My little accelehearts

By Gogeta900

810 1 1

Hi my name is yuki and I am a Displaced. But its not just me but my familey. Me and my family are characters... More

chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.3 part 2
Chapter 2.1
chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
chapter 2.5
chapter 2.6
chapter 2.7
chapter 2.8
chapter 2.9
chapter 2.10
chapter 2.11
chapter 3.1
chapter 3.3
chapter 3.4
chapter 3.5
chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.7

chapter 3.2

10 0 0
By Gogeta900

Team 8

Demyx and his group were walking down a long hallway that was covered with alot of dust and demyx used his water to clear the it out and making the path way much easier to see. They were with Axel team ealier but they had to separate so it just him, luxord and nolo. Man how long is this hallway?! Nolo said as he look around trying to find door or something. I dont know but a least we have these lights. Demyx replied as he notice something up a ahead. Hey guys look! I think I see a door over there. As the group were geting closer to the door luxord thought he heard something talking he couldn't hear it well but the only thing he heard was. They are here the chosen ones. Luxord looked around to find it but he only saw a empty picture frame. He went over to it and just strung and got up to demyx and Nolo.

Hey luxord you ok? Nolo asked luxord looked at him and replied.

Huh? Yeah sorry it's just i thought herad something saying something.

Ok what did you heard?

I really dont know the voice was quiet I only heard a little bit. It said, they are here the chosen ones.

The chosen ones? Do they mean us?

Yeah I think so. Hey demyx how much further to the door? Luxord look to see demyx as they just reached the door. Oh never mind then. A demyx then open the door as they did what surprised them that on the otherside seems to be a meeting room.

Woah! This looks awsome a big meeting room enough for all of us. Demyx said as he pointed his flashlight as he look around the dark and dusty room. Nolo then nocite a control room upove them he then sated to walk to it he walked up the stairs case and inot the control room. Luxord saw Nolo go up he then decided to look around more and saw a door to his right. He went over to and opened it as he did he saw a a portal looking machine.

Huh I wonder what this is for? Luxord looked around to find a output to put the power cell in. Seems like it not in here. Maybe Nolo and demyx found it. He then exited out of the room and saw demyx picking up a chair of the table. Hey luxord what's in there?

I dont know but I think it's a portal room. As luxord was explaining they heard Nolo spoke up. Hey guys up here I found out were to put the power cell. The duo then walk up the stair to see Nolo near a machine while holding a power cell. This one is dead man how long has this cell been in here.

If dont know but hey a least we found were to put this cell. Demyx said walking to the machine. As he put it in the machine stared to make a humming noise then the entire room lights turned on as other machines sated to run. Nice it seems like we done here. Luxord said then they stayed to hear a male voice going off.

Meeting room and return portal rooms powers restored.

Seems like you were right dem this is a meeting room. Wait what does he mean return portal room restored? Nolo asked as luxord thought about. I think he's talking about that room over there. Let find out what's it's about. As the trio went to room they saw the portal machine ring as they went to it luxord saw a monitor running. He went over to it and he saw a message on it.

Place a CAPTURED card on the return pad and place an item that belongs with the prisoner.

Luxord then pulled out the CAPTURED card that he had on him that has the swamp realm monster In it. He then saw were to put the card as there was a platform next ot the monitor he placed the card on it. As he did the monitor then change into, Place a item from the prisoner world to return it.

An item form it's world i didn't see anything that belongs to it world. As luxord was thinking about Nolo walk up to him and saw the what monitor was saying. Hey do you think this will work lux? As Nolo pulled out the accelechager he found after the fight they had with it. Luxord looked at Nolo and smiled. Yeah this wound work. Hey were did you get this?

I found it after Roxas defeated it. It was in the grass seems good thing I saw it because if we didn't twilight would of found it and try to figure it out and try to use it.

Huh good point alright then hey demyx come over here. Demyx went over to them and saw luxord puting the swamp realm accelechager on the return pad as he did the monitor then change. It was now showing return prisoner with a yes or no button. Luxord then pressed the yes button as the machine sated up as the machine form a green colored portal. They saw the card glow as the swamp realm monster started to dissapeared and the portal was now showing it in it and shrinking to the center of the portal.

Then it dissapeared as the trio were amazed of what happened. Alright then I guess this is were we return villains to there worlds. Nolo said they walk out of the room as they stared to hear Beeping coming from the control room. They went up there to see a monitor blinking they press the monitor and it lit up as on the screen was showing Yuki team.

Guys can you here? Yuki asked talking though the monitor as it was doing a video call. Luxor went up to it and found a button that active the mic. Yeah were here what's up did you get your power cell on?

Yeah we did but It seem tou guys are the frist on to put in yours. We were looking for ours when he heard the computer were we got the power cells said that meeting room and I think it said return portal room working. After that we found ours and put it in when we did our room was called the control center.

Wow that good two down eight to go. Wait if you are int he control room does that you can see what the other are doing?

Well no not really it seem that we need the other rooms active to see what in there but we can see you guys In it. Hey what's this return portal room the computer means?

Oh that we found it next to meeting room aplenty this room will return villains or monsters back to there world. We had the swamp realm monster in the card that we captured and we need a item that belongs in there world.

Wait we dont have an item that belongs with them in there world.

We actually do Yuki. Nolo said coming up to the monitor he then pulled out the accelechanger. I found this after the fight with the monster and we found the return pad I use this for it and it worked.

Well then alright good. Hey how about you guys come back and check the hallways while your at it try to see if there are any other rooms you can find.

Alright then Yuki see you so. Luxord then hit the end call button and the trio sated to head back to Yuki group. Hey I wonder what the other found. Demyx said as they closed the meeting room door.

Team 10

Axel and his team was with demyx team before they went into there hallway as they were walking they saw some painting that have flowers and beautiful nature scenes.

Wow these paintings are beautiful I wound if these were painted or photograph. Xion said while looking at one that had bight sky over a mountain. Yeah these pictures are amazing. Axel said while still walking forward as his flashlight was revealing more of them. I wound who made them? Roxas said as he found one that had flower with a moon Crest symbol. Aqua and porkchop will ove this. They love art some much. You know I find it funny that since before we became a Displaced jack always love art. And now he porkchop and he has muscles I find funny. Roaxs said trying not to laugh.

Hey! You got that right Roxas. Axel said as they continued walking down the hall way Xion thought she heard something saying something.
They are here the prophecy are ture!!

Xion then pointed her flash light at one of the painting but the only thing see saw in the painting was house in a middle of a lake. She did here that there was splash ealier see look at the painting closer were the lake is but noting was happening. She just shrug and continue to walking forward. If did stay a little bit more she could've of see a small figure under the painting that was on all fours.

The trio then found two doors with sign upove them the one on there right was saying: amory. Then the one on there left was called: Garage and training room.

Huh a training room in a garage that seems odd. Xion pointed out the group they to figure out which room they should go in. Alright you two go into the armory I going to check out the training and garage room. Axel said as pointing to the doors. The duo shook there head and went in.

When they enter they were looking around as they saw alot of dust and cobwebs over Boxs and seeing alot of wepons that were every were. They found nunchucks and spears and wepons. Wow this room has alot! Roxas pointed out as Xion openup on of the boxes. Wow look at this Roxas!

Roxas went over to her and saw what she is seeing. In the chest were mangize clips. What the! why are these in here? As Roxas was trying to figure that Xion notice something upove her she pointed here flashlight up tto see a blaster.

Um I think it's for these. As she pulled one down Roxas toke and was confused even more. Why are there star wars blaster here? Xion just shrug and continue to look around roxas just put it back and closed the ammo box. After 2 minutes they decide to go back to axel. They exit out of the room and enter the training and garage room as they did the duo saw Axel moveing some stuff out of the way.

Hey Axel what are you doing? Axel turned around to see Texas looking at him as Xion was looking at boxs that Axel was moving.

Oh hey you two I was moving this stuff because I found a computer over there and I think that were we need to put the power cell. Hey what did you two find in that armory?

We found alot of spears, swords, axes, nunchucks and etc. But we did find some star wars blasters in there. But what worries me is the ammo in there. There was lot of them and that's what we found so far there was more room but we cant get though it.

Huh ok thaks after we get the power cell in and check the training and garage room we will tell the other what you found.

Roxas then nodded as they saw xion started to move more boxes the duo then join as they got enough room they went to the computer and found were to put the power cell. When they did the room they were turn on as the computer then started to beep as the screen was now showing Yuki team.
Hey guy you there? Yuki asked as Axel went up to the computer and found a mic. Yeah where he can you see us?

No I cant the screen is only showing us a blank screen. Axel then bonked the top of the computer as he did Yuki screen then was now showing them. There we go can you see us now?

Yep hey good new you guys are the 3rd ones to get power on.

Nice who's was the Frist?

Demyx team did then us they have found the meeting room and a return portal room. We found the control center. So what did you guys found?

We found a armory here and we also found a training room here and a garage as well. We are about to check it out we will meet you guys back and tell you what we found.

Alright then se you soon guys. As the called end the trio then found a door that lets them leave. As they did they from a square room that had 5 different automatical doors that have signs above them. They also see a steel door that they thought it let's them go to the garage. The trio went over to the 5 doors what they found they were amazed.

Axel found a room they know very well. It was laser tag training room and the one nex to him was parkour room. What Xion found she knows what it, it was the room of requirement from the "Harry Potter" series. Roxas was geeking out as he was trying not cheer so loud. The duo went up to him to see what the rooms he found they were also amazed of what they are seeing the rooms he found animes fans know from "dragon ball z". Roaxs found the gravity room and the hyperbolic time chamber.

Ohhhhh myyyyyy God. Plz tell me I'm not dreaming!!! Some pitch me!!
Axel just bonked Roxas head just chuckling as seeing Roxas geeking out. Xion just giggled as roaxs groaned  as rubbing his head. I said to pinch me not bonked me axel!

Hahaha I'm sorry it just funny to see you geek out. Axel said while running away form roaxs who was trying to hit him and just laughing. Xion just signed and went to iron door and waited for them to get there. Come on boys let's see what the garage has. The duo then stop running and went to her they open the door and all they saw was darkness. The trio then saw a power switch to there left, Zion then went up to it and pulled it down as she did that they started to hear lights turning on and sated to hear a voice going on.

Garage power restore opening hatch, summoning, ships, cars, planes.

The trio were shocked to hear that and when the light went up they were amzed to see a hugemous room that had walls that reach up so high they could not see the top. Then they stared seeing a hatch opening up to see so many difdert types of vehicles and ships and planes. They were amzed of what they are seeing Axel then thought of something. Wait is that it I thou--. Before he finsh the voice then spoke up again.

Now summing mechs and zords.

As the voice said that the walls if frot of them sated to open up and smoke coming out. The trio were shocked to see wants coming out they were lost for words. Out of the wall they saw jaegers robots from "Pacific rim" and what shock the trio the most are seeing zords that come form the "Power rangers" universe. And by seeing zords they are seeing all of the zords from the series from "Mighty morphin to Beast morphers".

The trio just stood there and they had there mouth open seeing the giant mechs right in frot of them. Guys tell me I not he only one seeing this. Xion said trying not to freak out so much. Nope you are not the only one seeing this. Roxas answered doing the same thing. Axel just continue to look then stop and yelled. OHH MY GOD WE HAVE TO TELL THE OTHER RIGHT NOW!!  The trio then ran out of them exited as what they have found.

On there way they were geeking out so much they didn't know that a robot came out of corner looking at them.  The robot then spoke. Aye aye they are here I must tell the others that the heros are here! The robot then went back where it was hiding but before the robot left it went over to the power switch to turn the garage lights off and went back into hiding.

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