Can You Ever Love Me? A Niam...

By finishedwriterx

240K 7.2K 1.8K

Liam Payne has a secret. He is in love with his straight best friend Niall Horan. He wish he could be happy l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty - Epilogue

Chapter Thirteen

9.3K 302 35
By finishedwriterx

Liam's POV

Niall didn't come back. Zayn had waited a while with me but then had gone home as it was getting late. I was alone for the first time in the hospital. Niall had always stayed with me but now he wasn't here as he had gone off with Skye. Zayn had tried to tell me that he was probably just telling her about how it couldn't work between them. I didn't believe him. It didn't take that long to tell someone that.

Immedietly after Zayn had left I started to cry. I had managed to hold it together but now I just let the tears fall freely. I loved Niall so much and he just had to go and play with my feelings. 

I was so relieved I was going home tomorrow, I could finally just sit at home until I got better. I could block out everyone and try and forget my feelings for Niall and that he had ever kissed me. Why did he say he loved me and then go out with Skye and not come back? He probably realized he did't love me and just ran away. I would have appreciated it if he had just come and told me to my face that what he said was stupid. I'm kinda glad I didn't tell him I loved him, I would have been even more humiliated. 

I just needed to get out of this fucking hospital room and get home. Once I was at home I could just try and forget everything. I didn't want to see Niall for a while. 

I wiped the tears from my face with my cast free hand and pulled the hospital blankets closer around my face and closed my eyes. Before I fully fell asleep I heard the door creak slightly behind me. I didn't turn around. If it was Niall I just wanted him to leave so I kept my eyes closed. 

"Li? You awake?" I heard Niall whisper behind me. His voice sounded closer than I expected so I tried not to stir. I heard him sigh and then heard the faint sound of the chair beside my bed being slightly moved. It was quiet for a while but then there was the sound of heavy breathing suggesting Niall had fallen asleep. 

I was hoping he wouldn't have come back. Now when I wake up in the morning it is going to be as awkward as hell. I was to exhausted to think about to think about it though so I let my eyelids fall shut once again and tried to block out Niall's light snores from beside me. 

Niall's POV

I spent the whole day with Skye trying to forget about Liam before I had to go back. It was hard. Skye was lovely but everytime I looked at her she would remind me of Liam and what had happened. I felt guilty for what I had done. 

I was thinking about not going back to the hospital tonight but come back tomorrow when I was refreshed, but I needed to get it over and done with. I dropt Skye of at her house and said goodbye and then turned around and headed back to the hospital. 

When I arrived it had just started getting dark and there were not many cars in the parking lot. I parked nearest to the entrance and walked inside. The nurses knew the boys and I by now and they didn't bother telling us that visiting times were over as they knew we would just argue with them to stay.

I smiled at the young girl at the reception as I passed and made my way to the elevators. The doors opened almost immediatly and I stepped inside the small space. 

Apart of me hoped Liam would be a sleep when I got there but then another part of me just wanted it to be over and done with. 

The doors opened when it reached the right floor and I stepped out into the deserted corridor. I made why to Liam's room and stepped inside. His back was facing me so I couldn't see if he was awake.

"Li? You awake?" I whispered softly. Nothing. I would just have to talk to him tomorrow then. I sighed inwardly and moved to sit in the chair next to his bed. I slouched down in the seat trying to get comfortable. I soon fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning. 

I woke to the sound of voices talking in whispers close to me and I opened my eyes slightly to see who it was.

Liam was sat on the bed with one leg swinging off the side. He was dressed in his familiar plaid shirt, rolled up at the elbows and grey knee length jeans. He was talking to a Nurse. Most of the bruises on his face had faded but not fully. He looked way better than he had a couple of days ago. 

I don't know how long I was staring at him but the Nurse noticed I was awake and smiled at me before speaking.

"Have a nice sleep? I'm afraid those chairs aren't very comfortable." She said giving me a sympathetic look. 

Liam seeing the Nurse speak to me turned his head to look at me and gave me a small nod. He didn't even smile. 

I definitely fucked up this time.

'I had a better sleep than I thought." I said smiling back at the Nurse. "Is Liam free to go home today?" I questioned looking back at Liam. 

"Yes." he said curtly.

The Nurse must have felt the tension in the air, as she gave Liam the last details about what he could and couldn't do and then gave him the all clear to leave and then left the room quickly.

"Li-" I started but I was cut off.

"Don't worry about it Niall. I know what you are going to say. Let's just forget about what happened okay? I know you didn't meant to say what you did. It was all a mistake." 

"But." I was going to apologize but he wouldn't let me even talk. 

"You can go now if you like. Zayn should be here soon to pick me up."

"Please don't be mad at me Li." I said trying not to sound desperate. I know what I did was stupid but I couldn't stand Liam being mad at me. 

"How could I not be mad at you Niall?" He said louder than before. "First you kiss me and tell me you love me and then you basically run of and don't come back until late and you didn't even give me a chance to say I LOVED YOU BACK." His voice had risen to a shout but he clamped his hand over his mouth when those last words came out. He looked at me with wide eyes and I opened my mouth to say something but shut it again as I didn't know what to say.

Liam loved me back? 

"What?" I finally choked out. 

"Nothing." Liam said too quickly. 

"You love me?" I asked again staring at him.

He didn't get a chance to answer as the door opened behind us. Turning around I saw Zayn entering the room smiling at both of us. 

"Hey guys. Ready to go Liam?" He said moving closer to the bed. I moved a side so Liam could stand up with out me in his way. 

"Yep! I can't wait to get out of this place." Liam replied taking his eyes of me and smiling at Zayn. He grabbed some crutches from beside him which I hadn't noticed before and cautiously slipped of the bed with the support of them. 

I moved to towards the door and turned to say goodbye before I left. 

"Well you have Zayn here now. I might come by your flat later and see how you are later. Bye Li. Zayn." I nodded to both of them before slipping out the door. 

I needed to clear my head. I can't believe Liam actually loves me.

Liam's POV

Holy shit. I did not just say that. I didn't mean to tell him I loved him! It just slipped out. Thank God Zayn came in at that exact time. 

All I wanted was for Niall to know I loved him but I didn't want to tell him in that way.

I was grateful that Zayn didn't say anything until Niall had left. I didn't want to make things more awkward for us. Zayn grabbed my bag and helped me towards the door. I was still a little clumsy on the crutches the Nurse had given me. Zayn still didn't say anything until we had gotten to the car and we were on the way to my flat. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me cautiously. He could tell by my silence that something had happened.

"He didn't come back until late last night. I pretended I was a sleep so I didn't have to talk to him. We had a bit of a fight before you came and I accidently told him I loved him." I said in one big rush. "I just need some time to think about everything. I need time away from him." I continued.

We had reached my flat by this time and Zayn pulled up to the curb. 

"Do you want me to come in and we can talk more about it?" He said looking over at me.

"Nah it's okay. I just need some time to myself. To think about everything. Thanks though." 

He nodded and gave me a small smile before opening the car door and jumping out to get my bag from the back seat. I gingerly got out myself and we made our way to my front door. Zayn un locked it for me and dumped my bag inside. 

"Call me if you need any thing okay?" He said stepping back so I could get in. 

"I will." I said giving him a small smile. "Thanks Zayn. For everything." 

He smiled at me and walked back to his car. I watched him drive off and then closed the door. I let out a sigh as the silence of my flat engulfed me.


Sorry I took so long updating and sorry this is so poo. SORRY

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