My Two Life's

Oleh auggiethedickman

263 13 6

My last words were the most memorable, "I can't handle it anymore" Then a shot rings through the air... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

14 1 1
Oleh auggiethedickman

Sorry for the mistakes. NOT EDITED.

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After school I went straight home. I kept on thinking about that boy. He had dirty blond hair and was about six feet tall with green eyes. Which I thought was hot because I have a thing for tall people even though I'm pretty short, I am five foot six. I didn't get the boys name though which made me feel sad,for some reason I felt like I needed to get know him.

I walked home from school today because I didn't have a car and I didn't want to call home and ask my mom to pick me up. When I got home no one was home. I didn't call because I felt like my parents have had enough of me so I started working on my homework. After I got done with my homework I called Hannah to see if I could come over, I texted my mom telling her were I was going, and then I started heading to Hannahs house. We only hung out for a couple hours before my mom texted me to come home. It pretty dark outside, Hannah's house was only six blocks from my house so I just walk back home.

I see something out of the corner of my eye and jolt my head around to see what it is but nothing was there. I just keep walking towards my house. When I was just three blocks away I feel a hand cover my mouth and I try to scream the person pulls me towards a car so I start to struggle but they are to strong and hold me to tight. The person puts me in their car and I see his fist come towards my head and it hits my head then everything goes black.


I wake up in a room that I don't recognize. Then the memories of last night come crashing down on me. A guy walks in and I say "Who the hell are you?" I ask. He just stays, silent I then say "Where the hell am I?"

He then says "He will be here soon."

"Who the hell is 'he' exactly?"

"You will just have to wait and find out," He waits for a second to say "we have taken all of your stuff so no use looking for any of it."

"Wait what exactly did I do to deserve this?" I ask. The guy just leaves.

I wait for about an hour until someone comes in. I look to see who it is.


He just glares at me and comes towards me. When he is finally in front of me, he grabs my arm to pick me up he squeezes my arm very tight while picking me up. He has brown hair and blue eyes he's about five foot ten. "Ow your hurting me!" I say to him.

He then says, "I meant to sweetheart." he said it in an annoyed tone. I cringe at the nickname even though I would usually love it but this time it was different. He lets go of me and pulls back his fist I try to dodge it but I'm not as quick as him. His fist connects with my stomach making me drop to the ground cradling my stomach the blow knocked the air out of me. When I hit the ground he pulls back his leg, and kicks me. His eyes then turn black and he kicks me again in the stomach. He then turns into an abnormally huge brown wolf. It was bigger way bigger than a wolf but not as big as a bear.

The wolf stalks toward me and opens it's mouth and bites down on my leg. I scream in pain while he bites down harder. He finally releases my leg. He starts to come towards me again he lifts his paw up and scratches my side. I then hear the door being hit. After the door being hit a second time it crashes down and Alex turns around. He starts to attack the person at the door.

I start to feel the pain in my stomach and it feels like I broke a rib. I look at my stomach and see three claw marks they look deep enough for stitches. I look at the fight happenning in front of me. My vision starts to blur and I see Alex drop to the ground. The guy who I saw at school who has green eyes starts to come towards me and I black out.


I wake up in another room. I'm in a different shirt on. I lift it up and see that I have a bandadge on my side and a big purple and black bruise. I get up and stand up that's when I remember that I was bitten on the leg and feel the pain. I almost scream but I hold it back and keep walking towards the door. I open the door and enter a large hallway at the end there are stairs. I start to walk towards the stairs to find the door. I hobble down the stairs. The stairs opened up to a living room at the end.

The green eyed boy was on the couch in the living room. He hears me and turns his head. He was quickly in front of me and pulls me into a hug. Sparks fly when he touches me. It felt good even though it also hurt I wanted him to stay right there, but then I realized he technically kidnapped me. Even though he also saved me. I push away from him and he looks at me with hurt in his eyes.

"What are you doing out of bed? You are in no way shape or form to be out of bed!" He then picks me up into his arms and starts to bring me to the room I was in earlier.

"Um excuse me, but who the hell are you?" He seemed to be offended by my words like I should know who he was.

"Oh sorry I forgot your the new girl. I'm Zylen." He replied.

"Can you bring me home my parents must be so worried right now."

"No. Mine."

Did he really just say 'no' to me? "Um Yes, and that was weird."


"Why not?"

"You are mine and you have to be safe." He sets me on the bed softly.

I yell,"I do not belong to you! You sun of a bitch!"

"You should get some rest Cara you are hurt." He puts the blanket over me.

He then leaves the room to let me sleep. Like I would take orders from him. I got up out of bed one more time but being more careful. I came down the stairs without any noise. Zylen wasn't even in the living room actually I didn't know where he was.

I actually it make to the door and try to open it but it was locked. Damn why did he have to be smart?

I go through the living room and it opened up to a back door. I put my hand on the handle and just when I was about to turn the knob I was pulled back. There were sparks when the person touched me I scream and the person lifts me up into their arms. It was Zylen, of course.

"What are you doing?" Zylen said in an annoyed tone.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I say while trying to ignore the sparks that are running through my body.

"You should be sleeping right now." he said through gritted teeth.

"Excuse me! But I think I have the right to leave!" I raised my voice to a yell.

"No you don't. You have to stay with me." I slap him. His eyes turn black but go back to his calming green eyes. He puts me down on the couch and sits next to me. He pulls me into him. His hand holding onto my waist like I was going to disappear.

"What about sleep aren't I supposed to be sleeping?" I try and get up but he just pulls me closer and holds on tighter.I felt safe in his arms.

"You can sleep here if you are actually going to sleep."  He smiles at his decision. I was actually really tired and since he wouldn't let go of me go I layed my head down on his shoulder and doze off.

The girl Sara was running. I still couldn't see who she was running from. She starts running towards a house. She hides in a closet. The door bursts open and she holds her breath. The foot steps are getting closer and closer. The footsteps stop in front of the closet. The closet door opens.

"Dad?"she has fear in her eyes.

"Sara." He grabs her and she starts hitting him. He was to strong though he didn't even flinch.

"Let me go!" he just kept on dragging Sara out the door.


I wake up screaming. Zylen jolts up "What's wrong?"

"What the hell!" I was surprised that Zylen was there for a second and then said, "Oh I just remembered that you are forcing me to stay with you." I push myself away from him ignoring the sparks.

Zylen then said "It's for your safety so you should be grateful."

"Well, I'm not gratefull because I am being forced to stay away from my family and friends. I barely even know you! All I know is your name and... That's all I know about you."

"Would you like to get to know me?"



"Because you are holding me captive."

"For the last time I am not holding you captive!"

I mumble to myself, "It sure feels like it."

"I am not I promise." He said it like I needed to believe it.

"Well then why are you making me stay?"

"Do you believe in supernatural stuff?" The question threw me off track.

"Why are changing the subject"

"Do you?"

He sounded really anoyed with me, it kind of made me feel bad.

"What like demons and stuff?"

"Just answer the question."

"Of course not that's crazy!" Hopefully he didn't hear the doubt in my voice.

He mumbled to himself "Why did she have to be a human?" Then he told me "Well one of the supernatural things are real."

"Your joking."

"No I'm not. I am that one thing"

"Oh yeah and what is the creature called?"

"A werewolf."

It explains everything. Adam turning into a huge wolf and Zylens eyes turning into another color. I just thought that they were tricks of the mind. I tell Zylen, "How does this explain why g

your holding me captive?" It was like he didn't even hear me. he just continued.

"Werewolfs are creatures that are very big and very strong." He smiled at himself obviously proud to be a werewolf. "They are obviously half human half wolf. They control turning into our wolf form except during a full moon, we can't control it then. People can be turned into a werewolf by a werewolf bite. A werewolf can turn you by their bite or not."

I ask, "I still don't see why I am here."

He continued, "Werewolf's have a thing called a mate, it's a soulmate practically. A werewolf's mate can be a human or another werewolf, It's common to have a werewolf mate, but someone getting a human mate is rare. When a werewolf finds their mate they both feel like they want to be with eachother more often. We call this the mate-pull. When an alpha finds his mate the mate-pull is stronger than the regular mate-pull. The man claims his mate by marking her with a bite on the neck." He pauses for a little bit before saying, "Oh yeah I forgot to explain the ranks. There are ranks in the packs that werewolfs tend to stay with unless they are rogues or become rogues. The main rankings are alpha, that is the highest ranking, and the beta, that is the second highest ranking... Any questions?"

I then realize why he explained this to me. "Are we mates?"

"Yes." A smile grows on his face.

"That still doesn't explain why you are keeping me here."

"I am the alpha of my pack."

"And that gives you an excuse to keep me here?" I raise my voice a little bit.

"Since I am the alpha my senses are stronger then the regular werewolf which also means that the mate-pull is way stronger, and the regular werewolf senses are about forty percent stronger then a humans senses, so the alphas senses are about eighty percent stronger then a human's senses."

"Wait, is that why it seems like you always want to touch me?"

"Yes. I do try my hardest not to but it's way harder than I thought it was going to be."

"Is that why I get this weird feeling when we touch?"


I scoot farther away from him. We stay queit for a long while. I finally get up and start go up the stairs. He follows me to the stairs. He was at my heels the whole time. I try and get up the stairs but the pain I was feeling throughout my body causes me to fall but Zylen catches me before I hit the ground. He lifts me into his arms feeling the sparks immediately. I say, "I'm not a cripple Zylen."

Zylen then says, "I can't handle watching you in pain. So were shall I bring you?"

Despising that he won't put me down I tell him, "To my room."

He carries me up the stairs and through the hallway until we reach the room I was in before. He puts me down on the bed. I then ask, "Do you have any clothes for me to wear for bed?"

"Um, i'll be right back." He leaves the room. When he comes back he has an over sized shirt and basketball shorts in his arms. When he hands them to me I can tell that they are his. "It's all I have so unless you want to stay in those clothes you can wear these."

"I'm fine with these I guess for the night. But I better be aloud to go to the store to get some clothes." I mumbled the second part to myself.

"I will send someone to get you some clothes tomorrow." He obviously heard me. He then leaves and shuts the door behind him. I get dressed, and of course both the shirt and shorts were to big for me. The basketball shorts had a draw string thankfully. I got into bed and I dozed off.

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