
By becauseallwastaken

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Threats, attacks, mobs, cans, psychos is that really how it should be for us? Do we really have to suffer? Wh... More

Pt.1__Meet Y/N
Pt.2__This is BTS
Pt.3__Meet the boys
Pt.4__House rules
Pt.5__Moving in
Pt.6__Meet the Team
Pt.7__First week
Pt.8__Wanna ride?
Pt.9__A pervert for a smile
Pt.10__For their happiness
Pt.11__Silent tears
Pt.12__Hoe and hotteok
Pt.13__To be Normal
Pt.15__Cry, Touch and Runaway
Pt.16__First Meeting
Pt.17__The Day After
Pt.21__Waking up
Please read+a surprise
Thank you


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By becauseallwastaken

Hello everyone^^ welcome back to the white room.

I am the author of this story. It's very nice to meet you all. Today's interview will answer the questions you gave the characters in the past mounts. Sorry it took me so long to write this😅😅

If you have follow-up questions you can comment them and the characters will respond to you.

Now before we start let me thank you again for your love and support of this book. I really appreciate every read and every single vote you give to this story. I'd like to give a special thanks to those of you who put my story onto your reading lists. It's a big honor to be included on them💕

A big thank you to all of you who comment on my story. You are the ones who make me believe that this story really has meaning and that it wasn't a waste of my time. So thank you so much💜💜

*the characters were asked these questions separately or in pairs.*



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u? (YeS tHiS gOeS aLl oF u!!!)

Mick: Hmm Y/Ns a great friend to me. She's been really supportive of my recovery.

Brandon: She and Jack are great mentors to me and I'm glad to be working with them.

Tim: I'd call her a good co-worker. Smart, helpful, nice she's great.



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

She's alright. Not really professional but she's a good agent.



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

Andy: As a savior. She gave us a plan to get ride of Solmi. And I for one am extremely glad to be rid of her.

bbbletae- We're you in control with your relationship with Solmi in any way, she did ask for your permission to cut one member.

Andy: Believe it or not Solmi wasn't always that crazy. I used to think I loved her once. I guess we had a normal relationship for a bit. I was in control for a bit after she went crazy. She'd tell me her plans and would be able to tone them down a bit. But when she started targeting BTS it got worse. She'd ask me for permission but it was more of a game for her than anything. She wanted me to allow her anything or she'd attack me or my mom. I lost control of her soon after that.



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

V: With my eyes :D She's nice, patient, and sweet but I don't get her sometimes.

JK: What do you mean Tae?

V: Well she doesn't like Tannie for some reason. I asked her to walk Monie and Tannie together with me but she just grabbed Namjoons dog and ran away☹

JK: Phahahahhaah that sounds just stupid enough to be her

V: Like she acts all tough and mighty but she's scared of Yeontan

Y/N: That is not true.

Tae: It so is! You jumped away when he barked at you!

Y/N: He surprised me! And I don't like dogs

JK: You seamed to love Moni. He listens to you more than to Namjoon and you let Holly sleep next to you.

Tae: Hah see! Stop lying!

Y/N: Okay okay... it's not that I don't like dogs, I dislike small dogs. They disturb me. I like Yeontan now but small dogs, in general, are just...strange.

A: You're strange.

Y/N: You wrote me that way.

A: And you barged in without knocking, plus it's not your turn yet.

Y/N: Psh relax I just came for some water.

A: well now you can leave.

Y/N: Yeah see you later.

V: bye lier!

JK: Bye Y/N!

A: Now can we get back on track...Jungkook here is a question for you.


MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

JK: I see her as a friend, she helped us a lot and I want to help her back if I ever get a chance. She was always nice to me and she allows me to ride her bike whenever I like 😊

V: waitisn't the bike Jacks?

JK: For real?

V: Yeah

JK: Shit, he's gonna kill me

A: He probably will, but you can save yourself if you clean it up for him.

JK: that's not a bad idea, I'll go do that right now.

V: I'll help!



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

Suga: Well I don't know to be honest, but I wouldn't call here a friend yet maybe a good acquaintance.

J-Hope: oh come on, she saved us!

Suga: True okay she's a friend I guess. She is nice and all so


MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

J-Hope: She a great friend to me. She's really helpful. She and her friends are really helpful now that I'm recovering from that fall. Nadia even got me a great doctor, but Y/N and especially Jack are the best cause they keep driving me around.

Suga: they really are nice, it's great that they help you recover really quickly.

bbbletae- Did your nerves end up broken/cut/torn?

J-Hope: I'm not sure, to be honest. I can feel my legs so I guess they aren't too damaged, but I don't know for sure. I can't really follow the doctors' fancy medical talk haha

Suga: Yeah they love to make us feel stupid, but Nadia said you're gonna be fine with time.

J-Hope: Aha she said she'll get me some expert from Europe or something

bbbletae- Are you able to dance again, walk again, if not, when do they expect you too?

J-Hope: *does a worm with his hands* I can dance up here no problem, haha, but now I can't walk yet. Nadia said it could take a year or more, but it all depends on the outcome of my European treatment, maybe an operation

Suga: it's gonna be fine, we're gonna be by your side all the way.


Min Sungho

bbbletae- How are strawberries your main source of income?

Min Sungho: Well you see they are quite a fruitful investment.


Jun Sang

MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

Jun: I see her as my girlfriend and I'm so happy to call her that after a year???. It was way too long since we were together. She's always been super great to me and I really love her, as I did back then. I hope we can be together like then.

Lovie_Bookie_22 How old are you? Do you remember the love you have for y/n?

Jun: I'm 27. I do remember my love with Y/N haha it was perfect back then, she was so cute and lovely. We'd sneak out of the agency training building to go on dates. My dad would lose it every time but it was worth it to see her smile😊



MidnightFury3132 Do u like Y/N more than a friend, if so then why and how long have u liked her?

Jack: why the hell would you want to know that? It's my thing to know

A: come on Jack

MidnightFury3132 Don't worry too much! Just be urself! And maybe after u let it out in the open u can feel better.

Jack: MaYbe WheN YoU lEt iT oUt You'Ll FeLl bEttEr, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?

A: For the love of our Lord and savior Kim Yeontan, Jack calm the FUCK down. It was just a question.

Jack: Yeah and I'm not answering it.

Autor: okay

bbbletae- Do you really have feelings for Y/N?

Jack: You know what!? Yes. Are you all happy now?

*storms out the room to sulk*

A: I'm sorry everyone, he has a hard time expressing his feelings. Please forgive him.



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

JM: she's a really great person and she's so pretty and skilled. Lovely and nice I feel safe when I'm with her and that means a lot to me.

lilyannewrites To Jimin- Secretly, are you worried about all this training? Do you think you would ever continuing to train even after Solmi is taken care of?

JM: To be honest I was terrified. It was hard to concentrate on training while Hoseok was unconscious and thinking that something like that could happen to be was really scary. But I knew I had to do my best to protect the other and Myke sure they are safe. I'm glad I had Kyle, Jack, mister Sang and of course Y/N by my side. They kept me sane hah.

I think I'll continue training even now that Solmi is gone. Kyle is a good instructor and I hope he won't get tired of me haha. But I think he won't let me touch a gun again and I'm okay with that.



corgi1208 Are you dating

Y/N: Who?

bbbletae- Are you planning to get back together with Jun? Do you still live BTS, if not, how do you still keep in contact?

Y/N: Jack and I don't live with the members anymore. Kyle and the others live there now in shifts. We keep in contact through Nadia, who helps Hoseok with his recovery. But I also have their numbers so we can chat if needed. Namjoon sometimes invites me to see Moni and Jin calls us for diner parties. I teach Jungkook bike riding and pose for Taes drawings, Jun even shows him his painting collection at times. Yoongi lets me listen to their songs at times and he's generally nicerI guess. And Jimin goes on walks with me when I take Moni out and asks Kyle to teach him about agents, but I don't think Kyle likes that much.

I don't know about getting back with Jun. I loved him but I don't know if I still do. Losing him was horrible but with time it got easier. I finally got him back now, but I don't know if he really is my Jun. But most of all I don't think I'm his Y/N anymoreit's just so differentI don't know what I'm talking about anymore haha sorry



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u? And when u start officially dating Jin, what will be ur first plan?

Namjoon: Hmm that's a lot of questions well Y/N is a friend to me, she's really nice and Moni likes her too haha, which is definitely a plus. She loves taking him for walks now that we're free from Solmi. As for Jin and I I won't rush anything, he should take his time.. as form my plan, I think I'm gonna take him out to a nice secluded restaurant, a nice dinner and walk around the city. Then we'll find an empty spot in the park to relax and just talk maybe kiss


Jin: You done fantasing yet?

Namjoon: Haha yeah

Cupcake615243 Now that everything is over, what are your plans for the future? Are you going to pretend like nothing happened? Will you try to court Jin-hyung? And most importantly, will you continue to be the best leader, friend, and person you can be?

Namjoon: Wow that's a lot let's see, I'll answer your 'most important' question, of course, I'll continue being the greatest leader, friend, and person I can be, as long as I continue believing in myself and loving myself I'm sure that's possible.

Our plans for the future are to keep making music and helping our ARMYs. We want to give them love and comfort and of course great music haha.

We can't pretend that nothing happened, all of use were affected to a high degree. For now, our main focus is Hoseoks recovery and then hopefully we can make a comeback.

I think I've answered all of your questions right?

A: Now now Namjoon doesn't keep all the juicy stuff for yourself. Will you court Jin?

Namjoon: I thought that was obvious from my previous answer, but *turns to Jin and holds his hands* I will court you until you're ready for a real date.

Jin: oh how sweet *kisses Namjoons cheek*

CandiceLindseyMandac Why are you gay for Jin oppa? Srysly NamJin shippers in da house

Namjoon: Haha I love him. That's all there is to it. He makes me so happy and loved that I want to spend every moment with him.

Jin: Stop, I'll turn into a tomato.


randombtsarmygirl Is he gonna fall in love with Y/N? (Please make it happen)

Jin: I'm with Joon so

MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

Jin: I see her as a really good friend, she helped me believe in love again so I owen here a lot. Plus she likes to take Moni out so I can have Joonie for myself for a time :P

RM: Well you don't need to tell them everything

Jin: Haha okay okay

Cupcake615243 Jin, now that you all are safe, will you continue with BTS like nothing happened? Will you open on more to Namjoon? And most of all, will you continue to fight to protect and defend everything you cherish and love?

Jin: I plan to continue with BTS but not as if nothing happened. I've grown so much as a person at this time. I've learned love, at least I'm beginning to learn. I have a team of great friends and hopefully a lover by my side. I'm ready for anything as long as I have them all by my side.

I think I'll open more Namjoon soon. It's not like I'm hiding anything from him, I'm just not sure of my feeling for him yet.

And now to answer your last question, yes of course I will always protect the ones I love.

Author to Jin and Namjoon Some readers were wondering what you did on the ruff top that day? Would you like to share?

*both blush*

Namjoon: Well we stayed in the tent for a while and drank hot chocolate.

Jin: And I had to steal foundation from Taehyung the next morning.

Namjoon: You don't need to tell them everything...

Jin: I want to tell them. They should know that I'm marked as yours😘🥰

Namjoon: stop😳😳😳


These were all the questions we got. I hope you liked this. I'm sorry it took so long to post this. Please remember you can ask questions in this chapter as well. I'll make sure they are answered.

I love you all. Thank you for reading. Please stay safe and healthy.💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜

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