The House Across The Street *...

By AshTrash669

28.8K 1.6K 3.3K

Logan and Patton are the parents of the adopted 3 year old twins Remus and Roman. Dean (Deceit) is a single... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
!Bonus Chapter 30!
Want More?

Chapter 24

763 38 176
By AshTrash669

Third Person POV

The kids were all together once again, but this time, they weren't at the Sanders house, no, and not at Dean's house either. It was the weekend and Ash had asked if she could have the kids for it.

Dean was a little hesitant on the idea, especially considering Ash's... Parenting skills, but Patton convinced him it would be fine.

So here the kids were.

"Okay, Roman, Remus, Virgil, be good and have fun!" Patton said, bending down for a hug which he received from all three of them.

Virgil was undoubtedly overly anxious about the new location, so he stuck overly close with Roman, which Roman didn't mind, knowing how Virgil could get at this point.

"Okay, well, first things first, I would like to introduce you guys to someone," Ash said with a smile once Patton was gone, "just don't tell your dad yet. I'd like you guys to meet Anastasia, my... Good friend."

A girl around Ash's age walked out from behind a wall with a smile on her face. She was very pretty, long dark brown hair with bleach blonde tips and honey brown eyes. She wore a black sweater with the PlayStation symbol on it and black jeans.

"Say hi Anastasia!" Ash encouraged.

"Hi Anastomosis!" The kids tried to pronounce but failed miserably.

"Just call me Anya," Anastasia said.

"Hi Anya!" Roman and Remus greeted and waved.

"I'm Roman," Roman pointed to himself.

"I'm Remus," Remus also introduced.

"This is Virgil, he doesn't like strangers," Roman said for him.

"Relatable," Anya stated.

"Alright now that we're all caught up, what should we do first?" Ash asked.

The twins began shouting ideas at the same time while Virgil silently watched them, having been used to this by now. Ash and Anya looked at each other then back at the children.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Ash shouted louder, getting their attention, "one at a time! Remus, how about you go first."

Remus smiled, surprisingly not triumphantly, but genuinely. Roman frowned a bit, though he really didn't care all that much as he knew Ash was fair and would still let him speak.

"I wanna play the dragon witch game!"

"But we always play that!"

"But it's funner with big people!"

"Funner isn't a word."

"Shut up!"

"Okay! Roman, what do you want to do?" Ash interrupted.

"I wanna play dress up!" He stated, proudly.

"But that's boring! Especially if no one gonna see you!" Remus complained.

"Its still fun..!"

"Virgil, what about you?" Anya asked.

Virgil shyly his behind Roman then whispered something in his ear.

"Virge wants to colour and watch movies."

"Hmm, well, we can do all of that!" Ash smiled.

"Really?" All the kids said at the same time.

"Yep, let's make a list! One sec," Ash turned around and ran upstairs and back down a few seconds later with a piece of paper and pencil, "Jesus I'm out of shape.." she panted.

"Okay, so first we'll head into town in the thrift store to get dress up stuff and everything we don't need-" Ash started, writing on the paper.

"Why the thrift store?" Anya asked.

"Because it's cheap and has everything!"

Anya shrugged as it sounded fair enough.

"Then we'll come back and dress up and play the.. dragon witch game?" She looked to the twins to make sure she got it right, in which they nodded with a smile and she turned back to the paper, "then we'll make a fort and get into our pajamas and colour and watch a movie. Sound good?"

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed.

"Alright, let's go!" She pointed forward and began marching out the front door.


"Forgot my purse and shoes!" She stated, marching back in.

-Time skip brought to you by "omg my favourite author reads my story, wtf." In a completely monotone voice-

"Alright, here we are," Ash said as she parked the car in front of the thrift store.

"Yay!" Roman and Remus yelled, unbuckeling quickly and jumping out of the car.

"Roman!" Anya shrieked.

"Remus!" Ash yelled at the same time.

Both quickly got out and picked up the twins before they could go running off and sighed in relief. Meanwhile, Virgil stayed sat in the car nicely.

"Babe, can you go get Virgil, please? You can put Roman down with me."

Anya nodded and put Roman down then went to the car to grab Virgil.

"Babe?!" Roman and Remus squealed in surprise, "that's what the mommies and daddies call each other in the movies..!"

Ash blushed before putting on a stern face, placing Remus on the ground next to his brother and kneeling down to their height.

"Not a word to your father."

The twins nodded simultaneously, a bit in fear.

Ash smiled and stood up, "good."

Anya came over with Virgil, holding his usual stuffed spider in his arms.

"Alright, we all ready?" Ash asked in which everyone said "yes" or nodded.

They explored around the surprisingly large store.

They tried to avoid the toy section altogether and instead just look for fun outfits.

Roman found a prince outfit almost like his one at home but with a long red cape at the back and fell in love immediately, he even found a nice gold and red crown to go with it.

Remus ended up finding an outfit as well that might have been a Halloween costume for either a vampire or witch or both somehow. It was black with silver sparkly designs and swirls all over and an obnoxiously large collar that was basically the size of his head and a green cape at the back, like Roman's. He also ended up finding a somehow even bigger toy morningstar and a black and green broken crown to match.

Virgil was looking around as well, though he wasn't quite sure what he was looking for as he walked with Anya, having taken a liking to her. He stopped suddenly as he saw something in the girls section that caught his eye. Anya stopped as well, noticing that Virgil had, and followed his eyes.

"See something that you like?" She questioned.

Virgil shrugged shyly.

"Go show me," she suggested with a smile.

Virgil walked in, where all the girl clothes hung by hangers on the bars and stopped in the dress section, in front of a pretty purple dress that was sparkly at the top and a bit poofy, but not too poofy, at the bottom.

"Oo, that's a pretty shade of purple, isn't it? Do you like purple? Purple is my favourite colour!" She smiled, not questioning Virgil on why he chose a dress instead of something else in the boys section.

Virgil nodded to the question as purple was his favourite colour as well.

"Why don't we find some shoes and accessories to match?" Anya suggested, taking the purple dress off the hanger.

Virgil nodded excitedly and ran to go look for some other things.

"Did he find something?" Ash asked, coming up behind Anya, startling her a bit.

"Hah, you scared me!" She laughed as Ash side hugged her, Anya lay her head on Ash's shoulder.

"Sorry, babe."

"Its okay," she giggled.

"Well, if it isn't the slightly damaged trench coat and the rusty ass dildo!" A voice laughed behind them.

Anya and Ash turned around to see the one and only Cerridwen. Aka, Anya's best friend since her teenage years.

Cerridwen had long black hair that was in a braid, kind of like Elsa's from Frozen. They had fair skin and kind of looked like Calypso, the sea nymph goddess, except black hair. They wore a nice blue floral sun dress with strappy sandle boots and also went by they/them pronouns.

"Watch your language, there are children here."

"Cerry! How are you doing?" Anya asked, giving them a hug with a smile.

"Good, still single," Cerridwen chuckled, hugging back then pulling away after a few seconds.

"Hey, maybe my son can find you someone as well, he's a fantastic matchmaker," Ash suggested, half joking half being serious.

"Which one?"

"Emile, the couples counselor."

"Ahh, right, maybe!"

"We're ready!" The kids all ran up with their outfits in hand.

"Damn, kids so soon? You two move fast." Cerridwen joked.

"Ha ha, very funny." Anya rolled her eyes.

"No, these are my other son, Patton's, kids. Roman and Remus, and Virgil is his friend, Dean's, son," Ash explained.

"Ah, right, well, I'm about ready to go and it looks like some little monsters are getting impatient," they looked down to the twins who were currently pulling at Ash's arms and sleeves and Virgil who was holding on to her leg, "but it was nice seeing you two again."

"Nice seeing you too!"

They paid for the stuff, saying goodbye to Cerridwen again and walked out of the store.

As they were walking, Virgil couldn't help but catch something out of the corner of his eye making him stop in his tracks. Remus noticed and stopped when he saw what Virgil was staring at.

"Virge? Re?" Roman questioned, stopping as well.

"Why are we stop-" Ash questioned before realising. The pet store.

"Ash, honey, boo, my prince, please, can we?! Just to see??" Anya pleaded, hugging her.

Ash sighed, "fine.."

"Yay!" They all squealed and began running.

"Geez they're like a bunch of children...... Wait.."

Virgil and Anya had immediately gone to the cats. There was one black and white cat with three kittens, two of which were jumping around on the little cat obstacles in the cage while the mother watched from the ground.

Remus went to go see the fish and began making faces at them through the glass and tapping at them. They were all pretty sure he wasn't allowed to do that but the woman at the counter didn't seem to care much nor did she bother to try and stop him.

Roman ran around the store, wanting to look at everything, but ended up playing with a puppy through the cage.

Ash tried to keep the twins calm but inevitably gave up after two minutes and decided to join Anya and Virgil in watching the kittens instead.

"What's wrong with that one?" Ash questioned after noticing the one kitten who wasn't with the others and seemed to be limping.

"Was born with a gimpy paw. Hence the name. Gimpy."

Ash and Anya jumped having not noticed the clerk come up behind them.

The clerk had a dull kind of dead inside look in her dusty blue eyes, deep freckles over her nose and cheeks, a lip piercing and intense eye liner. She had a black and red beanie on and some curly almond brown hair peeking out of the edges. She wore a matching black hoodie with red and black stripes on the hood and fingerless gloves with black work pants. The only thing showing she worked there was the name tag on her sweater which simply said "Megan."

"He's supposed to be going to the shelter sometime this weekend," Megan stated.

"What? Why?" Anya asked.

"Because nobody is gonna want him because he was born with a weird leg or whatever. Idk, not my choice obviously," she shrugged and looked down at Virgil who was staring up at her silently and curiously, ".. you're cute," she stated, then walked away.

They looked back to the kitten. It was now more clear what was wrong with it now. The strange, broken looking paw was painfully obvious now. While it didn't look like the cat was hurt or in pain, it did seem that he was unable to walk on it and found it difficult to walk in general, though it was not impossible.

There was a piece of paper attached to the cage with the names of each of the cats and their description and gender.

• Rosetta - Black and White - Female
• Felice - White with Black Patches - Female
• Darren - All Black - Male
• Gimpy - Black and White - Male

Anya turned to Ash.

"No. No, don't even do it. Don't even try. The answer is no. Don't give me those eyes! Stop, I said no-"

"But why not?? Pleaseeee!" Anya begged.

"..... Fuck.."


"Fine! We can get him.." Ash mumbled, arms crossed, disappointed she had broken and agreed so easily, but also, she really wanted that cat.

"Yayayayay!!" Anya squealed, hugging her tightly.

"Kitty!" Virgil squeaked and hugged Ash's leg.

"Hugs!" Roman yelled and joined them.

Remus came to see what the fuss was about, he seemed a bit sad to not be a part of the group hug for a second before replacing it with fake disgust.

"Ew, gross," he said, crossing his arms and looking away.

"I know right?" Ash agreed.

Before Remus knew it, surprisingly enough, Virgil had forcefully pulled him into the group hug.

"I'm surrounded-"

"I guess this isn't so bad.."

"Well this is nice..! When does it end..?"

"When the author ends it-"

"What was that, Remus?"



So, obviously spoilers for the new episode here!
Uhm, so, JANUS AM I RIGHT?!?! I won't be changing Dean's name to Janus on here because that would be a lot of work unless you guys really want me to. I am also sorry for having not updated this book in forever, there's not really any excuse except I'm a lazy unmotivated bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BUT I have a new book now called The List! It's everyone X Virgil kind of, I don't know which ship will prevail right now and there's only two chapters out but if you're into that sort of thing, go check it out! No pressure, I honestly don't care, you don't have to if you're not interested, just thought I would let you all know :3

Word Count: 2,320

Date Published: May 3rd, 2020

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