Fanalis of Middle Earth

By SpaciestUnicorn

44.3K 1.3K 127

Morgiana was taking her last breath after defeating Zagan but what Morgiana didn't expect is to wake up in fr... More

Things to know before reading
Is this the end?
Strange wakening
Mr: Pointy Hat?
The Quest
Hitting the Road
Troubled Thoughts
It's Time To Ruuuummmmbbbllee!
Don't underestimate me!
Radagast the Brown?

Dwarf cuteness

3.9K 124 2
By SpaciestUnicorn


It's been two days since Bilbo had the strange encounter with Gandalf and to be honest he had completely forgotten about it by now. It was night fall, Morgiana and Bilbo were just about to eat dinner when a knock had interrupted them.

Morgiana's POV:

I was about to dig into the yummy fish Bilbo had made but was interrupted when a knock at the door was heard.
Looking towards Bilbo he had a confused face as well since we never get visitor's especially at this time of the day.

Bilbo goes to get the door while I go and quickly put on my cloak to hide my unique features. Once I had had my cloak on a small man had came barging through, making his way towards Bilbo's plate of food.
I stare at the man, confused on what was happening. The man didn't really notice my presence in the room so I made my way towards Bilbo wondering what was taking him so long. Once he came into view more people showed up and for some reason they thought I was some type coat hanger because they had thrown there coats on me.

I felt my eye twitch 'do I really look like a coat rack?!' I thought irritated.
I looked at Bilbo through the coats and notice that he is also irritated by these strange men.  The doorbell started ringing and Bilbo was about blow from anger but when he opened the door to yell at who ever was at the door, a whole bunch of people came crashing through door and at the end of the pile of people stood the strange man I saw two days ago. I narrowed my eye's at the man 'so he was the cause of this' I thought.

"Gandalf!" Bilbo said the an exasperated look.

Mini time skip to everyone in the dinning room~

Once every was in the dinning room I had thrown off the stupid coats especially the one that smelt really bad. Moving my way quietly and pretty much blending in the back ground to where everyone started eating. 'Aw I didn't even get to eat the yummy fish Bilbo made' I thought with a pouty face.

At this point I think Bilbo also forgot about me but it was kinda understandable since these random men started rearranging everything and taking all the food in the pantry which had caused Bilbo to start to freak out at them telling them to put it back but they weren't really listening nor giving a care.

I kept on following Bilbo like a lost puppy and I'm still surprised no one notice me yet. I wasn't really paying attention tot he conversations since it was kinda overwhelming when so people move and talk in small room.

I followed Bilbo who went to the pantry but ended grabbing something from one the strange men.

"Excuse me! That's not a dish cloth, that's a doily" Bilbo said with frustrated face.

"But it's full of holes?" said a man with an adorable yet weird hat.

"It's supposed to be like that it's Crouchery " Bilbo said annoyed.

" Wonderful game it is too, if you got the balls for it" said the guy in the strange hat with a teasing manner.

I widened my eye's than quickly narrowed them at the man ' was this guy being dirty or is it just my mind playing with me'. Bilbo's angry muttering about dwarves broke me out of my thoughts, ' ohhhh dwarves explain the shortness and the weirdly cute gruffyness if that makes sense.'

I kinda feel bad for not doing anything but I feel like this needs to happen, there's also the fact that these tiny men seem so cute to me and it's not often I think stuff that's cute. Suddenly the only tall person here was walking / crouching over to Bilbo and it looked awkward because he was so tall.

"My dear Bilbo! What on earth is the matter?"  said the man named Gandalf, he was finally able to stand up straight once got passed the narrow hall.

"What's the matter?! The matter is that I'm surrounded by Dwarves, what are they doing here?" Bilbo stated trying his best to stay calm but slowly failing.

"Oh! There quite a merry gathering once you get used to them" said Gandalf, making it seem like there was no angry hobbit that was gonna blow any minute.

"I don't want to get used to them! Look at the state of my kitchen! I just don't understand what their doing in house?" said Bilbo, walking back towards the main hall.

" Morgiana doesn't need to be treated like a coat rack either!"" said Bilbo catching Gandalf's interest. 'wow so you noticed I was a coat rack and you didn't bother to help!?' my eye twitched at the thought.

Before Gandalf could ask any questions about me we got interrupted by a dwarf that kinda remind me of a child that was slowly learning about the world. " Excuse me! I don't mean to interrupt but what should I do with my plate?"

"Here ya Ori, give it to me" said another dwarf that I think goes by the name Fili. He reminded me of a cuddly cat for some reason,  the man grabbed Ori's plate and started to throw it at another dwarf and that soon caused a chain reaction in all the dwarves as they tossed plates, bowls and other stuff.

"E-Excuse me! Can you not do that, those are my mother's that are a 100 year's old!" yelled Bilbo but the dwarves continued on throwing stuff but than his attention was caught by other dwarves that were scraping the cutlery against each other.

"And can you not do that, you'll blunt them!" Bilbo said trying to get to them but was easily pushed back.

Suddenly the dwarves started to create a catchy beat. " oohh did you hear that lads? He says we will blunt the knives" said the cute hat dwarf.
That was when they all started to sing on what Bilbo hates and I gotta admit, it had me tapping my foot at the beat.

Once the song ended I noticed the plates were nicely stacked, I couldn't help but notice the smiles on the faces on each person....they looked so happy....I couldn't help but smile at them. Suddenly, three heavy knocks were coming the door. Everyone had become quiet and the air becoming tense.

"He's here" was all Gandalf said and I looked at Bilbo who was also confused. 'Who's he?' I couldn't help but think.

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