The Assistant Of The Dead (sc...

By JBUProductions

670 64 4

JUST A HEADS UP: This is the screen write of TAOTD (2020/2021) BEFORE editing it recently. The book version i... More

1: Pilot
3: And The First Assignment Begins
4: What A Complicated World
5: One Crazy Date Night
6:Good Duties=More Problems
7: Exhale For The First Time
8: Showing A Little Sunshine To This Bad Parade
9: The Closer I Get: Side A
10: The Closer I Get: Side B
11: Well, This Is Unexpected!
12:The Interrogation
13:Sighs of Relief
14: On The Run
15: Nothing Can Stop Me Grand Finale

2: Am I Seeing Straight?

85 4 0
By JBUProductions



CANDENCE- What was that back there? (Driving)


CANDENCE- Like honestly, who were you talking to?

EELNA-Don't tell me that you didn't see him. (WTF face)

CANDENCE- (Shakes head 'No') What did he look like?

EELNA- Face...His face was very pale. Beard was down to his upper chest. Tats Everywhere. (Hatch idea) He looked like a biker from a biker gang.

CANDENCE- Yeah.... Don't ring a bell up here my friend. (Points to her head)

EELNA- I'm not crazy. (Sighs in frustration) I know what I've seen!

CANDENCE- Eelna-Jane. I never said that you were crazy. I mean, you haven't been sleeping..

EELNA- So I'm hallucinating?

CANDENCE- I never said that.

EELNA- But you were implying it!

CANDENCE- After Logans death, (EJ groans in frustration/roll eyes) have you actually gotten sleep? You know, its not your fault with what happened to Logan.

EELNA-( Signing in sadness) I was driving. ME!

CANDENCE- (In reassurance) The truck driver..(Gets cut off by EJ)

EELNA- It was my fault! I was driving. I could have saved him. I could have swerved.

(Snaps into staring into space/ Candy stops at traffic light/Sees the same strange man on the corner of a bus stop. Once the bus moved and light turned green, he vanished)


EELNA- (Snaps out of space) Yea? Yea. I'm here.

CANDENCE- You Ok? (EELNA Nods) Shit girl. You need to go see your therapist! (Sighs) I was just saying that the truck drivers still out there. We will get justice one day . We will get him. (Candy rubs EJ's hand while driving) Again, it wasn't your fault. (Sighs/pulls up to Downtown Lerwick Police Department *DLPD*) You ready to meet the chief?

EELNA- Ready as I'll ever be.



CANDENCE- (Both Candy and Eelna walks up to front desk.) Hi! Where's Chief?

TESS-What do you need him for? Resigning?

CANDENCE- Very funny... I don't have time for you today. If you won't tell me, I'll simply find him myself. (Turns To Eelna/Points at Tess)Thats the bitch of the department. Tess. (Tess Rolls eyes) She think she runs the house. Such a fucking kiss up.

EELNA- (Starts walking with Candy) Seems like we are going to have problems with her.

CANDENCE- Yeah. Prepare yourself (Sees Chief and another young , sexy man) Woah!

EELNA- Um? Candy? You good?

CANDENCE- (Stops Drooling) Oh! Yeah! Just um... distracted by his beauty. MY GOD! (EJ Hits Candy) Ow! Ok! Ok! I'll stop! (Tried to get Chiefs attention) Chief?! (Waves at 'em)

CHIEF MASON- Ah! Candy! How was your little last moments of vacation?

CANDY- AH! It hurts! (Acts like she's in pain) Just kidding. Glad to be back. And my new bestie just moved in, so I'm more than ready for anything!

CHIEF MASON- (Laughs at Candy) Where's my rookie?

(Candy coughs ) (Chief looks at EJ)

EELNA- Your...looking at her?

CHIEF MASON- Oh! I'm sorry! Chief (throws out hand) Chief Mason.

EELNA- Eelna Jane.

CHIEF MASON- (Smiles) Candy, this is Jetty Ambonini. He was a transfer from Renu City.

JET- Hey!

CANDENCE- Hello to you too. (Looks up and down)

CHIEF-Candy, downstairs. There's a fresh corpse waiting for you. (Pause) Eelna-Jane, follow me. Jet, follow Candy. She will show you everything you need to know.

CANDENCE- AND MORE! (Moves her hand in a circular motion; magic like) Duty calls! Come along Jet. (Jet follows her smiling)



CHIEF MASON- Take a seat dear. (Eelna takes a seat) Here's some papers for you to sign (Hands her the papers) I didn't even have to train you, due to your training up in Park Leyswishttatt. (Pronounced Lay-swish-tatt)

EELNA- Yeah. Until they switched me to 'Halnure Academy'(Hale-nure) for....accidentally breaking someone's nose. All thanks to my Tyler. Never let me go a day without training. That was my childhood. (Starts Reading).

CHIEF MASON- My apologies.(Clears Throat) This job. (Looks at EJ) Look. the line of work, is putting their life on the line to rescue and save and protect others. Do you understand Ms. Sharp?

EELNA-Yes. (Chief stares at Eelna) Yes sir?

CHIEF MASON- Are you also aware that you are not going to be able to save EVERYONE? Correct?

EELNA-Yes sir. (Shy-like)

CHIEF MASON- (EJ gives papers to Chief as she goes signing them; Chief Starts tussling with papers to make sure she signed them all) So.. what made you go into this line of work?

EELNA- I always wanted to be one. Always wanted to be the one saving the people. I honestly also did it to get close to my dad. He doesn't approve a lot from me but he approves of the law. So I thought 'Hey Eelna. Try becoming the basics first! Maybe he will open his eyes that I'm not that bad of a daughter...' (Rubs her arms slowly; rapidly look back and forth at Chief and his cups of pens)

CHIEF- Did you ever think to do what YOU want? As a young adult. What YOU want to do with YOUR LIFE ? Bottom line is, (Looks at EJ) I see a lot of potential in you. I see more than just a police officer. Hell, I see you possibly ruling the world. (Shares laugh with Eelna) Don't settle for this because of your father. I mean don't get me wrong, we would love you here! But only if you truly want to. It's YOUR choice.

EELNA- Thank you, Chief Mason. That means a lot.

CHIEF MASON- Eelna? Would you like to join the force?

EELNA- Oh boy would I? It's my honor! Give me ! Give me! (Chief hands her badge and equipment; Eelna Squeals)

CHIEF MASON-Welcome to the team Eelna. We have a meeting for your first assignment in the next 30. Help yourself to coffee or lunch, run back home. Doesn't matter. But be back in the next half hour.

EELNA-Yes Sir. (Chief drops deputy clothes in front of her/ She runs out of conference room)

EELNA- (Hurries in the Restroom in stall;Checks phone) Argh! Mom, not now..

(Text reads: ) LILY -Where are you. Please come home.

UNKNOWN- See. You can't get away huh?

EELNA- (Sighs) Appears to be right.. Why are you following me? Who are you? And WHY ARE YOU IN THE LADIES ROOM?!

UNKNOWN- Names James.

EELNA- Great! 'Ok James'? Why are you in the ladies room?

JAMES- I'm not. I'm in your head.


JAMES- I wouldn't do that if I were you. So you see, your friend Cutie... (Gets cut off)

EELNA-Candy? (-.- face)

JAMES- Anyway..Your friend couldn't see me the last two times, so what does that make me?

EELNA- A fucking lunatic!

JAMES- (Laughs) Perhaps so. But no..I'm ghost actually.

EELNA- No your not... (Re-think/ Replay the first mall incident flashback) Wait a minute... (Re-think/ Replay the second Incident on the bus stop flashback/Then realize) AAAAHHHH!

JAMES- (Appears/Joins EJ at the ladies entrance/exit door/ Turns to EJ)

EELNA- You-You-You ain't real!

JAMES- Yeah. Not to your friends maybe. But let's face it. YOU see me.

EELNA- So..I don't get it. Your real to me but your not real to others? I-I-I mean you have to be real. No. This has to be a joke. Hmm...Candy did say that I haven't been getting no sleep. Yeah. Maybe that's it! (Reassuring herself)

JAMES- Look. I'm not trying to scare you. You see me. I see you. Let's work this out. Make a deal?

EELNA- How am I talking to you?

JAMES-Don't believe me? Look me up on your little doohickey computer contraptions you guys carry these days.

EELNA- The cell phone? (Pull out phone)

JAMES- Yeah. (EJ starts typing as he goes) James Patel. July 15th 1989.
(EJ Gasps)

EELNA- "On July 15th 1989, a body identified as 'James Patel', was shot outside Jakes BBQ celebrating his 12 year anniversary with his wife 'Hailey Patel'. Folks gather around Jakes BBQ, not only to mourn the loss of a very kind; loving man. Every year neighbors leave written notes, bears, and candles to signify their love for 'Jammy', as some called him. Widowed wife, Hailey was interviewed by journalists as the story drew big. Comments were made on James behalf including " Our oldest daughter Zoeyi, turned 15 today. Continue to watch over, as we still continue this struggle of a fight without you. We love you my loving adoring husband." (Puts down phone) Ok! Totally freaking out right now!

JAMES- Please. I've been trying for years to get in contact with her and my 3 children.

EELNA- How did you pass.. (EJ Reaches for James Shoulder, but her hand goes through his shoulders.) WOAH!

JAMES- I'm a spirit. So you won't be able to touch me physically. (Sighs) But to answer your question, I got shot 12 times. I figured because, it was our twelfth year together as a married couple. A lot of people, I felt hated me. But I can't point fingers without any proof. I've been watching her, and Hailey always lived with guilt ever since I past. I just want to tell's not her fault. My death isn't her fault. So you see? I have to find who killed me so she can live peacefully. This is why you are so important! I've been searching for a 'Communicator' for years! It's hard to find one because not many people have the.... I guess gift so to speak. Going years of not speaking to a human? People keep ignoring you and walking past and not acknowledging you?! I...need to do this. I need you to help! You are the only one!

EELNA- I..I can't help you.

JAMES- Please..this is a woman I dearly care about. She's the mother of my kids.

EELNA- (Sighs deeply) Ok..ok...Here's the deal. You can't be sneaking around and scaring me in public. After I help you with your little "marriage" problem, I'm out! You leave me be! Got it?

JAMES- You have my word Eelna.

EELNA- When I call you by name, your more than welcome to appear. (Puts phone in purse) I have to go to my meeting now. Shit ( Looks at time on watch) I don't even have time to get lunch now... umm.. Hey,do something fun in the meantime ok? (Runs out bathroom)

JAMES- Like I can really do anything... (Says sarcastically)

(Scene ends)

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