Only Time Can Tell

נכתב על ידי ShaunaRoberts304

133 0 4

Sally-Ann Neil had been working in Paris as a top paying model for 5yrs and was now making her way back to h... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter four
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven. ...
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen. ..
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen...
Chapter Sixteen. ..
Chapter Seventeen. .
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen. .
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one...
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Twenty-six

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נכתב על ידי ShaunaRoberts304

In the morning Sally-Ann  was up getting herseldf ready for work when Karen walked into the kitchen and asked how her bussiness deal went last night  and Sally-Ann  quickly  told her it went really well, thanked her for looking after Skyanne  for her and was soon out the door heading to work

All week she threw herself into her work and  by the  time the weekend  got here, she was more than happy to stay at home and laze by the pool with her daughter.

Just as she reached fornher drink, she heard  Karen call out her name.
"Out the back,"  she called out.

Karen walked around the back with her parents right behind her.
"Good afternoon  dear, beautiful  place you have here," Mrs Young told her.

As the afternoon seemed to go by really quickly, Sally-Ann  suggested that they all stay the night  and have their  first family  meal dinner together. Mrs Young  said she didn't want to  put her out and Sally-Ann  asured her that she has plenty of room for everyone.

As the night went on, they all enjoyed their meal and sat around chit-chatting for hours, then at 10pm they all called it a night.

During the week  ahead, Sally-Ann  stopped in at the local shop to grab a few things, then on her way home she stopped for a coffee and a bite to  eat. Just as she sat down at the nearest table  she heard  Amanda  yell out at the top of her lungs ," Oh look, it's the litttle bitch that goes running back to her ex - my partner and spins bullshit to him about me."

Sally-Ann  just bursted out laughing at her and told her she was deranged.
That set Amanda  right off, but before she got the chance to say another word, Steven had walked  up behind her  and told her it was best she moved on. Amanda  flashed a fake smiled and told him  she was only talking to her, no drama. Sally-Ann  looked up at her and told her to fuck off and go get a life while she's  at it.

Amanda  looked at her and said,"You think your so smart dont you....  but mark my word Sally-Ann,  your going to pay for this. And here's  a new flash - I'm pregnant with Stevens only child!"

Sally-Ann  couldn't  contain  herself, she bursted out in fits of laughter,  looked her straight in the eyes and   said, " Oh your good, your really good, but I happen to know for a fact your lying."
Amanda  stoped in her tracks and  and told ber she knew jack shit about her.
Sally-Ann  placed her  elbows on the table, rested her chin on her hands as she  looked straight at her and told her she shouldn't  be to sure about that,  as she went into fine detail about Amanda  and all  her lies she had spun. Starting with this so called pregnancy.

She looked at Amanda  and told her that she knows she can't  fall pregnant  due to complations she had when she was 14 and pregnant with her first baby and that if she had off ended up having that child, it would be about 17 now; making  her 31.
Amanda looked at her and told her she didn't know  what she was talking about.

Sally-Ann   just pushed on further, smiled at her and said," Oh and this one is my personal favorite. .... how about all the endless affairs you've had?? Go on tell him Amanda. "
"Shut up,  just shut up!" she yelled.
"Oh my BAD, did I just let the cat out of the bag. Not so smitten now are we," Sally-Ann  challenged.

The whole time Steven stood there not believing what he just heard. The whole time Amanda  just lied to him. He turned to face Sally-Ann  and asked where she had gotten all that information  from. She told  him she had over heard a few men talking about her in the bar and that she had even seen it with her own two  eyes.

Steven looked at Sally-Ann  and told her he didn't  wish to talk about that crazy bitch anymore. Than  he asked if her if she was free
Saturday night as there was somewhere he wished to take her.  She told him she was as free as a bird and he smiled and said terrific.
"We'll meet  here for a coffee at 6pm,"  he told her.

Saturday came  rathef quickly and young Skyanne  was having  a sleep over  at Catilyn ' s  place; which meant Sally-Ann  had the whole house to herself. She decided to lazy around the pool reading a book to fill the day in before she had to go get herself ready to meet Steven in town.

Dead on 4:30pm,  Sally-Ann  went ran herself a nice warm bubble bath, applied a face mask, climbed into the tub to soak for an half an hour. She shaved her legs, washed hair, rinsed her face, got out of the tub, wrapped  a towel around herself, one on her head, than went tomher room to dig something out of her wardrobe to wear.

She had chosen  a ice satin open shoulder blouse, a white ruffle he knitted skirt, a pink kimone and grabbed herself  a pair of white millie slingback wedge shoes. Next Sally-Ann  tied her hair back in a fishtal, applied some make-up and for the final touches, she had a pair of diamond  hoop earrings with a matching necklace.

Checking herself in the mirror, she thought too herself ,"Yes that will be fine," as she grabbed her handbag  and headed for her car.

Pulling up outthe front of the Tavern,  Sally-Ann  got out and locked her car, than headed inside to meet Steven.

Taking a seat, Steven asked her how her week had been and she told him it had been  a pretty hetic one and asked him how his week had been. He told her it  was pretty crappy, but rewarding on the same token.

After there coffee, they headed to a nice in restaurant  to have  something to eat before heading over to the theatre.

Sally-Ann  asked Steven where he was taking her, and he told her he had heard  a few of the boys at work talking about  "Gately on Broadway,"  that there wives had seen  and that was where he was taking her. "You will love it baby-girl".

Once they had finished  eatting,Steven paid the bill, they both climbed  into Stevens car and drove to the theater.

After parking the car, Steven grabbed  her hand and off they went to find there seats.  Steven had booked the seats for the front row.
Taking there seat , they waited for the show to begin.

Two hours later when the show finished, Sally-Ann  turned to face Steven and told him that was the most magnificent  performance  she'd ever seen. She loved it, loved everything  about it... right down to there backdrops and costumes.  She couldn't  thank him enough for asking her to join him. He just smiled at her and told her it was his pleasure.... but the night wasn't  over yet.

Steven suggested  a stroll along the beach and  maybe a nightcap at my place afterwards.
Sally-Ann  looked at him and told him, she was in for the walk along the beach, however the nightcap part.... she was hesitated on the idea of it.
Steven looked at her and asured Sally-Ann it was nothing more than a friendly coffee.

Walking along the beach front , they soon came to a ramp over looking the ocean. Steven turned to Sally-Ann  and asked if she remembers coming down here as a young teenage girl and they would sit on the jetty watching the boats sail out into the horizon.  He told her he can remembers  once that she told him she wanted to sail away to some desert  Island to get away for  life for awhile.
She just laughed and couldn't  believe  he actually remembered  that.

Half an hour later Steven turned to face Sally-Ann  and said, " Well how about that nightcap I mentioned earlier ?"
"Oh I don't  know about that," she said nervously.
Steven  took one look at her and asked her what she was afraid of... than asured her she had nothing to worry about.

She agreed, but told him straight if there was any funny bussiness,  she would be out that door so quickly no hesitation  what-so-ever.

Pulling up out the front of his place, Steven turned the engine off,  went around to the other side of the car and helped Sally-Ann  out.

Walking into the flat she had spotted an old photo of both Steven and herslf sitting on the bookshelt  and asked him where on earth did he get it from,  and he told her Karen had given it to him.  She shook her head and  said that wouldn't  surprise her one bit.

After making a coffee for both of them, they moved into the lounge-room  and sat down to speak. , when Steven suddenly  pulled her in tight towards him and planted a kiss on her. She didn't pull away and the kiss deepened, he explored her mouth with his tongue  as he slowly ran his hand down her back, than up under eath her shirt, over her ribcage  to first cup her left breast, then her right. He muttered something  under his  breath and with that she pulled away.

She told him she had to go, that  they couldn't  do this, she couldn't do this. She wouldn't  allow him to break her heart again as she definitely  could not go through that pain again. " It's been a lovely night,  but I'm sorry.... I got to go!"

Steven was dumbfounded and told her to wait, come back inside,  they need to talk.  But she shook her at him and told him there was nothing to talk about.

Steven asked her what she was afraid off.

" You, I'm afraid of you breaking my heart again."

He looked at her and told her he did not know what she was talking about and had no idea what it is he's supposed  to have  done to her.
He had been trying to work it out  ever since  he found out she arrived back home.
Sally-Ann  spun around, looked him straight in the face and said, " Wow, your serious aren't  you, you really havent a clue?"
He nodded his head and told her he was serious, he really didn't  have any idea and asked her to explain it.

Sally-Ann stood there for a minute and then  nodded her head and told him it was beacause she had caught him red handed,  butt naked in the lounge-room  floor of this very apartment  making out with Amanda.  You didn't  see me, but she certainly  did and to this very day, I can still see that stupid smugged look on her face. It was a look I will never forget, one that chilled me too my bones. 
Justbseeing it with my own two eyes was enough to make me leave... leave for good.

Steven was shocked by what he was hearing and  that's  when he told her straight out that  he was not naked... if she had of looked closely,  she would have seen a towel underneath him; which was wrapped around me at one point. He also told her he never kissed Amanda,  it was the other way around and if maybe you hadn't  of walked off like you did, you would have seen me push her off myself.
"Than why was that fucken  bitch there in the first place?"

Steven shrugged  his shoulders and told her, he had no idea. He told her he had come out of his shower with the towel wrapped around himself and there she was and he had no idea how on earth she had gotten into his apartment. .. but she did. She was all over me like a rash and knocked me to the floor and you got to believe me when I say that I told her I was not interested. ... but she wouldn't  take no for an answer.

"Well please explain to me why you dated that  crazy  bitch in the first  place if your heart wasn't  in it?"
Steven looked straight in the eyes and told her it was becuse he was lead to believe that when she left, she left with another  man.

Sally-Ann was flabbergasted  and said," Let  me guess, Amanda  told you that and you believed her?  What a manipulating bitch!"

Steven than  asked her why she was at his house tbat day and  she told him that it didn't   matter nowand that it was getting late  and she should really be going. But Steven pointed out  to her  that they came in his car  and hers was still parked at the Tavern,  plus the fact it was late.  Than he suggested  she stay the njght, take his bed and he would sleep on the lounge.

She was shocked and told him that there was no way in hell she was staying there alone with him in his apartment.
He shook his head at her, laughed and asured her everything was fine and pointed her in the direction  of his room and told her if there was anything she needed,  just to call out and told her to help herself to one of his shirts if she needed  something to sleep in.

המשך קריאה

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