back. Jotaro might get the wrong idea.'

"Hey," Jotaro says from behind you. You stiffen and turn around to see Jotaro walking up to you. You give him a warm smile and you continue to stare at him until he reaches your side.

"Hey," you respond back. You really hoped he wouldn't get the wrong idea of you crying over DIO. Jotaro had to do this for his mother's life and great-grandfather's justice. You stay quiet for a while but you eventually break the silence.

"I'm sorry," you say not making eye contact.

"For what?" Jotaro asks. You sigh and finally look at him.

"I don't want you to think I'm crying for him in the wrong way," you explain.

"It's fine. B/f explained," Jotaro tells you. You silently thank B/f in your head. She always knew exactly what you were thinking.

"Even after all that he did... I can't help but think things could have been different. I wanted everyone to survive, but I guess some people are unable to be saved," you say looking back at the scenery. "It's pretty stupid, don't you think? Too naive."

"I don't think that at all," Jotaro responds. "Sure you're naive, and a little stupid, but in the end, I think that's what makes you a good person. It's what I love about you."

Your heart blooms once more and Jotaro pulls you into his side. It's quiet for another few minutes and you both just watch the sun fully rise.

"Jotaro?" You call him. He looks down at you, waiting for you to continue. "Let's go home."

"Let's go," he says with a head nod. He holds your hand and you both begin to walk away.

As you make your way back to the group, you suddenly feel a sharp pain shoot throughout your body and you fall to your knees, crying out as you hold your heart.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jotaro asks concerned as he gets on the floor with you. You don't respond, because you can't. Instead, you pull out your stand and your screen. You look at your stats and see they were extremely low, your health meter almost completely gone.

"Old man!" Jotaro calls out as he looks at your screen. You start to see black spots in your vision, and you completely fall down on the ground. More silence...

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