By aleiawritesss

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fear of losing someone you love- thantophobia love is what you called philo kalopsia is one of the scariest t... More

26 (21+)
43 (21+)
47 (final)
author's note 💞


157 12 0
By aleiawritesss

The morning of Paris is a bit chilly. Chorong slowly opens her eyes when she hears the alarm coming from her phone. She takes her phone and turns off the alarm. She turns to Suho who is still trapped inside his dreamland.

"Suho, wake up"

"Hmm" he replies before pulling her back into his hug. Chorong chuckles softly and pecks his lips. A smile creeps on Suho's handsome face. He opens his eyes, looking at Chorong. This guy has never changed. "You know how to wake me up" he kisses her forehead.

"Good morning, Suho"

"Good morning too, Chorong"

Suho glances at the clock in their suite room. 7.30 am. Neither of them move from the bed, both of them longing for each other's touches. Suho and Chorong remain silent while cuddling each other. They remain like that for a while, showing how much they miss each other. Suho caresses Chorong's soft hair. He looks at his wife who is smiling the whole time. Chorong snuggles closer and leans her head on Suho's broad chest. She looks at him.

"I miss you" she mutters slowly. Suho smiles and kisses her hair. "I miss you too. So much" he says with a soft smile that could melt every single heart of girls around the world. Chorong places her head near Suho's beating heart, listening to his heartbeat. She smiles brightly. She knows how much Suho loves her just by listening to his beating heart. Suho wraps his arms around Chorong's waist.

"I love you. I love you so much, dear" he says.

"I love you so much too, honey"



Hyorin paces back and forth in her office. She bites her lower lip, feeling worried and scared in the same time. She realizes that there's a guy who keeps tracking on her recently. But, what make her crazy right now is none of her men find Suho and Chorong. Well, of course Haneul too.

"Come in" she says as a knock hit her door. The door creaks open and reveals a guy full in his working attire walking to Hyorin. The guy hugs her from the back. Hyorin seems startle, she quickly breaks the hug. "Are you crazy?" She glares at the guy.

"Come on. You're my girlfriend" he says casually. Hyorin rolls her eyes in annoyance as she invite the guy to sit on the couch with her. Yes, he is her boyfriend. Nam Joohyuk is her boyfriend that she loves the most. Hyorin sighs. Joohyuk looks around, realizing that his girl is still looking for a way to destroy her ex's wife. "Are you still hunting them down?"

"Yes, and now they're missing. As if they aren't in Korea"

"They aren't. The couple fly to Paris 2 weeks ago and their son is with your ex's in-laws"

"Nde?! What?! How come.." Hyorin looks frustrated. She feels guilty towards Joohyuk because that guy needs to follow every single plan of hers. She loves Joohyuk so much, but.. she just want that Chorong to disappear from Suho's life so that he will know how did she feel when they break up more than a decade ago. Hyorin looks down, biting her lips. "You should stop, Hyorin"

"Stop what?" She asks, pretending to not knowing anything when the fact is she knows what Joohyuk is talking about. He wants her to stop planning bad things towards Suho's and Chorong's marriage. Joohyuk let out a heavy sigh. Why is it so hard to change his girlfriend's heart? He takes her hands and holds them, looking right into her eyes.

"Stop this, Hyorin. Please, I'm begging you. As much as I want to see you happy, but I don't want you to hurt others. Please, Hyorin" Joohyuk looks at her, straight into her eyes. Hyorin is taken aback at Joohyuk's words. The guilt starts growing bigger and she doesn't like it. Hyorin looks at Joohyuk. She can't let him wait longer anymore. He really loves her, so does her. "I'm sorry, Joohyuk" she says slowly.

Hyorin takes her phone and deletes all information related to the Kim's. Joohyuk smiles and hugs his girlfriend. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Hyorin breaks the hug and invites the sudden guest. The door creaks open and reveals a guy in a black suit bringing 3 guys with him into the office. Hyorin gulps down her saliva, those guys look familiar. "Annyeonghaseyo, Min Hyorin ssi" the guy says. Hyorin invites them to sit.

The guy rejects her offer. "We won't take long. Min Hyorin ssi, can you follow us to the police station?" politely, the guy says. Hyorin frowns, thinking of the guy. He looks so familiar. Mr Seo, Suho's P.I. What is he doing here? Joohyuk stands up, defending her. "Who are you guys? Why are you asking my girlfriend to follow you to the police station?"


"I'm Seo Kangjoon, Mr Kim Junmyeon's private investigator. He will arrive in Korea few hours from now and he wants Min Hyorin at the police station for some words" Mr Seo says sternly, completely annoyed by Joohyuk's behavior. Joohyuk sighs and looks at Hyorin, asking for her explanation. Hyorin looks down, feeling guilty. How is she supposed to explain? She looks up and faces Mr Seo. "Let's go" she says firmly and walks out from the office.

Police station, 2 hours later,

Hyorin looks down when she sees the presences of Suho, Chorong and Haneul. Though Joohyuk is there, but he can't enter the investigation room. Chorong looks afraid seeing her husband trying to control his temper. So, he's holding back for the whole 2 weeks of their honeymoon? There's going to be a big fight at home. Suho throws all the texts copy right on Hyorin's face. "This. Tell enough that you're completely obsessed with me! Are you really cheap, Min Hyorin?! You got yourself a super rich boyfriend but you still run after me?! Are you crazy?!"

Haneul hides behind Chorong looking at his daddy rising temper. A slap lands on Hyorin's cheek. Chorong tries to stop Suho. She tries to pull him from hitting Hyorin but that guy doesn't seem to have any plan of stopping himself. Suho grabs Hyorin's hair, causing her to cry. The bodyguards remain silent even after Chorong shouting at them, asking to stop Suho. "I have to! I have to do this because.."


"Suho, listen to her please" Chorong begs, trying to calm Suho down. Suho pulls Chorong into his hug and they both sit in front of Hyorin with bodyguards at the corner. Hyorin looks down, crying. She needs to tell the truth. The truth about all of the threats. "I'm sorry, Chorong. I shouldn't do.."

"It's okay, Hyorin. Tell us please. You have to tell the truth"

"Faster. I want to go home" Suho says sternly. Chorong holds his right hand, asking him to stay calm.

"All of these aren't my plans. I'm just the doll of the plan. Ever since the day I started approach Suho back at the university 4 years ago, it was all planned. I was forced by my parents because..if I disobeyed them, they will kill Suho and destroy Kim Holdings and make your whole family suffer. At that time, I was so afraid because I know how much my parents hate Suho, ever since school days. Even after we broke up. Suho, do you still remember how did we break up?"

"You cheated on me"

"Did Baekhyun tell you anything about me after that?"

"He did. But I don't care"

"First of all, I'm sorry for leaving you at that moment. I never cheat on you at that time, Suho. It was the perfect plan arranged by my parents. I was sick at that time, that's why I decided to do anything for you to hate me. Rumors about me bitching around rich guys were spreading like hot cakes. I created those rumors so that you will hate me even more. I was having a cancer at that moment. Right after we broke up, I left to America to get a proper treatment. I'm sorry for lying to you, Suho. I'm really sorry. Years passed and I came back to Korea and entered the same university as yours. I was forced to disturb you even I know you won't accept me back. My parents are the masterminds. Even after we graduated, I still continue to disturb Chorong when you're at work by sending threatening messages and I even came to your house. We even have a contract together. It was a contract made by my parents because they want me to marry you so that they can kill you and take all of your money. I gave Chorong the contract 3 years ago. The contract consists..."

"Hyorin, stop!" Chorong says, realizing that Suho is looking at her up and down. She can feel the anger inside him. Chorong looks at Hyorin, asking her to stop explaining.

"What contract?" Suho asks firmly while looking at Chorong.

"You don't know? Chorong.."

"Hold her in the jail. Mr Jin, send Haneul to Chanyeol. Kim Chorong, you follow me"

Suho pulls Chorong and drags her to the car. In the car, Chorong starts to feel worried. This is the first time Suho being so angry with her. They way he pronounced Kim Chorong just now is intimidating.

I'm dead. Chorong's heart whispers.

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