Against such things, there is...

By jochval

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A story of a couple who came from different worlds. They do not have the same social status, ethnicity, and... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Fruit
Chapter 2 - Eternal Love
Chapter 3 - Unspeakable Joy
Chapter 5 - High Patience
Chapter 6 - Showing Kindness
Chapter 7 - My Goodness
Chapter 8 - Great is thy Faithfulness
Chapter 9 - Being Gentle
Chapter 10 - Practicing Self Control
Chapter 11 - Against such things
Chapter 12 - There is no law

Chapter 4 - Everlasting Peace

61 7 13
By jochval

Several hours earlier, Jericho arrived in Kuala Lumpur past midnight. He then grabbed his phone from his pocket because someone is calling him.

"Hi sir, I just arrived here in Malaysia. It was a smooth flight," he said happily to Arturo Lim, the father of Kathrina.

"Great. About your plan later, good luck. I cannot see a reason if my daughter will not consider you to be his partner. You are a well-educated man, you came from a good and well-to-do family, and most importantly our clans were so close in the Filipino-Chinese community, so I can't wait for you to be my son-in-law," Arturo said it excitingly.

Jericho asked Kathrina's father his permission to pursue her daughter a few days before their flights. That desire made Arturo happy as he is also eyeing Jericho before to be the future husband of Kathrina. So he then told Jericho to follow her in Kuala Lumpur and express his intentions in a far-away and memorable place.

Jericho cannot sleep well in his hotel room for he is getting nervous about how to articulate his feelings for her. He is confident that he will receive a positive response from Kathrina. He then opens his drawer and gets a small blue box. where inside it is a necklace that he plans to give to her as a gift of his admiration. Then a few moments later, he slept.


"What are you really doing here?" she was puzzled by his presence there while they are riding KLIA Express from the airport to the city center.

"Well, I just want to scout possible clients. Maybe it's time we will get prospects outside our country," he grinned while looking in her beautiful eyes

"Okay, but how did you know that I will be in Malaysia?" She is still suspicious.

"I just happened to talk to your dad while we were at a business conference and he mentioned that you will be going here too."

"Look! We are very near. Welcome to the city of Kuala Lumpur!" as he is pointing his finger to the Petronas Towers that are visible in the window.


Over 1000 miles away back in Manila, Vincent and Joshua entered Shiloh Sports Complex. This would be the start of getting back Joshua's physique that was tarnished with fats, excess sugar, and carbohydrates he consumed over the months. They jogged the oval track, joined Zumba sessions, done many push-ups, and crunches for their muscles.

"I think I need to go to a spa after this. I'm so tired of what we have done," Joshua said while they were eating fish ball, tempura, and other street foods outside the complex. They were just standing in front of a vendor while cooks what they eat in his boiling frying pan

"Yeah me too. But if we do this more often, Kathrina will notice you more when she comes back," Vincent giggled while teasing Joshua. He then taps the shoulder of Vincent strongly as he was annoyed.

"By the way, are you really sure about her? Let's face it, she is rich bro and belongs to a culture that is different from us. Will this not spark your insecurities again?"

"I know and I've been thinking about it. But I think I will gamble again this time. And besides, there is no law prohibiting two different upbringings to be together as long as you like each other," Joshua said it confidently.

"But the question is, will there be a possibility that she will like someone like you?"

"I don't know but I will make her like me!" he said Joshua while throwing his last stick of tempura into a plastic bag.

"Oh! here we go of your idealism again Josh!" Vincent covers his head with his hand while tilting his head up.


In the dark and romantic KLCC Park, Kathrina and Jericho were watching the dazzling dancing fountains. Together they can see the magnificent view of the lights of the Petronas Towers. Kathrina was taking a night mode shot picture of the beautiful edifice when suddenly Jericho approaches her

"Beautiful right?" he complimented the image she took.

"Yes, I've been a few times here in KL, but I always mesmerized by this building!" while she was smiling because of the impression.

"Yeah right. But Kath, you know what's even more mesmerizing?". Then he took the small blue box and removed the necklace. He then put it at her back. She was mystified on what was going on.

"Kath, the necklace I gave you is the sign of my admiration for you. Ever since when we were young, It was always my desire to spend the rest of my life with you. I like you, Kath."

"I know that you are still in shock on what I confessed, but I hope you will give me a chance."

"One of the reasons that I followed you in Malaysia is to tell this to you. I already asked the permission of Sir Arturo and he gave me a blessing to pursue you," he continued as he took her hand.

"Can I pray for this first Echo? I am still stunned." She was shy and can't look in his eyes.

"Yeah sure. I'm sorry for letting you feel this. I hope we can still be okay," as he gripped her hand harder, but then Kathrina removed her hands from his.

When Kathrina arrived at the apartment they rented, She still cannot believe that his childhood friend expressed his feelings for her. The more she analyzes it, she is sure that she does not feel the same way because she only thinks of him as a friend. So she prayed and grabbed her Bible because she became distressed and anxious and then stumbled upon this verse in Philippians 4:7-8

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"

Right at that moment, she confirmed it and had peace in her heart. A peace that is everlasting that she is so sure that she and Jericho will just be friends forever. But she was concerned that this realization she had will break Jericho's heart. She prayed even more while crying it out to Him.

After she prayed, she suddenly misses Joshua. She can't understand why she suddenly thought of him. She was smiling remembering their few moments especially the first time they met where he read her name in the adhesive. She was also amused when she remembered Joshua forgot to remove his nametag in the tented market.

"Why am I thinking of him? Do I miss him? I must remove this in my mind!" she said while she was shaking her head.


One week has passed after the hectic schedules of Kathrina and Jericho. They refreshed themselves by going to Batu Caves, a popular tourist spot, and a Hindu shrine outside Kuala Lumpur. They were replenished by seeing mountains and green sceneries. Jericho noticed that the necklace she gave to Kathrina was missing, but he did not confront her.

At the back of her mind, Kathrina wants to tell him now her decision if she will give him a chance or not, but she was afraid that it might ruin their friendship. She also worried because he will return to the Philippines the day after and it would not be good timing that they will separate ways in a bad condition.

"Echo, I need to tell you something," as she looks down and can't look straight at him.

"What is it, Kath? Tell me."

She then gets the necklace from her pocket and grabs his hand and returned it to him.
"I'm sorry, I cannot reciprocate your feelings for me," while tears bursts slowly from her eyes.

"But why? We have known each other since childhood. You must have some affection for me!" he angrily said.

"Yes, we have been friends for so long, but that's the only thing I can give in return."

"I can give you a good life Kath. I will make you a princess if you give your heart to me!" He begs to give her a chance.

"I understand you are disappointed. But I am really sorry. God bless on your trip tomorrow," while she walks away wiping her wet eyes.

Jericho's appearance changed. He was angry and wants to shout and throw something out of his discouragement. So he went near to a quiet spot on the shrine and threw the necklace while shouting so loud that scared the monkeys and they ran away.

"You will be mine Kathrina. You will be mine!" said to himself while cooling himself by his rage.

"I did everything you want. I even went to your church and do Christian stuff just to please you," he continued. Jericho is not really after God's heart in the first place. He was just pretending to be sold out to Jesus. He is just there because he wants to get more closer to her.


At Shiloh Sports complex, Joshua and Vincent sat under the tree while resting when Josh suddenly found on Facebook that makes him sad. He saw the pictures of Kathrina and Jericho in Malaysia and they are happy with each other.

"My boss was in Kuala Lumpur? And he was with Kathrina?"

"Maybe they are just friends, they belong to the same circle. Just don't overthink," Vincent advises him.

So they went back every weekend in the complex and worked out their bodies until they did not notice it was 2 months. Joshua's body improved so much. The combination of proper diet and exercise made him fit than he was when he left Cebu.

He also transferred a place to stay. They are now sharing a room with Vincent. He has now a bigger space and learned again to organize his things and clean the room unlike when he was in a disheartened state.

He restored slowly his devotion to God and attends worship services in Way Maker Fellowship. He broke one by one the strongholds and fortresses that reside in his mind and his heart that contributed to his depression.

As Joshua and Vincent were jogging through the oval, Josh bumped through a lady and he looked back to check on her.

"Miss, are you okay?" he was confirming his situation. But as he saw who she was, his countenance was lifted and his heart was beating so fast. It was Kathrina!

"Josh? Is that you? You really changed a lot!" she was amazed that Joshua has become more fit. In her mind, he becomes attractive and cute with his new build-up.

"Yes, I exercised so much for many weeks. By the way, did you just arrived?"

"Yeah, I came back last night," she smiled and that almond eyes start to fade again that made his heart melt.

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