By Animalover9

4.6K 172 59

DISCONTINUED -Pure Soul and a Warped One- She was alone, like most, until she found this strange book. A book... More

The Akatsuki


3.4K 49 20
By Animalover9

This story is a little side thing I'm doing when I have no inspiration for my other book(s). If you like Naruto Fanfics I would be honored if you read my other book(s),

It would mean a lot ^3^ As for this story. It will not be updated regularly but please let me now what you think. (Also no love interest. *gasps* What? A Naruto fanfic without a love interest? Holy shit, right?) Oh and I guess if this book does become more liked then my others then I will update it often ^0^  But even then, I don't think I'll be making this book super long, which is why I have it under Fan Fictions and Short Stories.

This wonderful cover and title were created by MasakiofKonoha! Much thanks to you!! >w<

Rated [R] Restricted for violence and use of foul language.

(^Tehe, I've always wanted to do that for some reason)

*Story Begin*

"MOVE IT!!" An angry villager yelled at me. With panic racing through my veins I darted away from the streets into an alleyway. I had only attempted getting myself food but the villagers hate me so much they yell at the slightest sight of me. This often ends up with me having no food for days, luckily I can always get water

I guess I don't blame them. I do seem to be troublesome, always trying to take food that doesn't belong to me. Never talking, or explaining myself for my actions. Getting in people's way. Moving town to town, looking for something but nothing at the same time, being a nuisance. I lifted up my black, beaded Jashin necklace, gazing at it. If I hadn't have found that tossed, messy book of Jashinism then I would most likely be dead by starvation or random abuse. I sighed with a thankful longing, wanting more but so thankful for Jashin. I placed a small kiss on to the necklace, almost as my sign of faith to Lord Jashin.

Thinking back on it now, that book said I also had to make sacrifices. Blood sacrifices. I grimaced to myself, just thinking about spilling someone else's blood sent chills through me. It seemed scary, taking another life for my own justice.

Someone's life is... Life itself is sacred. Why should anyone have to cut off the one thing we should all be thankful for? Although, I guess sacrificing  to Lord Jashin is different. That torn book said that everyone who isn't a Jashinist, is an atheist. A nonbeliever. Therefore to make them a believer, and to punish them for not believing. You sacrifice them, letting Jashin take hold of their souls for an everlasting pain. 

Maybe that way they can see how pain is suppose to equal pleasure. Hm, the book said that too, didn't it? Pain equals pleasure. That's one thing I can't seem to get right besides failing to sacrifice. I wish that book hadn't have been destroyed in the rain. All the ink just washed right off from the pages... I scoffed to myself, a new though forming. It's no wonder I don't have friends, I talk to myself too much... Or more like I ramble to myself.

I snapped my head up at the sky hearing a crash of thunder. A small whimper escaped from my lips. Not the rain. It's so harsh, hurtful and having to find some shelter to sleep under is quite hard. Tears slipped out of my eyes as rain crashed down on me. I slid down the wall and laid in the alley defeated yet again. No food. No shelter. No coat. No famil-

A light purr caused me to lift my sight from the ground to in front of me. And there, a small cat that was carrying something in it's mouth, trotted towards me. I struggled to get to my knees, to see the animal with a better veiw.

The cat was pure white but it's paws were muddy from the rain mixing with the dirt. The cat held something in it's mouth, looking at it more clearly I could see a small piece of bread. I sighed happily as the cat dropped the bread to me. Lord Jashin... You never cease to look out for me even when I have never offered you anything. 

Well I guess that's not true. I'd give my soul to Lord Jashin, but I just have no way of knowing how to even try to- I cut my rambling thoughts off, wanting to focus on the bread, to savor it. The cat looked at me with hungry eyes, hungry eyes that have matched mine so many times in the past, so I broke off a piece for the small cat. The cat grabbed it and ran off leaving me with a tiny smile.

I wonder where I shall sleep. Maybe under the bridge? Or perhaps- I yawned, interrupting my never ending thoughts.

I think I'll just sleep here, rain isn't too bad when you're this tired.



Panicked screams startled my dreamless slumber. Slowly and wobbly, I got up and ran to the edge of the alleyway, peaking out to see what was happening. Several... Well, more than several, people laid out, bloody and no doubt dead. The rain had lighten up during the night but it was still strong enough to wash the people's blood in to the gutters.

I stepped back with a light gasp, eyes widening while flickering from each body to body. W-who could do something so horrible? 

"Heheh. See! You fuckers should never question Lord Jashin!"

I turned my head to see a man with hair and eyes just as mine, and I swear he spoke of lord Jashin. But his hair... It was the same shade of a white-ish silver as mine. His hair was slicked back though, mine was messy, uncombed scattered all around my small frame. And the man's eyes, same shade of violet as mine. These two appearances came to me just after I accepted Jashin as my Lord.

The man sharply turned toward my way, causing me to hide myself back into the darkness of the alleyway. " Excellent, another sacrifice!"

But I can't be sacrificed.... Can I? Can a person who is supposedly immortal under Jashin's faith, be sacrificed?

The man appeared at the end of the alleyway. " So kid, how the fuck would you like to be killed?" I fell back on to my bottom. H-how did he get here so fast!? No one I've ever seen moved that fast in my life.

He took out a rather large scythe. " Ah! Nevermind, I'll decide for you!" He gave me a wicked grin before bringing the scythe down on to my leg.

It sliced right through making tears spring from my eyes due to pain. I wanted to yell out back kept my mouth shut. Pain is equal to pleasure. Pain is equal to pleasure- I chanted over, trying to follow the way of Jashinism. But it's stings with a burning flame. So... Painful. My tolerance for pain is becoming expanded though, that's a plus.

" HAH!-Eh? HEY! HEY! WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKING SCREAMING!?" The man seem confused and very, very angry. He was obviously someone who's bad side you didn't want to be on. He stomped towards me, grabbing my hair yanking me out in to the light. I winced, yet despite what I've seen from this man, I don't feel scared, somehow. " Little bi-What the fuck?" I sat on my knees in front of him when he let go to lean down in front of me, just letting me see his eyes scanning my own.

His eyes trailed to my messy hair, down to my neck. There he reached out, grabbing my Jashin pendant.

He examined it closely. " No fucking way."

Now that he was leaning in front of me I could easily see his own Jashin pendant. I smiled lightly. Ah, so he was just sacrificing those people. Which means it's okay!... I think?

The man stood up. " Ey! Girl, what's your damn name?" I gazed up at him, he was taller up close. A black cloak with red clouds was open to reveal his chest and plain pants.  When it came to answering his question, all I could do was shrug. He sighed, frustrated from the lack of answers. " Where did you get that necklace? Did you fucking steal it!?" He snapped at the second question, assuming the worst.

I shook my head frantically making his anger increased. He yanked me up so that I was standing in front of him. " Where. Did. You. Get. The. Necklace?"  " I-I..Um.." Panic shook through me. I haven't spoken in so long, and when I have it was barely more than three words. This sudden pressure made me nervous.

Before I made him too upset, I choked out a word. " L-o-ord J-Jashin!!" The man's anger dropped from his face, replaced by a grin. " So I thought! " He chuckled and turned around. " And that old bastard said that I was the only Jashinist."

He turned back to me. " Hm, fuck kid, I guess I'll leave you alone."

" Hidan. Didn't I tell you earlier to not massacre the entire village?" Another man appeared wearing the same cloak as the other, he also had on a mask. Half his face and head covered up. He looked at me, there wasn't curiosity in his eyes, more of an obligation to ask, " Who's this?"  Hidan, I suppose that was his name, picked up his scythe and rested it on his shoulder. " Oh you know, just another fucking Jashinist!" A cocky tune in his voice.

The other man examined me, stopping at my leg. " What happened there?" Hidan shrugged, waving him off. " Oh that? I thought she was another damn theist villager so I tried to sacrifice her, not that big of a deal."

The man sighed and from his arm 'stitches' appeared. I took a step back, cautiously behind Hidan. Hidan laughed loudly, pointing to the other man. " Hah! She's afraid of you!" The man sighed again. " Girl, if you want that leg stitched up then I suggest you come here." I slowly walked to him. As I got close, the man simply stitched up my leg with the black stitches. Hardly any pain to me was brought, like he had been doing it for a long time.

I looked down examining it. It appeared good enough. " Hidan, what exactly do you plan on doing with her?"

Hidan walked over looking at me to the other man and back to me. "What the hell do you mean, Kakuzu? I don't give a shit about her, it's just nice to prove you the fuck wrong." Kakuzu glanced back at the bodies. "You know, you probably killed her parents, stupid." A large irk mark appeared on top of Hidan's head. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME!?" Kakuzu heaved a sigh. "Dumb and deaf." Hidan glared. "Choke on a dick, old bastard."

I simply stared at this strange violet eyed man.

Kakuzu turned away, stepping forward. "Either way, the bounty wasn't here. Let's move on." Hidan stared at me. "Hey wait, did I really murder your parents?" I looked down and shook my head. "Eh? Seriously!? But I fucking murdered everyone." He sounded like he was really just bragging, I only shrugged at this. "Alright, be like that, little bitch." Hidan walked ahead next to Kakuzu. "Alright let's go dammit!"

Kakuzu turned back to me, before looking back to Hidan. "But what about the girl? Are you really going to leave her here within this village?" Hidan scoffed. "And where would I take her? To the Akatsuki? A thirteen year old shouldn't be there let alone that new brat Deidara! Plus like I said before, I don't give a shit about her."

I'm...Twelve? Fourteen? Ten? Um.. I look young, but I don't think I am... I can't really remember anymore... I don't really know anything.. 

Both men turned back to me. "Okay Hidan, leave her here. Just thought you might have some interest in her." Hidan started walking ahead. "Yeah, well I don't."

And slowly both men walked away from the dead village leaving me. I had a strong urge to hold on to my fellow Jashist but held myself back knowing it wouldn't end well. "Mew? Mew?" I looked down to see the white cat from earlier. It's paws still muddy and it's coat stained with splatters of red. The cat seemed to limp over to me making me lean down to lift the small cat into my arms.

The men from before were far away that I could no longer see them... Perhaps they just used a jutsu to leave then? After all, they had to be Ninjas. They both had headbands symbol zing they were from villages, but the symbols had been crossed out, or was that part of the design?

I looked at the small cat within my arms. It looked so, so small. And scared. Hurt and forgotten too. Just like me.

"Come on, we have to get away from here or ninja might find us and take us." I whispered, trying to console the injured cat. My voice was still light and almost scratchy from not using it. The cat purred in my arms. That was fear of mine. Being taken against my will, it's never happened before, but it just sounds terrible. A good thing about my life is that at least I'm free.

My eyes seached around, looking for anyone left alive. No one. I sighed and began walking down a path to hopefully another village. My feet dragged through villager's blood but I kept walking. 

Maybe I can get the cat some help?

***Hidan's POV***

I sighed collapsing on to my own bed back in the Akatsuki base, the night was here and my eyes were struggling to stay open.

I silently scoffed at my own thoughts that surrounded that awful looking girl. She really did look in bad shape with that wild hair. Dirt and bruises all over her skin. A light dress, not that anyone could really tell with it being covered in mud, plus it looked like she had outgrown it years ago. She looked fucking terrible. 

'Why not take her in?' My thoughts asked. " Because why would I fucking want to?" I mumbled, frustrated at myself yet too damn tired to really do anything. 'Maybe you'd want too because she's the only other Jashinist you've seen?'

My fist hit the wall next to me in anger, completely forgetting about being too tired. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"


I grinned. Perfect. Besides I should be celebrating... I got a whole village sacrificed to Lord Jashin today. Heh, damn assholes got what they deserved. To never even hear of Lord Jashin? Bah, it was coming sooner or later.

I picked up the necklace around my neck to my eyes. Lord Jashin... Everything I've gone through for you. It's all worth it. So damn worth it. I placed the necklace back down to my neck and blew out a single candle on a table by the bed. I flipped over to my side and let my slumber begin.



My eyes snapped open. "WHAT!? I'M TRYING TO SLEEP, FUCKER-" My yell of annoyance suddenly cut off as I looked around. Darkness surrounded me. Literally. I could see but everything looked black. Looking down and around, it was like I was standing yet floating in the blackened air.

"What the fuck?" I whispered dumbfounded until sudden anger hit me. "ITACHI!! THIS BETTER NOT BE A DAMN GENJUTSU!!" I reached for my scythe in my anger to see it wasn't there. I scoffed loudly. " You're an asshole Itachi."

"This isn't a genjutsu Hidan. This is a vision, a dream, a world." I spun around searching for the voice. " WHO'S THERE?! SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!" The voice gave a booming laugh. "AHAHA!! Coward! That's something I've never been called. And by a follower nonetheless."

I cocked my head in confusion but my eyes stayed narrow in suspicion. "What kind of shit are you taking?"

"Hidan. I am Lord Jashin."

As his words spilled out, I began to laugh. This guy? Lord Jashin? "AHAHAHAHA!!! N-NO WAY!" I wiped away tears. "C-come on that's too funny!"

"I can prove it Hidan. The first sacrifice you have ever made was when you were a younger child, not too young but still young. It was actually an accident, after all what boy wants that woman that means so much killed? But it happene, a gruesome way. You didn't even know at first that it was a murder. Geez. You were such a child, you didn't even know what death was. You were just following my orders."

I froze hearing his words. No one knows about that except the head of my ex-village who deemed it a tragedy... How did he know? 

This man-


This GOD is...

I fell to my knees. "L-lord Jashin?"

"Yes Hidan?" His voice held a tone of, 'I told you so.'

"I-I... I'm so sorry! I didn't fucking believe you! A-and-" "Hidan. It's alright... That's most Jashinist's reactions anyway."

"But I-"

"Silence Hidan."

I nodded and kept my head down bowing in the presence of my Lord. "To answer your question Hidan, I am proud. You are my best follower." I felt awe melt through my body. Lord Jashin just said that... To me... Holy fuck.. "And now I must ask a favor of you."

I jumped up. "Yes lord Jashin! Anything!" Lord Jashin, where ever he was, shifted his feet. "Heh.. Well that girl you encountered today. She is the newest follower but she's also the most unique. Some one who I very much want to stay a Jashinist due to her uniqueness." I scratched my neck. "Unique? How?"

"She's innocent. An innocent Jashinist."

I held back my temptation to laugh. "A Jashinist innocent? Seems kinda hard to believe."

"Do not question my logic Hidan." He snapped at me, making me tempted to flinch. Fear wasn't my thing. Shit, I don't feel fear ever. It was just the thought of displeasing my Lord that actually sparked something in me.  "Moving back to topic.. She has never made a sacrifice but is no stranger to blood. I want you to take her under your wing as teacher and student."

I stepped back. "Lord Jashin! You gotta fucking know that I think the idea of that whole loving teacher and student is bullshit!! I can't do this shit!" I pleaded. Anything but this. A student, an INNOCENT student!?  An INNOCENT, YOUNG student. Not hot or sexy, no, a damn child. 

"You will do this Hidan. "

I gulped down saliva that had gathered in my mouth. Fuck... I looked down at my hand feeling it burn. As I stared at my hand a marking had appeared. The symbol of Jashinists. "Now then Hidan. Find her. Teach her. Guide her."


I gasped awake with wide eyes. I sprung out of my bed looking around with shock. "Oh shit! Did that really fucking happen!?" I stared around at my room, searching for signs. My hand twitched, irritated making my seach for signs a quick one. I stared down at the symbol Lord Jashin had placed on to my hand. Slight shock but mainly gratitude filled me.

Lord Jashin has spoke to me. ME. I paced over to my scythe and Akatsuki cloak. Throwing on the cloak and grabbing my scythe, I left my room heading down through the darken halls of the Akatsuki hideout to the front of it all.

The stoned statue with the closed eyes and the two hands was to the left and the opening that was blocked with the giant boulder to the right. "Hidan, where is it you are going to?" A deep emotionless voice asked. " Ah Leader, I was just going to uh... I have to.... Uh.." I scratched my neck uncertain of how to explain myself.

Ah fuck it.

"I have to get this kid and teach her about Lord Jashin's ways." He quirked an eyebrow going to ask why but I just kept going. "Don't fucking ask why, I just do." Leader was sitting on one of fingers of the statue. "So be it Hidan. She's of your concern then." I waved my hand. "Yeah, yeah! Mind opening the door?"

He threw out his arm. "ALL MIGHTY PUSH " In a second the boulder flew out a couple out feet, enough for me to walk out of. I left silently retracing my steps back to the damn village with the stupid villagers who never even heard of Lord Jashin.

I chuckled to myself. Which is why they're all dead now.


"Hey. Hey kid!.... GET UP FOR FUCK'S SAKE." A loud voice demanding making me awake and sit up from my sleeping position. I stared up to reach the eyes of that man from earlier. "Y-you?" I asked out of shock, my voice however still felt raspy. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my roughly by my arm, picking me up. " I can't believe I'm doing this." He grumbled as he dragged my out of the alley I was asleep in.

"You know I had to search three towns to find you!? Three fucking towns!!" I looked down, away from Hidan. That was his name correct? "What!? You're not fucking scared are you?" I looked back up to see his nasty glare touched with a slight smirk on his face. "No."

The the smirk on his face evaporated, like he was disappointed that I didn't confront him with fear. He hid that and continued on with a scoff. "Right, well come on!" He turned away but I stood still looking back a single house.  That's the place I had left the cat from before on a door step, a kind family taking it in and hopefully nursing it's injuries. These thoughts faded, right now I was confused. "Why-y?" I asked still not moving, and still getting the hang of using a voice. He turned back. " Because, Lord Jashin told me to teach you of his religion. That's it, I'm not pitying you or kind or anything. Now let's go, I'm tired."

I didn't question him and just followed right behind him. People gave us odd looks but never stopped to question the girl with messy, long, white hair, a dirty torn dress, no shoes and the very intimidating look of the slicked back white hair man carrying a scythe in the dead of night.

I don't really blame the people.


Chapter end~

So is the story plausible? Does anyone like~? Whatcha think will happen to the poor nameless girl with Hidan as a mentor?

Leave comments below please!! ^___^

Also Hidan's past will be made up because I don't know it ._. Does the anime/manga even tell us? e.e Meh. 

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