Royal Renegade

By xXTheBelieverXx

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"Let me have your throat again," he beckons, and despite how airy and thin his voice is, it's still powerful... More

Chapter 1: What Are You Waiting For?
Chapter 2: Reap and Sow
Chapter 3: Trigger
Chapter 4: Royal Pains
Chapter 5: Your What?
Chapter 6: Opportunity
Chapter 7: First Embrace
Chapter 8: Pressure
Chapter 9: Am I Not the Prince?
Chapter 10: Roots
Chapter 11: Target Practice
Chapter 12: Worthy Opponent
Chapter 13: Blood or Wine?
Chapter 14: Follow Me
Chapter 15: Good Night
Chapter 16: Vulnerable
Chapter 17: His Name
Chapter 18: Let Her Go
Chapter 19: Prince Charming
Chapter 20: Leave Me Alone
Chapter 21: Pure
Chapter 22: Where Would I Go?
Chapter 23: Nightmare
Chapter 24: Dark Knight
Chapter 25: Need
Chapter 26: Reckless Embrace
Chapter 27: Humble My Pride
Chapter 28: Do Dreams Come True?
Chapter 29: First
Chapter 30: Yes, Please
Chapter 31: None of Your Business
Chapter 32: Sweet Potato Pie
Chapter 33: Monsters
Chapter 34: Why'd You Let Him Go?
Chapter 35: To Know You
Chapter 36: Axelia or Xeli
Chapter 38: Game of Chess
Chapter 39: How Did I Get These?
Chapter 40: Missing Pieces
Chapter 41: Prince in Mourning
Chapter 42: This is Love
Chapter 43: Innocent
Chapter 44: Royal Renegade
Chapter 45: I'm Here
Chapter 46: He Understands?
Chapter 47: Freesia Flowers
Chapter 48: From Enemy to Ally
Chapter 49: Power in Relationship
Chapter 50: Incredible
Chapter 51: Checkmate
Chapter 52: I Belong Here
Chapter 53: This is the One
Chapter 54: Human?
Chapter 55: What You Want
Chapter 56: I Do
Chapter 57: We Are Family
Chapter 58: Frustration {Mature}
Chapter 59: Together {Mature}
Chapter 60: Matters to Discuss {Mature}

Chapter 37: Too Far

4.6K 259 66
By xXTheBelieverXx

Princess Axelia

A frigid breeze against my face brings me into consciousness. Opening my eyes, I face the dull embers of a fire close to being put out by its ashes. The drop in temperature has numbed my nose and hands, so I'm grateful Leonidas allowed me to sleep beside him. I thought it would be weird, or uncomfortable, but as soon as he wrapped me in his arms I fell asleep.

He feels so secure.

With a sigh, I glance at the dagger resting loosely in the palm of one of my frosty, ash-bitten hands. The blade is as soft as his feather was. I wonder when I'll have the opportunity to try it out. I doubt Maynard will be up for a match with the tension between us. Even though he's always been more loyal to me than to my father, he was really upset about my choice to stay with Leonidas.

He doesn't know how I feel about the Prince.

Sure, I told Leonidas I wanted to get to know him better before professing love, but if I let everything else go-- I know it is love that I feel when I'm with him.

My cheeks warm at the thought.

Despite our past and all my prior attempts to murder him, Leonidas has treated me with utmost respect, patience, and grace.

He didn't even get upset about how he came to find out about Herakles' proposal or for the way I lashed out at him in my anger yesterday. I think he would have let me shove that dagger into his heart if he believed I really wanted him dead. Yet, even in that, he chose to believe better of me.

His wings would have taken my head if he didn't.

Holding my breath, I turn under one of his arms so I can face him and the motion doesn't seem to stir him like in the past. His chest continues to gently rise and fall with his soft breaths, and his eyebrows occasionally furrow. There is a slight part of his rose-pink lips and for the first time I notice a faint sprinkle of freckles on his cheekbones.


How can someone this genuine and handsome; a Prince, fall for me? He doesn't want power, money, or my father's favor.

He just wants me.

But I'm an absolute mess who most definitely doesn't deserve him.

My gaze lowers at the thought, which gives me an opportunity to admire his chiseled, bare chest-- perky little nipples and the 6-grid of lightly defined abs beneath. Nesting under his ribs is a cluster of pink and tan blotches forming a scar where we removed the arrow from his body. He is fair-skinned but not as pale as I would imagine a ghost, drawing attention to the colors of his healing wounds. Thin veins crawl through his skin as he stirs in his sleep, darkening at his wrists, forearms and neck.

I follow their trail up to his cheeks just as his eyes begin to open. He blinks a few times before meeting my gaze. "Are you watching me sleep?" he mumbles. I struggle to fight back a grin as I nod, and he exhales a hard sigh through his nose. "I hope I didn't drool."

Choking on air is becoming second-nature to me. I didn't expect that would be a worry of his.

"N-no," I laugh, "there is no drool."

His mouth shrugs in a downward motion before he smirks. "I wish I could say the same for you, Princess, but--"


I sit up so fast that it makes me light-headed but that doesn't stop me from ferociously rubbing the sleeves of my shirt against my chin.

Rolling onto his back, he sets an arm over his stomach as he laughs. "I'm just kidding," he manages to share between chuckles. "Although you were staring so hard it would've been flattering."

Huffing, I let my arms fall to my sides as I glare down at him.

"I was not."

"Was, too."

"Was-" I trail off noticing the way his muscles ripple as he stretches his arms over his head.

"Are, too."


I'm about to continue the argument when he freezes mid-stretch with a wince and quickly lowers his arms back to his sides.

"Did that hurt?" I frown as I settle myself back down to the bed of coats, so I'm lying beside him once more.

He sighs and tilts his head enough to glance down at his body causing strands of his hair fall onto his forehead with the motion, and he presses a hand onto a spot under his ribs.

"I'm still healing," he explains. "The longbow's arrow left internal wounds."

I can only imagine. Being shot like that would have killed a human.

As he continues to poke around on his chest to find other sore spots, veins return to his cheeks, neck and forearms, rising in dark shades of blue and purple. I watch as they paint his body surprised that he is completely dismissive of their presence.

"Leonidas, feed from me."

His motions cease before he shifts his gaze to me so I turn my back towards him and pull my hair to expose my neck. A second doesn't pass before I feel the tickle of his breath. One of his arms hugs my back against his chest as he plants a single kiss at the base of my neck and briskly drives his fangs through my skin.

Instinctively, I stiffen as the piercing ache sets off my nerves like fireworks. I have to stifle a scream by biting onto the sleeve of my shirt. I didn't expect he would give in without a protest but after all he went through yesterday, he must be famished. Just as I begin to lean into the pain, he withdraws, injecting a bite further up my neck. Here, his fangs sink deeper making me shiver as my hands grip onto a coat which causes one of my shoulders to push his chest away.

A low, vibratory growl warns me to stop resisting, and he tugs my shoulder down to its original position which grants him access to bury and root his fangs in my throat even further than before. What was an ache is now a throbbing pulse of pain like the feeling after getting a shot of medicine, except worse. I squirm until he uses his upper body to pin me down, firmly grasping my wrists and pressing them to the cool, stone ground.

Choosing to think about our courtship manages to take my mind away long enough that the tugging of his swallows no longer hurts. I'm finally able to breathe a sigh and relax to the sound of his purr for the next five minutes it takes until he releases me with a lick over his puncture marks.

Even though I know they've healed, I can't help but lift a hand to my tingling skin as I turn to look at him.

All traces of his thirst have vanished as well as any blood that could've been left on his lips or chin.

I'm far messier an eater than him.

"I'm sorry," he murmurs as he collapses to his back and rests an arm over his forehead as he shamefully averts his gaze from me. "I didn't mean to be so rough."

"I can handle pain and I'm the one who offered," I counter.

He nods, running a hand through his hair leaving his fingers tangled in it as he closes his eyes. "Thank you," he whispers solemnly.

He seems upset, and I don't want him to feel guilty for drinking my blood.

Nibbling on my lower lip, I completely turn over until my body is facing him and lean up on an elbow before pressing my lips to his. Initially, he doesn't respond, so I pull away. But then he sits up and lifts me onto his lap allowing me to adjust my straddle before settling his hands above my hips.

There is a trace of the metallic taste of my blood on his lips, but nothing potent enough to deter me. Content with our chaste, sweet mouth-dance I roam my fingers through his hair before giving a gentle tug that elicits a soft hum from him.

It makes me wonder if blood is the only thing that gets him to purr.

Before I have a chance to find out, he pulls his face from me also removing his hands to set them behind his upper body for support with his recline.

I tilt my head to a side in confusion as his distant gaze makes him appear lost in his thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I inquire.

"I just really don't want to mess this up and lose you," he murmurs low as his gaze falls.


Leaning forward, I press my lips to his again, hoping the gesture will reassure him as I allow my feelings to flow through me though I can't yet say the word associated with them.

He lifts a hand to cup my chin while his other hand pulls my waist impossibly tight against his own making me gasp. Every nerve sparking to life as I grasp one of his shoulders for balance and to readjust my straddle. Then, a new tingling sensation draws a long moan from me a moment my hips roll along something stiff. Perhaps a muscle in his leg, or curve of a knee.

I'm not sure where my confidence comes from, but I take the opportunity to kiss along his jaw before dipping my face to his neck. Caught up in the moment one of my hands tugs at his hair as the other unintentionally drops to his lap while I gently suck at a spot on his neck, all of which causes his entire body to go rigid as he moans.

Suddenly, our position reverses with my back to the floor as he possessively claims my lips in a fiery embrace. All I can hear is our heavy breathing until he kisses along my neck which allures his predatory purr to return.

Immediately stopping, he pulls back from me as his veins darken in streaks all over his skin and cheeks wither.

"I'm sorry," he breathes, hurriedly distancing himself and standing.

"Because of your thirst?" I wonder, until he shakes his head.

"No, if we continue and I bite you while we're like this, I don't have the restraint to keep us from going too far."

Too far?

Does he mean--

"Sex?" the questions slips and although he blushes, his eyes dilate.

A curt nod is all he offers before turning away exhaling a heavy sigh and retrieving his tunic from where it hangs by the fire.

I didn't even consider-- I hope he doesn't think that was my intention when I initiated our kiss.

My heart races at the thought.

"Leonidas, I'm sorry," I blurt. "I was just trying to make you feel better about feeding from me and I didn't even think kissing would-- I wasn't trying to s-seduce you. I value purity, too. I'm not trying to have sex with you before--"

"Whoa, hey," he cuts me off, returning to my side in a blur that causes a small breeze to chill my skin.

"I don't want you to th-think I'm some k-kind of temptress," I stammer as tears begin to fill my eyes.

"Axelia," his eyebrows furrow and gaze softens, "I don't think that of you. I'm sorry that's how I came off. I was just saying that I know I want to have sex with you so we needed to stop before I lost control," he clarifies.


Wait, what?!

He plus wanting carry the sex and subtract control equals--

Leonidas wants to have sex with me, now?!

My blush isn't the only present as he realizes what he's just confessed but he maintains his poise. "You are no temptress, I'm just hormonal," he sheepishly admits, rubbing the back of his head.

"S-so I should probably put on more clothes, too," I nervously chuckle when I realize I'm only in a thin shirt and leggings.

"If I can't handle looking at you then perhaps I'm a tempter," he jokes, and rises to his feet offering a hand to help me up which I happily accept.

"Do you think we should stop kissing altogether? I won't always know when you're uhm-- hormonal."

Amusement fills his eyes as he steps closer to me, our hands still attached. "Perhaps," he considers. "Can you kiss me without pulling my hair?"

I didn't realize what an affect it had on him, a prominence at the crotch of his trousers enlightens me. Still, his hair so soft and I like when he starts humming.

"No," I confess, bashfully dropping my gaze the ground.

Using a finger, he tilts my chin back up so our eyes meet. "Well then it's settled, Princess."

I can't hide my pout but I know the decision is what's best. I've never experienced anything of sexual nature before, not even on my own accord. While I'm not entirely sure of his experience, or lack thereof, I don't believe either of us would really know what we're doing.

Not that it matters, I'm far from ready to venture there with him anytime soon.

"Alright," I sigh, sulking over to my armor to get dressed for the sake of warmth.

By the time I've thrown out my rabbits, and gathered my daggers, I glance up to find Leonidas sitting by the fire, an elbow propped up on one of his knees so he can lean his chin on a wrist as his eyes follow me.

"Shouldn't you be putting out the fire?" I ask, stomach fluttering under his steady, gentle gaze.

The storm has passed and he's far from home.

"I need to rest more to heal completely," he gives a small shrug. "I'm not planning to leave until sunset."


"Do you want me to stay?"

Shaking his head, he stands up and begins to restructure the bed of coats.

"Your father is probably wondering where you've been. I'm sure he will send people to search for you, and I really don't have another fight in me."

As he speaks, there is a wariness to his tone expressive of his exhaustion.


"I've got a ride prepared to take you home," he continues, gesturing past me to the entrance of the den.


He's been with me this whole time.

Frowning, I walk over and peek my head out only to meet the void eyes of Shadow which stare into the depths of my soul.

"You're kidding, right?"

When I turn around to look at him, he's no longer standing where I can see him.

Stepping further into the den, I find he's already snuggled himself back up and fallen asleep.


Sighing, I gather as many dead branches and shrubbery as I can to cover the entryway of the den in case anyone patrolling happens to roam through this area while he rests.

"Alright, Shadow," I mutter uncomfortably as I slowly approach her.

She exhales a deep sigh through her nose and stomps a front foot making me stop and consider just walking.

My hesitation seems to give her a change of heart when she shakes out her hair and bows her head, inviting me to mount.

Time to go home.


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