Becoming Lara (Thomas Sangste...

بواسطة hellomccy

21.8K 695 174

I wrote this when I was 13-14. I apologise for my immaturity and abundance of poor grammar and terrible plot... المزيد

14 Again
Fashionable Late
Here to stay
Pay Day
Authors note:
|>Price of fame<|
|>Husband and wife<|
|>The big wedding<|
|>Meeting the sangsters<|
|>Beautiful delay<|
|>Solitude is bliss<|
|>Starting line<|
2 years later
A family of ten
❤️I know your sick of my authors notes but heres another one❤️
Best friends forever
Performance of the dramatics
A deep sleep
One last thing


1K 31 9
بواسطة hellomccy

"Lights will guide you home,
And ignite your bones.
And I will try, to fix you."
-Two months later-

Deciding to buy an apartment here in LA was a huge decision. But you finally decided to undertake it, and so far; it's been AMAZING! Your so happy that you finally have your own space that isn't a smelly hotel room, 5 star or no. Plus when the guys come over you have so much more space for them... Especially Dylan!

But lately you've had an overwhelming feeling of responsibility wash over you. Not only do you have to learn all your lines for a scene your doing tomorrow with Thomas, but Dylan and Ki have also asked you to help them with lines on Tuesday.. AND you have to plan your trips to Morocco, somewhere you've always wanted to go. Ah man, it's going to be a long year.. And it's only April!
*Sad face*

You turn the water off, get out of your new shower, and walk over to your mirror. Adjust your hair and check your 'To do list'.

To do list:
-Clean Car
-redecorate apartment
-learn lines for scene 4.1.2
-be nice
-talk to Wes about directed cuts
-organise flights to Morocco
-call mum
-help Dylan with scene 8.1.1
-be nice
-pay vet bills for Cinda
-be nice
-be nice
-be nice

"Oh crap! Cappydicrap!" You mutter dropping the towel and running through your apartment nude, into your room.

You grab a a pair of undies, socks, jeans, pullover jumper and converse. Quickly get changed and walk over to the door that opens up in into the hallway of the apartment building. Run down the corridors -which is always fun- and open the door to the car park.

"Cinda! Cinda!" You yell through the park

Just then a big Rottweiler comes running up to you, happy as sunshine

"Cinda-butiful gurl! Big butiful gurl!!" You smother her in hugs and kisses then quickly heist her into the boot of the car. Your minding your brothers Jeep. Just for a little bit, while he's travelling.

Cinda gets into the car happily and you hop in yourself. Start the engine, and your off.

"I still can't believe we have six MORE months left of death cure!" Will (poulter) sighs into his phone,

"Mmmm" you sigh also

"And I CANT believe you bought a new apartment, here, in LA and didn't even tell me!" He says

You and Will have become really close over the first three months! He's really funny,

"Yeah! Well I've always wanted to live in LA, plus I hated that hotel room!" You turn the car around a corner,

"That 'hotel' room was five stars?" He says laughing

"Too fancy..." You pull up into the car park

"And I also can't believe they let you-"

"Keep Cinda...?" You interrupt

"Yeah, aha. How is that again?" He asks

"Oh, the building has sixty apartments in total, thirty of them, are pet friendly, thirty aren't. The thirty 'pet friendly' ones have sort of an animal house attached to the original apartment" you turn off the engine

"That's so cool? Where is it again? How much is the rent?" You hear other voices in the background, whispering, or maybe you just can't hear them.

"Ah, I live ten minutes away from the studio. It's about $300 a week, so it's pretty cheap. Nothing flash" you sigh, it's definitely Dylan in the background, with someone else?

"Ah whose with you?" You ask Will

"Oh um.. Dylan and Thomas, they came over" you hear some talking you can't make out in the background and finally you hear Will speak up

"Yes! Yes! I will just wait!"

"Quickly man!" That's Dylan.

"Okay okay!" He sighs and directly speaks into the phone

"Ah hey Lara, can we come over tonight? Celebrate the opening of your new apartment?"

You hear more whispering in the background. If Thomas is coming. Your fine with that!

"Yeah sure!? What time?" You ask Will

"Seven forty!!!" Yells Dylan

"Okay!!" You yell back

"Fine. Good. Excellent!" Will says

"Don't be too late, or I'll eat up all the ice cream!" You hope Dylan heard that.

"Okay. Hear that boys? Don't be late!" He turns back to the phone "see you then Lara, Thomas sends his love!" You hear Thomas cursing Will and Dylan in the background and then the line goes dead.

You've subconsciously walked all the way into your apartment.

You grab your phone and press the home button-


What? You thought it was only. Like. Six...

You briskly waltz over to your new living room. The apartment isn't big, but it's really nice. Cosy

You grab all your clean washing up off the couch and walk into your room, dump the lot on your bed. Your rooms a little bit 'untidy' but no ones going into your room so it's okay!

You also previously got Netflix and Foxtel and everything, so you spend a lot of time watching movies and that.

You end up cleaning, or 'tidying up' for a few more minutes before you hear a knock on the door. You quickly look at your phone-


Technically their early... You walk over and open the door anyway. To your surprise it's just Thomas, he's not with anyone else. Just him. He's wearing a button up blue shirt with mustard coloured tight-ish jeans, which, you'd think looked bad, but on him... Looks amazballs! You'd previously changed, of course! You now wear a Tye dye t-shirt and thin black leggings, with a pair of doctor who socks that you got at Comic-on.

"Ah, hey Lara." He smiles "Dylan's down the shops getting more food, and, I'm pretty sure Will had a date so. It's just you and me for a few minutes until Dyl gets here..."

"That's fine! Come in?" You smile politely

He walks in and goes directly to your couch, where he plummets down into the soft cushion. He obviously feels comfortable in your presence. No pun intended...

"Ahh" he let's out

He pushes his bed hair out of his face and wipes It towards the back of his head. You can't stop staring, he's so beautiful! This single motion sends pulsing through your head. Butterflies fly around your stomach and spiders crawl up your legs. Thomas. Sangster. Is. In. Your. Apartment...FANGIRL!

He notices you staring, "what?" He asks in a playful tone

You quickly look at your feet, blushing and giggling.

"Aha, nothiiiing!" You say in a childish manner

"Your too cute" he jokes and looks away at your tv.

"Have you got Netflix?" He asks

"Um yeah!!" You respond

"Can we watch? Pretty please with a bloody cherry on top?!" His accent though...

"Yeah sure! Knock yourself out?!" You regret that last sentence, you walk out of the room into the kitchen.

"Ah, Lara! How do you turn this thingy on?" He says from the living room, sounding so cute and innocent

You feel so happy around Thomas, he gives a high like no other. What is this feeling? You've only known him a full three months, you see him nearly everyday and you talk often. But nothing's ever gotten serious. Surely you can't fall for someone within Three months? But. Then what IS this feeling?

"Coming" you were previously in the kitchen, you walk over to the couch and sit down next to him, he hands you the remote and for a split second you place your hand over his.


Butterflies and spiders and every happy emotion- all in one....

You forget how to breath for a few second them quickly snap your hand back,

"Sorry" you mutter under your breath.

He felt it too. You knew it, he's not breathing either.

"No no" he breaths out "it's fine?"

You click the power button and the tv turns on, it automatically goes onto Netflix, since you were watching it an hour ago.

You laugh a little inside. Giddy

"There you go" smiling

"Thank you.." He's smiling too

What happens next is both extremely saddening and also life saving... You hear Dylan, knock at your door, you want more alone time with Thomas, but you also think if you did have that extra time. You'd physically die from fangirl disease...

"Damn. Dylan's here..." Thomas looks down smirking, flushed.

Did he want us to be alone? I don't understand..

You walk over to the front door and open it and Dylan jumps into a hug,

"Heey gurl!" He says with sass

"Aye Dylan!" You say

He invites himself in and sits right down next to Thomas,

Your about to close the door when Ki appears right in your face and high fives your motionless hand

"Have fun with Thomas?" He winks

I now understand... Dylan never had to go shopping for food, he was just giving me time alone with-

Oohh!! He's going to get it!

"Oh yeah I invited Ki, since Will has a cute little date!?" They all giggle

Ki and yourself walk over to the couch and sit down. You end up sitting next to Thomas again. You look over at Dylan and Ki, their both wearing-? Matching, shirts.... You giggle a little.

Their bromance is incredible,

Dylan notices

"Like our, MATCHING shirts Lara?" He winks and nudges Ki who sits on the other side of you

"Love them!" Your still laughing

"Well if you love them so much why don't we make some for you and tommy?" Ki winks and nudges me

"What's up with all these weird little comments?" You know why but you still ask. Thomas stays quite, hiding something

"Oh well Thomas over here" Dylan points to Thomas "has a little-"

"ERHMM!" Yells Thomas, over Dylan

"What?" You ask clearly confused

"Don't. Nothing, don't worry!!" Thomas says to you

Ki and Dylan both laugh, holding their stomachs,

You don't understand what's so funny..

Thomas just sits there, giving Dylan an 'annoyed' look.

"Who wants food?" You try to change the subject.

"ME!!!" They all scream at the same time, you jump a little at how loud they scream

"What's on the menu chef" smiles Thomas

"Thomas likes chefs..." Giggles Dylan under his breath so you barely hear

He gets a punch to the guy by Thomas.. You laugh a little

"Whatever you guys want, well not whatever because I don't have everyth-"

"WHATEVER WE WANT?!!" Ki yells and jumps to his feet

"LETS MAKE CAKE!!" Dylan jumps up

"CAKE!!??" Thomas jumps up too

"Oh gosh-"

"You said whatever Mrs. Chef" Thomas winks at you, thankfully Dylan and Ki don't notice because their too busy walking into the kitchen,

Thomas hands you his hand and you take it, butterflies riot in your stomach and you walk into the kitchen to face the other guys.

Not letting go of his hand once...


Writer person thingy (me):

Me like dis chapter
Veri likey dis veri much


Still in Tasmania oh mi gerd.. I'm getting homesick! I srsly live in Australia so I decided to add a little bit of me into the story, oh and btw comment suggestions, corrections and prompts? It helps a poo-load.

Why did I just say poo-load? Trust me I'm not this immature in real life 😂

Thank you so much, I enjoy writing so much and absolutely love Thomas Sangster sooo yeah thank you for reading and voting and stuff! Love you all! x

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